LABOR SAFETY IN PIG FARMING WITH AN INCREASE IN THE RETIREMENT AG Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
pig breeding / labor protection / retirement age risks / accidents / occupational diseases / events

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Shirokov Yu., Tikhnenko V., Ivakina E., Imamzade A.

The article is devoted to the need to adjust occupational health and safety management systems in pig farming due to an increase in the proportion of age-related workers due to a gradual increase in the retirement age. Natural biological processes occurring in the organisms of most people after 55-60 years of age are likely to increase the risks of an increase in the number of accidents, accidents, manifestations of occupational diseases. This should be taken into account by the heads of pig breeding enterprises and labor protection services when improving labor protection and safety systems at sites where age-related workers work. Based on the analysis, recommendations are given for changing the management of occupational safety and health at pig-breeding enterprises.

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По результатам исследования сделаны следующие основные выводы:

1) Наиболее распространённый тип торфяной залежи в области - верховой (54 %). Наибольшие ее запасы сосредоточены в Бабаевском районе. Площадь осушенных земель от площади всех лесов области с учетом крупных торфяных месторождений составляет <7 %;

2) Наибольшая концентрация гидролесомелиоративных систем установлена в Устюженском муниципальном районе. Осушительные работы проведены на 7 % территории лесов исследуемых районов. Площадь лесного фонда шести районов составляет 71 % от общей площади этих районов;

3) Преобладающий тип леса в исследуемых осушенных пяти районах - сосняк сфагновый (42 %). В среднем хвойные формации занимают 40 % от занимаемой площади изученных муниципальных районов.

Список литературы

1. Бабиков, Б.В. Гидротехнические мелиорации: учебник для вузов. 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. -Санкт-Петербург: ЛТА, 2002. - 294 с.

2. Дружинин, Н.А. Лесоводственно -экологическое обоснование ведения лесного хозяйства в осушаемых лесах: дис. ... док. с.-х. наук. - Санкт-Петербург, 2006. - 333 с.

3. Дружинин, Н.А. Осушение лесов в Вологодской области / Н.А. Дружинин, Н.Н. Неволин. - Вологда: "МДК", 2001. - 102 с.

4. Комплексный территориальный кадастр природных ресурсов Вологодской области: департамент природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды Вологодской области. Выпуск 25 (на 01.01.2020 г.). - Вологда: ДПР и ООС, 2020. - 468 с.

5. Прижизненное и побочное пользования осушаемых лесов Вологодской области: монография / Н.А. Дружинин, Ф.Н. Дружинин, А.С. Пестовский, А.С. Новосёлов; под общ. ред. А.С. Новосёлова. -Вологда: ИЦ ВГМХА, 2011. - 192 с.

6. Рекомендации по практической гидролесомелиорации / под общ. ред. В.К. Константинова. -Санкт-Петербург: СПбНИИЛХ, 2006. - 118 с.

7. Торфяной фонд Вологодской области (по состоянию разведанности на 01.01.1968) / под ред. Б. Л. Стахневича. - Москва: Министерство геологии РСФСР, 1970. - 617 с.


Shirokov Yu.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva, Doctor of Technical

Sciences, Professor Tikhnenko V.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Ivakina E.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Imamzade A.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva., senior lecturer


The article is devoted to the need to adjust occupational health and safety management systems in pig farming due to an increase in the proportion of age-related workers due to a gradual increase in the retirement age. Natural biological processes occurring in the organisms of most people after 55-60 years of age are likely to increase the risks of an increase in the number of accidents, accidents, manifestations of occupational diseases. This should be taken into account by the heads of pig breeding enterprises and labor protection services when improving labor protection and safety systems at sites where age-related workers work. Based on the analysis, recommendations are given for changing the management of occupational safety and health at pig-breeding enterprises.

Keywords: pig breeding, labor protection, retirement age risks, accidents, occupational diseases, events.

The process of gradual increase in the retirement age, including employees of pig-breeding enterprises, which began in Russia in 2019, may lead to an increase in the risk of accidents and accidents at pig-breeding complexes and farms due to natural processes of age-related changes in attention, memory and human performance [2,4,6].

In addition, the situation may worsen with the diseases of pig breeders that have already accumulated over many years of work, which, if not identified and

identified as an occupational disease before the previous retirement age, may manifest more serious complications in subsequent years [6.7,11].

We have analyzed the results of studies of age-related changes in attention, memory, speed of response to emergencies, the ability to preserve them throughout a person's work shift after 55-60 years. According to researchers, the decline in mental functions and performance before the age of 50 occurs quite smoothly and is not very noticeable, and after 50 years, and especially after 55 years, signs of memory, attention, and thinking

weakening make themselves felt in an increasingly obvious form [1,3-5,7,9].

In 2004-2005, an epidemiological study of Prometheus was conducted in 33 cities of 30 regions of Russia. It showed that at least 80% of people over 60 years of age, who for various reasons turned to neurologists, have complaints of memory loss. At the same time, it becomes more difficult for a person to focus on a certain object or action, switch from one object to another, respond in a timely manner to the flow of information coming from outside, which is one of the main aspects of mindfulness. And the consequence of this is a violation of coordination of movements, visual disorders, inattention, loss of vigilance and control of the real situation. As a result, the employee violates the requirements of technological instructions, makes mistakes and inconsistencies in work; his sense of danger decreases [3-5].

It has also been found that memory loss after the age of 60 is usually combined with a number of other changes in cognitive functions. This is, first of all, an increase in reaction time to what is happening, a decrease in visual attention, which happens quite rarely in a healthy person under the age of 50-60 years. A decrease in visual attention leads to a deterioration in the ability to filter out unnecessary and unnecessary information. Impaired attention and memory is a path to an increase in accidents and injuries [5-8,12].

It is precisely because of a decrease in attention, impaired coordination of movements that injuries in the elderly are higher than in the young. It has been established that elderly people aged 60 years and older belong to the maximum risk group both in terms of the frequency of injuries requiring hospitalization and in terms of the likelihood of injuries incompatible with life (FSU TSNIIOIZ of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow).

These data indicate that due to the increase in the retirement age, in order to reduce the risk of accidents and emergencies, it is necessary to use people over the age of 60 to perform the least intensive, complex and dangerous work.

Table 1

Normative values of temperature and humidity in the premises for keeping pigs of different age and sex groups

Employers and labor protection services also need to take into account the fact that natural age-related changes in the health of employees of pig-breeding enterprises can be aggravated by the imposition of accumulated ailments associated with working conditions over many years. With an increase of five years of work in unfavorable conditions, already diseased organs of workers will be exposed to additional harmful production factors. This can lead to a more obvious manifestation of accumulated pathologies and loss of working capacity of pig workers due to the detection of occupational diseases [7,10].

The work in pigsties is quite hard. In pigsties, when servicing animals, organizing feeding, most of the operations are performed manually and are associated with physical stress, are of the same type, accompanied by nervous tension and often negative emotions. During the shift, the operator performs up to 4000 small operations only when feeding. Cleaning machines for keeping animals from manure manually (2 times a shift) is accompanied by tension of the muscles of the back and limbs. For 1 cleaning, the operator performs up to 1,400-1,600 movements. And this happens every day for decades of industrial life.

Moreover, workers who are daily in closed rooms with animals throughout their entire working life (often 35-40 years or more) are also exposed to a number of environmental factors, the level of which is necessary to ensure optimal conditions for metabolic processes in animal organisms, but does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements for humans.

These inconsistencies are already laid down in the design of livestock enterprises. So, for a person, sanitary and hygienic standards recommend a temperature range of 22-24 degrees.With humidity from 30 to 60%, the air velocity is at the level of 0.1 m/s. The natural desire of designers to create highly efficient enterprises leads to the creation of such conditions for animals, under which optimal metabolic processes will be provided (Table 1).

Animal groups Indoor air temperature, °C Relative humidity of the air in the room, %

Max Min Max Min

boars 19 13 75 40

The uterus is lonely and pregnant 19 13 75 40

Uterus suckling with piglets 22 18 70 40

epair pigs on cultivation and weaning piglets 22 18 70 40

Fattening pigs 20 14 70 40

There is an even greater difference in the air velocity standards: here the difference is 2-3 times (Table 2). This discrepancy creates prerequisites for both colds and, over time, for occupational diseases in pig farming, which is associated with the presence in the warm and humid air of pigsties of many harmful production factors: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon dioxide,

mercaptan, indole, skatole, amines, aldehydes, ketones, etc., formed due to the processes of animal vital activity and decomposition of excrement, feed, bedding. Dust is also present in the air of pigsties, mainly of organic origin: particles of litter, feed, epithelium and bristles, etc.

Table 2

The speed of air movement in livestock premises

Name of premises Indoor air velocity, m/s

calculated during the cold and transitional periods of the year permissible in the warm season

Premises for single and pregnant queens and boars 0,3 1

Premises for the repair of young animals and weaning piglets 0,2 0,6

Premises for fattening young animals 0,3 1

Premises for farrowing and keeping suckling queens with suckling pigs 0,15 0,4

According to Belarusian scientists (I.I. Khokhlov and others), the Sozh pig complex of the Gomel region emits 56 kg of ammonia and 15-20 kg of dust into the atmosphere for 1 hour for 108 thousand pigs, unpleasant odors spread to a distance of up to 5 km. In summer, with windless weather near a pig complex for 54 thousand pigs, high bacterial air pollution is observed at a distance of up to 500 m, 136 types of gases are emitted from pigsties, among them hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and carbon dioxide are the most toxic [1,2].

As a result of recent studies conducted by Indian scientists, it has been found that carbon dioxide, even in low concentrations, is a potentially toxic gas. Scientists have concluded that carbon dioxide is close to nitrogen dioxide in its toxicity, taking into account its effect on the cell membrane and biochemical changes occurring in human blood and leading to acidosis. Prolonged acidosis, in turn, leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, fatigue and other adverse consequences for the human body [5].

Ammonia, which is constantly present in the air of pig-breeding premises, is also a toxic gas. A large number of observations of both clinical and experimental nature allowed us to establish that ammonia, even in small concentrations, leads to the development of pathology on the part of various human organs.In the presence of ammonia in the working room at concentrations at the MPC level, a decrease in the bioelectric activity of the brain, anosmia, a decrease in the level of ascorbic acid in the blood, and a slowdown in the excretion of urea were revealed [4,9].

The concentration of ammonia in the air at the level of 2.6-6.1 mg / m causes a change in the threshold of smell in people, contributes to the development of ENT pathology. The ammonia content within 10 mg /m may be the cause of impaired functions of higher nervous activity, hypotonic reactions, tachycardia [1-3,10].

Other chemicals, such as hydrogen sulfide, mer-captans, and aldehydes, formed in the premises of livestock farms and poultry houses, also have high toxicity. With prolonged inhalation of insignificant concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, dizziness, palpitations, nausea occur, and the sense of smell is dulled. Penetrating through the lungs into the blood, hydrogen sulfide combines with hemoglobin iron and thereby deprives it of its main property—to attach oxygen.

As a result of the above, many researchers have found that in the structure of pathology of farm workers, the first place is occupied by diseases of the cardiovascular system -35.2%.. Subsequent ranking places belong to diseases of the respiratory system - 17.8%,

gastrointestinal tract-14.7%, nervous system and sensory organs - 8.2%, musculoskeletal system - 5.8%, kidneys and urinary tract -5.5%, other diseases -12.8%. According to the survey, 93.4% of women and 76.9% of men believe that the deterioration of health is directly related to the profession due to the impact of unfavorable microclimate, dust and gas pollution of industrial premises, industrial noise. However, in the presence of obvious factors of harmfulness of the production environment, pig breeders rarely develop occupational diseases. In our opinion, this is due to:

- low level of responsibility of labor protection services of pig breeding enterprises, which do not provide a sufficient level of advance preparation of members of medical commissions for periodic medical examinations;

- low level of training of medical workers to identify the connection between the health status of workers and their working conditions;

- the frivolous attitude of employees to their health, the inability to associate their illnesses with working conditions or the fear of losing their workplace due to a conflict with the employer.

But with an increase of five years of work in unfavorable conditions, already diseased organs of workers will be exposed to additional effects, and in conditions of natural age-related weakening of health and immunity. This can lead to a more obvious manifestation of accumulated pathologies and loss of efficiency of poultry workers due to the detection of occupational diseases [6.8].

Conclusions. Due to the ongoing increase in the number of age-related employees, employers and managers of labor protection services of pig-breeding enterprises need to make adjustments to the occupational safety and health management system, especially at hazardous production facilities (boilers, pressure vessels, etc.). At the same time, it is advisable to develop, in relation to production conditions, and implement risk management processes related to fatigue of age-related workers FRMS (Fatigue Risk Management System) [7,12,13].

Labor protection services need to strengthen control over the health status of aged pig farm workers during periodic medical examinations, ensuring that members of medical commissions are informed in advance about the presence and level of harmful production factors at workers' workplaces.

It is also necessary to pay attention to simple but effective techniques to reduce the impact of age on the risk of accidents and accidents:

reduce the level of exposure to harmful production factors, such as noise, vibration, microclimate parameters, pulsation of light sources that increase human fatigue, primarily in the workplaces of age-related workers;

to improve the working space of older workers so that it is possible to avoid movements that require a sharp change in posture or a lot of effort;

to reduce the fatigue of age-related workers by introducing frequent short breaks for rest. This is more effective than rare long breaks;

organize at pig farms and complexes rooms for psychological unloading of age-related workers, provided with air conditioning systems, purification and ionization of air and including psychological and physiological means of restoring working capacity, preventing fatigue and emotional burnout;

organizational measures in the form of mandatory provision of vouchers to age-related workers of pig complexes for the prevention of occupational diseases in specialized sanatoriums.

With a serious attitude to the problem of increasing the proportion of age-related workers, it will be possible to adjust the occupational safety and health management system in advance and prevent an increase in the risks of accidents and accidents.


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