Научная статья на тему 'Анализ содержательного аспекта образовательной технологии парного самопроектирования'

Анализ содержательного аспекта образовательной технологии парного самопроектирования Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
образовательная технология / самопроектирование в паре / задачи / функции технологии / дидактическая структура учебного материала / educational technology / paired self-modeling / objectives / technology features / training structure of educational material

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Кошевая Наталья Сергеевна

Образовательная технология – это монолитный комплекс педагогической деятельности, одним из ведущих компонентов которой является содержание. В настоящей статье мы представляем содержательный аспект образовательной технологии – технологии самопроектирования в паре. В представленной технологии студенты, выступая равноправными партнерами, совместно проектируют траекторию образовательной деятельности, создавая собственные прогнозируемые X-образы будущих специалистов, ориентируясь при этом на проектную линию своего партнера, максимально приближая формирование собственных образов к образу «специалист-универсал ». Цель статьи – познакомить научное сообщество с содержательным аспектом представленного технологического процесса. Содержание статьи может быть полезно тем педагогам, которые в своей деятельности применяют инновационные формы образования, поскольку представленная технология, также может найти свое применение в практике подготовки студентов различных специальностей.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — Кошевая Наталья Сергеевна

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Educational technology constitutes a monolithic complex of pedagogical activity, and content is one of its leading components. This paper aims to present the substantive aspect of educational technology, the one of paired self-modeling. The presented technology means, that students, acting as equal partners, jointly model the path of educational activity, creating independent projected X-images of prospective specialists, guided by the partner’s design line, bringing the formation of their own images as close as possible to a “ universal specialist”. The purpose of the article is to introduce the scientific community to the substantive aspect of the presented technological process. The content of the article might be helpful to the teachers who use innovative educational approaches in their activities, since the presented technology is also possible for the practice of training students of various specialties.

Текст научной работы на тему «Анализ содержательного аспекта образовательной технологии парного самопроектирования»

Анализ содержательного аспекта образовательной технологии парного самопроектирования

Кошевая Наталья Сергеевна,

старший преподаватель кафедры «Математика и информационные технологии», Российский университет дружбы народов E-mail: natysik-1969@mail.ru

Образовательная технология - это монолитный комплекс педагогической деятельности, одним из ведущих компонентов которой является содержание. В настоящей статье мы представляем содержательный аспект образовательной технологии - технологии самопроектирования в паре. В представленной технологии студенты, выступая равноправными партнерами, совместно проектируют траекторию образовательной деятельности, создавая собственные прогнозируемые X-образы будущих специалистов, ориентируясь при этом на проектную линию своего партнера, максимально приближая формирование собственных образов к образу «специалист-универсал».

Цель статьи - познакомить научное сообщество с содержательным аспектом представленного технологического процесса.

Содержание статьи может быть полезно тем педагогам, которые в своей деятельности применяют инновационные формы образования, поскольку представленная технология, также может найти свое применение в практике подготовки студентов различных специальностей.

Ключевые слова: образовательная технология, самопроектирование в паре, задачи, функции технологии, дидактическая структура учебного материала.

Introductory paragraph

Joint paired self-modeling is the optimal form of cooperation, in which the partners project their own images of prospective professionals, focusing on the image of a "universal specialist", jointly modeling and changing the subject-spatial environment with personal motivational elements.

The essence of the technology is that the pair shall define certain educational paths for the formation of the "X-image" of a prospective specialist.

The goal of the technology is to bring the "X-image" of each partner in the pair as close as possible to the image of a "universal specialist" through interdependent activities aimed at clearing the barriers at all stages of the professional training process.

The main indicator of paired self-modeling is partner-oriented, collaborating form of organization of activities among the participants in the process.

The technology presumes that the leading position in professional training belongs to paired projected work; therefore, the effectiveness of this activity depends on the substantive aspect of the technology, including the tasks, features and training structure of the educational material of the technology.

Main points

The task of educational technology, from scientific prospective is to identify training patterns in order to determine and use them in practice to ensure the most effective pedagogical process.

The global task of the technology under consideration is to develop the students' capability for paired self-modeling activity.

The pair designs educational paths through various types of learning activity and their integrations, therefore, there is a predetermined set of specific tasks that can be associated with the formation of skills and abilities in interdependent research, interdependent analytics of professional training and interdependent reflection, as the case may be.

For a better understanding of the content and essence of the technology, it is necessary to give consideration to its features.

The main general features of the technology include such functions as prognostic, motivational, organizational, regulatory, coordination-reflexive and analytical.

The prognostic function involves putting forward general and local goals (objectives) and predicting the course of the pair's joint activity for a fixed period.

The motivational function of the technology directs the activity of the partners in such a way as to bring the

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projected specialist's image as close as possible to the image of a universal specialist by each student.

The organizational function reflects the use of special forms and tools in pair's interaction at certain stages of joint activity, so that each participant of the tandem achieves the general goal through local goals and objectives.

Regulatory function. The essence of the function is to regulate joint self-modeling activities to clear the barriers in the process of professional training and to eliminate deviations from the set goals.

The coordination and reflexive function is a self-analysis of the coordinated activity of the pair and the determination of the mobilizing function aimed at studying, evaluating the activity of the tandem and establishing paths for their adjustment.

The analytical function is aimed at the systematic analysis and interpretation of data on joint self-modeling in order to establish patterns of successful elimination of barriers in professional training and improvement of the process of paired self-modeling.

The entirety of the substantive aspect of the technology is determined by the training structure and content of the educational material.

The training structure of the educational material is a consistent and step-by-step vector of its review and application.

The element of the structure represents a stage-wise presentation of the material, which determines the connection with the presentation of the material at the next stage of the technology.

The stages of implementation of the technology (primary, basic, final) and the content of the educational material at each stage are as follows.

The primary stage opens a special course "Basics of Paired Self-Modeling Activity". The course is tailored for 36 hours, of which 16 hours are allocated to the theoretical part and 20 to the experiential part.

The content of the special course is determined by the approximate work program of the developed special course, methodological manuals, its theoretical and practical parts, methodology guidelines and recommendations for students and teachers.

The approximate work program presents the goals, objectives and content of the special course, as well as sections and types of classes.

The special course covers three following sections.

1) Professional competence (PC) of the prospective specialist.

2) Paired self-modeling as a predictive technology.

3) Formation of PC through educational technology.

The approximate work program is aimed at forming components of professional competence of the prospective specialist through the educational technology of paired self-modeling.

The methodological guidelines and recommendations consider the main issues on the organization and implementation of the educational process by students and teachers in terms of the technology.

The methodological manual (theoretical part) presents theoretical material on the first two sections of

the designed work program. It examines in detail the structure of professional competence of a prospective specialist and the main concepts and types of his job profile diagram, the structure, content and functional mechanism of the technology. Each section is completed with questions for self-assessment.

The practical material of the special course is presented in the second part of the methodological manual (experiential part). The manual contains material aimed at forming the corresponding components of professional competence and verification material.

The verification material is used both at the intermediate and final stages of assessing the effectiveness of the technology.

The basic stage of technology implementation is realized in the process of professional training, after completing a special course. Here, students define paths for building up professional competence, using general and local project charts.

The general project chart is filled in by each student individually. This document registers personal professional References and predicts the vision of their future "X-image" of a specialist.

Local project charts are filled in by a pair for joint design of paths for overcoming educational barriers or improving successful abilities that form the basis of professional competence.

The training basis of the educational material at the main stage of the technology implementation covers the latest generation federal educational standard of a particular area of professional training, work programs of the relevant disciplines, educational and methodological material sectionwise and research areas of the studied disciplines, as well as bases of practical assignments and all kinds of practice. The main form in the technology for familiarization, development and improvement of educational and practical material is given to the interdependent orientation-supporting activity of the tandem. Therefore, during the main stage of the introduction and implementation of the technology, pairs range their joint educational and research activities in such a way as to resolve and eliminate as many as possible problematic issues in training, by means of improved personal prognostic "X-images", bringing each of them closer to the image of a "universal specialist".

The final stage of the technology involves assessing the level of development of entire professional competence and each of its separate components, together with determination of the combination set of components of the PC, and, consequently, qualification the X-image of the prospective specialist. The basis at this stage is the training material, which includes a range of tests to identify all the listed levels and a list of criteria to assess them.


The assessment of the maturity level of professional competence using technology was checked on a sample of 30 students of the economics program of the Sochi Institute (branch) of RUDN University, enrolled in 2020.

The sample was made up of groups of students who attended a special course and then worked in tandem (the second subgroup). The first subgroup of students was selected from among students taking the conventional form of professional training.

The primary, intermediate and final levels of PC formation were assessed. The primary level was assessed before the special course, the intermediate level after that and the final level before the final exams.

The methods of mathematical statistics were used to process and obtain the results presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Step-by-step assessment of the professional competence development

Levels of professional competence development I subgroup II subgroup

high, % good, % medium, % low, % high, % good, % medium, % low, %

primary - - 13 87 - - 16 84

intermediate - 5 36 59 - 24 41 35

final 10 39 32 19 25 47 24 4

From Table 1 it is evident that after taking the special course, the results of the respondents of the second subgroup are 19% higher in comparison (compare the initial and intermediate levels of PC formation) with the first subgroup for a "good" level, by 1% for an "average" level, and by + 21% for a "low" level.

The presented calculations lead to a conclusion that the developed program of the special course and its training support are a kind of initial "trigger" and "drive" for the further implementation of the technology in professional training.

Comparison of the initial and final results demonstrates that the improvement difference of the "high" and "good" level of the second subgroup compared to the first subgroup comprises 15% and 12%, respectively. The "low" level improved in both subgroups, but the difference in improvement in the second subgroup is 12% higher than in the first one

The analysis of the results shows that paired predictive self-modeling activity, which also includes a joint search and processing of the necessary educational and training material in terms of the orientation-supporting method, is carried out more effectively throughout the entire professional training, which, in turn, emphasizes the effectiveness of the technology under consideration.


The substantive mechanism of any educational technology is one of the important aspects, since it underlies the success of its implementation and realization.

Therefore, the content component of the paired self-modeling technology shall meet a number of requirements.

1) Consistent development of the structure of educational and training material.

2) Intenseness and accessibility of the material base due to its cumulative component.

3) Availability of a recommendatory basis for processing the material in terms of the orientation-supportive method of pair work.

4) Availability of a recommendatory basis for building paths of using educational and training material in prospective.


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2. Bronov, S.A. The choice of an intelligent system for training materials automated development while teaching a foreign language in a higher institution / S.A. Bronov, E.A. Stepanova // Современные тенденции развития системы подготовки обучающихся по иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе: региональная практика: Материалы всероссийской (национальной) научной конференции, Красноярск, 10-11 ноября 2022 года. -Красноярск: Красноярский государственный аграрный университет, 2022. - С. 104-107

3. Жабборова, Д.Ф. Интерпретация педагогических технологий в национальном наследии / Д.Ф. Жабборова // Евразийский союз ученых. -2020. - № 2-2(71). - С. 20-22. - EDN IOPSGY.

4. Иманова, А.В. Понятие педагогической технологии, обзор педагогических технологий / А.В. Иманова // Вестник научных конференций. - 2020. - № 11-3(63). - С. 41-43.

5. Koshevaya, N.S. Conceptual framework of tandem self-projection technology / N.S. Koshevaya // Педагогический журнал. - 2022. -Vol. 12, No. 1-1. - P. 262-270. - DOI 10.34670/ AR.2022.94.31.012. - EDN TWLVZY.

6. Лапшова, А.В. Развитие цифровых учебно-методических материалов в системе профессионального образования / А.В. Лапшова, С.А. Зиновьева, Е.Н. Гусев // Известия Балтийской государственной академии рыбопромыслового флота: психолого-педагогические науки. - 2021. - № 4(58). - С. 64-66. - DOI 10.46845/2071-5331-2021-4-58-64-66.

7. Ревинская, О.Г. Учебно-методические материалы в условиях стремительной цифрови-зации образования в вузах / О.Г. Ревинская, Н.С. Кравченко // Информация и образование:

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границы коммуникаций. - 2021. - № 13(21). -С. 68-70.

8. Трунов, В.А. Тенденции развития высшего образования в современном российском обществе / В.А. Трунов // Педагогическое взаимодействие: возможности и перспективы: Материалы VI международной научно-практической конференции, Саратов, 28-30 марта 2024 года. - Саратов: Саратовский государственный медицинский университет им. В.И. Разумовского, 2024.- С. 254-260.


Koshevaya N.S.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Educational technology constitutes a monolithic complex of pedagogical activity, and content is one of its leading components. This paper aims to present the substantive aspect of educational technology, the one of paired self-modeling.

The presented technology means, that students, acting as equal partners, jointly model the path of educational activity, creating independent projected X-images of prospective specialists, guided by the partner's design line, bringing the formation of their own images as close as possible to a " universal specialist". The purpose of the article is to introduce the scientific community to the substantive aspect of the presented technological process. The content of the article might be helpful to the teachers who use innovative educational approaches in their activities, since the presented technology is also possible for the practice of training students of various specialties.

Keywords: educational technology, paired self-modeling, objectives, technology features, training structure of educational material.


1. Venig, S.B. Quality of education: a modern view / S.B. Venig, S.A. Vinokurova // Pedagogical interaction: possibilities and prospects: Proceedings of the VI international scientific and practical conference, Saratov, March 28-30, 2024. - Saratov: Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, 2024. - P. 75-78.

2. Bronov, S.A. The choice of an intelligent system for training materials automated development while teaching a foreign language in a higher institution / S.A. Bronov, E.A. Stepanova // Modern trends in the development of the system of training students in a foreign language in a non-linguistic university: regional practice: Proceedings of the All-Russian (national) scientific conference, Krasnoyarsk, November 10-11, 2022. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, 2022. - P. 104107.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

3. Zhabborova, D.F. Interpretation of pedagogical technologies in national heritage / D.F. Zhabborova // Eurasian Union of Scientists. - 2020. - No. 2-2 (71). - P. 20-22. - EDN IOPSGY.

4. Imanova, A.V. The concept of pedagogical technology, review of pedagogical technologies / A.V. Imanova // Bulletin of scientific conferences. - 2020. - No. 11-3 (63). - P. 41-43.

5. Koshevaya, N.S. Conceptual framework of tandem self-projection technology / N.S. Koshevaya // Pedagogical Journal. - 2022. - Vol. 12, No. 1-1. - P. 262-270. - DOI 10.34670/ AR.2022.94.31.012. - EDN TWLVZY.

6. Lapshova, A.V. Development of digital teaching and methodological materials in the system of vocational education / A.V. Lapshova, S.A. Zinovieva, E.N. Gusev // Bulletin of the Baltic State Academy of the Fishing Fleet: psychological and pedagogical sciences. - 2021. - No. 4 (58). - P. 64-66. - DOI 10.46845/2071-5331-2021-4-58-64-66.

7. Revinskaya, O.G. Educational and methodological materials in the context of rapid digitalization of education in universities / O.G. Revinskaya, N.S. Kravchenko // Information and education: boundaries of communications. - 2021. - No. 13 (21). -P. 68-70.

8. Trunov, V.A. Trends in the Development of Higher Education in Modern Russian Society / V.A. Trunov // Pedagogical interaction: opportunities and prospects: Proceedings of the VI international scientific and practical conference, Saratov, March 28-30, 2024. - Saratov: Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, 2024. - P. 254-260.

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