Научная статья на тему 'Психологическое сопровождение подготовки гандболистов высокой квалификации'

Психологическое сопровождение подготовки гандболистов высокой квалификации Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Таха Сули, Жийяр Марина Владимировна

В статье автором рассматривается система психологического сопровождения подготовки гандболистов высокой квалификации и ее разделы. На основании проведенного исследования информации, сформированы выводы.

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Psychological follow-up for training handball players of high qualification

The article considers the system of psychological follow-up for training the highly skilled handball players and its sections. Conclusions are generated on the basis of the conducted research of the information.

Текст научной работы на тему «Психологическое сопровождение подготовки гандболистов высокой квалификации»

УДК 159.9:796.322



Сули Таха, аспирант, Марина Владимировна Жийяр, доктор педагогических наук, доцент, Российский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта, молодежи и

туризма (ГЦОЛИФК), Москва


В статье автором рассматривается система психологического сопровождения подготовки гандболистов высокой квалификации и ее разделы. На основании проведенного исследования информации, сформированы выводы.

Ключевые слова: психологическое «сопровождение», подготовка спортсменов, психологическая диагностика.



Souli Taha, the post-graduate student, Marina Vladimirovna Gillard, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer, Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow


The article considers the system of psychological follow-up for training the highly skilled handball players and its sections. Conclusions are generated on the basis of the conducted research of the information.

Keywords: psychological follow-up, training of athletes, psychological assessment.

Psychological follow-up for training athletes of high qualification is gaining more and more importance and relevance for higher achievements in sports. By the value the psychological follow-up for training athletes of high qualification is not inferior to the importance of physical, technical or tactical training. The growing urgency of psychological follow-up for training highly-qualified athletes is associated with a change in the sports system, which is based on the system of continuous complex support of an athlete with psychological follow-up being the full-fledged part of training. Only continuous comprehensive support of highly-qualified athletes makes it possible to effectively fulfill the potential of athletes and allow them to achieve the maximum result in sports.

Psychological follow-up for training highly-qualified athletes means a set of special measures aimed at optimizing the training of athletes by psychophysiological, psychological, pedagogical and socio-psychological means and techniques.

The system of psychological follow-up for training highly-qualified handball players includes three relatively independent main sections:

1. Psychological assessment of training handball players at certain stages of training, including the assessment of their readiness for a particular tournament;

2. Psychological counseling based on assessment results and daily interaction with athletes and coaches;

3. Psychological preparation for effective sports activities.

Psychological assessment involves examination of athletes mainly with the help of handball-adapted psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological techniques.

Examination of athletes and teams involves techniques which allow us to obtain:

- assessment of motivational attitude, sports and life values of the player;

- assessment of neurodynamic and psychodynamic properties of the player;

- assessment of development level of mental and personal qualities, which are the most

significant for effective gaming activities in handball;

- assessment of socio-psychological structure of the team.

The following mental qualities are distinguished in the course of assessment:

1. Quasi-stationary which generally characterize manifestation of special abilities of the handball player (differentiated in accordance with the playing role of the athlete);

2. Referential which are the most affected to the training effects and characterize the level of training of the handball player.

Assessment of quasi-stationary qualities of a handball player include operational responsiveness, capacity of operative memory, response rate, attention switch speed, capability to predict probable changes in the situation.

Assessment of referential qualities of a handball player include accuracy of anticipatory reaction to a moving object, speed of complex reaction with a large number of false signals, sense of time, sense of distance, attention intensity.

In conclusion, the results of assessment shall include the following:

- individual response and reactions of the player to the game situations (for example in case of opponent's pressing or draw score at the end of the game);

- the player's adaptation to various loads (for example, to speed and power special training);

- features of the player's physical condition;

- individual tolerance of maximum loads of "shock" microcycles;

- possible suspicion when assessing personal potential and potential of opponents;

- the player's ability to maintain their potential throughout the tournament.

Psychological counseling per se generally refers to justified recommendations:

- to correct the attitude of the player to their own sporting career;

- to correct the team interactions;

- to correct interpersonal relations between coach and athlete;

- to correct the attitude of the player to the training process,

- to correct the individual style of sports activities;

- to set the attitude for competition;

- to use the methods of mental self-regulation.

Primary form of psychological training means a set of preventive measures as follows:

- preventive measures for grind work in case of monotonous training loadings;

- prevention of mental satiety caused by repeated multiply tactical combinations;

- prevention of social and personal satiety caused by prolonged interaction with teammates, and with a coach in particular;

- prevention of mental stress caused by long wait for the start of the competition;

- prevention of "mental barriers" in the form of fear of typical injuries, troublesome rivals, elimination from the team line-up, etc.

Each athlete shall undergo psychological preparation according to individually developed plan, taking into account the subjective features of the handball player. The preparation shall be based on general and individual psychological methods, selected in accordance with the needs and problems of a specific player. Properly selected and professionally conducted psychological training contributes to the fulfillment of psychological potential of a handball player through the development of skills for self-analysis, self-knowledge and self-understanding, self-regulation, and more flexible social adaptation to team play.


1. Presence of a psychologist in the team is reasonably justified by the growing intensification of training and competitive activities of handball players of high qualification. The versatility of psychologist's daily activities as one of the team specialists working with athletes

solves the problem of creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, helps the players to keep a high level of motivation for sports achievements.

2. Planned psychological assessment of handball players of high qualification is reasonably justified. Repeated psychological assessment of handball players allows the coach to receive relevant data about the psychological state of players, their motivational, sports and life goals and settings and their changes. Psychological assessment becomes of special importance before the start of the sports season, at the end of the preparatory period and before the start of the next tournament, during the tournament before important matches, and at the end of the tournament.

3. Permanent psychological correction and prevention is reasonably justified for handball players of high qualification throughout their sports career. Its main task is to prevent the emergence of negative, mental conditions and situations that may affect gaming activities and athletic career of players. Timely psychological correction and preventive measures against the mental state of handball players contributes to the development of the personal maturity of the players, which is an important factor for higher achievements in sports. In the process of implementing psychological correction and prevention handball players master the means of effective psychological self-help including: self-regulation techniques, breathing exercises and other ways to get rid of unnecessary stress. The effectiveness of gaming activities and the success of players' sports career greatly depends on maturity and development required for professional sports activities and psychological qualities. These components are related to the main tasks of psychological training of high-qualified handball players, being the object and subject of psychologist's daily work in a team.

Контактная информация: freemadou4@mail.ru

Статья поступила в редакцию 25.04.2018

УДК 159.9:796.332


Виктор Николаевич Шелепень, тренер, Людмила Дмитриевна Хода, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой, Технический институт (филиал) «Северо-Восточного федерального университета имени М.К. Аммосова» в г. Нерюнгри (ТИ (ф) СВФУ)


С помощью разработанной цифровой технологии исследовались свойства внимания, которые обусловлены цифровым кодом даты рождения. На первом этапе исследований все финалисты чемпионатов мира по футболу 1930-2014 гг. (490 человек) были распределены в три группы относительно своих хронотипических особенностей внимания и их игровых амплуа: группа I -переключение, распределение; группа II - концентрация, сосредоточенность; группа III -самоуглублённость, застревание. У вратарей, входящих в группу победителей чемпионата мира самыми востребованными оказались такие свойствами внимания, как переключение-распределение (50%) и наименее востребованными свойства самоуглублённость-застревание (20%). У защитников востребованным качеством внимания установлено самоуглублённость и «застревание» -39%. У игроков средней линии самым главным качеством является переключение-распределение внимания: 34% у полузащитников, 35% у нападающих. У вратарей чемпионов мира был обнаружен самый высокий (90%) уровень фонового возбуждения нервной системы (ФВНС) в 1-й группе «переключение-распределение» и самый низкий (20%) - в 3-й группе «самоуглубление-застревание», а у вратарей экс-чемпионов мира самый высокий (77,8%) уровень ФВНС отмечен в 3-й группе «самоуглубление-застревание». Такие свойства внимания, как «концентрация-сосредоточенность» оказались наиболее востребованными к ФВНС у чемпионов мира: защитников (73,1%), полузащитников (70,5%) и нападающих (65%). Следует отметить, что в средней линии (полузащита) вице-чемпионов мира также доминирует ФВНС во 2-й группе «концентрация-

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