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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Krylova T.V.

This article examines the issue of the motivation level enhancement among the students of non-linguistic University in terms of the foreign language study. Under present-day conditions the concern of low motivation level among students is dramatically increasing, which in its tern consistently leads to a significant underperformance of the educational process. The author of the article contemplates, that the main way of motivation level elevation resolves itself to positive relationship building and the formation of an emotional connection between the educator and the student, aiming to design the most unfettered environment in terms of in-class learning. It is granted that the main instrumentality to develop a mental atmosphere needed for the productive educational process is the implementation of neuro-linguistic programming techniques. In this respect the analysis of the main and the most effective NLP techniques and methods takes place. The paper also includes the theoretical base of modeling as one of common NLP notions, which stimulates not only the designing of a favorable working environment, but also the realization of ongoing monitoring and the prediction of the educational process results. The possibility of individual educator's methods upgrading under the conditions of NLP techniques implementation is also set forward.

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УДК 372.881.1

DOI: 10.24412/2413-693X-2022-1 -33-41


Tatiana Vadimovna KRYLOVA

High School of International Cooperation, Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow, Russian Federation,

Lecturer, littlehowlet@gmail.com

Abstract: This article examines the issue of the motivation level enhancement among the students of non-linguistic University in terms of the foreign language study. Under present-day conditions the concern of low motivation level among students is dramatically increasing, which in its tern consistently leads to a significant underperformance of the educational process. The author of the article contemplates, that the main way of motivation level elevation resolves itself to positive relationship building and the formation of an emotional connection between the educator and the student, aiming to design the most unfettered environment in terms of in-class learning. It is granted that the main instrumentality to develop a mental atmosphere needed for the productive educational process is the implementation of neuro-linguistic programming techniques. In this respect the analysis of the main and the most effective NLP techniques and methods takes place. The paper also includes the theoretical base of modeling as one of common NLP notions, which stimulates not only the designing of a favorable working environment, but also the realization of ongoing monitoring and the prediction of the educational process results. The possibility of individual educator's methods upgrading under the conditions of NLP techniques implementation is also set forward.

Keywords: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, behavior templates, rapport, anchoring method, motivation level, multisense learning, emotional control, positive behavior management.

For citation: Krylova T.V., (2022). Implementation of neuro-linguistic programming techniques into the process of foreign languages teaching Service plus, 16(1), Pp. 33-41. DOI: 10.24412/2413-693X-2022-1-33-41.

Submitted: 2022/01/25.

Accepted: 2022/02/28.

2022, 16(1), 33-41 Krylova Tatiana V.

Implementation of neuro-linguistic programming techniques

into the process of foreign languages teaching


КРЫЛОВА Татьяна Вадимовна,

Российский Государственный Университет туризма и сервиса, Москва, РФ преподаватель Высшей школы международного сотрудничества, e-mail: littlehowlet@gmail.com

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается проблема повышения мотивации у студентов неязыкового вуза на занятиях по иностранному языку. В современных условиях все чаще возникает проблема низкого уровня мотивации студентов, что закономерно приводит к снижению эффективности учебного процесса. Автор статьи предполагает, что основным способом повышения мотивации является выстраивание позитивных отношений и создание эмоциональной связи между преподавателем и студентами c целью создания максимально позитивной атмосферы в рамках аудиторных занятий. Допускается, что главным способом образования необходимой для продуктивного учебного процесса эмоциональной атмосферы является имплементация техник нейролингвистического программирования в сочетании с избранной методикой преподавателя. В связи с этим приводится анализ основных и наиболее эффективных приемов и техник НЛП. Рассматривается моделирование, как одно из базовых понятий НЛП, позволяющее не только сформировать положительную эмоциональную атмосферу, но и осуществлять текущий контроль, прогнозировать результаты учебного процесса. Предлагается возможность совершенствования индивидуальных методик, выработанных ранее преподавателем, посредством практического применения и комбинирования техник и приемов НЛП.

Ключевые слова: нейролингвистическое программирование, уровень мотивации, шаблоны поведения, раппорт, метод якорей, эмоциональный контроль, многосенсорное обучение, стратегия успешного поведения.

Для цитирования: Крылова Т. В. Использование техник нейролингвистического программирования в процессе обучения иностранному языку // Сервис plus. 2022. Т.16. №1. С. 33-41. DOI: 10.24412/2413-693X-2022-1-33-41.

Статья поступила в редакцию: 25.01.2022.

Статья принята к публикации: 28.02.2022.


2022 Vol. 16 Iss. 1



Recently a fair amount of educators face the issue of a students' low motivation level. The reasons of this occurrence may vary from dependent student's decision to obtain a higher education to depreciating of the whole concept of the higher education in contemporary society. A low motivation level may become the source not only of deterioration in digestion of knowledge but also of the complicated mental feel arising in the process of in-class learning. The students with low motivation level often assume the educator with negativity as the vector of subject contemplation is beyond their interest or they feel the imperative of subject study without realizing the point of given knowledge seizing. Especially this issue is challenging for the foreign language educators in nonlinguistic universities, where the academic hours of foreign language studies are extremely limited from the perspective of gaining full immersion into the subject and, moreover, the low motivation level for language study is a basic option for practically every first year student.

In this paper the author tries to analyze the Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques implementation into the educational process in order to create the positive emotional setting and to rectify the psychological attachment between the educator and the students. Therefore, the formed attachment between the students and the educator may become an excellent foundation for an alignment of the motivation elevation process by means of commonly established methods and techniques.

Nowadays during a modern stage of educational psychology development there may be observed a brisk development of new technologies aiming to activate the cognitive processes. Pitifully, these techniques commonly stay non-demanded in terms of fundamental approach to language learning based on in-class learning of higher education institutions. Nevertheless, it may be said that the student-centered approach has become systemic, including the implementation of student-centered approach into the educational process of the higher education institutions in order to increase the educational effectiveness. A wide range of technologies, including the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), grant the educators a unique opportunity to sophisticate the individual cognitive component of foreign languages learning process.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a new psychology based on the system of ideas and assumptions regarding the scope of human capacity, communication processes and the transition of personal conditions. John Grinder elaborated the NLP theory in 1970s, while being an assistant to the linguist professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) along with Richard Bandler, the student of psychology at the same university. Both developers of the system were interested in mental therapy, including gestalt therapy and hypnotherapy. [1,43].

Examining the works of outstanding mental health professionals, R. Bandler and J, Grinder came to a conclusion, that each professional, while being distinct individual, had used the similar basic behavioral templates. The scientists analyzed the templates, decoded them and built up the system which may be used for the benefit of effective communication, personal transformation, accelerated education, etc. [1]

They defined the elaborated modeling technique as "neuro-linguistic programming", exposing each personal contribution in its definition. The definition comprehends three basic ideas. The "neuro" part reflects the fundamental idea, that the behavior takes its rise in neurological processes of vision, auditory, osphreris, pselaphesis and thigmesthesia. Neurology describes not only the invisible mental processes, but also visible physiological responses on the ideas and events. One may be esteemed as the reflection of the other at the physical level. The body and the mind constitute the unity of human condition. [8,60]

"Lingual" part of the definition implicates, that we use the language to regulate the thoughts and behavior and to communicate with other people. "Programming" indicates the ways to organize the ideas and actions in order to deliver the results. Thus, this psychological approach combines the knowledge of several cognitive sciences: cybernetics, linguistics and neurobiology. [2]

The framework of the system by Bandler and Grinder was specified with two fundamental concepts: 1. The map (or the "model of the world") is not a territory. Human mind is not able to comprehend the reality to the full extent. It perceives only a small part of the actuality. The cognitive process is nothing more

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than just our insight into it. The human recreates the reality from the perspective of his personal conception of the outworld and responds to it via his sensory representational systems. Thuswise, the perceptions and actions of a human are determined by so called "neurolinguistic" maps of the reality, but no by the reality itself. It is therefore, that the deliberate motivation of an action (or its resistance) is driven not by the reality, but by our concept of the reality.

2. The existence and cogitativeness are systemic processes. The consistency of the processes is contingent on the interaction between the person and the environment. Our body, mind and the environment constitute the symbiosis of the systems and subsystems, which are always interoperating with interinfluence. In isolated condition the existence of a single system is considered to be impossible. Such systems are in a permanent process of self-organization, which addresses the performance of definitive balance and homeostasis. [5]

Neuro-linguistic programming is defined by the authors as the analysis of the subjective experience structure in order to reach better appreciation for a processes, determining the personal enhancement.

NLP examines the models and standards (or programs) derived from the interaction between the cerebrum, lingua and the body. The techniques, methods and methodology were developed with consideration to examination of the behavior repertoires of the outstanding representatives of various areas of life.

Therethrough, NLP, which appeared in 70s as an effective model of communication, nowadays has got its further development. Within the context of the everyday world this system is being successfully implemented into the management theory, mental therapy and education. The amount of academic literature describing NLP concepts and techniques is dramatically increasing; the discussion groups, workshops and practical courses are established around the globe. It substantiates the effectiveness of the implementation of this system into educational processes, including in particular the combining NLP techniques and other methods in the process of foreign language teaching.

The investigation of the efficiency issues of the educator's performance in the process of foreign language teaching uncovers, that the implementation

Krylova Tatiana V.

Implementation of neuro-linguistic programming techniques into the process of foreign languages teaching

of NLP may be considered to be beneficial due to the fact that it grants the opportunity to achieve state-of-the-art results in various types of activity.

Unfortunately though, it is exceedingly early to consider NLP as a systemic approach in terms of educational science of the country, but the resources of this system may be widely used in real practice.

Nevertheless, preparatory to the implementation of the NLP techniques and moreover before their adjustment into the educational process, it is essential to explore its main concepts and methodology.

NLP promotes the cognition, attention, faculty of conservation, exerting influence on deep mental structure. [6]

One of the basic NLP concepts is the idea of the existence of various thought patterns and the ability of a person to control them. There are several types of cogitative processes: visual, auditive, sensorial. [1] Different people in the cogitative process choose specific thought pattern. Within this framework, the visual, auditory and kinaesthetic types of personality may be segregated.

The person of prominent visual type percepts, elaborates and analyses the information through the inner visual patterns. The same concept is valid for auditory and kinaesthetic types. [1]

This elucidates the necessity of sharing the information via several perceptional channels (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic), which leads to multisensory teaching. Multisensory information presentation during the in-class activities let the students acquire it, using their leading perceptional channel. Moreover the multisensory teaching develops other sensory channels of perception. For the auditory type it is eligible to use the voice variations (volume, pauses, pitch). The kinaesthetic type representatives in their turn give remarkable response to gestures and other aspects of nonverbal communication since their cognitive process is dictated by the muscle memory.

Much attention is given to outward appearances of a person, including the external features of his mental activity. It is deemed that the observation of the mental processes is comprehensible by means of eyebulb movement fixation. The eyes are considered to be the reflection of person's intelligence structure. This theory is partly developed in terms of "eye accessing cues" technique. Here are the typical instances of eye movements:

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1. Up and right movement is usually explained as the elaboration of imaginary picture.

2. Up and left movement is explained as the sequence of real recollection images reconstruction.

3. Horizontally right movement is distinctive for new auditory images construction.

4. Horizontally left movement is common for recollection auditory images reconstruction.

5. Right and down movement is connected to the contact sensations and inner experiences.

6. Left and down movement is differential for internal discourse.

7. Straight unfocused sight is common as for the construction of new visual images, so for recollection images. [3]

Thus it may be declared that the visual images are always upside (or straight), auditory images are connected to side movements, and sensory images or internal discourses are characterized by the lowering the eyes. It is pointed out that the right-side movement of the eyes is common for constructive thinking, while the left-side movement is connected to recollection. According to this concept, is seems consequent to display new visual educational content, which is to be learned, on the right side of the students. And it is necessary to display the revision content of the left side of the students' sight.

Moreover, the absorption of "eye accessing cues" technique along with an ability to analyze the level and special aspects of new content apprehension by the student would let the educator comprehend and control the educational process a long sight better. In this particular case the most significant part would be given to individual contact between the educator and the student.

The next notional NLP concept, which may effectively be implemented into the process of foreign language teaching, is "anchoring".

"Anchor" in terms of NLP is a trigger or impetus, which arouse the relevant reaction. This may be a sound, image, gesture, etc. [2] The "anchoring" provides an opportunity to:

- activate required innate resources in the fullness of time;

- induce needed reaction or frame of mind;

- activate the memory or the imagination in order to improve personal abilities. [3]

The implementation of "anchoring" into the educational process let the educator find the ascertainable trigger, which arouses the positive reaction of the students and which can tune them into cognitive activity, analysis, structuring or new information comprehension. Notably, the positive reaction is essential, as the whole NLP concept is based on the idea that the process of cognition and new information comprehension may be successful and effective only in the conducive environment without any traumatic experience. According to this, it is necessary not only to create the positive anchor for cognition to activate the students' innate resources, but also to create as much as practical psychologically comfortable environment during the educational process in order to reach better and extending knowledge digestion.

As an "anchor" it is practical to use some particular tune (as an auditory anchor) when coupled with visual anchor (the creation of any visual image at the beginning of the class) and sensory anchor (some physical activity or movement). Thus we are setting the anchor in three existing modalities and address all types of the students, while sensitizing them to mental activity. The appliance of the same anchors at the beginning of each class may become the signal, reflexively adjusting the students to the educational process.

The gestures are also considered to be remarkable anchors. Gestures may play a significant role in terms of speaking practice. For instance, during the student's monologue instead of interrupting and correcting the student, the educator is able to use the long-present gestures, introduced before. The author of the article has the set of gestures, which were introduced to the students of RSUTS during the first several classes, and which are being successfully used in teaching process. For example, during the grammar practice the author may use the demonstrative gesture behind the back, which is decoded by the students as "Past Simple". When a student sees this gesture, he makes instant self-correction. Gestures are to be implemented during the process of the first explanation and then solidified in the course of grammar practice.

Another gesture, sampled by the author, is raised forefinger, which indicates singular, while two

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raised fingers are decoded as plural. Such gestures, which meaning is common for all the participants of the educational process, may create some sort of psychological connection between the educator and the students, improve the psychoemotional relations in the group. Moreover, these anchoring gestures trigger the active intellectual process of the student: the student sees the gesture, realizes that there is a mistake and longs for reflection, which aims self-correction. But it is essential here for the educator to be unselfconscious and not to be afraid to evoke a smile of the students.

It's worth mentioning that among various teaching methods and techniques there is so called Total Physical Response (TPR). The main TPR concept is to set the connection between the physical response on the commands in target language. This method may be superiorly combined with the "anchoring" technique. TPR suggests the existence of recurrent commands or requests with instant reflexive students' response. The command is conceived on the subconscious level, without analysis of its lexical or grammatical construction. There is a variant of TPR transition into the anchoring technique. Instead of the commands or requests the author suggests to use the set of acnhors: tuneful pronouncing of determinate phrases, combined with a specific gesture. It may become the traditional greeting between the educator and the students.

The method of educational metaphors has the same aim of intellectual processes activation along with handling particular psychological problems of the students (lack of self-trust, reluctance to digest new information, low motivation level, negativity towards the educator, etc.).

Metaphor in terms of NLP is not identical to the linguistic metaphor. It is more resembling the proemia. It interacts both cerebral hemi-spheres, activates the cogitation and memory, engages the deep psychological structures. Metaphors are quintessentially aspiring to overcome any deliberate blocks and resistance, penetrating the subconscious level. Any metaphor arouse the ability of the mind to make its own conclusions, thus each person has his own understanding of the metaphor because the

Krylova Tatiana V.

Implementation of neuro-linguistic programming techniques into the process of foreign languages teaching

subconscious seeks for the meaning, which matches individual needs and experience. That is why the metaphor should not be explained in order not to contort its aim. [5]

For the better comprehension of the metaphor concept it is necessary to reveal its structure, which is subdivided into three stages:

- challenging condition - the collection of the information with verbal predicatives of every modality.

- conjunctive strategy;

- the description of possible way to achieve the


- intended condition, pursuing a goal. [5]

The usage of metaphor technique grants the opportunity to make psycho-emotional connection between the educator and the student. Basically, the educator is able to share his experience via moderate off top. It foremost aims to increase the level of engagement of the students into the process of language learning. Moreover, the derogation from the strict conduct of the class let the students achieve comfortable and relaxed condition, which advantages the knowledge acquisition. Metaphor may be premade by the educator, as well as it may be improvised.

It seems appropriate to use the metaphor technique in the beginning of the class in order to activate the intellectual and associative processes. It may also be used in any part of the class, according to the situation on the ground. Thus the educator may arouse the connection between the metaphor and an auditory anchor. The educator may put in remembrance a specific metaphor on to recall the students connected linguistic structures.

The author of the article has widely used the metaphor technique in sharing the subjective experience in order to increase the motivation level of the students. It is an often occasion that the first year students of Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RSUTS) start losing involvedness into the educational process at the stage of Past Forms acquisition. In this case the author always tells a story about one student, who had the same problem. And the only explanation was useful for that particular student. After that the author gives the following pattern:

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Table 1. Sample template

Mr. Preston and Mrs. Preston had a dinner, when Mr Preston came back home. Past Simple indicates that the actions happened one after another. Prestons are happy here.

Mrs. Preston was having a dinner, when Mr. Preston came back home. The continuous aspect of the verb here indicates that Mr. Preston interrupted a process of having a dinner. That means that he was a bit late and joined his wife. They still had a chance to have a nice dinner. But Mrs. Preston felt a little suspicious.

Mrs Preston had had a dinner, when Mr. Preston came back home. Past Perfect indicates, that the dinner was finished before Mr. Preston came home. Which means he was seriously late, and Mrs. Preston wasn't pleased and even thought about the divorce. The family is much less happy.

The everyday story told with appropriate emotive shade let the students remember the difference between grammatical constructions. Moreover, as the story covers the topic of relationships, reflexively the students gain the emotional response by the feelings of Mrs. Preston. This leads to the fixation of the correlation between the aspect of the verb and the emotional state. As a result during the development of the Past Forms topic, the students were consistently turned to the story of the Prestons and made logical correspondence: the wife is happy/the wife is displeased/the wife wants to divorce. The facetious manner of the story introduction afforded an opportunity to turn the Prestons (and associated grammatical constructions) into some local funniment, which helped the students to conceive the peculiarities of verb aspect usage in the past tense. Thus the acquirement of complicated grammatical constructions was conducted in unfettered environment, which caused the significant increase of the motivation level.

Another considerable concept of the NLP implementation into the educational process if the technology of "future pacing". Assuming that on to achieve any goal the student should obtain the sense of purpose, the first and main aim of the educator is to transfer the educational learning goals and objectives into personalized significant purpose. It is the only way to involve the subconscious mind into its achievement. In terms of NLP concept, a person has inherent aptitude to achieve the well-defined goal provided that the person has its distinct comprehension. [1]

In this connection, it is essential to give the student an assistance in perception of particular knowledge need by means of providing an instance of context-dependent situations.

After the goal is set, it is important to ascertain the feedback mechanisms, which show the level of pursuing a goal on each stage of practice.

The following stage is the subdivision of a deliberate goal. This stage appeals to implement the "Silent Way" approach. In terms of this approach, the educator avoids verbal participation in the educational process, though the nonverbal communication aspects may be implemented. Finally, the student obtains full ability of independent reasoning, questionings and searching for the answers. The independent subdivision of a deliberate goal gtants the student an opportunity to realize the significance of the goal itself, and as a result, the motivation level of the student becomes less dependent on external factors.

Mirroring (rapport creation) is another outstanding technique of NLP implementation into educational science. Mirroring in NLP is the process of creating and supporting the mutual trust and understanding between two or more people, the ability to arouse necessary responses of other people. [7]

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The concept of rapport creation includes the ability to comprehend the contemplation of the opponent, the ability to get mutual understanding in words and feelings. The author insists, that the whole concept of rapport creation makes this technique indispensable in the process of foreign language teaching, as the main goal of language proficiency is to conduct communication successfully, which means full verbal and non-verbal acceptation.

Mirroring implicates a type of impersonation, imitation of the opponent. In order to create a rapport the following steps should be taken:

- the development of the similarity in aspects, which are basic for natural rapport (feelings, emotions, conditions, etc.)

- maximum usage of the possibility to gain similarity in following characteristics:

1) Postures (body position, weight distribution, arms, hands and fingers position, shoulders position, a bend of the head);

2) Facial expression (sight direction, eye movements, countenance);

3) Breathing (respiratory rhythm)

4) Movements (natural individual gestures);

5) Language behavior (speed, volume, tension, emotional coloring, typical intonations);

6) Thought pattern (visual, auditory, sensory). [2]

The opportune moment of rapport creation in a

group of students is a speaking practice on topic "Person and Personalities". In RSUTS this topic is the first one in terms of the educational program of foreign language teaching. This topic creates the applicable conditions for the students to take a more careful look at each other. It comes naturally during the introduction of new vocabulary and its forthputting. For better person description it is essential to implement a "simulate the behavior" exercise, where the student has to copy the facial movements and gestures of an opponent. This may passively create the consolidation of the group by reflexive mirroring.

It is also possible to create both individual and group rapport in terms of other topics of speaking practical classes. When an educator consciously analyses the emotional state of the group, it is commonsensical to adjust to it, and then by defining the leader of the group, create an individual pattern with him. It may cause the implicit union between the educator and the group, as it is enough for one member (usually it is a leader) to change his posture or behavior and the others will follow.

The expertise in mirroring opens up the possibility for the educator not only to increase the effectiveness of communication with the students, but also to control the emotional condition of the group, adjust it into the needed one (e.g. the psychological arrangement of the speaking discussion activity, or analytical activity in terms of new speech patterns comprehension). To reach this goal it is needed to create a rapport, adjust to the emotional condition of the student, accept this condition and then change the inner condition into preferred.

As was already mentioned, the framework idea of NLP is the creation of effective behavior strategies. These strategies are the foundations of the whole system. And one of the aspects of this system is the ability to follow the borrowed advancement strategy on to achieve personal goals. [8]

Implementation of neuro-linguistic programming techniques into the process of foreign languages teaching

Therefore it is recommended to implement the technique of strategy exchange. The educator chooses a student, who has the outstanding result of coping with the educational task and follows to suggest him to share his experience with the group by means of several guiding questions. Then the educator suggests the other students to sample this strategy on practice and analyze the results. The author of the article implements this technique into the classes of practical grammar. For instance, the successful usage of appropriate grammatical constructions needs a deep understanding of the structural interconnections between the grammatical construction and the sequence of described actions. When the student chooses the correct construction it is significant to ask him to explain his reasoning of the choice made. It may not only confirm the knowledge of the explaining, but also help the students who make this choice instinctively comprehend the processes of choosing. Doubtlessly, this approach doesn't reflect the full idea of the technique, but it accustoms the students to the effective strategy exchange.

Thuswise, the implementation of NLP techniques into the educational process offers the possibility for the educator to find effective ways of individual approach to each student. These techniques help correct the patterns of intellectual activity, give assistance in obtaining new strategies of thinking and information acquisition. It also provides remarkable means for improving the motivational level and creating the positive atmosphere in course of in-class activities. In terms of group working the educator also gains an offing to control the dominating cognition channels, which leads to increasing of the educational process effectiveness by means of multisensory communication.

Predicated on actual experience, the author of the article voices confidence that most of the educators use NLP techniques in the course of their teaching activity without introduction into a concept of neuro-linguistic programming. This assumption may be explained by the fact that the idea of NLP strategy is based on logical description of efficient communication. Nevertheless, the author assumes, that the introduction of NLP system and its consistent implementation into modern educational


2022 Vol. 16 Iss. 1



science is indispensable in view of the fact that the perscrutation of NLP techniques may help the educator to obtain a better control of his own behavior and deeper analysis of common situation and process in course of in-class studies.

Drawing on the concepts and techniques of neuro-linguistic programming in educational activity,

the educator may also create an unfettered environment in the group, which solves the main issue faced in non-linguistic higher education institutions: the low level of motivation of the students. And that in its turn is considered to lead to significant increase of the cognitive and communicative skills of the students.


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