Научная статья на тему 'Anthroponyms in phraseological combinations on sexual themes'

Anthroponyms in phraseological combinations on sexual themes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gorshunov Yu.

The article deals with English slang and colloquial phraseological units containing anthroponyms and naming intimate parts of the body and sexual relations. As the intimate parts of a persons body belong to a living being, it is common for us to animate them and treat them as animated entities in the way we treat a close friend or a pet we care for. The article also contains phraseological units with anthroponyms in their composition, represented in many cases by the precedent names of characters from detective serials, soap operas and sagas, and celebrities from show biz and the sporting world, which have not yet been the subject of special study.

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В статье ставится цель рассмотреть английские сленговые и разговорные фразеологизмы, обозначающие интимные части тела и сексуальные отношения, в составе которых присутствуют антропонимы. Человеку свойственно одушевлять интимные части тела и обращаться с ними как с живыми существами, примерно так, как мы обращаемся с близким человеком, другом или домашним питомцем, о котором заботимся. Статья содержит фразеологизмы, антропонимы в которых во многих случаях представлены прецедентными именами персонажей из детективных сериалов, мыльных опер и саг, а также именами знаменитостей из шоу-бизнеса и мира спорта, которые еще не были предметом специального исследования.

Текст научной работы на тему «Anthroponyms in phraseological combinations on sexual themes»

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18454/RULB.2020.21.1.8


Научная статья

Горшунов Ю.В.*

Башкирский государственный университет, Бирск, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (gorshunov_[at]rambler.ru)


В статье ставится цель рассмотреть английские сленговые и разговорные фразеологизмы, обозначающие интимные части тела и сексуальные отношения, в составе которых присутствуют антропонимы. Человеку свойственно одушевлять интимные части тела и обращаться с ними как с живыми существами, примерно так, как мы обращаемся с близким человеком, другом или домашним питомцем, о котором заботимся. Статья содержит фразеологизмы, антропонимы в которых во многих случаях представлены прецедентными именами персонажей из детективных сериалов, мыльных опер и саг, а также именами знаменитостей из шоу-бизнеса и мира спорта, которые еще не были предметом специального исследования.

Ключевые слова: антропонимы, личные имена, сленговые обозначения интимных частей тела, сексуальные отношения.


Research article

Gorshunov Yu.*

Bashkir State University at Birsk, Birsk, Russia

* Corresponding author (gorshunov_[at]rambler.ru)


The article deals with English slang and colloquial phraseological units containing anthroponyms and naming intimate parts of the body and sexual relations. As the intimate parts of a person's body belong to a living being, it is common for us to animate them and treat them as animated entities in the way we treat a close friend or a pet we care for. The article also contains phraseological units with anthroponyms in their composition, represented in many cases by the precedent names of characters from detective serials, soap operas and sagas, and celebrities from show biz and the sporting world, which have not yet been the subject of special study.

Keywords: anthroponyms, personal names, slang names of intimate parts of the body, sexual relations.

The article considers English slang and colloquial idioms which include anthroponyms and denote intimate parts of the human body and sexual relationships. We deem it necessary to stipulate that when covering the topic discussed, we adhere to the generally accepted terms of sexology, medicine, sociology, and linguistics, giving preference to euphemisms and trying not to go beyond the linguist's competence. The given article is thematically associated with [1], [3].

Anthroponyms of the English language are widely represented as secondary emotional and evaluative designations created as a result of deonymizing, understood as the transition of a proper name to the common name category. Since the intimate parts of a person's body, its organs belong to a living organism, it is common for a person to animate them, treat them as animated entities, as if we were treating another person we care for or a pet. Penis designations and addresses to it of the type one-eyed brother, junior, little man demonstrate a patronizing or condescending attitude; dear member, dearest member, father confessor, foreman, master of ceremonies - a respectful attitude; chum, old chap, old fellow, old blind bob, old Bill - a friendly attitude; little brother - a caring attitude; jolly member, wife's best friend - a mocking attitude; large lad, big daddy, girl chaser, one-eyed brother, one-eyed Willie - an ironic attitude. All of them are emotional-and-evaluative.

A noteworthy place among such designations is held by designations based on masculine names, both full and diminutive, for example, abraham, adam, hector, herman, jacob, john, john henry, john thomas, oscar, peter, richard, roger, rupert, william , archie (Archibald), bob (Robert), charley / -ie (Charles), dick, dicky (Richard), jack, jackie (John), jim, jimmy (James), johnny (John), tom, tommy (Thomas ), willie / -y (William) and others. An indicator of the new status and of the transition to the category of common names is their spelling, mainly with a lowercase letter.

Penis designations based on male names are found in phraseological units on sexual topics, for example, one-eyed Willie's patch-eye - a condom, free willy, teaching William a lesson, punish percy in the palm — to masturbate. As it happens, anthroponyms are most in demand as part of phraseological units denoting masturbation. Thus, the similar expressions give Yul Brynner a high five and slap high fives with yul brynner refer to the name of the American theater and film actor with Russian roots Yul Brynner, who is remembered primarily for the fact that for over thirty years he convincingly played the same great role of the Siamese king in the musical "The King and I", which brought him an Oscar in the 1957 film. A memorable appearance — a manly face and a bald head — gave ground for a metaphorical use. In the context of masturbation, the names of some popular characters in soap operas, detective series and sagas turned out to be appropriate. The name of the main character of the detective television series "Kojak", who was the leader in the popularity rating in the 1970s, a police lieutenant Theo Kodjak, played by the bald actor Telli Savalos, formed the basis of a number of phraseological units: Kojak's moneybox - the penis [5, P. 102], Kojak's rollneck [6, P. 708] - the glans or bell-end of the penis; to choke Kojak and strangle Kojak - to masturbate.

Several phraseological units are motivated by the events and characters of Star Wars, epic films in the genre of space opera. Darth Vader, the central villain character in the series, is associated with the dark side of the Force. He is forced to wear


ominous black armor (serving as a life support system). Darth Vader's numerous battles and fights gave occasion to use his name in the ironic context duel with the pink Darth Vader in the meaning "masturbation", where pink Darth Vader is the designation of the penis (after the helmet of a specific form worn by the villain hero) [4, P. 223]. In the context of masturbation, the name of another film hero of the saga, Han Solo, the desperate pilot of the spacecraft "The Millennium Falcon" and the cunning smuggler, is used: do the han solo - to masturbate (a pun on the name of Han Solo and hand solo). One of the characters in the series, Wookie, received a "residence permit" in the phraseological combination shake hands with the Wookie - to masturbate. Wookies were a race of hairy biped humanoids.

The series of desperate pilots honored to be involved in new phraseological units on a sexual theme includes the name of Captain Picard, a character from the science fiction television series Star Trek. He served in the Star Flotilla and played an important role in the turning points of the galactic history: take captain Picard to warp speed [7, P. 210] - to (vigorously) masturbate. The role of the captain was played by the British actor Patrick Stewart, who has a bald head.

The phraseological unit give Ronaldo a rub down (to masturbate) [4, P. 127] exploits the name of an outstanding Brazilian footballer, one of the best players in the history of football, Ronaldo (full name is Luis Nazario de Lima). Having burst int o big football, the Brazilian footballer impressed professionals and fans with strong kicks, excellent technique, "cosmic" speed and power. The metaphor is based on comparing the shaved head of the football player with the head of a penis.

The slang dictionary marks the phraseological unit watch Andy Griffith [4, P. 317] in the meaning of "masturbate" as the one used by Afro-Americans. The euphemistic designation of masturbation watching the Andy Griffith Show refers to the name of the American television legend Andy Griffith, who is famous, first of all, for his project "The Andy Griffith Show", which was a regular on the screens in 1960-1968. Millions of American viewers will forever remember his character — the philosophizing provincial sheriff Andy Taylor. Griffith has won many awards, including the prestigious Grammy Music Award for Best Country Music Album.

The expression have a cock like Bobby Davro (about a man with a small penis) features the name of the English actor and comedian Robert Christopher Nankeville, whose stage name is Bobby Davro. He made his television debut in 1981, and two years later made a television breakthrough in the program "Live from Her Majesty's"; this was followed by appearances on the television show "Copy Cats" and other popular shows.

The diminutive name Charley / -ie is part of the expression introduce Charley / Charlie — to have sexual intercourse (about a man). In similar contexts, the expressions put barney in the VCR (where barney in the meaning of "penis" is a personal name associated with the Irish), introduce her to Fagan / Fagin (where fagan / fagin is the character from the novel "Oliver Twist" by C. Dickens) [6, P. 399], let Percy in the playpen (about a woman) — to consent to intercourse, take a turn in Abraham's bosom - to copulate are used.

We conclude the article with an example of the expression motivated by a shocking event that received a loud resonance in Britain, and is based on the use of the name of the doctor Harold Shipman, who received the nickname "Doctor Death", because for two decades he sent his elderly patients to kingdom-come by injecting them a lethal dose of the drug: do a Shipman — (about a man) — to copulate with a woman (much) older in age. [7, P. 190].

We have given examples of phraseological units on some topics of a sexual nature, containing anthroponyms, represented in many cases by the precedent names of characters from detective series, soap operas and sagas, and celebrities from show biz and the sporting world.

Beyond the scope of the article there remain phraseological units on the subject of sex, physiology, and human anatomy, exploiting the precedent names represented by rhyming slang. We refer the interested reader to the monograph [2] and article [1].

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

Список литературы / References

1. Горшунов Ю. В. Табуируемые темы в рифмованном сленге (сексуальные отношения) / Горшунов Ю. В., Горшунова Е. Ю. // European multi scientific journal (Budapest, Hungary) № 16. - 2018. - С. 16-18.

2. Gorshunov Yu. V. Euphemistic uses of rhyming slang: monograph / Gorshunov Yu. V. - Birsk, Bashkir State University at Birsk, 2016. - 256 p.

3. Gorshunov Yu. V. Deviant use of personal names / Gorshunov Yu. V. // Materials of the international scientific conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration». - Beijing, People's Republic of China (together with participants from Minzu University of China), December 11, 2019. Part 1. - P. 66-69.

4. Кудрявцев А. Ю. Англо-русский словарь сленга и ненормативной лексики / Кудрявцев А.Ю., Куропаткин Г.Д. - М.: АСТ, 2004. - 383 с.

5. Dalzell T. Sex Slang / Tom Dalzell, Terry Victor // - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. - London and New York, 2008. - 201p.

6. Green J. Cassell's Dictionary of Slang / Green J. - London, 2003. - 1316 p.

7. Viz Roger's Profanisaurus with foreword by Terry Jones (from the pages of Viz). - Boxtree, 2002. - 247 p.

Список литературы на английском / References in English

1. Gorshunov Yu. V. Tabuiruemye temy v rifmovannom slenge (seksual'nye otnosheniya) [Taboo topics in rhyming slang (sexual relations)] / Gorshunov Yu. V., Gorshunova E. Yu. // European multi scientific journal (Budapest, Hungary) No. 16. - 2018. - P. 16-18. [in Russian]

2. Gorshunov Yu. V. Euphemistic uses of rhyming slang: monograph / Gorshunov Yu. V. - Birsk, Bashkir State University at Birsk, 2016. - 256 p.

3. Gorshunov Yu. V. Deviant use of personal names / Gorshunov Yu. V. // Materials of the international scientific conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration». - Beijing, People's Republic of China (together with participants from Minzu University of China), December 11, 2019. Part 1. - P. 66-69.

4. Kudryavtsev A. Yu. Anglo-russkij slovar' slenga i nenormativnoj leksiki. [English-Russian dictionary of slang and profanity] / Kudryavtsev A. Yu., Kuropatkin G. D. - M.: LLC "Publishing house AST"; Kharkov: Torsing, 2004. - 383 p. [in Russian]

5. Dalzell T. Sex Slang / Tom Dalzell, Terry Victor // - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. - London and New York, 2008. - 201p.

6. Green J. Cassell's Dictionary of Slang / Green J. - London, 2003. - 1316 p.

7. Viz Roger's Profanisaurus with foreword by Terry Jones (from the pages of Viz). - Boxtree, 2002. - 247 p.

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