ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND THINKING IN GLOBAL PROCESSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
language / thinking / globalization / human consciousness / culture / communication.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Muhammadali Alisher Ugli Jumayev

The article considers language and thinking as a phenomenon forming an inseparable dialectical unit, which has its own characteristics and rules.

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Muhammadali Alisher ugli Jumayev

Master of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


The article considers language and thinking as a phenomenon forming an inseparable dialectical unit, which has its own characteristics and rules.

Keywords: language, thinking, globalization, human consciousness, culture, communication.

We all know that in today's globalized society, the relationship between language and thought is very important. This is because the need to cooperate with foreign countries in any field, study their advanced and rich experience and easily communicate with them in foreign languages shows how important it is to know foreign languages.

Language is not only a means of communication between social groups of people, but also a means of human thinking, combining both functions of the human brain. From early childhood, everyone goes through the process of development and emergence of language and thinking. This process of developing language and thinking, their interrelationship, takes place outside the development of a nation or race, apart from political history. But the relationship between language and thinking comes with more conflicting issues.

The phenomenon of coincidence and inconsistency of the categories of language and thinking, consciousness, cognition, logical categories, grammatical categories, mental cognition, emotional cognition, logic and language.

The relationship between language and thought is one of the main issues in the science of linguistics. Just as it is impossible to express thought without language, so language without thinking cannot form its own expression. There is also the concept of philosophical, psychological consciousness. Consciousness is a socio-psychological phenomenon that controls a person's ability to think. Consciousness is a biological phenomenon that involves logical thinking. So, consciousness is a phenomenon, a concept, bigger than thinking. Contemplation is the highest stage of knowing. Cognition is the process of reflecting objective reality in the human mind. There are two types of cognition in science:

1. Cognition through the senses.

2. Mental cognition and thinking.

In sensory cognition, we know the external world through our senses. Such knowledge is also developed in animals. Mental cognition is inherent in human

beings, they not only feel the external world, but also understand every event, object, process, process them, think, summarize, gain insight. This process is contemplation. This means that thinking is inextricably linked with such concepts as higher knowledge, understanding, and perception, and is a product of knowledge. Contemplation is the highest product of the brain. Thinking arises in the process of social productive activity of people. It exists only in close connection with the labor and speech activity inherent in human society. The ability of thinking to directly reflect reality is expressed in the ability of man to draw conclusions, to prove. This ability expands the possibilities of learning. Human thinking is studied by different disciplines (logic, psychology, epistemology, cybernetics, etc.) and in different ways. Among the experimental researches, the methods of studying thinking in the form of modeling with the help of various cybernetic devices have recently been widely developed.

Language and thinking are two types of activities that are closely related to each other, distinguished by their essence and specificity. A necessary condition for the emergence of language thinking is its form of existence and mode of operation. In the process of development of human society and its culture, thinking and language becomes a single speech-thinking complex that serves as a basis for a single cultural formation and communicative reality. Moreover, thinking is an aspect of human social activity, and direct self-perception is impossible in itself. Externally expressed elements of human behavior serve as material, on the basis of which it is possible to study thinking, among which the most convenient is speech and its product language.

Just like thinking, language is an aspect of human social activity and cannot be separated from a number of other aspects of this activity, especially the processes of thinking and communication: some sounds, written signs and actions can only be signs of language and they can also be. Just like thinking, language cannot really be separated from other aspects of human social activity, but at the same time, unlike thinking, language is something that is easy to perceive directly.

The process of globalization is leading to the unification of the minds of speakers of different languages and cultures, replacing real communication between people with the exchange of technical information. Linguistic barriers are key barriers to effective intercultural communication in the context of globalization. The main linguistic barriers of globalization are related to the ethnic cognitive landscape of the world, language barrier, speech barrier, nonverbal communication, different levels of understanding. In order to communicate effectively in the context of globalization, it is necessary not only to know a foreign language, but also to unite in the mind the national linguistic images of the world. This has led to an increase in bilingualism, especially in countries such as the United States, India, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Nigeria.

At a time of globalization, every country in the world is striving to preserve and develop its culture and science. In this regard, it is important to recognize the scientific

and pedagogical activity of Kochkor Khonazarov, who founded the scientific direction of linguistics in Uzbekistan and directed dozens of students to conduct research on this topic.

There is a saying in our ancient writings: one day, when the Timurid king Hussein Boykaro asked the great Alisher Navoi, "Where do the problems come from?", Alisher Navoi replied, "From your tongue." So language, which is a problem in philosophy, is miraculous. In order for man to realize that he must use weapons only for his own good purposes, the science of philosophy must deal more and more comprehensively with the problem of language.


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