APPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE METHODS IN DISTANCE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rybak M.V.

This article examines the issue of educational methodology elaboration in terms of distance education form. It is suggested that the educational method is elaborated by every educator individually. It is speculated that the educator may face the issue of previously elaborated method implementation in terms of e-learning. In accordance with this the concepts of the most popular education systems are being analyzed in this article. It is suggested, that the majority of the educators elaborate their own methods on the basis of the following systems. Thus, the most outstanding teaching methods are being considered: the instructional developmental education system by L.V. Zankov, activity approach by L.G. Peterson and student-centred education system by I.S. Yakimanskaya. The article aims to reveal the possibility to implement the mentioned teaching methods or their separate techniques in terms of online learning. Based on the analysis of each teaching method the variant of its implementation and adaptation into the reality of e-learning is being suggested. The capabilities of separate techniques compilation and interconnection are also considered in this arcitcle.

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УДК 372.881.1

DOI: 10.24412/2413-693X-2022-1 -50-57



Marina Viktorovna RYBAK

Higher School of International Cooperation, Russian State University of tourism and service, Moscow, Russian Federation; Senior Lecturer; e-mail: soyez_le_bienvenu@mail.ru

Abstract: This article examines the issue of educational methodology elaboration in terms of distance education form. It is suggested that the educational method is elaborated by every educator individually. It is speculated that the educator may face the issue of previously elaborated method implementation in terms of e-learning. In accordance with this the concepts of the most popular education systems are being analyzed in this article. It is suggested, that the majority of the educators elaborate their own methods on the basis of the following systems. Thus, the most outstanding teaching methods are being considered: the instructional developmental education system by L.V. Zankov, activity approach by L.G. Peterson and student-centred education system by I.S. Yakimanskaya. The article aims to reveal the possibility to implement the mentioned teaching methods or their separate techniques in terms of online learning. Based on the analysis of each teaching method the variant of its implementation and adaptation into the reality of e-learning is being suggested. The capabilities of separate techniques compilation and interconnection are also considered in this arcitcle.

Keywords: activity approach, distance learning, e-learning, instructional developmental education system, student-centred education system, knowledge acquisition, technologies implementation.

For citation: Rybak, M.V. (2022). Implementation of innovative methods in terms of online learning in the system of higher education Service plus, 16(1), Pp. 50-57. DOI: 10.24412/2413-693X-2022-1-50-57. Submitted: 2021/01/25. Accepted: 2021/02/24.


2022 Vol. 16 Iss. 1



Применение инновационных методов в рамках дистанционного обучения в высшей школе


РЫБАК Марина Викторовна

Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса, Москва, РФ,

Высшей школы международного сотрудничества, старший преподаватель; e-mail: soyez_le_bienvenu@mail.ru

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается проблема формирования методики преподавания в рамках дистанционного обучения. Предполагается, что методика вырабатывается преподавателем индивидуально. В статье допускается, что преподаватель может столкнуться с проблемой применения выработанной ранее методики в реалиях дистанционного обучения. В связи с этим анализу подвергаются аспекты наиболее популярных систем обучения, на основе которых большинство преподавателей вырабатывает собственную методику. В статье рассматриваются дидактическая развивающая система обучения Л.В.Занкова, технология деятельностного метода Л.Г.Петерсон, система личностно-ориентированного обучения И.С.Якиманской. Целью статьи является выявление возможности применения данных систем в целом или отдельных техник в рамках дистанционного обучения. На основе анализа каждой системы обучения предлагается вариант применения системы и её адаптация в реалии дистанционного формата. Рассматриваются так же возможности комбинирования отдельных техник каждой системы в рамках дистанционного обучения.

Ключевые слова: деятельностный подход, дистанционное обучение, система обучения, личностно-ориентированный подход, дидактическая развивающая система, усвоение знаний, внедрение технологий.

Для цитирования: Рыбак М.В. Применение инновационных методов в рамках дистанционного обучения в высшей школе // Сервис plus. 2022. Т.16. №1. С. 50-57. DOI: 10.24412/2413-693X-2022-1-50-57.

Статья поступила в редакцию: 25.01.2022.

Статья принята к публикации: 24.02.2022.

The considerable increase of a demand for educational services has been observed recently. Each year it is noted that the need of flexible e-learning is growing.

It ought to be remarked that online learning is the best way to provide remote education, where the educator and the students have an ability to locate in different places. With this type of education the students encumbered with family or business issues without any ability to attend in-person classes have an opportunity to acquire an education remotely. E-learning meets the requirements of modern life, especially if not only transportation expenses but also organizational expenses of the educational system are taken into account. That explains the increasing interest in online learning with its various forms required during the lifetime of a human.

The urgent inoculation of e-learning into educational system has occurred in 2020 all over the world due to Covid-19 pandemic. The implemented type of e-learning differs significantly from the correctly planned on-line education predicated on massive open online courses (MOOC). The educational establishments which were made to work with students on-line in order to decrease the infection contagion level realized this difference during the process of performance evaluation of gained knowledge via the distant learning technologies (DLT).

The learning experience was noted to decrease universally. Inter alia, the decline in quality of foreign languages teaching was observed. This is largely due to the fact that most methods and techniques of teaching are intended for in-class learning, where the interconnection with students is organized clearly even for young professionals with minimal work experience. More experienced educators with elaborated effective educational methods had no ability to implement them into the on-line classes successfully.

The learning experience was noted to decrease universally. Inter alia, the decline in quality of foreign languages teaching was observed. This is largely due to the fact that most methods and techniques of teaching are intended for in-class learning, where the interconnection with students is organized clearly even for young professionals with minimal work experience. More experienced educators with elaborated effective

educational methods had no ability to implement them into the on-line classes successfully

The year 2020 has changed the attitude of the society to the distant learning technologies. At the inside, the majority of people involved in educational system have experienced these technologies personally. For many it turned out to be even more convenient from the time-management point of view. Thus there is a possibility that e-learning will stay in the state education system and will be formalized as one of the forms of teaching. In fact it is already happening in various state universities, where the extramural students are allowed to choose between in-class or distant forms of studying.

The implication is that all the educators now have an aim to reconsider the theoretical foundation of modern innovative methodology in terms of e-learning. This form of studying makes its impact and leads the educator into changing some routine techniques and methods in order to increase the learning process effectiveness.

This article addresses the technological aspects of the most popular in-class educational systems in the scope of on-line learning. The most outstanding teaching methods are being considered: the instructional developmental education system by L.V. Zankov, activity approach by L.G. Peterson and student-centred education system by I.S. Yakimanskaya along with the system of developmental teaching by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davidov.

Developmental instructional system of L.V. Zankov actualizes the task of finding the interconnection between the alignment of the educational process and the general development of the students along with the organizational aspects of studying in accordance with this particular interconnection. Principal lines of mental development, on which the L.V. Zankov's system is based, are the lines of the outsight, cogitation and behavior evolvement. Behavior as the basic foundation for notion formation plays the main role. External objective activities are considered to be the framework of internal developmental processes.

The educational process is based on common didactic principals, developed by L.V. Zankov: High level of difficulty, 2) key role of theoretical background, 3) progression at a swift rate, 4) supraliminal participation of

Применение инновационных методов в рамках дистанционного обучения в высшей школе

the students in educational process, 5) methodical work over the mental development of the students.

Contemporary followers of L.V. Zankov's system describe the organization of the acquisition process as its subdivision into three stages.

The first stage is to perform exploratory tasks, which leads to indication of the particular acquisition unit (notion, rule or activity). Here the students form the general mental activity and intellectual functioning, That is foremost the effect of classification (grouping) of knowledge via the formation of special arrangement procedures. The formation of intellectual functioning is occurred in the process of performing specific tasks including the consideration of the objects (verbal or viewable) row on one common basis; the consideration of the objects row from various points, i.e. the combination of at least two aspects of consideration; the conclusion development and the demonstration of gain knowledge. [5, p 98] At the same time the key role is given to the organizational process of search activity of the students by means of educational tasks on classification and grouping the educational material. [5] At this stage the grouping tasks performed independently are considered to be the most significant.

The second stage is considered to be a compilation of independent work results with the definitions, rules and descriptions of the guide-book.

The third stage is considered to be performance-based assessment tasks implementation.

As we can see, the recommendations of the practical acquisition process organization do not include any highlight of structural elements of the situational acquirement at a ratio of comprehensible activities. Nevertheless, the activities of the first stage are considered to be an independent and specific acquisition unit.

Regardless of the fact that the instructional developmental education system of L.V. Zankov was frequently criticized during the foreign language teaching process by reason of the absence of a fair number of students' activity elements, this system gains its advantages in terms of e-learning. Distance education allows the educator to freely demonstrate the visual material needed in the course of digestion of knowledge. Moreover the concept of work in an online

environment suggests unrestricted access to the information during the tutoring session. On the one side it obtains an opportunity to trivialize the performance of the first stage activities in the course of new educational material implementation. On the other side, it may complexify the task on the grounds that the informational oversupply makes the searching and selection of the information a baffling problem.

L.V. Zankov emphasizes the first stage of informational searching and selection activity as the main part of the educational process. In terms of online learning this stage may be artificially sophisticated by added complexity of the task itself i.e. by making the search of information more restricted in the bounds of foreign network segment. Thus the student gains an opportunity to immerge into linguistic environment and during the second and the third stage the highlights are made not over the accuracy of the information, but over its matching the intended purpose. Therefore, the students improve not only the skill of vectoring in a foreign language environment but also the skill of regardful informational selection.

The activity method technology by L.G. Peterson was elaborated on the grounds of the theoretical concepts of activity approach including in particular the abstract theorem of stepwise formation. [3, p 22-36].

Introduction this theory into the teaching situation design is associated by the author with the quality improvement of knowledge digestion. [4 p 7]

The concept of active knowledge acquisition design in terms of this technology suggests the realization of consequential steps (stages) that are associated as separate tutoring sessions or their elements.

The organization of the knowledge acquisition process is based on the structured steps of the tutoring session:

1. Self-determination of the activity (organizational aspect).

2. Actualization of knowledge and defining the hindrances of activity.

3. Articulation of an educational problem.

4. Projected designing of the solution of a difficulty: the revelation of advanced information by students.

5. Primal consolidation of knowledge under the conditions of social speech.

6. Self-directed learning with self-assessment by a pattern.

7. Inoculation of the gained knowledge and review section into the system.

8. Analysis of the activity (session consequent).

These stages as structural elements of knowledge acquisition organization are directly confronted with the stages of mental activity formation elaborated by P.Y. Galperin. [3, p 26] The motivational stage tasks are solved in the final phase of knowledge actualization process. Here the students revise the already-learned material, which is intended to be the foundation for new information perception. In the end of the stage the last task is given, triggering the cognitive obstacles to appear.

Inference should be drawn that in terms of the L.G. Peterson's concept, theoretical and methodical development of the knowledge cognition process suggests the observance of an activity organizational framework.

The orientating satiations are designed and highlighted. These situations stimulate the students to address the content and methods of solution. The activity under these conditions triggers facing the difficulty (articulation of an educational problem stage) and finally leads to the content of a new task. The result of maintained activities here is the formation of a new system of reference points and operations for further adaptation them into next stages.

In specific situations of orientating assignment the educator corroborates the sustainable supersession of the activities forms (the identification of addressing a problem is performed in terms of the students' involvement with subjective and model material). The revealed ways to address a problem are being demonstrated via articulation form.

This method implies the availability of free communication for the student. The role of the educator resolves itself to directing the students by definite task description and inactive correction in the process of performance. The full control over each stage is absent. In terms of distance education this may be considered as a distinct advantage in light of

the fact that students of today obtain excellent skills of coordination via informational technologies. This skill is to be used in an educational process, which implies the L.G. Peterson's concept wide implementation into e-learning process.

The system of developmental teaching by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davidov implodes on the deliberate student activity in the process of cognition. The product of deliberate activity is deemed to be the way of addressing a specific problem. It develops under the circumstances of compulsory acquisition of a new notion and it may be called a subject-specific research. [2, p29] These skills are mastered by the students in the process of cooperative solving specifically application tasks under the control of an educator.

The psychologically pedagogical foundation of the methodological formulation of this educational system is the notion of the educational activity, which maintenance defines the structure of forming tasks. This activity has its own arrangement and inctudes:

1) training task with the content corresponding the way of proceeding in a process of cognition.

2) training activity, resulting the formation of the apprehension and the preliminary pattern of a digested activity. That is the phase of original standard reproduction.

3) the supervisory activity, which is to be taken as the control over the accuracy and efficiency of performed operations, included into the action.

4) the activity on estimation of the late changes in the subject itself. [7, p 219]

The formation of the orientating foundation among students is featured as a separate problem. This process is defined by the implementation of the following concepts:

The first concept: new notions in accordance with the ways of task solving are not meant to be implemented cut and dried. They are to be a product of a deliberately designed subject-cognitive work. [6, p 115]

The main indication of fully formed orienting basis of an action is a perfectly correct task solution. It is also considered to be the only way of knowledge digestion.

The second concept: all revealed components of orienting basis of an action are established via

Применение инновационных методов в рамках дистанционного обучения в высшей школе

schemes which are to be used afterwards during the active studying process.

The third concept: in order to design the reflexive digestion of new way of proceeding by using the specific types of tasks. Normally these tasks are unsolvable or implicit, which demand not the answer for a question, but an analysis of the question itself. [6, p 125]

Methodically the main aim of application-specific tasks solving is the processing of subject orienting points that were used to perform an activity. The isolated incidents should not just have the same conditions as in the primigenial task. They must contain some sort of "traps" (tasks with over- or uderinformative conditions), or they must be structurally different in their contant (but not the course of action), so that the revealed way of task solving is made to be challenging for implementation. [1, p 119]

Thuswise, this educational system in its basic theoretical concepts is drawn from the active elaboration of the content. It is meant to implement the active approach in compliance of system's fundamental thesis.

The acquisition of new knowledge and new ways of activity suggests the creation of specific learning situations. The main focus of these situations is deemed to be the performance of subject-cognitive activity which structure corresponds with the content of absorbed knowledge.

The basic feature of this approach is setting up an "insurmountable" task. In terms of online learning when the students have full access to information varying in its content and specification, this element is crucial. Implementation of this approach into distant educational process stimulates the conversion of automatic search of information into its deep analysis. In the long run, when the students are unable to find the solution of the task on the internet, they proceed the subject-cognition activity performance. It leads the students far beyond the bounds of general informational search. In foreign languages study this method however implicates the substantial projecting of setting objectives. This in its turn means that the educator must make sure that the student is not able to find relevant information on-line, but is able to give an answer by reformulating and insightful analysis of the question itself.

Theoretical guidelines of learner-centered approach by I.S. Yakimanskaya suggests the designing of educational process on the basis of activity foundation. This is expressed in occurrence of the requirements for an acquisition process organization, including the necessity to highlight the digested knowledge in accordance with commensurate activities and the formation of the skill to use it as means of cognition. The students are to be given the opportunity to maintain the activity under the condition of full informational support. The informational support is considered to serve as the foundation for establishment of an action as deliberated. [8, p 132].

The means of acquisition are the techniques of academic work which let the student obtain the targeting content of knowledge. [9, 95-100] Corresponding study activities are formed as external practice and only after that they may proceed into internal activity, becoming more intellectual than reflexive. Visual implementation of the information should not only illustrate the content but also show the way of interconnection with the information.

The acquisition of studying techniques is closely connected with the formation of two types of knowledge: the knowledge of subject reality and the knowledge of its content and consistent maintenance of mental activity (operations), sustaining the absorption of academic knowledge, independent from specific subject basis (logical knowledge). Thus the subject knowledge must be absorbed with the help of the knowledge of the second type (the understanding of techniques), which may be specifically connected to the content of knowledge allocated. It might also be wider range of inter-subject knowledge, that may be implemented in various spheres of styduing.

Involved technology discovers the main requirements for digestion process organization served for knowledge of the second type. The absorbed knowledge sequence the activity performance. The subject orienting points must be revealed in the process of task-solving independently, where these points are detailed in specific sequence.

The requirements for the content of techniques are established in methodological recommendations.

The content of the technique as a standard for any subject activity is ascertained by an educator, who is able

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to derive the content activity on the basis of his own practice. [10, p 37]

The absorbed techniques are to become subject-reformed methods of further task solving for students. Their formation mostly depends on the subjective experience of a student, less on the created educational situaltion.

The accurate requirements for the form of knowledge presentation to the students are derived by logical sequence of activity performance of its elements. These activities are highlighted and established as a pattern of a rule, instructions, plan which reflects the activity. As for the presentation of subject reference points, the revelation of those is performed in the process of task solving, where the orientations are detailed in specific order.

For example, while forming the general techniques of task solving for grammatical literacy of the students, the control of the formation process consists of schematic explanation of the rules for mental activities. The specific subject orienting points are revealed by the students in the process of grammatical drilling in specific context situations; this requires the ordering of tasks implementation in a fixed sequence: from plain to complicated. [10, p 54] This method is also valid in the process of studying the complex speaking tasks solving techniques, where the student is supplied with a special speaking task and the distinctive sequence of tasks follows. Thus the student has an opportunity to fulfill the tasks of growing difficulty independently, improving the skill of information and knowledge content alanysis. The students with high rate of subject knowledge (vocabulary) absorption and highly developed techniques of grammatical tasks solving may form up the cognition process based on gain information.

The controlling function of the educator is to define the stage of task solving the student is. This information is needed to estimate the quality and properties of assistance and recommendation correctly. This information may be obtained by the educator in the process of student's performance accuracy analysis.

In terms of e-learning this fundamental method is the most applicable by the educators, as it is in the process of in-person learning. It is favorable inasmuch as it requires neither the physical attendance of the students and the educator at the classroom, nor any physical

interconnections between the students and the educator. Modern information technologies allow to demonstrate schematically all the learning material along with visual and audio effects at a quick rate, which is more customary among modern students. Thus the subject knowledge implementation takes less time than its acquirement in the process of practical activity. Moreover this system allows to address the individual peculiarities of the students as the analysis of speaking report on each stage let the educator to harmonize the activity of each student separately. Nevertheless, this method is student-centred, which excludes any productive and sustained cooperative group activity. Distant education in its turn brings negative psychological effect on students with strongly pronounced need to communicate and participate in teamworking. Therethrough, in spite of the efficiency of this method from the point of knowledge digestion, it also intensifies negative psychological impact of distant education.

In summary, it is known that the educational process requires the educator to elaborate his own method, which is always the compilation of various techniques of well-known methodologies. This state of affairs proceeds into e-learning process. As in in-class practice, the educator must not only adjust his elaborated method in accordance with learning goals, but also to react the individual needs of the students, their mental condition and the level of cognition.

The analysis of main educational innovative systems demonstrates, that the concept of educational process design in terms of e-learning remains the same: it is needed to implement not the whole system, but its elements and techniques. As an example, the educational system by L.V. Zankov has an applicable element of group working and independent information search. This aspect is extremely significant in the process of online education, as the disengagement of the students has an ability to decrease the level of cognitive capacity. Moreover, the element of information search must be adapted in accordance with the concept of e-learning, as in terms of e-learning the process of information search itself is meaningless in terms of full informational access via the Internet. Thus the concept of mental activity exhausts its value. To solve this problem "impracticable task" technique from the system by

Применение инновационных методов в рамках дистанционного обучения в высшей школе

Petercon L.G. may be implemented. Mentioned technique let the students show the facility in performing a task of information search, collection and selection along. It also helps to develop the analytical capacities of the students. Implementation of these elements and

techniques is only possible to exist only in the aggregate with the fundamental approach of the system by P.S. Yakimanskaya, which aims the peak efficiency of sequential knowledge digestion based on learner-centered approach.

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