Научная статья на тему 'Актуальные тенденции развития межличностных отношений в системе "тренер-спортсмен" в гандболе'

Актуальные тенденции развития межличностных отношений в системе "тренер-спортсмен" в гандболе Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Таха Сули, Жийяр Марина Владимировна

Статья посвящена рассмотрению актуальных тенденций в развитии межличностных отношений, складывающихся в системе «тренер-спортсмен» рассмотренных в гандбольной команде. В статье приведены результаты исследования межличностных отношений и психологического климата в гандбольной команде.

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Actual tendencies of the development of interpersonal relations that are formed in the system “coach-sportsman” in handball

The article is devoted to the consideration of actual tendencies of the development of interpersonal relations that are formed in the system “coach-sportsman” in a handball team. The article presents the results of interpersonal relations research and a handball team psychological climate.

Текст научной работы на тему «Актуальные тенденции развития межличностных отношений в системе "тренер-спортсмен" в гандболе»

Можно предположить, что высокий уровень развития самостоятельности, сформированный в спортивно-игровой деятельности, будет проявляться и в профессиональной деятельности, тем самым способствовать скорейшей адаптации молодого специалиста к новым технологическим условиям производства.


1. Кон, И.С. Психология самостоятельности / И.С. Кон. - М. : Педагогика Пресс, 1996. -

440 с.

2. Платонов, К.К. Краткий словарь системы психологических понятий / К.К. Платонов. -М. : Высшая школа, 1984. - 174 с.

3. Психология личности : хрестоматия : в 2 т. / под ред. Д.Я. Райгородского. - Самара : БАХРАХ, 1999. - 544 с.

4. Рубинштейн, С. Л. Основы общей психологии / С.Л. Рубинштейн. - Санкт-Петербург : Питер, 2015. - 705 с.


1. Con, I.S. (1996), Psihologiya of independence, Pedagogics Press, Moscow.

2. Platonov, K.K. (1984), Short dictionary of system of psychological concepts, High school, Moscow.

3. Ed. Raigorodskii, D.Ya. (1999), Psychology of the personality: Anthology, BAHRAH, Samara.

4. Rubenstein, S.L. (2015), Fundamentals of the general psychology, Peter, St. Petersburg.

Контактная информация: letchik45@bk.ru

Статья поступила в редакцию 21.04.2018

УДК 159.9:796.322


Сули Таха, аспирант, Марина Владимировна Жийяр, доктор педагогических наук, доцент, Российский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта, молодежи и

туризма (ГЦОЛИФК), Москва


Статья посвящена рассмотрению актуальных тенденций в развитии межличностных отношений, складывающихся в системе «тренер-спортсмен» рассмотренных в гандбольной команде. В статье приведены результаты исследования межличностных отношений и психологического климата в гандбольной команде.

Ключевые слова: актуальные тенденции, межличностные отношения, психологический климат, система «тренер-спортсмен», гандбол.



Souli Taha, the post-graduate student, Marina Vladimirovna Gillard, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer, Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow


The article is devoted to the consideration of actual tendencies of the development of interpersonal relations that are formed in the system "coach-sportsman" in a handball team. The article presents the results of interpersonal relations research and a handball team psychological climate.

Keywords: actual tendencies, interpersonal relations, psychological climate, system "coach-sportsman", handball.

The interpersonal relations that develop in the "coach-sportsman" system are inherently key relations in the handball team. The team's sporting performance and the effectiveness of all types of training of professional handball players depend upon how effective handball team key internal relations are, upon how effectively and how successfully the coach communicates with the players and upon how the players communicate with the coach, upon how much quality feedback and satisfaction from these relations both participants get. Currently, in team sports, the issues and problems associated with the ineffectiveness of forming interpersonal relations and communications that develop in the "coach-athlete" system are becoming increasingly acute. Here inefficiency is understood as low quality of the communications within the "coach-sportsman" system, a high proportion of conflict relations and conflicts in the "coach-sportsman" system, lack of mutual understanding and lack of cooperation between the coach and the sportsman, not a high level of professional competence of coaches and sportsmen, the coach's focus on his own ambitions instead of the coach's focus on improvement of sportsmen potential. Taking into account the high importance of these problems, we found it necessary to try to consider in this article the most actual tendencies in the development of effective interpersonal relationships in the "coach-sportsman" system, as well as to conduct special researches on the basis of the handball team in order to diagnose and to evaluate interpersonal relationships and the psychological climate.

The problems associated with the ineffectiveness of building interpersonal relations in the "coach-sportsman" system for team sports and in particular in handball are not new. These problems have always existed and they will keep existing. It is not possible to solve them completely and definitively, but it is possible to significantly reduce their number and their negative influence. It is also possible to put the system "coach-sportsman" internal relationships on a quantitatively new level and to make them mutually beneficial and mutually efficient for both participants of this system (that is for the coach and for the player/players). At the beginning let's consider actual tendencies of the interpersonal relations in the system "coach-sportsman" for team sports and for handball in particular.

The first and the most important thing that coaches should pay attention to is their pedagogical and coaching approach, that is the focus that should be maximally concentrated on the player / players and his/their potential fulfilment. In order to build effective interpersonal relations, the coach first of all needs to know his players. The phrase "know your players" implies the following: to know and to understand why they are here, to find out and to understand their needs and requests, to understand what motivates them, to find out their goals and dreams, to find out their plans for sport development and career, to know their difficulties and fears. Numerous scientific studies, as well as personal history and experience of outstanding players, reveal that the development of distinguished abilities and talents of a player in no small part depends on the degree and on amount of individual attention given by the coach, as well as on personal support and involvement of the coach. Thus, we note that the character and style of coaching should be directed to the maximum degree at each player and the fulfilment of his potential through a purposeful and holistic development of the player's personality with due regard of the latter's needs. The main task of the coach should be to provide professional support and assistance to the player in the process of his potential fulfilment, as well as in the phased and planned development of the player's capabilities. The player through effective interpersonal relationships with the coach must achieve his needs satisfaction, which in turn, helps to reduce his stress and his burning out, as well as helps to increase the dedication and participation of the player during the training process.

Secondly, effective interpersonal relationships in the "coach-sportsman" system should be a holistic pedagogical process implemented by the coach through the formation and the development of players' comprehension and self-awareness, independence and responsibility, participation and initiative, creativity and satisfaction. The coach needs to know and to understand that the effective fulfilment of the players' potential and their successful sports activity directly depend on the sportsmen's understanding of themselves. Therefore, it is necessary and important to

carry out one's pedagogical and coaching activities in four main directions.

The first direction is the following: formation and development of comprehension and self-awareness among players. The player must, through mentoring and the assistance of the coach, comprehend and perceive his strengths and weaknesses, the level of his technical and tactical skills as well as physical capabilities. In order to achieve the afore-said things, the coach needs to develop his players' skills of self-assessment and self-analysis. As soon as the player realizes his strengths and weaknesses, the coach together with the player needs to determine the zone of his potential improvement and growth. It is important that interpersonal relations between the coach and the player are built on the basis of open and trustworthy cooperation. The player should feel a sincere interest in him from the coach, the player should perceive the coach's attention and understanding. The coach should have a productive dialogue with the player/players and form individual, and, which is the most important, achievable training tasks for every player. An obligatory condition for effective interpersonal relations in the "coach-sportsman" system is the presence in these relations of constructive and informative feedback for each of the parties.

The second direction: formation and development of independence and of responsibility of the players. To build effective interpersonal relations with the player / players, the coach needs to inspire them to seek new opportunities and to actively participate in the process of their own self-development. It is very important that the players are curious, full of initiative, proactive and independent during this process. The players should receive constructive support and, if necessary, adjustment of their actions from the coach. It also requires the sincere interest of the coach, both towards the player, and towards the latter's initiative and suggestions. In addition, it is important that the position of the coach in relation to these interpersonal relations is maximally directed towards active cooperation and active participation during the player's development process and its potential fulfilment. The coach needs to form and to develop the players' habit of taking and bearing the main responsibility for themselves, for their sporting results and for their sports careers. For the coach, as for the pedagogue, it is a very important to have the ability to build relationships with players relying on productive dialogue, on sharing responsibilities and on compromising interests. In pedagogical and coaching activities, coaches need to use a personal orientation approach that allows to completely and consciously develop the player and his potential.

The third direction: formation and development of the players' involvement and initiative. Of course, effective interpersonal relations between the coach and the player, players should be based on the initiative, interest and involvement of both parties. An important difference that manifests itself in effective interpersonal relations in the "coach-sportsman" system is that the initiative, first of all, must come from the players themselves. The players should get used to taking the initiative and to being actively involved in the selection and the decision-making related to their own development and sporting activities, as well as to the activities of the team as a whole. It means the players themselves must display their active initiative and they must share their new ideas with the coach and the team partners; the players should exchange their experience and they should learn one from another. Coaches need to give players the freedom to choose and to make decisions so that they can later choose and make the right decisions on the playing field and in life, rather than wait for help and instructions of the coach every time. The coach should form and develop the players' skills of active involvement in the training process, as well as the players' initiative and independence during the process of selecting and making decisions. The active involvement and initiative of the players, manifested in the training and competition process, forms their skills of self-control and self-regulation, which is very important for professional handball players.

The fourth direction: the formation and development of the players' creativity and the players' ability to achieve satisfaction from their contribution, efforts and work. The coach need to have opportunities and capabilities to inspire the players to be inquisitive, to want to try new things, to think and to act in a creative way. An important skill of the coach is the ability to create in a team of handball players a favorable atmosphere for new ideas, for creative approaches and

for solutions. It is important that every team player is interested in his own development and is aspired to prove himself by means of creating new moves, feints and combinations. In addition to creating a favorable atmosphere in the team for the development of creative and artistic abilities of players, the coach must necessarily control the players' ability to get satisfaction from their training and competitive activities, as well as from their progress in development and in handball in general. It is important for the coach to constantly monitor the degree of satisfaction of players from the results of their work and their sporting activities in general. It is important that the player enjoy what he does. For this purpose, each player must have numerous opportunities to achieve success. To ensure the fulfillment of this condition, the coach needs to individually adjust the level of difficulty for each player, as well as to monitor the achievement of a positive result by the player. The player's success should always be roughly comparable to his efforts taken to achieve it. Mistakes should be perceived by players as a part of their learning and development, and not as a barrier that divide players into winners and losers.

Thirdly, effective interpersonal relations in the "coach-sportsman" system should be a continuous process, which is based on and in accordance with the coach and player co-developed model of the player's long-term development. In other words, the interpersonal relations between the coach and the player / players should be stable, clear and transparent for both participants in the system as much possible, and these relations should also be predictable (built on the basis of a specific player development plan and his potential).

The research, we conducted, was aimed at prompt diagnosis and evaluation of interpersonal relations and psychological climate in the handball team (UOR No. 2). On this purpose we used the scale "Atmosphere in the group" and the methodology "coach-sportsman" worked out by Yu. Khanin and A. Stambulov [1].

The scale "Atmosphere in the group" enabled us to promptly estimate the psychological climate created in the team.

The results of the study reveal that the psychological climate in the team is favorable (53%) or average neutral (32%) according to players' opinion. But still the coach should take into the account that the portion of the players, who estimate it to be as being below average, is 15 %, which is quite important especially if we take into consideration that 32 % of the players estimate the team atmosphere as being "average". Therefore, in this situation, the coach was recommended to improve interpersonal relations and communication with 15% of players (the score is "below average"). In this situation, it is very important to promptly identify the reasons for this assessment and, together with the player / players, to individually develop a path to eliminate or to smoothen those reasons. Also, the coach was recommended to pay attention to the players who rated the psychological climate as being "average", in view of the fact that this is a potential risk area. The players from this zone are assessing the atmosphere in the team as being "average" at the time that is to say they are assessing the atmosphere as essentially being neutral for them. In the course of the right pedagogical and coaching approach towards this group of players, they can potentially increase the group of players assessing the psychological climate in the team as being "favorable".

On the basis of the methodology "coach-sportsman" they made the diagnostics of the interpersonal relations in the system "coach-sportsman". The results are presented in the table below:

Number of participants (handball players) Gnostic component Emotional component Psychological component

34 4.4 3.9 4.1

The gnostic component value (the level of competence of the coach, as a specialist, in the opinion of the players) - 4.4 is quite high value and indicates that players highly appreciate the professional competence of their coach. The emotional component value (the level of sympathy of the players towards the coach, as a person) - 3.9 is an indicator above the average and indicates a rather high liking of the players to the personality of their coach. The behavioral component

value (reveals how the real interactions between the coach and players develop) - 4.1 is quite a high value and indicates a sufficiently high level of mutual understanding and interaction between the coach and the players. The use of the "coach-sportsman" method to diagnose interpersonal relations in the "coach-athlete" system is very convenient and informative tool of the coach's work, since the timely diagnosis of these indicators allows the coach to identify problem zones and to make corresponding adjustments.


1. Khanin, Yu. and Stambulov, A., Socio-perceptive evaluation of student-specific features of the coach, available at: https://vsetesti.ru/135/.

Контактная информация: freemadou4@mail.ru

Статья поступила в редакцию 11.04.2018

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