Научная статья на тему 'Identify problem issues of self-ordered development mechanisms in the public administration system'

Identify problem issues of self-ordered development mechanisms in the public administration system Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
mechanisms / development / problems / self-ordering / public administration system / механізми / розвиток / проблемні питання / самовпорядку- вання / система державного управління

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Rodchenko Igor Yurievich

The problematic issues of the development of self-ordering mechanisms in the public administration system are determined, with observance of their division into institutional, functional and evolutionary parts. The institutional part includes self-regulation mechanisms implemented in the models of subject-subject interaction at the levels of higher, central and local government bodies, as well as in models of object-object interaction between them. The most important in the institutional part of self-governing mechanisms are those that ensure: the separation of powers between branches of government; administrative reform of the government structure; separation of public spheres of government between central government bodies; administrative reform of the structure of central executive bodies; delimitation of territorial spheres of government between local authorities; administrative-territorial reform; formation and implementation of the structure of the power hierarchy; administrative reform of the structure of the power hierarchy. The functional part includes the mechanisms of self-regulation, realized in the model of object-object interaction “system of state power — social sphere, industry and relations”. The most important parts of the mechanisms of self-regulation are those that ensure: the formation and implementation of state policies in various spheres of society; formation and implementation of national projects; formation and implementation of state target programs; state budgeting. The evolutionary part includes the mechanisms of self-regulation, realized in the model of object-object interaction “system of state power — the creation of conditions for social development”. The most important parts of the evolutionary part of self-governing mechanisms are those that provide: strategic management and planning; realization of state programs of social and economic development; conducting constant economic and social reforms and transformations.

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Визначено проблемні питання розвитку механізмів самовпорядкування в системі державного управління з дотриманням їх поділу на інституційну, функціональну та еволюційну частини. До інституційної частини віднесені механізми самовпорядкування, що реалізуються в моделях суб’єкт-суб’єктної взаємодії на рівнях вищих, центральних та місцевих органів державної влади, а також в моделях суб’єкт-об’єктної взаємодії між ними. Найбільш важливими в інституційній частині механізмів самовпорядкування є ті, що забезпечують: розмежування повноважень між гілками влади; адміністративне реформування структури уряду; розмежування суспільних сфер управління між центральними органами державної влади; адміністративне реформування структури центральних органів виконавчої влади; розмежування територіальних сфер управління між місцевими органами державної влади; адміністративно-територіальне реформування; формування та реалізацію структури владної ієрархії; адміністративне реформування структури владної ієрархії. До функціональної частини віднесені механізми самовпорядкування, що реалізуються в моделі суб’єкт-об’єктної взаємодії “система державної влади — суспільні сфери, галузі та відносини”. Найбільш важливими у функціональній частині механізмів самовпорядкування є такі, що забезпечують: формування та реалізацію державних політик в різних сферах суспільства; формування та реалізацію національних проектів; формування та реалізацію державних цільових програм; державне бюджетування. До еволюційної частини віднесені механізми самовпорядкування, що реалізуються в моделі суб’єкт-об’єктної взаємодії “система державної влади — створення умов суспільного розвитку”. Найбільш важливими в еволюційній частині механізмів самовпорядкування є такі, що забезпечують: стратегічне управління та планування; реалізацію державних програм соціально-економічного розвитку; проведення постійних економічних і соціальних реформ та перетворень.

Текст научной работы на тему «Identify problem issues of self-ordered development mechanisms in the public administration system»

UDC: 35:002.8

Rodchenko Igor Yurievich,

post-graduate student, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (093) 8710048, e-mail: info@erosi.org

ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X

Родченко 1гор Юршович,

астрант, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (093) 8710048, e-mail: info@erosi.org

ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X

Родченко Игорь Юрьевич,

аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 87100 48, e-mail: info@erosi.org ORCID: 0000-0003-1240-761X DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.vim.31


Abstract. The problematic issues of the development of self-ordering mechanisms in the public administration system are determined, with observance of their division into institutional, functional and evolutionary parts.

The institutional part includes self-regulation mechanisms implemented in the models of subject-subject interaction at the levels of higher, central and local government bodies, as well as in models of object-object interaction between them. The most important in the institutional part of self-governing mechanisms are those that ensure: the separation of powers between branches of government; administrative reform of the government structure; separation of public spheres of government between central government bodies; administrative reform of the structure of central executive bodies; delimitation of territorial spheres of government between local authorities; administrative-territorial reform; formation and implementation of the structure of the power hierarchy; administrative reform of the structure of the power hierarchy.

The functional part includes the mechanisms of self-regulation, realized in the model of object-object interaction "system of state power — social sphere, industry and relations". The most important parts of the mechanisms of self-regulation are those that ensure: the formation and implementation of state policies in various spheres of society; formation and implementation of national projects; formation and implementation of state target programs; state budgeting.

The evolutionary part includes the mechanisms of self-regulation, realized in the model of object-object interaction "system of state power — the creation of conditions for social development". The most important parts of the evolutionary part of self-governing mechanisms are those that provide: strategic management and planning; realization of state programs of social and economic development; conducting constant economic and social reforms and transformations.

Keywords: mechanisms, development, problems, self-ordering, public administration system.


Анотащя. Визначено проблемы питання розвитку MexaHÍ3MÍB самовпо-рядкування в CTcreMi державного управлшня з дотриманням ïx подшу на шституцшну, функщональну та еволюцшну частини. До шституцшно! ча-стини вщнесеш мехашзми самовпорядкування, що реалiзуються в моделях суб'ект-суб'ектно! взаемоди на рiвняx вищих, центральних та мюцевих орга-нiв державно!' влади, а також в моделях суб'ект-об'ектно! взаемоди мiж ними. Найбшьш важливими в iнституцiйнiй частиш меxанiзмiв самовпорядкування е ri, що забезпечують: розмежування повноважень мiж гiлками влади; адмiнiстративне реформування структури уряду; розмежування суспшьних сфер управлшня мiж центральними органами державно!' влади; адмшютра-тивне реформування структури центральних оргашв виконавчо! влади; розмежування територiальниx сфер управлiння мiж мюцевими органами державно! влади; адмiнiстративно-територiальне реформування; формування та реалiзацiю структури владно! iерарxi'í; адмiнiстративне реформування структури владно! iерарxi'í.

До функцiонально'í частини вщнесеш меxанiзми самовпорядкування, що реалiзуються в моделi суб'ект-об'ектно! взаемодй' "система державно! влади — суспшьш сфери, галузi та вщносини". Найбшьш важливими у функ-цiональнiй частиш меxанiзмiв самовпорядкування е такi, що забезпечують: формування та реалiзацiю державних полггик в рiзниx сферах суспшьства; формування та реалiзацiю нацiональниx проеклв; формування та реалiза-цiю державних цшьових програм; державне бюджетування.

До еволюцшно! частини вiднесенi меxанiзми самовпорядкування, що ре-алiзуються в моделi суб'ект-об'ектно! взаемодй' "система державно! влади — створення умов суспшьного розвитку". Найбшьш важливими в еволюцшнш частиш меxанiзмiв самовпорядкування е такi, що забезпечують: стратепчне

управлшня та планування; реалiзацiю державних програм сощально-еконо-мiчного розвитку; проведення постшних економiчних i соцiальних реформ та перетворень.

Ключовi слова: механiзми, розвиток, проблемы питання, самовпорядкування, система державного управлшня.


Аннотация. Определены проблемные вопросы развития механизмов самоупорядочения в системе государственного управления с соблюдением их разделения на институциональную, функциональную и эволюционную части. К институциональной части отнесены механизмы самоупорядочения, реализуемых в моделях субъект-субъектного взаимодействия на уровнях высших, центральных и местных органов государственной власти, а также в моделях субъект-объектного взаимодействия между ними. Наиболее важными в институциональной части механизмов самоупорядочения есть те, которые обеспечивают: разграничение полномочий между ветвями власти; административное реформирование структуры правительства; разграничение общественных сфер управления между центральными органами государственной власти; административное реформирование структуры центральных органов исполнительной власти; разграничение территориальных сфер управления между местными органами государственной власти; административно-территориальное реформирования; формирование и реализацию структуры властной иерархии; административное реформирование структуры властной иерархии.

К функциональной части отнесены механизмы самоупорядочения, реализуемые в модели субъект-объектного взаимодействия "система государственной власти — общественные сферы, отрасли и отношения". Наиболее важными в функциональной части механизмов самоупорядочения есть такие, которые обеспечивают: формирование и реализацию государственных политик в различных сферах общества; формирование и реализацию национальных проектов; формирование и реализацию государственных целевых программ; государственное бюджетирование.

К эволюционной части отнесены механизмы самоупорядочения, реализуемые в модели субъект-объектного взаимодействия "система государственной власти — создание условий общественного развития". Наиболее важными в эволюционной части механизмов самоупорядочения есть такие, которые обеспечивают: стратегическое управление и планирование; реализацию государственных программ социально-экономического развития; проведение постоянных экономических и социальных реформ и преобразований.

Ключевые слова: механизмы, развитие, проблемные вопросы, самоупорядочение, система государственного управления.

Target setting. The processes of self-ordering are a common occurrence in the practice of public administration. They relate not only to the subject-object, but also to the subject-subjective and object-subject relations. At the same time, in our opinion, theoretical and methodological substantiation of these processes did not find sufficient coverage in the scientific literature.

Analysis of recent publications on issues. Among the sources of information in the chosen direction of research used work [1-5].

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this article is to determine the issues of self-ordering mechanisms in public administration in a subject-subject and subject-object relations.

The statement of basic materials. The study bases of problem issues of the self-ordering mechanisms development in the public administration system is the methodological approach chosen on the basis of the choice of three main directions in such development, namely: institutional, functional and evolutionary. In previous works of the author, this allowed to substantiate ways of ob-jectivization of self-ordering, as well as to identify the main types and characterize the mechanisms of self-ordering in the subject-subjective and subject-object models in the public administration system. In this paper, an attempt was made to identify the main problem issues of the self-ordering mechanisms development in the public administration system.

The institutional part includes self-regulation mechanisms implemented in the models of subject-subject interaction at the levels of higher, central and local government bodies, as well

as in models of object-object interaction between them. The most important part of the institutional mechanisms of self-ordering are those that provide:

• the division of powers between branches of power;

• the administrative reform of the government structure;

• the demarcation of public spheres of government between central government bodies;

• the administrative reform of the structure of central executive authorities;

• the delimitation of territorial spheres of government between local government bodies;

• the administrative-territorial reform;

• the formation and implementation of the structure of the power hierarchy;

• the administrative reform of the structure of the power hierarchy.

The functional parts included self-ordering mechanisms implemented in the model of subject-object interaction "system of government — the public sector, and industry relationships". The most important part of the functional mechanisms of self-ordering are those that provide:

• the formation and implementation of state policies in various spheres of society;

• the formation and implementation of national projects;

• the formation and implementation of state target programs;

• the state budgeting.

By evolutionary mechanisms of self-ordering attributed implemented in the model subject-object interaction "system of government — to create condi-

tions of social development". The most important part in the evolutionary mechanisms of self-ordering are those that provide:

• the strategic management and planning;

• the realization of state programs of social and economic development;

• the conducting constant economic and social reforms and transformations.

In our opinion, in determining the basic issues of self-ordering mechanisms in public administration in the first place, it is advisable to focus attention on the ones that are most important in the institutional, functional and evolutionary mechanisms of self-ordering and shown above.

In determining the main problem issues we will proceed from the definition of the essence of the problem of state-management relations as the discrepancy between the existing and desirable states of these relations [1], and its solution — as overcoming this discrepancy by implementing appropriate self-ordering mechanisms. Among the most significant problem areas we will include those that, in our opinion, have a fundamental influence on the self-ordering mechanisms implementation in the specified areas of action in Ukraine.

As stated in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration, problems arise, respectively, in the realization of the subject-object, subject-subjective and object-subjective statemanagement relations. The first of these is directly related to the managerial influences on various types of social activities, the main of which are political, economic, social and humanitarian, and the latter — with managerial influ-

ences aimed at improving the system of public administration and public service, and the third one — with influences the social relations themselves and civil society actors on the development of the public administration system [2, p. 586].

Let's start with the definition of the main problem issues in the institutional part of the self-ordering mechanisms. As Yuri Surmin noted, the emergence of new relations in society, turning them into stable, socially significant, requires the creation of appropriate structures, norms, rules, social regulation, which is the content of institutionalization [2, p. 583].

It is advisable to take into account the system of structural principles of public administration, among which, as stated in the paper [2, p. 564], one can distinguish: "structural-target, reflecting the patterns of rational construction of the "tree of goals" in public administration; structural-functional, characterizing the patterns and interconnections of the construction of the functional structure in public administration; structural-organizational, which are connected with the regularities and interconnections of the construction of the organizational structure in public administration; structural-procedural, giving an idea of the basic (determining) patterns and interconnections of rational and effective management in public authorities".

The most significant problem issues regarding the separation of powers between the authorities include:

• the eliminating duplication of functions;

• the providing democratic mechanisms for mutual deterrence;

• the ensuring real independence (functional and financial) of the judicial branch of power;

• increasing the effectiveness of parliamentary control.

The most significant problems of administrative reform of the administrative structure should include:

• the separation of political and administrative positions;

• a clear definition of the responsibilities and authorities of the relevant officials;

• the developing procedures and regulations for establishing their clear interaction.

The unfortunate experience of introducing the post of government secretary in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is rather indicative of the un-preparedness of the current system of government to such work than its mis-takenness.

The most significant problematic issues of delineation of public spheres of government between the central government bodies include:

• the exclusion of functional duplication;

• the organization of corporate work;

• the compromise rather than administrative-command solution of controversial issues;

• taking into account historical and contemporary foreign and domestic experience.

The most significant problematic issues of administrative reform of the structure of central executive authorities include:

• the realization of the reform on a scientifically substantiated basis, proceeding from the principle of A. Chan-

dler "strategy defines the structure of management" [2, p. 561];

• the preventing a significant increase in the structure of central executive bodies;

• the prevention of a known management pathology "To unite today — to unravel tomorrow" by substantiating the expediency of such actions.

The most significant problem issues regarding the delimitation of territorial spheres of governance between local government bodies should be: carrying out administrative and territorial reform of the national and/or local scales on the basis of their scientific and practical substantiation, broad discussion.

The most significant problematic issues of administrative-territorial reform are:

• the definition of its main directions and tasks, development of its concept and strategy;

• the determination of the financial capacity of the state for its conduct;

• the conducting sociological surveys, and, if appropriate, national and/ or local referendums on this issue;

• the comparison and generalization of their results.

The most important problematic issues of the formation and implementation of the structure of the power hierarchy should include:

• the completion of administrative reform of the power structure in Ukraine;

• the implementation of the administrative-territorial reform of the national scale;

• the administrative reform of the structure of the power hierarchy at the regional and district levels;

• the improving the efficiency of the state communications system.

The most significant problem issues in the administrative reform of the structure of the power hierarchy, as follows from work [2, p. 565, 569] should include:

• the change of administrative-territorial structure, and, hence, the structure of the power hierarchy;

• the change of the current model of the structure of the power hierarchy, especially at the regional level;

• the elimination of duplication of functions of state authorities and local self-government bodies at the regional and district levels of public administration;

• control over the functioning of the executive power from the side of society through the institutes of parliamentary and direct democracy;

• the introduction of a criterion for the quality of public services as a key element in the evaluation of the activities of state institutions.

Define the main issues in the functional mechanism of self-ordering.

The most significant problem issues in the formation and implementation of state policies in various spheres of society include:

• concentration of strategic management and policy-making functions at the governmental level;

• necessity of mandatory determination of such policies by certain legal acts;

• the indication within which strategy (strategy) and at what stage they are implemented;

• unification of acts to be determined and approved by state policies;

• effective information policy on their acceptance and support at all sta-

ges of implementation as a form of public control over their implementation;

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• development, adoption and implementation by the central executive authorities of action programs that are not prioritized but necessarily executed within these policies in addition to the state target programs;

• taking into account the concept of social partnership in the program-targeted design and evaluation of the results of public policies [2, p. 565];

• obligatory and independent evaluation of the effectiveness of conducting state policies in the country and in various spheres of society.

The most significant issues of the formation and implementation of national projects are:

• a clearer regulatory and legal definition of the scope of their application, as well as delineation with state target programs;

• their binding to a certain period of time, regardless of the nature and designation of the project;

• the inclusion of innovation blocks in their composition

• annual updating (review, refinement, correction) of project tasks;

• effective information support at all stages of their implementation as a form of public control over implementation;

• All-Ukrainian contest of projects — applicants for inclusion in the national projects;

• improvement of the methods of their substantiation, development and implementation, as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness.

The most significant problem issues in the formation and implementation of state target programs should include:

•ensuring the necessity of developing and adopting such programs within the framework of relevant state policies and for implementing their priority directions;

• clearer and more understandable distinction between programs of social and economic development of the country and certain regions;

• inclusion of investment-innovation bloc in their composition;

• annual updating (review, refinement, correction) of program tasks;

• effective information support at all stages of implementation of such programs as a form of public control over implementation;

• divergence in the necessary expenses for their realization with the possibilities of budget financing, which increases the risk of their shortcomings;

• the improvement of the methods of their substantiation, development and implementation, as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness.

The most significant problems of state budgeting should include:

• ensuring the balance of revenue and expenditure parts of the state budget;

• search for the "golden mean" in the balance of state and territorial parts of budget expenditures;

• increase of efficiency of inter-budgetary relations;

• democratization of budget relations in the structure of the power hierarchy, between state authorities and local self-government bodies;

• ensuring the justification of state budget financing of state and regional programs of socio-economic development, national projects and state target programs;

• the justification of expenditures of financial reserves of the state;

• increase the efficiency of state budgeting, in particular by estimating the corresponding costs and personal responsibility of individuals for the results of its implementation [2, p. 565];

• development of the program-target budgeting methodology, in particular the introduction of separate articles of investment and innovation financing;

• further improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public financial control.

Define the main problem issues in the evolutionary part of self-ordering mechanisms.

The most significant issues of strategic management and planning should include:

• necessity of mandatory determination of such management and planning by certain normative-legal acts;

• unification of acts to be determined and approved by state strategies;

• the presence of them in addition to SWOT-analysis of the block of crisis management;

• annual review and correction of development strategies and strategic plans, taking into account the experience of the advanced countries of the world;

• effective information policy on their acceptance and support at all stages of implementation as a form of public control over their implementation;

• keeping a register of national, state and regional development strategies;

• further development of theoretical and methodological and innovative provision of problem issues of strategic management and planning.

The most significant problems of state programs implementation of socio-economic development include:

• ensuring the necessity of developing and adopting such programs within the framework of the respective strategies of state and regional development in order to ensure implementation of their priority directions;

• compliance of the tasks of such programs with the priority directions of regional development;

• systematic interconnection of annual and medium-term regional and territorial programs of socio-economic development;

• display in these programs the tasks of national projects and state target programs insofar as they relate to their respective territories;

• divergence in the necessary expenses for their implementation with the possibilities of budget financing, which increases the risk of their failure.

The most significant problematic issues of economic and social reforms and transformations should be attributed [3-5]:

• the need to support the population;

• increase of efficiency, effectiveness and equity of economic and social conditions (equal economic and social conditions and opportunities of the population within defined territories) as a result of their implementation;

• formation of the basic team of reformers;

• planning of reforms;

• project approach to reform;

• linkage of development strategies, national projects and state target programs with the directions and objectives of the reforms;

• Specificity of directions and tasks of reforms, clarity and reasonableness of expected results;

• determination of the moment of launching and the term of their implementation;

• the pace of reforms;

• the need for sufficient resources for their implementation and successful completion;

• complexity and systematic implementation of them;

• consolidation of the responsible state authority (authorized person) for the preparation and implementation of the reform, its results;

• ensuring transparency, participa-tiveness, transparency, public control at all stages of the conduct;

• reporting on the results of all stages of the reform.

Conclusions. The article deals with the problem issues of the self-ordering mechanisms development in the public administration system in the subject-subjective and object-object relations. Such questions are grouped according to the attributes of self-ordering mechanisms to the institutional, functional and evolutionary parts.

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список використаних джерел -

1. Методолог1я державного управлшня: словник-довщник // Уклад.: В. Д. Бакуменко (кер. автор. кол.), Д. О. Безносенко, С. В. Бупвщен-ко та ш. [за заг. ред. В. I. Лугового,

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3. Державне управлшня : фшософсью, свггоглядш та методолопчш про-блеми : монографiя / В. М. Князев, I. Ф. Надольний, М. Ф. Мельник та ш. // за заг. ред. В. М. Князева. — К.: НАДУ; Мшешум, 2003. — 320 с.

4. Бакуменко В. Д. Теоретичш засади державного управлшня : навч. поаб. / В. Д. Бакуменко, Л. М. Уса-ченко, О. В. Червякова. — К. : 1нтер-сервю, 2013. — 174 с.

5. Бакуменко В. Д. Особливост публiч-ного управлшня та адмшктруван-ня : навч. поаб. / В. Д. Бакуменко, I. С. Бондар, В. Г. Горник, В. В. Шпа-чук. — К. : Лiра-К, 2016. — 256 с.

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