LINGUOCULTUROLOGICAL ASPECT OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND THINKING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
thinking / linguistics / feelings / inner speech / language / culture.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Feruza Alimzhanovna Mamadalieva

Language is the path of civilization and culture. Culture manifests itself primarily in language. The course of human thought in the analysis of the world and its assessment are characteristic of only one language. The most important and complex issues of the relationship between language and thinking are one of the central problems of general linguistics. Just as man himself arose as a result of labor, so language arose as a result of human thinking. Language and thinking are inextricably linked, without speech it is impossible to express thought and without thinking language cannot form speech.

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Feruza Alimzhanovna Mamadalieva

Lectureratthe Tashkent State University of Economics m.feruza_71 @mail .ru


Language is the path of civilization and culture. Culture manifests itself primarily in language. The course of human thought in the analysis of the world and its assessment are characteristic of only one language. The most important and complex issues of the relationship between language and thinking are one of the central problems of general linguistics. Just as man himself arose as a result of labor, so language arose as a result of human thinking. Language and thinking are inextricably linked, without speech it is impossible to express thought and without thinking language cannot form speech.

Keywords: thinking, linguistics, feelings, inner speech, language, culture.


Currently, the teacher of higher educational institutions faces important tasks, one of which is: to educate a full-fledged personality, to develop language and thinking, to form a system of certain values in the worldview of students. As you know, linguoculturology studies the national and cultural features of language units in the fullness of their content and shades of meaning. Each person belongs to a particular national culture, including national traditions, language, history, and literature [1-5].


"Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Culture manifests itself, first of all, in language. The course of human thought in the analysis of the world and its evaluation are peculiar to only one language. Sociologists, historians, and linguists undoubtedly claim that a person belongs to the nation in whose language he speaks and thinks. Language is a means of communication between people, a product of human society [6-9]. It is impossible to imagine the development of society without language and the development of language without society. It is not only a means of communication between people, but also between nations.

This article serves to a certain extent to fulfill the tasks defined in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan" On measures to further improve the quality of foreign language teaching in educational institutions "of August 8, 2017, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan UP-4947" On the strategy of

actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan " of February 7, 2017, as well as in other regulatory documents adopted in this area [10-14].

In recent years, a large number of scientific studies devoted to the study of linguoculturology have appeared in Uzbekistan. Safarov, D. Ashurova, U. Yusupov, G. Bakieva, A. Mamatov, J. Yakubov, D. Khudoiberganova, D. Dzhumanova, S. Akbarova, N. Isamukhammedova, etc.). Linguoculturology is a young science that appeared at the intersection of such sciences as linguistics and cultural studies. Today, many studies are being conducted that show the cultures of peoples expressed in the language of the speakers of a particular language group. The native language is the soul of the nation, it is a symbol of the state, of property [15-18].

As in all languages, the lexical structure of the Russian language contains phrases that are used in speech with different meanings of meaning. "Language is the organ that forms thought" by Wilhelm von Humboldt. The most important and complex issues of the relationship between language and thinking are one of the central problems of general linguistics. Just as man himself arose as a result of labor, so language arose as a result of human thinking. At a certain stage in the development of mankind, more precisely, during the primitive social system, people wanted to express their thoughts and feelings to each other in the process of work, and this led to the appearance of the first simple language. Since language and society are events that influence and contribute to each other's development, it is natural that changes in society are quickly reflected in language [19-21]. According to Humboldt, "thinking is not based on language as a whole, but is to a certain extent conditioned by each individual language." V. von Humboldt was the first to draw attention to the national structure of language and thinking. von Humboldt considers language an "intermediate world" of thought and reality therapy, and also believes that language includes a separate national worldview.


Language and thinking are inextricably linked; without speech, thought cannot be expressed, and without thinking, language cannot form speech. Through language, human thinking is enriched. The language serves the whole people. The difference between the national language and the spoken language lies in the existence of a form of literary writing [23-25].

One of the central problems of general linguistics and linguocultureligion is a very important and complex issue - the relationship between language and thinking. Language is not only "sound" words, but also the allocation of certain structural connections between its elements, certain forms, clear schemes of speech construction, certain types of worlds of concepts. As you know, a person, a person, creates culture. It is in the personality that the social nature of a person comes to the fore, and the person himself appears as a result as a subject of socio-cultural life. The attitude of a person to

the world is largely determined by the semantic component of culture. The cultural heritage of each nation is reflected in the literary language.

"Language is the history of the people...", wrote A. I. Kuprin. All linguistics is permeated with cultural and historical content, because its subject is language, which is the condition, basis and product of culture.

Very interesting information about the difference between the forms of verbal and linguistic thinking attracts the attention of the Russian psychologist-L. S. Vygotsky. Vygotsky based his research on inner speech, that is, on internal speech. Language forms of thinking, "speech for oneself, not for others", based on experimental material and extensive use of available literature on the subject, which makes his conclusions particularly convincing. The merits of his work, as well as his careful and careful approach to the facts obtained, indicate that he recalled Tolstoy's words that " the relation of word to thought and the formation of new concepts ... "it is a complex, mysterious and tender process of the soul." Based on the idea that "thought is not expressed in words, but is expressed in words", Vygotsky, as a result of his observations, concludes that "inner speech in clear speech is silent". This conclusion is determined by the functions and forms of internal speech. "Inner speech," he writes, " is the more formalized and permanent extreme pole of speech that we study: between word and thought. Therefore, it is possible to determine its true meaning and place only when we take another step in the analysis and are able to form for ourselves at least the most general idea of the further and strict plan of speech thinking. The units of thought and speech are not the same. Both processes exhibit unity, but not identity. They connect to each other through complex transitions, complex transformations, but they do not overlap each other like sinuous straight lines."

The nature of inner speech does not mean that thinking is carried out in a non-linguistic form. Language creates the basis for thinking in the form of internal speech of other parties, we meet in the thinking of the deaf-mutes: structural connections and types of division of our elements, forms, patterns of the structure of speech. All these aspects of the language, of course, leave their mark on the forms of internal speech of a person who speaks a particular language. This means that internal speech does not have a universal property that is independent of the structural features of certain languages, but, on the contrary, directly depends on the latter.


Internal speech is a special form of speech activity, which is actively studied mainly in psychology and literary studies. Like the inner monologues of the main character in a work of art, the inner monologues of a person are the richest material for psychologists, as well as the inner monologues that help students understand the character of the character.

External speech is the speech of the ego, directed at the interlocutor or listener, formed in sounds or graphically. One form of speech activity can pass into another. What is the formation of internal speech? A whole generation of researchers is interested in this question. According to Vygotsky, inner speech is a change in the way a word thinks, because appearance is the opposite process. According to the scientist, there is a connection between such phenomena as internal speech and egocentric speech.

Language and thinking are closely interrelated and closely related social phenomena. With the help of language, we express our thoughts in a form that is known and accessible to everyone. This is facilitated by conceptual stereotypes that impose restrictions on the use of words and thus keep the language within certain limits. It is unlikely that human speech can exist without language. Thinking and language are not the same thing. Contemplation is a generalized reflection of the external world in the human brain, expressed in language. And language is a way to express an idea, a means of recording it and transmitting it to other people and generations. In other words, language is an existential form of thinking.


Language is not an abstract thing and it cannot exist by itself. Initially, it lives in the mouths of people in spoken, and then in written form, continues its life. Each word represents a specific thing or concept in life. This means that the more vocabulary a person has, the more profoundly a person knows the language, the richer his inner, spiritual world will be. Language as a form of national culture perpetuates the fruits and spiritual riches of thought in time and space. They always demand each other, help each other to live and develop. Thinking is unique to humans. It is associated with the work and speech activity of a person. Human thinking arises through speech, and its results are recorded in language. This means that the result of the thinking process is always an idea that is expressed through language in the form of concepts, judgments, conclusions, language implements the idea, allows people to exchange ideas. We are well aware that linguoculturology studies language as a cultural phenomenon and is a subject that connects language and culture. Linguocultures include words, phraseological units, phrases, sentences, parems, complex syntactic units, texts, etc. d., which reflect a part of the culture. While cultural studies study the nature of human self-consciousness in nature, society, art, history, and other spheres of social and cultural life, Linguistics studies the worldview reflected in language as mental models of the linguistic picture of the world. The main subject of linguoculturology research is both language and culture, which are in a state of constant interaction.


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