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The Scientific Heritage
Ключевые слова
tractor / tractor driver / workplace / video terminal / sanitary requirements / hygienic assessment.

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Shirokov Yu., Tikhnenko V., Ivakina E., Imamzade A.

The article is devoted to changing and clarifying the requirements for the organization of workplaces and the labor process of drivers driving a modern computerized tractor. It is shown that with the introduction of computer and satellite systems for controlling the tractor and its engine, dispatching operations performed in the field in online mode using global satellite and local monitoring and control systems, a new approach to the organization of the workplace and the process of work and rest of the tractor driver is also required. The analysis of possible problems with the provision of conditions for the preservation of the health and efficiency of the tractor driver during computerization of control, and the use of video terminals.

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Shirokov Yu.,

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Tikhnenko V.,

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ivakina E.,

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Imamzade A.

Russian state agrarian University-Moscow agricultural Academy.

senior lecturer


The article is devoted to changing and clarifying the requirements for the organization of workplaces and the labor process of drivers driving a modern computerized tractor. It is shown that with the introduction of computer and satellite systems for controlling the tractor and its engine, dispatching operations performed in the field in online mode using global satellite and local monitoring and control systems, a new approach to the organization of the workplace and the process of work and rest of the tractor driver is also required. The analysis of possible problems with the provision of conditions for the preservation of the health and efficiency of the tractor driver during computerization of control, and the use of video terminals.

Keywords: tractor, tractor driver, workplace, video terminal, sanitary requirements, hygienic assessment.

Introduction. The digital transformation of agriculture, the introduction of computer control systems for the tractor and its engine, machine-tractor units and combines, dispatching operations performed in the field online with the use of global satellite and local systems (unmanned aerial vehicles), the use of satellite driving systems, monitoring and control systems require a new approach to the organization of the workplace and the process of work and rest of the tractor driver.

According to the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor Protection, the structure of occupational morbidity in the agricultural sector is formed mainly by workers of two professions - tractor drivers-agricultural machinists (48.8%) and machine milking operators (31.3%). At the same time, it should be noted that the frequency of primary disability of tractor drivers (farmers) of agricultural production is 1.7 times higher than in the industry as a whole [5,9,10].

In the process of conducting a special assessment of workplaces by working conditions, it was found that agricultural tractor drivers are exposed to a complex of unfavorable production factors, such as unfavorable microclimatic conditions, dustiness of the air, increased noise and vibration levels, contact with fuels and lubricants, high physical exertion, irrational work and rest regime and nervous and emotional stress. Each of these factors individually or in combination has a harmful effect on the body of the tractor driver and, as a result, on his health [4,5,8,10].

The purpose of the research is to identify possible changes in the working conditions of the tractor driver during the computerization of workplaces and to develop proposals for changing the requirements for sanitary rules for the device of tractors and agricultural machines.

Materials and methods. With a special assessment of workplaces according to the working conditions of the tractor driver, the highest class of harmfulness is noted according to the indicators "labor intensity" from the group "emotional loads". This is due to the fact that the drivers of an agricultural tractor are responsible for the functional quality of the main work, which affects the efficiency of the agricultural business (for example, the deepening of seeds when sowing 1 cm deeper than optimal reduces the yield by almost 10%.), In addition, during the work there is a risk to the tractor driver's own life, and there is also a share of responsibility for the safety of other people. .

However, even without additional psycho-emotional stress, working conditions on agricultural machinery are assessed as stressful by the factor of perception of signals (information), since they require the perception of signals followed by a comprehensive assessment of all production parameters (information) characterizing not only actions to control machinery as a vehicle, but also actions to maintain the specified parameters of the technological process [11,12].

Therefore, when conducting a special assessment of working conditions at the workplace of a tractor driver, it is necessary to assess the nature of the work performed on agricultural machinery as harmful labor of class 3.1 - work in time-deficit conditions, since sowing and harvesting take place in a short time [3],

When assessing sensory loads, it should be taken into account that labor activity when working on agricultural machinery is characterized by significant concentration and switching of attention and load on the analyzer functions. The levels of such indicators of the intensity of sensory loads as the duration of concentrated observation, the density of signals, the number of production facilities for simultaneous observation may

vary depending on the type of work performed and the brand of equipment.

In the process of working on mobile agricultural machinery, tractor drivers experience a load on the hearing aid when it is necessary to perceive signals and sound information about the operation of machinery and the course of the technological process. Increased noise levels in the cabins are a hindrance to their perception, which increases the intensity of work.

Based on the assessment of workplaces by working conditions [3,4,6], it can be concluded that the working conditions of a tractor driver on traditional machines are harmful in terms of severity and intensity of the labor process (Class 3). Among the most significant parameters for assessing the work of a tractor driver as harmful Class 3 of the 2nd degree, the degree of risk to one's own life and the degree of responsibility for the safety of other persons should be noted (Table 1)

Table 1

A sample from the protocols of a special assessment of workplaces according to the working conditions of a

tractor driver [4]

Indicators of the severity of the labor The actual value of the indicator Class of working



4.1 Intelligent loads 4.1.1 Content of the work

Solving simple tasks according to the instructions 2nd class Perception of signals with subsequent correction of ac-2nd class tions and operations.

4.1.2 Perception of signals (information)Processing, execution of the task and its verification 2nd class and their evaluation

4.1.3 Distribution of functions accordingWork according to the established schedule with the2nd class to the degree of complexity of the task possibility of its correction in the course of activity

4.1.4 Nature

of the work performed 75 3.2 class

4.2 Sensory loads 102 2nd class

4.2.1 Duration of concentrated observation (in % of shift time)

4.2.2 The density of signals (light, sound)Is responsible for the functional quality of auxiliary3.1 class and messages on average for 1 hour of op-work (tasks). Entails additional efforts on the part of eration higher management

When switching to computerized equipment, the nature of work and the type of loads change. Most of the listed harmfulness and danger factors (noise, vibration, dustiness, gas contamination, microclimate parameters) are sharply reduced to acceptable levels when using tractors and combines with sealed cabins and air conditioning systems. The presence of on-board computers greatly facilitates the operator functions of the tractor driver. This is due to the continuous monitoring of critical parameters of the main (the most complicated and expensive) units and units with the display out of range and automatic emergency stop (including security);

continuous monitoring of parameters (States), which is the optimum range (the transition to the invalid state) significantly reduces the resource of basic units and units (for example, a clogged filter elements) with indication of the need to change the modes or of the extraordinary service;

accounting of the tractor's operating time from the moment of the last maintenance with an indication of the value of the permissible operating time until the next planned maintenance (for a given maintenance periodicity) [3].

And the use of autopilots (satellite driving systems) removes the load from the tractor driver to maintain an ideal route, so that other phases of work can be performed even more efficiently. But it must be borne

in mind that with the introduction of satellite driving, the monotony of the production environment increases, the monotony of stimuli and a small number of elements (techniques) for switching controls and maintaining the course of the technological process. A great contribution to the load of the visual organs and the feeling of monotony is also made by the blades of the harvesting machinery spinning in front of the eyes for many hours, continuously "running" monotonous types of stubble, plowed soil or masses of grain ears.

On the other hand, the nature of the tractor driver's work in comfortable conditions with the use of satellite driving and computerization of the control processes of a machine-tractor or harvesting unit approaches the nature of the work of non-production workers, whose work is characterized by a long monotonous tense position, low motor activity with significant visual loads when working in video terminals. But if an employee deals only with a computer in the office and at the same time, in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, must work no more than 6 hours a day with regular breaks for 15 minutes every 45 minutes, then the tractor driver, simultaneously with monitoring the video terminal (or, already often, two or three), must visually monitor the condition of the field, plants, perform manipulations with a set of levers or joysticks and the steering wheel when turning the unit and bringing it to a new position (Fig.1).

Fig. 1. Workplace of an agricultural tractor driver

Moreover, the working day of the tractor driver significantly exceeds the standard 8 hours and reaches 12-14 hours without days off during peak periods (sowing, harvesting), i.e. there is no way to restore accumulated fatigue, attention, efficiency: it is impossible to allow breaks for intra-shift rest due to the threat of soil moisture loss during sowing or grain shedding during harvesting. Not only is the working day of a tractor driver (farmer) significantly increased, but it also has a

very high density: according to the results of time-lapse studies - up to 95% [8,9,12].

As a result, when switching to modern technology, new types of risks arise due to the combination of the traditional tension of the tractor driver with the tension of the dispatcher and the operator of a personal computer.

The working conditions behind the video terminal are the opposite of those that are familiar to the eyes of a tractor driver. (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Glare and reflections on monitors in the process of changing the position of the tractor relative to the Sun

In a traditional tractor, the driver perceives mainly reflected light, and the objects of observation are continuously in the field of view for at least a few seconds. When working behind the tractor driver's video terminal, one has to deal with self-luminous objects and a discrete (flickering with high frequency) image (Fig.2), which increases the load on the eyes. If we add to this

such common factors as a sharp contrast between the background and symbols, an unusual shape of symbols, a different direction of gaze than when reading a book, glare and reflections on the screen that change with each turn of the tractor, it becomes clear why almost every user is familiar with unpleasant sensations.

Intense visual work causes visual disturbances "ocular" (pain, heartburn and pain in the eyes, redness of the eyelids and eyes, aching in the brow, etc.) and "visual" (shroud in front of the eyes, double vision, flickering, fatigue during visual work), which can cause headache, increased neuropsychiatry tension, decreased performance [1,2].

Results and discussion. In the Rules on Labor Protection in Agriculture, it is noted that when carrying out work related to the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on workers, the employer is obliged to take measures to exclude them or reduce them to the permissible level of exposure established by the requirements of labor protection.

But the technical level of modern video terminals does not allow to completely exclude the impact of the above factors. These effects on the organs of vision of tractor drivers must be minimized by regulating a number of parameters.

The guidelines "Hygienic assessment of tractors and agricultural machines" also do not take into account the introduction of monitors into the control system of machine-tractor units, displaying many types of information that should be available and instantly perceived for timely adoption and implementation of a decision on the management of a machine-tractor unit. Along with these, the practice of combining machine -tractor units appears. with unmanned aerial vehicles. Moreover, in the near future, part of the field technological operations, such as sowing, fertilization and plant protection products, etc. they will perform unmanned aerial vehicles, which will require the creation of new or additions to existing standards and sanitary rules for the protection and safety of both tractor drivers and operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (and possibly a combination of these professions).

It does not take into account the presence of video terminals in the tractor cab and a new document in force since 2017: "The system of occupational safety standards. Cabins and workplaces of operators of tractors and self-propelled agricultural machines. General safety requirements". The standard applies to cabins and workplaces of tractor drivers, self-propelled agricultural machines, universal energy vehicles (hereinafter referred to as machines) and establishes safety requirements for the design of cabins and their equipment, sanitary and hygienic and ergonomic requirements for the workplaces of tractor drivers.

In our opinion, the documents regulating the requirements for the workplace of a tractor driver should specify the main parameters of the image on the video terminal screen: brightness, contrast, size and shape of

signs, screen reflectivity, presence or absence of flickering. In addition, standards characterizing the shape and dimensions of the working field of the screen, geometric properties of signs, etc. should be included.

In addition to the above, it should be borne in mind that when automating the control of machine-tractor units and taking control parameters to video terminals, the need for additional movements of the tractor driver to monitor the condition of aggregates, soil, crops, etc. is reduced. Therefore, it is possible to predict the appearance of new types of occupational diseases in tractor drivers, similar to those that are already detected in the above-listed non-production workers [1].

So, the working position of the driver of an agricultural tractor "sitting" is accompanied by a static load of a significant number of muscles of the legs, shoulders, neck and arms, which is very tiring. The muscles are in a reduced state for a long time and do not relax, which worsens blood circulation.

As a result, there are painful sensations in the arms, neck, upper legs, back and shoulder joints. In addition, working "sitting" leads to a decrease in muscle activity - inactivity. In the absence of movement, there is a decrease in oxygen consumption by the tissues of the body, the metabolism slows down. This contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, obesity, can cause myocardial dystrophy, chronic headache, dizziness, insomnia. And this is the risk of an increase in errors and accidents [13,14].

Quite often, tractor drivers began to have a cold from the air conditioner. This is due to the fact that the driver of an agricultural tractor has to leave the cabin, in which the temperature is 18-20 degrees and go out into the field to adjust, clean working organs, refuel sprayers, etc.

When the tractor driver returns to the cabin, a sharp hypothermia of the body occurs with subsequent illness. The course of such a cold is very similar to the usual viral colds, but it also has its own characteristics.

The cause of this disease is also air conditioners, in which water condensate constantly accumulates in a mixture with organic dust, which is quite a lot in the field, and legionella bacteria can develop in it. The way out is to monitor the regular cleaning of air conditioning ducts, timely replacement of filters, the use of carbon and bactericidal filters [5].

In the design of the tractor cab air conditioning, it is necessary to introduce a forced temperature restriction in the range of 22-24 Co, which will simultaneously reduce the fatigue of the tractor driver and increase his productivity (Fig.3).

Fig. 3. The influence of temperature in the workplace on the change in labor productivity due to fatigue


In addition, satellite driving systems that have already become familiar allow you to work at night, which stimulates the desire of employers to maximize the use of equipment and reduce peak work periods due to this, in order to have time to retain moisture during spring sowing, prevent grain shedding during harvest and meet the optimal time for sowing winter crops.

But at the same time, threats to the tractor driver are increasing due to the failure of personal biorhythms, which also leads to increased fatigue, decreased attention and memory impairment.


In connection with the above, it is necessary:

1. Provide requirements for the parameters of monitors and their placement in the working area of the driver of an agricultural tractor. At the same time, take into account that working with the monitor can occur

both in sunny weather, and with varying light levels depending on the direction of movement of the tractor, and at night. The problem can be solved by sound (speech) accompaniment of critical information.

The reflectivity of the screen should not exceed 1%. To reduce the amount of glare and facilitate concentration of attention, the monitor body should have a matte monochrome surface (light gray, light beige tones) with a reflection coefficient of 0.4-0.6 without shiny details and with a minimum number of controls and inscriptions on the front side [8].

The main normalized visual characteristics of monitors and the corresponding permissible values of these characteristics are presented in Table 2 [12]. But these parameters need to be clarified in connection with the above features of the tractor driver's work.

Table 2

Some normalized visual parameters of video terminals

Parameters Acceptable values

The brightness of the sign or background (measured in the dark) are 35-120 cd/m2

Contrast From 3:1 to 1.5:1

Temporary instability of the image (flickering) More than 90% of observers 16-60 should not be recorded

Angular size of the sign

The ratio of the width of the sign to the height 0.5-1.0

Screen reflectivity (glare) not more than 1%

It is also important to provide for the location of the monitor in the tractor cab directly in front of the eyes. The highest point of the screen should be just below eye level.

2. The labor protection services of agricultural enterprises using fundamentally new mechanization systems, computer and satellite technologies in field farming need to take into account changes in the types of hazards and hazards of the tractor driver.

When conducting a special assessment of workplaces, it is necessary to take into account the presence of new factors of the labor process. Moreover, working

conditions in tractors with monitors, tractors with satellite driving systems and in the same models without these systems cannot be considered as similar and should be considered as independent objects.

Measures to prevent fatigue should be developed and implemented, aimed at removing fatigue in time, preventing deep stages of fatigue and overwork of tractor drivers, accelerating the restoration of attention, strength and efficiency [14].

Moreover, it is necessary to take into account peak loads during the preparation of sowing and sowing. har-

vesting, which makes it practically impossible to adhere to the standard working day in certain periods of the year.

This means that it is during these periods that labor protection services, field managers should be especially active and monitor compliance by tractor drivers with hygienic requirements that reduce fatigue and overwork.

To prevent fatigue of tractor drivers, it is necessary to develop and apply specific methods, which include means of restoring the functional state of the visual and musculoskeletal system, reducing inactivity, as well as a set of exercises for the eyes, hands and spine to improve cerebral circulation.


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