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Ключевые слова
training / instruction / occupational safety / virtual reality / artificial intelligence.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shirokov Yu., Kovrigo O., Tikhnenko V., Ivakina E., Imamzade A.

The paper analyzes the possibilities of using digital technologies in the methodology of occupational safety training. Virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies introduced into the occupational safety training system will help overcome the difficulties of perceiving information for both new generations of workers and older workers. The possibility of using modern technologies in teaching occupational safety, safe working methods and conducting briefings is proposed, examples of successful use of technologies, shortcomings and problems are considered.

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3. Coyle D. CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning // D. Coyle, P. Hood, D. Marsh. - Cambridge University Press, 2010. - 173 c.

4. Griva E., Deligianni A. CLIL implementation in foreign language contexts: Exploring challenges and perspectives - Part II // Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning. - 2017. - T. 8. - №. 2. - C. 6373.

5. Guerrini M. CLIL materials as scaffolds to learning // CLIL practice: Perspectives from the field. - 2009. - T. 1. - C. 74-84.

6. Marsh D., Maljers A., Hartiala A. K. Profiling European CLIL Classrooms //Jyvaskyla, Finland: Centre for Applied Language Studies. - 2001. - 253 c.

7. Mehisto P. Criteria for Producing CLIL Learning Material // Encuento. - 2012. - 15-33 c.

8. Shraiber E. G., Ovinova L. N. CLIL technology as an innovative method to learn foreign languages at university // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Образование. Педагогические науки. - 2017. - Т. 9. - №. 2. С. 82-88. DOI: 10.14529/ped170208

9. Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT). Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Handbook for teachers Cambridge // University of Cambridge. -2010. - 28 с.

10. Zhyrun I. Culture through comparison: Creating audio-visual listening materials for a CLIL course // Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning. - 2016. - Т. 9. - №. 2. - С. 345-373. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5294/7091



Shirokov Yu.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Kovrigo O.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

senior lecturer Tikhnenko V.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ivakina E.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Imamzade A.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

senior lecture


The paper analyzes the possibilities of using digital technologies in the methodology of occupational safety training. Virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies introduced into the occupational safety training system will help overcome the difficulties of perceiving information for both new generations of workers and older workers. The possibility of using modern technologies in teaching occupational safety, safe working methods and conducting briefings is proposed, examples of successful use of technologies, shortcomings and problems are considered.

Keywords: training, instruction, occupational safety, virtual reality, artificial intelligence.

Introduction. In 2019, more than 23 thousand people were injured in production in Russia, more than 1,000 were fatal. In 2020 - more than 1,100 deaths. And this is happening against the background of continuous training of workers in occupational safety, the formation of introductory and primary instruction programs, professional development and retraining programs for employees. From this it can be concluded that standard training tools (instructions, equipment layouts) and occupational health and safety management systems are not yet effective enough [16].

The main reasons for this are: information in the form of long text blocks is hardly perceived; the employee receives only theoretical knowledge, which for a number of reasons are not perceived and are not assimilated to the level of automatic application in pro-

duction conditions, and even more so in emergency situations. Therefore, at a critical moment, the acquired knowledge is not remembered, and the skills are missing.

The employee often does not realize how serious the consequences of a violation of safety regulations or rules for working with equipment can be [2,9,17]. This is especially true of hazardous production facilities. This determines the relevance of the work on the analysis of the reasons for the insufficient effectiveness of traditional systems and methods of training workers in occupational safety and the possibilities of using digital technologies in preparing workers for safe work and the formation of safety and security management systems

The purpose of the article is to analyze the possibilities of using digital technologies in teaching employees safe work.

The methodological basis of the work is the study and generalization of research materials on changes in the perception of information by different generations of employees and the experience of using digital technologies in training and preparing employees for safe work.

When forming occupational safety and health management systems and training technologies, it is no longer possible to ignore the simultaneous presence of both young workers in the production process and the increase, due to an increase in the retirement age, of the proportion of age-related workers (60+) [18-20]. It is necessary to teach safe methods of work and prevention of accidents and accidents to everyone with the same degree of efficiency. Therefore, when forming training methods in occupational safety and health management systems, it should be taken into account that the new generation of workers is the so-called generation Z (centenials), who were not only "born with gadgets and devices in their hands", but also lived in a family circle, all members of which are actively involved in household digitalization: the Internet, cellular communications, social networks, etc. The modern generation of workers will differ more than ever from the previous ones, and even more so age workers, in thinking style, speed of perception and processing of information, time to keep attention on one object. And the methods and technologies of employee training (briefings, safety instructions, training and advanced training programs) are still mostly conservative, designed for previous generations of employees who were able to read voluminous texts of instructions and perceive textual information, could concentrate on listening to long briefings, hear and perceive verbal information. These are the so-called generation X and generation Y [10,11,17].

Employees of generation X, born in the period from 1963 to 1981 before the advent of the Internet, before the rapid development of digital technologies and communications, to which everyone is now accustomed. This is the last generation that books, newspapers and magazines have accustomed to large texts without pictures and illustrations, and which can keep its attention on the information received for a long time.

Generation Y—people born after 1981. This is the first generation deeply involved in digital technology. But they also found the era before the spread of the Internet: their childhood passed mostly without smartphones and social networks [11].

Getting mostly digital information from early childhood by generation Z workers, mutual communication of young people only through social networks, messengers and applications using gadgets and devices, even being in the same room, at the same table, the use of abbreviations of texts, up to the transition to the

transmission and perception of information by stickers, emojis, a sharp reduction in reading fiction in the traditional "paper" form, seriously affected both the mechanism of perception and assimilation of information, and the ability to verbally express their thoughts and information and perception of information, received verbally.

Observations show that, for the most part, new generation workers find it difficult to perceive traditional texts of instructions, read mainly diagonally, or, as many researchers note [ 8,12,18], moving their gaze through the text resembles the letter F, when the first lines are captured when reading, and then the amplitude of the movement of the gaze narrows, covering the lower lines of the smaller, left part of the text being read. As a result, the meaning is captured momentarily and does not remain in memory.

At the same time, there is an increase in the share of generation workers (up to X) - born before 1960. This is the generation of a new pre-retirement age, which can, due to the usual age-related changes in memory, attention, reaction speed, lead to an increase in the risk of accidents, accidents at work and manifestations of occupational diseases, an increase in passes for diseases. With age, fatigue also manifests itself faster, as a result of which the employee has a condition that leads to errors in work, dangerous situations and accidents. Every fourth accident was preceded by pronounced fatigue [2,11,19].

Studies have revealed noticeable changes in the amount of working memory, the speed of information processing, i.e. those functions that are necessary for workers in the management of hazardous production facilities or in emergency situations, for workers after the age of 60 (Fig. 1.) [18-20].

Memory loss is usually combined with a number of other changes in cognitive functions. The latter relate primarily to the reaction time to what is happening, which tends to increase dk.

As many studies have shown, visual attention also decreases over the years, which leads to a deterioration in the ability to filter out unnecessary and unnecessary information, which rarely happens in a healthy person under the age of 50-60 years. This is confirmed by the results of a study by Tony Viss-Coray from the Stanford Alzheimer's Research Center: physiological aging does not occur uniformly, but has three distinct stages in the life cycle - mainly at 34, 60 and 78 years. This is caused by a sharp change in the amount of most proteins - most of the time it remains unchanged, and at some point there is a sudden increase or decrease. I.e., at 60, the age when there are still five years left before retirement, there are sharp changes in the health of workers.

Fig.1. Age dynamics of human cognitive abilities

In 2004-2005, an epidemiological study of Prometheus was conducted in 33 cities of 30 regions of Russia. It showed that at least 80% of people over 60 years of age, who have turned to neurologists for various reasons, have complaints of memory loss [18].

At the same time, it becomes more difficult for a person to focus on a certain object or action, switch from one object to another, respond in a timely manner to the flow of information coming from outside, which is one of the main aspects of mindfulness. And the consequence of this is a violation of coordination of movements, visual disorders, inattention, loss of vigilance and control of the real situation. At the same time, the employee violates the requirements of technological instructions, makes mistakes and inconsistencies in work; his sense of danger decreases [6].

So, using the example of civil aviation pilots, it was found that there is a statistically reliable relationship between dangerous deviations in piloting and the age of pilots. Pilots over 55 years of age most often made exits for the permissible flight parameters through their own fault. During the survey of 500 pilots of Aeroflot Russian Airlines, it was noted: at the age of 50, a decrease in intellectual functions in every 10th pilot; at the age of 55, in every 5th pilot; at the age of 60, in every 2nd pilot [1,18].

With age, fatigue also manifests itself faster, as a result of which the employee has a condition that leads to errors in work, dangerous situations and accidents (Fig. 2). Every fourth accident was preceded by pronounced fatigue [11].



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Fig. 2. Age profile of mortality of the Russian population over 15 years (per 100,000) from all accidents in 2005 and 2008 (Federal State University of Central Research Institute of Roszdrav, Moscow)

Memory loss is usually combined with a number of other changes in cognitive functions. The latter relate primarily to the reaction time to what is happening, which tends to increase. As many studies have shown, visual attention also decreases over the years, which

leads to a deterioration in the ability to filter out unnecessary and unnecessary information, which rarely happens in a healthy person under the age of 50-60 years. An occupational safety specialist cannot ignore these features when conducting training and other types of

training, otherwise the learning process becomes formal. This is also confirmed by periodic checks of employees' residual knowledge [2].

Third, the modern generation of workers is also different in that it is difficult for them to focus and hold attention on an object for more than 8 seconds for a long time —the so-called "goldfish" level. The previous generation could hold attention for about 12 seconds.

Moreover, it is necessary to take into account another feature of the new generation of workers: the transmission and perception of information can occur only with emojis, stickers and other visual signs (as it was thousands of years ago when transmitting information with rock paintings), i.e. their thinking today is more based on visual rather than verbal perception of information. This should also be used to increase the efficiency of communicating safety requirements to employees.

The traditional methodology and organization of the educational process is insufficient and should be replaced by a personalized, effective organization of the educational process [3,8]. Progress in the field of microprocessor technology makes it publicly available today. And their combination with artificial intelligence technologies promises to transform traditional teaching materials that will become visual and "tangible", will allow to fully implement all the steps of step-by-step formation of knowledge and competencies during a direct dialogue with trainees [8]. It should be noted that for a modern student, one of the effective technologies can be the gamification of the learning process, which makes it possible to dive into real production situations and forces students to search and find the right management decisions, and in an understandable and interesting system [14,15]

The problems of the effectiveness of occupational safety and health training in modern conditions concern specialists as our country [2,3,12]

As a rule, most of them focus on the need to switch to a combination of verbal and digital technologies for teaching students [4,5,8]. For example, there has been a double-digit increase in the volume of e-learning in the framework of specialist training abroad since 2010. And in our country, intensive modernization and digi-talization of the economy require modernization of education, the use of digital technologies and the training of specialists with certain competencies [1].

VR simulators are a revolution in the field of teaching employees the skills of safe behavior in production! VR simulators are an effective tool for reducing injuries at the enterprise.

With the help of virtual reality technologies, an employee learns knowledge and skills at a higher level: remembers the correct sequence of actions, and sees what mistakes lead to (for example, in virtual reality, you can realize a fire or explosion without any risk to the health and life of an employee). The international company Pricewaterhouse Coopers (consulting, audit)

conducted a study among adults on the basis of its educational centers and tried to find out how the use of VR technologies affects the development of soft skills.

In groups where teaching was conducted using virtual reality, students' confidence that they had mastered the material well was almost three times higher than in groups that studied in a classroom or online form.

The researchers confirmed another already obvious fact: it is much easier to keep attention on the object of study in virtual reality, because nothing distracts from the subject, there is a complete immersion in the material. Thanks to learning in a virtual environment, students are significantly less distracted. VR equipment controls vision and attention - there are no interruptions, no multitasking. Information from virtual reality is absorbed much deeper than from paper or video instructions, because it is served in an interactive format.

Students who used virtual reality were four times more focused than those who studied online, and 1.5 times more focused than those who studied in classrooms. Students spent only 30 minutes using virtual reality on materials requiring 2 hours of study in the classroom.

In simulations for industry, hard skills are usually trained. Virtual simulators for personnel allow you to recreate any situation at the enterprise, including working out a sequence of actions in case of an emergency, mastering new equipment, taking a refresher course.

Using VR simulators for training, it is possible not only to convey knowledge about occupational safety in full, to ensure the development of necessary and mandatory skills, to reliably establish the level of knowledge and skills development. Enterprises that have implemented such technology are achieving a significant reduction in the number of occupational injuries and their severity, and improving the safety culture.

In the basic training mode, a situation is recreated in which an employee needs to perform a certain set of actions. The system demonstrates how to perform the work correctly and safely with the help of tooltips and a virtual assistant.

In the training mode, the employee performs the necessary actions independently, without prompting. If an employee has violated the safety requirements, he experiences for himself what negative consequences await him.

Next, the employee switches to the exam mode (knowledge testing), in which he also performs all the necessary actions independently, without prompting. As a result, the system shows which requirements he violated, and explains what this could lead to.

If the exam is not passed, then the user is not allowed to perform the work and returns for re-training and knowledge testing. It is most effective to use a virtual reality helmet, which allows you to create a full-fledged model of a specific machine, factory shop or construction site (Fig.3).

Fig.3. Virtual Situation designer. Training in safe methods of work in construction (Source:


Gloves are also used-controllers that convert human gestures into commands for the control program. If necessary, a special suit (Teslasuit) can be used, which adds tactile feedback (recoil, vibration), a motion capture system, biometric sensors. The most difficult stage is the development of software for solving specific tasks on a VR simulator.

A study "The impact of virtual reality on academic activity" was conducted in Beijing. The children were taught the same discipline, but one group was taught using the classical method, and the second group was taught using VR. As a result, a test was conducted.

The first group was 73% successful, and the second group was 93% successful. In addition, the VR group showed a deeper understanding of the topic and consolidated the acquired knowledge better (according to the test results two weeks later).

Immersive technologies are at the heart of virtual reality training - a virtual extension of reality that allows you to better perceive and understand the surrounding reality. That is, they literally immerse a person in a given professional environment, a specific situation [6].

Advantages of the immersive approach:

- visibility. Virtual space allows you to examine in detail objects and processes that are impossible or very difficult to trace in the real world. For example, the operation of various mechanisms, equipment and technological processes. Work at height, when performing complex operations, taking into account weather conditions, work in confined spaces, tanks, wells, taking into account emergency situations;

- concentration. In the virtual world, a person is practically not affected by external stimuli. He can concentrate entirely on the material and assimilate it better;

- involvement. The scenario of the learning process can be programmed and controlled with high accuracy. In virtual reality, trainees can safely conduct chemical and physical experiments, solve complex technological problems in a more fascinating and understandable form;

- security. In virtual reality, you can make decisions without any risks and carry out complex operations to prevent the risks of accidents and accidents., hone the skills of safe management of technological process, transport, hazardous production processes, experiment and much more. Regardless of the complexity of the scenario, the trained employee will not harm himself or others;

- efficiency. Based on the experiments already conducted, it can be argued that the effectiveness of VR training is at least 10% higher than the classical format. The theoretical material becomes clear, understandable and more interesting, which increases the effectiveness of the instruction.

The artificial intelligence system uses an algorithm for deep immersion in a production process close to reality and simulation of critical situations, prepared on the basis of large amounts of data, images of work sites and emergency records (Fig. 4).

One of the tasks of artificial intelligence is tracking human emotions. The device can read a person's facial expressions, and based on the data received, the system will determine his mood and will be able to use the functionality inherent in it, depending on the situation. Fatigue, agitated or depressed state of the employee will be detected by the system and reported to the control panel.

As it is known, psychovysiological causes of accidents are not uncommon, and the warned management about the emotional state of the employee will be able to make a timely decision to suspend this employee or provide him with an additional break, thereby it is possible to prevent the occurrence of an emergency or occupational disease. This system makes it possible to improve the supervision of occupational safety, reduce the impact of various risk factors, ensure the prevention of fatigue and stress, as well as health problems caused by professional activity [13].

But when introducing artificial intelligence systems into the learning process, it should be taken into account that artificial intelligence, based on processed statistical data, forms a subjective assessment method. The problem is that if the information entered into the algorithms is unbalanced, as a result, hidden and open bias based on this information may arise at the output.

It should be borne in mind that VR content alone is not enough — you need to use it as an addition to the main training program. It is recommended to study theory before and after using VR: first study the material, then explain it and practice using VR, and then consolidate the information, returning to theory again. The ideal option is to integrate VR technologies into existing courses and programs.


The prospect of simultaneous training in occupational safety of workers of different generations with an increase in the share of age-related workers in the production process due to an increase in the retirement age requires a new approach to the training methodology. The same applies to the new generation of workers due to the peculiarities of their perception of information with traditional teaching methods.

As shown above, an increase in the share of employees of "retirement" age will certainly lead to an increase in the risk of accidents and accidents at work. This applies mainly to professions associated with sources of increased danger and placing special requirements on the state of health in terms of endurance, as well as in connection with the likelihood of harm to others or oneself due to the inability to properly perform labor operations for health reasons.

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Therefore, there is a need to change the methodology of training based on gamification and the use of virtual reality, which can make it possible to immerse a trained employee of any generation in a given professional environment, a specific situation and bring actions to automatism in any possible critical situation.


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