ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBLE IMPACT OF THE AGE OF EMPLOYEES ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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The Scientific Heritage
Ключевые слова
occupational safety / risks / accident / age / illness / attention / memory

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Shirokov Yu., Tikhnenko V., Ivakina E., Imamzade A.

The analysis of probable risks in the field of occupational safety and health in connection with the increase in the proportion of age-related workers in production teams is carried out. Proposals have been developed to reduce the risks of accidents and accidents. It has been shown that after the age of 60, the cognitive abilities of most people begin to decline sharply. In this regard, additional measures are needed to reduce the risks of accidents and accidents.

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Таким образом, с помощью дифференциальных уравнений нам удалось получить работающую модель. С ее помощью появляется возможность изучить происходящие при повреждении обмотки в генераторе процессы.

Благодаря разработанной модели было установлено, что в случае наличия сразу во всех трех фазах генератора 3 % короткозамкнутых витков происходит изменение токов в фазах, а именно их уменьшение в 1,2 раз. Также удалось получить кривую тока короткого замыкания. Его значение шестикратно превышает номинальный ток в фазах генератора. При этом генератор продолжает функционировать несмотря на то, что его обмотка повреждена.

Разработанная модель удовлетворяет условиям адекватности. В частности, это подтверждается экспериментально путем сравнения кривых токов, которые получены в результате моделирования с осциллограммами, полученными опытным путем на стенде. Разница значений токов при этом составляет всего 3 - 5 %.

Полученная математическая модель позволяет получить значения токов и других возможных электромеханических характеристик самовозбуждающегося генератора при симметричном замыкании витков его статорной обмотки, которые могут быть использованы для разработки соответствующих защитных устройств.

Список литературы

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2. Богдан А. В. Информационные признаки повреждения обмотки статора для построения релейной защиты автономного асинхронного генератора

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4. Богдан А. В. Обнаружение виткового замыкания в обмотке статора асинхронного генератора / А. В. Богдан, А. Н. Соболь, Н. С. Баракин // Сельский механизатор. - 2018. - № 7-8. - С. 44 - 45.

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- 2004. - № 3. - С. 31 - 34.



Shirokov Yu.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva, Doctor of Technical

Sciences, Professor Tikhnenko V.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Ivakina E.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Imamzade A.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva., senior lecturer Abstract

The analysis of probable risks in the field of occupational safety and health in connection with the increase in the proportion of age-related workers in production teams is carried out. Proposals have been developed to reduce the risks of accidents and accidents. It has been shown that after the age of 60, the cognitive abilities of most people begin to decline sharply. In this regard, additional measures are needed to reduce the risks of accidents and accidents.

Keywords: occupational safety, risks, accident, age, illness, attention, memory.

Experience shows that situations in which the probability of accidents and accidents increases are easier to detect, understand and correct than people prone to actions that could potentially lead to accidents and accidents [4,15.18,20]. And this trend manifests itself with age in workers with an increasing probability [3.22]. This means that the risks of accidents and accidents related to the human factor may also increase in the near future due to an increase in the retirement age [5,17]. According to forecasts, about 5-6 million workers exceeding the specified threshold will remain involved in the production process in the coming years. An increase in the share of employees of "retirement" age may lead to an increase in the risk of accidents and accidents at work [17,18[.

The purpose of the work: to analyze studies of age-related changes in the health status of employees aged 55-65 years (mainly such parameters as attention, memory, reaction speed and fatigue, which can affect the level of accidents, increase the risk of accidents), and to form proposals to reduce possible risks with an increase in the percentage

The methodological basis of the work is the analysis of research materials on changes in the psycho-physiological parameters of health and cognitive abilities of people of pre-retirement age (55-60 years) that affect the risk of accidents and accidents: attention, memory, fatigue, work skills.

The main psychophysiological characteristics of a person that affect the risk of accidents and accidents: attention, memory, reaction speed, the ability to maintain them throughout the work shift, change significantly with age {7,15,16]. At the same time, it should be understood that a decrease in attention and memory is a natural process that accompanies the aging of the human body. In this regard, the International Psycho-geriatric Association at the World Health Organization in 1994 proposed the term "cognitive decline associated with adipd" to define the concept of "age-related weakening and memory" [10,16].

According to researchers, by the age of 50, the decline in mental functions and working capacity occurs quite well and is not very noticeable, and after this milestone, especially after 55 years, signs of weakening of memory, attention, sharpness of thinking make themselves felt in an increasingly noticeable form [9,16].

This is confirmed by the published research materials of the Stanford Alzheimer's Disease Research Center: physiological aging does not occur uniformly, but as if in stages (threshold). Three significant stages (thresholds) of aging in the human life cycle were identified: 34, 60 and 78 years. It has been proven that these thresholds are associated with a sharp change in the amount of protein in the body. Moreover, up to a certain time it does not change at all, but at some point there is a noticeable increase or decrease [1,11-13]. The next critical period comes at the age of 60, when there are drastic changes in the health of employees. And this is the age when men still have five years before retirement.

In 2004-2005, the epidemiological study "Prometheus" was conducted in 33 cities of 30 regions of Russia. It showed that at least 80% of people over the age

of 60 who, for various reasons, turned to neurologists, have complaints of memory loss [16]. At the same time, it becomes increasingly difficult for a person to focus on a certain object or action, to move from one object (type of action) to another, to respond in a timely manner to the flow of information coming from outside, which is one of the main aspects of attention. And the consequence of this is a violation of coordination of movements, visual impairment, inattention, loss of vigilance and control over the real situation. As a result, the employee violates the requirements of technological instructions, makes mistakes and inconsistencies at work, his sense of danger decreases. Surveys of pilots of PJSC Aeroflot conducted by the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine named after Academician N.F. Izmerov showed that most often dangerous acts are committed by pilots over 55 years old. An in-depth study showed a decrease in intellectual functions at the age of 50 in every tenth pilot, at the age of 55 in every fifth and at the age of 60 in every co-pilot [4].

Naturally, with age, fatigue manifests itself faster, as a result of which an employee has a condition that can also lead to mistakes at work, dangerous situations and accidents. Thus, every fourth accident is accompanied by severe fatigue of workers [1].

Studies have also revealed noticeable changes in workers after 60 years of working memory, information processing speed. And these are the functions that are necessary for the management of OPO and for actions in emergency situations [2,9].

It has also been found that memory loss after the age of 60 is usually combined with a number of other changes in cognitive functions. This is primarily an increase in reaction time to what is happening, a decrease in visual attention, which is quite rare in a healthy person under the age of 50. A decrease in visual attention leads to a deterioration in the ability to filter out unnecessary and unnecessary information. These characteristics are important to take into account to ensure the safety of work and production processes, especially when servicing OPO. After all, a violation of attention and memory entails an increase in accidents and injuries. It is because of the natural decrease in attention and impaired coordination of movements that injuries in adulthood and old age are higher than at a young age. It is worth noting that elderly people over 60 years of age belong to the maximum risk group not only in terms of the likelihood of injuries incompatible with life, but also in terms of the frequency of injuries requiring hos-pitalization.

When studying the prevalence of concomitant conditions with increasing age in patients with a trau-matological profile, it was found that their frequency reaches 17% by the age of 40 and 40% by the age of 60 [6,21]. Similar studies conducted in the process of improving the TRISS scale (a predictive scale based on the degrees of injury and severity of injuries) have confirmed that starting from the age of 45, the consequences of injury can be much worse than in young people in a similar situation. The results of numerous studies also show a higher mortality from injuries among the elderly. The death rate from injuries among

people over 60 years of age is 113 cases per 100 thousand people of the population, which is more than 2 times higher than the corresponding indicator for all other age groups combined. In addition, these people account for an equivalent, if not greater, share of injury-related expenses incurred by hospitals and emergency departments [15].

The prospect of an increase in the share of older workers in the production process due to an increase in the retirement age requires a new approach to reducing potential risks, ensuring the safety of their work and preventing accidents due to the natural age-related decline in attention, memory and efficiency of personnel.

As mentioned above, if preventive measures are not taken, an increase in the proportion of workers of "retirement" age will certainly lead to an increase in the risk of accidents and accidents at work. First of all, this applies to workplaces associated with sources of increased risk, and those where special requirements are imposed on personnel in terms of endurance, stress resistance, long-term attention, etc.

Conclusion. In the process of forming a full-fledged professional risk management system, it is necessary to take into account the future increase in the proportion of older workers in production with all the ensuing consequences.

In this regard, firstly, when predicting risk [14,16.18], the risk coefficient should be considered not only from the purely technical side, but also taking into account the human factor with an indefinite increase in risk due to an increase in the average age of employees in labor collectives. If usually the online risk ratio for an enterprise is determined by the ratio (1):

Aop = Siai (1)

where Ao is the normalizing multiplier; Si is the significance coefficient of the i-th risk indicator; ai this is the code value of the i-th risk indicator, then to account for the age risk factor, it is advisable to apply an age risk correction factor for the normalizing risk indicator multiplier. As a result, we get the ratio (2): Aop = Siai , (2)

The coefficient x can be determined taking into account the percentage of workers over 60 years of age and the increased risk of accidents and occupational diseases, which is assessed by experts taking into account the specifics of production. If we take into account the above research results, then a set of possible estimates in the range of 1.2-2 opens up to experts.

Secondly, it is necessary to increase the requirements for medical examinations of age-aged workers. First of all, this applies to those categories of personnel whose activities are associated with exposure to harmful substances and unfavorable production factors. It is also necessary to improve the quality of medical examinations for employees whose workplaces have sources of increased risk or there is a high probability of harming others or oneself due to the inability to properly perform work functions for health reasons.

According to the rules of mandatory psychiatric examination of the company's personnel, mandatory examination of an employee is carried out on a voluntary basis to determine his suitability for certain types

of activities in connection with mental health, as well as for work in high-risk conditions. In connection with the indication of the voluntary nature of this procedure, it is necessary to convince employees of its expediency when they overcome the 60-year age threshold and include the relevant provisions in a collective agreement or an agreement on labor protection and in an employment contract with an employee.

It is advisable for occupational health and industrial safety services of enterprises with age-related employees, especially in high school, to develop and implement risk management processes related to age-related employee fatigue, depending on production conditions. To do this, it is advisable to use the recommendations and methods of the Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS). It contains provisions on the organization of the correct work and rest regime, preventive measures to prevent the development of fatigue and, accordingly, the occurrence of various accidents and accidents in industry and transport. These include: determining in which cases fatigue is a risk factor; assessing the level of risk associated with the occurrence of a risk factor; implementing controls; developing a risk reduction strategy; monitoring the effectiveness of measures taken.

It is also necessary to pay attention to simple but effective methods to reduce the impact of the age of employees on the risk of accidents and accidents. These include:

reducing the influence of harmful production factors, such as noise, vibration, microclimate parameters, pulsation of light sources that increase human fatigue, mainly in the workplaces of elderly workers;

an increase in the illumination of workplaces in comparison with the usual sanitary and hygienic standards with mandatory consideration of the radiation spectrum of the light sources used;

improving the workspace of older workers in such a way that it is possible to avoid their "unnecessary" movements that require a sharp change of posture or significant effort.

To reduce the fatigue of older workers, frequent short breaks for rest are necessary. This is much more effective than rare long breaks.


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