SENSORY-PERCEPTUAL ACTIVITY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE L Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
imagination / perceptual representations / image / perception / understanding / foreign language / mastering

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Lyla M., Chyzhma D.

The article analyzes the sensory-perceptual activity in foreign language learning; the phenomenon of percep-tion and its role in understanding a foreign language expression, which allows realizing the educational goal in the practice of foreign language communication, are substantiated. Taking into account the peculiarities of sensory-perceptual activity by teachers of a foreign language during pedagogical interaction will give an opportunity to increase significantly the efficiency of foreign language teaching.

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UDC 378.147: 81'243


Lyla M.,

Ph.D., Associate Professor Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Chyzhma D. Ph.D., Associate Professor Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav


The article analyzes the sensory-perceptual activity in foreign language learning; the phenomenon of perception and its role in understanding a foreign language expression, which allows realizing the educational goal in the practice of foreign language communication, are substantiated. Taking into account the peculiarities of sensory-perceptual activity by teachers of a foreign language during pedagogical interaction will give an opportunity to increase significantly the efficiency of foreign language teaching.

Keywords: imagination, perceptual representations, image, perception, understanding, foreign language, mastering.

The growing need to learning foreign languages at this stage of Ukrainian society development is associated with a competitive advantage in choosing a profession, as today are highly valued educated, qualified professionals with a high level of communicative competence, who are active participants in a multilingual world and not limited to language barriers. Perceptual learning is the learning to percept the information, the process by which the ability of sensory systems to respond the stimuli is improved through life experience. It occurs through sensory interaction with the environment, as well as through practice in performing specific sensory tasks.

Perceptual activity includes sensory perception and perceptual actions directed at solving certain tasks that constitute the cognitive or practical activities of the subject. Sensory perceptual processes, as the primary forms of the formation of cognition, are the basis of the mental development of a person and regulators of his life.

The starting point for the essence of perceptual activity is the understanding of perception as a source of human knowledge about the world around, as a complex process of structural combination of information about individual qualities of the object and the creation of its holistic image. The concept of "sensory-perceptual activity" encompasses sensory perception and perceptual actions that provide conscious sensory selection of certain properties of the examined objects, followed by the transformation of sensory information into a reflection of reality in the form of an image adequate to the objective world and purpose. This concept is based on scientific research of psychomotor processes that connect the external world of the physical body of a man with his inner world - needs, mental processes and states. Depending on the complexity, it is common to call three levels of the psyche or mental reflection of reality: it is sensory and perception, imagination and the highest - verbal-logical level.

In determining the factors of successful mastering the foreign languages by students, it is necessary to pay attention to the sensory assimilation of information by the subjects of learning using the sensory system of personality: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The sensory system is a reflexively activated, privileged sensation, i.e. a way to obtain information that comes through the visual, auditory, kinesthetic channels. It determines not only the way of obtaining and assimilating the information, but also the individual, personal learning strategy.

Examples of perceptual foreign language learning include the development of the ability to distinguish sounds, intonation, messages in different stylistic variants, to perceive information verbally and to understand it.

Today, most models and programs of foreign language learning are focused on a cognitive development. In the process of acquiring knowledge it is important to assimilate consciously the language material, understand its content, because properly a person understands only what is really assimilated consciously by him, becomes a solid asset, equips for future professional activity. The study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature testifies to the importance of the development of students' perceptual activity in the acquisition of knowledge during the process of foreign language learning.

The aim of the article is to cover the problem of perceptual activity in students' mastery of a foreign language.

Speech activity, according to the results of scientific researches (I. Zimnyaya, V. Zinchenko, E. Kubry-akova, O.O. Leontiev, B. Norman, O. Stern, etc.), as quite complex type of activity, is a process of reflection of the surrounding world which is carried out in special symbolic forms. Knowledge of the external and internal world a person acquires in the course of sensory and logical cognition of a reality through the cognitive men-

tal processes: sensation, perception, thinking, and imagination. The acquisition of knowledge begins with the sensory perception of the word, which leads to the formation of various images that arise in the human mind, conveying the meaning of sensory impressions. Pointing to the connection between language and imagery, L. Vygotsky noted that "the more senses involved in the perception and processing of information, the brighter, clearer and fuller is the image that emerges" [3].

Creation of images is an important process that helps to predict the consequences of future activities, to predict the reaction of others to the own actions or words, to imagine the end result of the activity and a step-by-step action plan.

The concept of "image" has many interpretations due to numerous understandings in various sciences. In psychology, "image" is interpreted as a set of interconnected sensations, which represents in the human mind an object or phenomenon with all its qualities, that are perceived by the senses; the image is a general picture of the world presented in the human mind, as well as a product of the imagination [11].

Image structure is carried out by means of conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. According to the results of scientific researches, it is established that the image does not exist in isolation; it is included in a person's inner vision of the world, in his own psychological space, which has a subjective meaning for each individual.

V. Zinchenko believed that in formation of the image of the object take place the following operations such as a) selection of the object; b) selection of informative content in it, which is adequate to the task; c) acquaintance with the content [1].

However, as it was noted by L. Wecker, auditory, visual or kinetic images of words - in the literal and exact sense of the term - are a special case of images and, accordingly, a special case of mental processes. They correspond to the sensory-perceptual level, not longer objective, but speech perception, which is an integral part of the overall perception [2].

O. Eliseeva points out the need to distinguish the concepts of sensory-objective image and language image [10]. According to the researcher, the sensory image as the initial stage of cognition is the basis for creating a concept, symbol, metaphor and other linguistic categories: it is a structural element of the each of them, while the linguistic image is a complex reflection of the element of reality by a language.

Perception of speech is a process of finding the essence that lies behind the external form of what is said which is closely related to thinking. Figurative thinking accompanies all kinds of human activity, because image and thought are always combined.

Imagination is the basis of figurative and creative thinking, which is based on human sensory experience. The formation of images by the imagination occurs through the analytical-synthetic processing of information perceived in the past and obtained through sensations and perceptions. Imagination is characterized by the ability to create figuratively, reproduce or depict something in the mind, consciousness. The process of

formation the image, object or phenomenon - representation - includes differential, essential and insignificant features, reflecting mainly their external aspects, connections and relationships, which are given to us directly in their sensory cognition.

Imagination is a higher form of human cognition, a generalized image of reality that includes images of memory and images of imagination. In the process of thinking, a person can use the imagination to manipulate the images stored in the memory according to the situation that has arisen. Representations, which at the time of appearance were not given the appropriate verbal form, disappear, and the transformation of experienced feelings and ideas into the form of words gain their own experience.

The problem of images is related to the wider problem of storing and reproducing the information. R. Solso approaches these problems from the standpoint of information theory, by characterizing the hypothesis of double coding, which assumes that there are two coding systems and, accordingly, two ways of presenting information - nonverbal and verbal. These two codes can interact with the predominance of one of them. Verbal code takes effect only after activating the image code [4]. Hence, the linguistic image is a verbal equivalent of the mental image of a particular object, abstraction or phenomenon reflected in consciousness, which is formed on the basis of lexical and semantic features of the language system.

Exploring ways to encode information, J. Bruner concluded that there are three main ways of subjective representation of the world: in the form of actions, visual images and language signs. All three areas of ideas are important for the development of the growing personality and for the adult, because the richness of intelligence is determined by the presence of developed ideas - effective, figurative and symbolic, each of which reflects events in their own special way [8].

Thus, the image is a subjective reflection of objects and phenomena, which is formed through such mental processes as sensation, perception, memory, and thinking. The leading role in the formation of an image is played by the imagination. In the process of forming an image, it can be influenced by various life situations, social and natural environment, experience, etc.

There is a difference between the imagery of language and the imagery of speech. The imagery of language is interpreted by scientists such as V. Vinogra-dov, G. Vinokur, M. Pentyliuk, O. Potebnia, D. Rosenthal, etc. as the ability of linguistic signs to evoke visual-sensory representations of something with the help of linguistic means and to operate with visual-imaginative representations, which arise and undergo transformation in human consciousness. The imagery of speech is seen as the process of mastering linguistic means to convey concepts through a specific verbal image. Characterizing the imagery of speech during the process of learning, I. Fomina came to the conclusion that "verbal images always express more than they directly mean" [8, p. 73]. J. Lakoff and M. Johnson argue that imagery is an inherent for different communication

situations, because it allows "comprehending a certain aspect of one concept in terms of another" [12, p. 31].

The transition from the degree of sensory cognition to logical thinking is characterized, first of all, by the transition from the perception and representation of objects, phenomena, actions, etc. to their reflection in the form of concepts. Thinking works with concepts and assumes the functions of generalization and planning, so it is very important to develop the ability to operate with images - to generalize, compare, transform.

The connection between thinking and speaking is realized through the use of words as a means of accessing information. The word directs mental activity to create an image of a cognitive task. The image is denoted by a word and thus becomes a fact of human consciousness. In addition, as L Laienko notes, it "represents not only the world of things, but also those linguistic classes in which the images of these things are distributed in the linguistic consciousness: the word is a representative of its part of speech, its lexical and semantic category and, finally, those obligatory grammatical meanings that distinguish this part of speech [7].

A necessary component of consciousness is knowledge as a person's understanding of reality, its reflection in the form of conscious sensory and abstract logical images. Knowledge makes it possible to "grasp", to comprehend everything that makes the subject of knowledge. Knowledge determines such properties of consciousness as the ability to predict the course of events through the objective activity, to show a creative activity. According to R. Frumkina, knowledge about the world is formed in the psyche during the process of gaining an experience and is the result of complex cognitive operations. Language serves as a tool for these operations and is a way to capture the acquired knowledge [9].

The process of penetrating into the essence of what is being studied goes through the stages of awareness, comprehension and understanding. The first link in the awareness of educational material is perception, which O. Stepanov characterizes as "a holistic reflection in the human mind of objects and phenomena of the objective reality with their direct impact on the receptor surfaces of the senses [6, p. 376-377].

However, as O. Skrypchenko emphasized, its peculiarities must be taken into account in the educational process. The first feature, according to the scientist, is the activity of the individual who perceives the object. The very influence of the stimulus on the senses does not provide its perception - to obtain a perceptual image also requires counter-activity of the learner. The second feature of perception is the meaningfulness of the image, which occurs on the basis of analysis, comparison and generalization of the object of perception. Hence, the meaningfulness of the text follows from the synthesis of data, their integration into a holistic image. This synthesis is based on the analysis of the content of individual words and sentences and taking into account the context, as well as the general situation depicted in the text. The unity of content and form of the image of perception is its third feature. Each object of perception is characterized by this unity. Thus, the perception of

the text of statement involves the allocation of lexical and grammatical form and its semantic content. Perception of lexical, grammatical and phonetic language forms facilitates its understanding. The fourth feature of perception is related to the phenomenon of apperceptions, i.e. the dependence of the content of perception on the past experience of the individual, his interests, attitudes, age and individual characteristics [13].

Thoughts and the content of what is perceived by a person are formed in speech, therefore, the organization of concentration and perception in the learning process, which formalizes the data obtained in oral or written speech, provides a clearer understanding of the educational material. At the immediate speech registration of the already perceived the attention and supervision which becomes more conscious and raises quality of perception and mastering of knowledge become more active.

To understand, for example, the essence of a new word, there is a problem to enrich the idea with a specific meaning. Enrichment with the specific content of the first ideas is based on life experience. It requires the formation of new associations. Based on the general features, the student establishes a connection between the previously formed first ideas about an object or phenomenon. Establishing such a connection is the formation of a new association. The formation of this association is associated with the selection of content through the analysis and comparison with previously known, conscious. To consolidate this formed association, it is aimed at transferring the meaning of the word in the situation of its use. This is the process of forming a new association, which is a step towards enriching the specific meaning of the first idea of the word. Hence, one realizes only those aspects of one's own mental life that have acquired their form in the word [14].

Understanding of the phenomena which are being studied involves, first of all, the disclosure of their internal patterns. The main methods of such work are analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, comparison and generalization, modeling, classification, etc.

In the process of awareness of a foreign word concept, the correspondence of the content and its understanding in the native language is clarified. Studies have shown that often at first glance similar concepts of different languages do not coincide in scope. Therefore, in the process of transmitting an opinion, which can be expressed by the word of the native language, judgments or a system of judgments of a foreign language are often used.

In modern psychology, it is believed that mental processes are closely interconnected: there is no imagination without memory. Information understanding helps to memorize it. Attention is included in cognitive processes, increases their efficiency: feelings become more expressive, perceptions more accurate, memory and thinking more improved. Thinking and speaking are closely related. The concept exists through the word. Speech design of the thought centers it and clarifies. Thinking and speaking affect the flow of sensations, perception, memory and other processes.

Mastering knowledge requires the formation in students of the necessary actions, in particular, mental and linguistic, which are necessary for understanding the material, understanding its content, establishing internal connections and causes of dependence in cognitive objects. The main methods of forming an action for image recognition include: analogy, comparison, generalization, and concretization.

The most productive method of forming an action for image recognition is an analogy. This method is based on the properties of the brain to establish associative connections between words, concepts, feelings, thoughts, etc. and is characterized by the establishment of similarity between two objects on some grounds, and if one of them has an additional feature, a conclusion is made about similarity on other grounds. Analogies to some extent make the unknown familiar. The conclusion by analogy is subject to further substantiation. As a method of learning, analogy can be used at the stage of introducing a new concept and predicting its properties.

At the same time, a prerequisite for analogy is a comparison that allows correlating between the unknown with the known, establishing the similarity or difference of different objects on certain grounds, explaining the new through existing familiar concepts and categories.

The mental analysis of the objects we know inevitably turns into abstraction, that is, the mental separation of some features and properties from their other features and from the very objects to which they are inherent. We separate the essential features from the insignificant ones, the necessary ones from the accidental ones, the general ones from the singular ones, the quantitative relations of things from their qualitative features. Prepared by preliminary analysis and abstraction of the essential features and properties of objects, it becomes a conceptual generalization. This generalization is carried out with the help of the word. The word is used to evoke the images of ideas, by means of the word they are recognized, identified, compared with the generalized image of the objects of this class. The meaning of a word in the individual speech can acquire additional meaning, which is determined by a person's life experience. These are the personal thoughts, images, associations, emotions that a given word evokes in a particular person.

Individual thinking often works with words that absorb the meaning of whole statements, i.e. with a kind of "concentrated clusters of meanings." It is this feature of thinking that Albert Einstein portrayed: "Words, or language, as they are pronounced or written, play no role in my thinking mechanism. Mental realities that serve as elements of thinking are some signs or more or less clear images that can be reproduced and combined at will. Of course, there is some connection between the elements and the corresponding logical concepts... Ordinary and commonly used words are difficult to select only at the next stage. " [31, p. 22].

Describing the process of foreign language speech perception, foreign scholars (Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, William J. Starosta, William B. Goodykunst, Fred E. Jandt and others), analyzed the

cultural impact on the perception of a foreign language. According to them, the subjective nature of perceptual frameworks arising from culture usually leads to partial perception and inaccuracy. Iris Warner and Linda Beamer, discussing perception and communication in their book "Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace", argue that communication is the perception and assignment of verbal and nonverbal behavior. They (2006, p. 28) believe that "when the receiver of signals perceives these signals, decides to pay attention to them as significant, classifies them into categories in his mind or, finally, gives them meaning, there is communication." Their discussion gives us an idea of the close relationship between perception and communication.

J. Wren (2004) notes that during communication it is easy to find differences in perception, which are determined by cultural factors. We can see that different people perceive the outside world differently and interpret the same perceived reality differently. Because the meaning of words is largely determined by our cultural perception, that is, people from different cultures interpret the same word differently; a good understanding of the relationship between language and perception plays a key role in learning foreign languages. Thus, communicators must have not only language skills, but also the competence to perceive culture.

Language acquisition is a necessary prerequisite for the successful implementation of understanding processes and their development. Poverty of language vocabulary, small stock of synonyms, other linguistic means affect the ability to translate the text in their own words, using translation as a means to improve its understanding. Enrichment of experience with the development of mental actions carried out with the help of language is gradually transitioning from visual-action, figurative to abstract thinking, from elementary verbal-logical, reasoning to complex, detailed, discursive thinking, which is inherent to student age and due to depth, originality, stability, awareness, independence, critical thinking.

Therefore, in order to master the indirect knowledge of the objective reality, we must correctly reflect the essence in our concepts. In order to become a means of understanding, the language must be mastered, and, first of all, the meaning of words should be understood. Perceptual representations play a large role in foreign language mastery. The better perception of the new educational material will be, the more effective will be its further reproduction.


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Biletskaya M.,

associate Professor, candidate of medical science, a psychotherapist, assistant professor of psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy SPbGPMU, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

Russia, Saint-Petersburg Dudakova M.

Clinical psychologist, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

Russia, Saint-Petersburg


Билецкая М. П.

доцент, канд. мед. наук, врач-психотерапевт, доцент кафедры психосоматики и психотерапии СПбГПМУ, государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Дудакова М.А.

Клинический психолог, государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации


Atopic dermatitis is a hereditary skin disease of recurrent, chronic course, characterized by eczematous eruptions and age features of localization of inflammation. The disease, of course, leaves an imprint on the personal characteristics of such patients, and also contributes to difficulties in social interaction and, as a result, forms a specific defensive-coping behavior in such patients. In the article by M.P. Biletskaya and M.A. Dudakova presents the results of a study of interrelation of the emotional and personal characteristics and defensive-coping behaviour in men with lichenoid form of atopic dermatitis: prevailing depressive mood, passivity, withdrawal, self-doubt are interconnected with non-adaptive strategies of defensive-coping behavior. The results obtained make it possible to single out the direction of psychotherapeutic work and develop recommendations for this contingent of patients.


Атопический дерматит - наследственное заболевание кожи рецидивирующего, хронического течения, характеризующееся экзематозными высыпаниями и возрастными особенностями локализации воспаления. Заболевание, безусловно, накладывает отпечаток на личностные особенности таких пациентов, а также способствует трудностям в социальном взаимодействии и, как следствие, формирует у таких больных специфическое защитно-совладающее поведение. В статье М.П. Билецкой и М.А. Дудаковой приве-

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