Научная статья на тему 'Актуальные проблемы сексуального образования учащейся молодежи'

Актуальные проблемы сексуального образования учащейся молодежи Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Кравец В.П.

На фоне трансформации брачно-семейных ценностей и сексуальных отношений в Украине анализируется актуальность сексуального образования учащихся. Рассмотрено состояние сексуальной образованности школьников разного пола и источники информации, различные подходы к сексуальному просвещению в отечественной педагогике. Охарактеризован объём желательных знаний учащихся по сексуальной проблематике, указаны факторы, тормозящие развитие сексуального просвещения в школах. Определены основные задачи сексуального образования учащейся молодежи, пути адаптации зарубежных программ к отечественной педагогической практике, традициям и особенностям культуры украинского общества.

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On the background of matrimonial values and sexual relations transformations in Ukraine the actuality of pupils'' sexual education is analyzed. The state of sexual education of pupils of different genders and the sources of information, different approaches to sexual education in the national pedagogics are investigated. The scope of desirable pupils'' knowledge of sexual issues are characterized, the factors which make slow the development of sexual education in schools are emphasized. The main tasks of school youths'' sexual education, the ways of adaptation of the foreign programs to the national pedagogical practice, traditions and cultural peculiarities of Ukrainian society are determined.

Текст научной работы на тему «Актуальные проблемы сексуального образования учащейся молодежи»


УДК 613.88:371



На mni трансформацп шлюбно-Ымейних цнностей i сексуальних стосунюв в УкраШ аналiзуeться актуальтсть сексуальноi oceimu учтв. Розглянуто стан сексуальноi освiченостi школярiв рiзноi статi та джерела тформацИ, pi3m тдходи до сексуальноi освти у втчизнянш педагогщ. Охарактеризовано обсяг бажаних знань учтв 3i сексуальноi проблематики, вказан фактори, що гальмують розвиток сексуальноi освти в школах. Визначено основн завдання сексуальноi освти учнiвськоi молодi, шляхи адаптаци зарубiжних програм до вiтчизняноi педагогiчноi практики, традицш та особливостей культуриукрашського сустльства.

Ключовi слова: сексуальтсть, сексуальна освта, мiжстатевi стосунки, сексуальна культура.




На фоне трансформации брачно-семейных ценностей и сексуальных отношений в Украине анализируется актуальность сексуального образования учащихся. Рассмотрено состояние сексуальной образованности школьников разного пола и источники информации, различные подходы к сексуальному просвещению в отечественной педагогике. Охарактеризован объём желательных знаний учащихся по сексуальной проблематике, указаны факторы, тормозящие развитие сексуального просвещения в школах. Определены основные задачи сексуального образования учащейся молодежи, пути адаптации зарубежных программ к отечественной педагогической практике, традициям и особенностям культуры украинского общества.

Ключевые слова: сексуальность, сексуальное образование, межполовые отношения, сексуальна культура.



On the background of matrimonial values and sexual relations transformations in Ukraine the actuality of pupils' sexual education is analyzed. The state of sexual education of pupils of different genders and the sources of information, different approaches to sexual education in the national pedagogics are investigated. The scope of desirable pupils' knowledge of sexual issues are characterized, the factors which make slow the development of sexual education in schools are emphasized. The main tasks of school youths' sexual education, the ways of adaptation of the foreign programs to the national pedagogical practice, traditions and cultural peculiarities of Ukrainian society are determined.

Keywords: sexuality, sexual education, gender roles, relationships, sexual culture.

The sexual youths' education is an organized purposeful process of knowledge formation about sexual problems, sexual moral, sexual interaction, outlooks and beliefs, which enables a positive attitude towards the opposite gender representatives and culture of sexual behavior. I. Kohn considers that its tasks are not to save and protect people from sexuality but to teach them to control this important site of life (4.)

A democratic society refuses strict regulation and unification of sexual life preferring pluralism and toleration. Sexual and erotic techniques, motivations, age restrictions, quality and even a gender of

a sexual partner are more often recognized as a private matter of an individual person or a pair. True moral values become to be substituted by fake ones «ethical nihilism and relativism» were disseminated; fixed cultural values in the spheres of gender relations are ruined. They talk often sarcastically about marital fidelity, innocence, rectitude of relationships between boys and girls, which were from long ago native to Ukrainian mentality. People began to take it easier that intimate relations are openly shown on TV and in films but in most of them it takes their breath away if they see «it» in the behavior of their children.

Besides all the mentioned deep transformations of sexual relations it is important to underline those as: crash of traditionally sexist attitude towards the women, a separation of the teenagers' and the youths' sexuality from the external forms of control; commercialization of sex (prostitution, pornography, erotization of advertisement etc.), reception of nonproductive forms of sexuality, growth of toleration to premarital sex and to illicit intercourse, a reformation of physical canons and the language canons; desacralization of intimate sphere, removement of the sheet of romantic secret from love affairs, sexualization of child's consciousness.

All these raise the tasks before the national pedagogics and practice, especially the raising of efficiency of pupils' sexual education.

The aim of the article is the analysis of the real state of sexual knowledge of the high school pupils and some ways of quality improvement of their sexual education.

For the last decade scientific investigations of gender sexuality undoubtedly have developed, the fundamental works of theoretical and practical character have been written, the investigations of gender problems and sexual socialization are pursued; gender and sexuality are considered to be the most important human features, the attempts of development the concept of sexual and gender education of modern pupils are being made. A special attention should be paid to the thesis investigations of T. Hovorun, I. Datsenko, O. Kikinezhdi, T. Panychok, L. Yavorsjka etc.

Though modern programs of sexual education as well as a century ago have been often restricted by physical and medical aspects and ignore pedagogical, psycho-pedagogical heritage, which demands studying and further reinterpretation with taking into account more norms which have changed, modern life conditions. Most often they are organized in such a way to tell the children more about different deviances from a norm, perversions. The questionnaires are full of the statements about the diffusion of deviations among the peers and in a family, about juvenile and adult sexual delinquency, child prostitution, and early pregnancy. It means that children are given too much information about the sins as a norm, which negatively influences their psyche.

The methods which are used to protect the youth from sexual activity, which is based on a fear and modesty are alarming, in particular the usage of primitive mottoes: intimidation tactics; underlining the negative consequences of sexual activity, disinformation and inaccuracy in presentation of medical aspects of abortion, venereal diseases and human sexual reactions, paying attention to traditional stereotypical ideas of male and female gender roles.

In Ukraine the attitude towards sexual education has been controversial. If the gender education as the aspect of moral education was accepted and encouraged by the scientists, the questions of sexual education have always been controversial. Necessary sexual activity restrictions from the point of view of social suitability created the extreme form of ideological, moral and social attitude, according to which sexual relations are suitable only in order to provide future generations and only in this variant would be accepted and tolerated. The information about sexual relations was considered to be harmful for growing up generation. The works of Soviet pedagogues of the problems of sexual education for a long time were reduced to the propagation of creative activity and sport activities as the «substitutes» for sexual behavior. Some pedagogues not denying gender education consider that sexual education the school youth should gain by means of self education searching the important information and experience.

The opponents of sexual education without any proved arguments say that it «inevitably will lead to mental disorders and sexual deviations, connected with lifting the taboos, which lay in the heart of culture» not to allow it into school, they started to «worry» about academic overload of the pupils. Besides it, they speculate without relevant references to the opinion of psychiatrists and psychologists, as if they have known that «knowledge of sexual sphere hinders child's cognitive activity». The truth is that after that the authors without the appeal to the authority have stated that: «There is no need to

be a great specialist in order to notice it! Who didn't see the school girls, who early had become to be interested in boys? Education for them is a barrier, which turns them away from an «adult activity». The other strategy which is prevailing in Ukraine is based on physicobiological approaches to sexual education, reducing it to a sum of health knowledge, saying that if you know how your body is organized, the function of genitals and if you know how to use contraception, do what you want - you are ready for sexual life.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical works enabled us to point out the factors which hinder the development of sexual education at school:

• a low theoretical level of sexual education in Ukraine;

• a lack of definite program conceptions;

• underestimation of this component of education in general educational system;

• an adverse of social, professional and material and technical conditions;

• the teachers don't have the sufficient methodical recommendations for aims and tasks fulfillment of sexual child education;

• a lack of books for teachers and children, which are concerned with the formation of sexual consciousness and also some supplemental didactic materials about this problem.

The preferential place in the list of the notions connected with sexual relations, questions of family planning, pregnancy takes the definition of the term "safe sex", especially among the girls. Next question which the most of the respondents-teenagers are interested in is the notion of "love", almost the third part would like to get more information about sexual relations (the most of the girls) and health (the most of the boys). Our investigations show that the need of information among the girls of all the age categories is higher than among the boys.

Almost half of the respondents are interested in the questions connected with a peculiarity of reproductive sphere and also probable deviations and sexually transmitted diseases (genitalia diseases, venereal diseases, AIDS) etc. Boys are less interested in these questions, nearly 30-35%.

The lowest interest among boys and girls is aroused in the questions: 1) related to simple notions of gender (menstruation, pollution, erection); 2) related to family roles sphere of relations; 3) related to deviation and unconventional forms of sexual behavior; 4) the questions of gender and social character (religion and sex, prostitution, smoking).

On the background of quick and total liberalization of norms, which regulate sexual behavior of teenagers, the worry is aroused by a low level of pupils' knowledge related to different aspects of sexual relations. A small number of girls (12,6%) have an adequate elementary knowledge of intersexual interaction. Moreover their level of knowledge is determined by the ideas of «folklore street culture» and archetypical mythologizes. 10% of the girls admit sexual intimacy without using contraceptives. Up to 10-th form every second (48,3%) girl knows that sexual intimacy during menstruation can't protect a woman from pregnancy; but only 21,7% of girls know from what age it is allowed to use contraceptive pills. Even less girls (10,9%) have the idea of emergency contraception. And at the same time their knowledge evaluation is very exaggerated. Every fifth girl (20,5%) thinks that she has enough knowledge in this sphere. Thus attained results proved our assumptions about the low level of sexual culture among the youth.

The next important aspect of teenagers' knowledge problem is the question of information source. The main source of information in teenagers' environment is usually called the peers and the friends who play the main role in formation of normative attitude in the sphere of sexual behavior. As far as sex among teenagers is risky and forbidden action, sexual experience gets overstated evaluation of surrounding peers and encourages teenager to experimental actions. The assumptions and views of many teenagers are more radical than their own behavior.

A reading of fiction in which the scenes of intimate relations are described , mark 6% of the age group of 13 years old, 19% of the age group of 15 years old and 35% of the age group of 18 years old. Also there was noticed the tendency of increasing interest to the magazines with the naked girls' images among the people of male gender. At the same time 42% of people of male gender of the age group of 15 years old and 60% of boys of the age group of 18 years old prefer to scan erotic magazines by themselves (introvertive reaction).

The boys have an awful way of getting information about sex-sexual experiencing (45%) then goes pornography (42,5%), after that the sources of information are friends (40%) then the Internet (37,5%), only after that go books, magazines, newspapers (35%).

Among the girls the most popular sources of information about sex are books, magazines, newspapers (67,4%) which is traditional, because they don't accept pornography, the Internet is not so interesting for them and after that go friends (53,5%), the Internet and sexual experimenting (20,9%), and at last - pornography (18,6%). It is important that for girls and boys the family as a source of information takes the last place (9, 3% and 7,5% relatively), this proves the necessity of systematic sexual education of pupils.

The opinions of teenagers and the parents themselves about such an important source of information as parents essentially differ. The answers for the question: "Who has to take care of sexual education and reproductive health of teenagers?" are distributed in a following way (table 1):

Table 1

The source of information Teenagers Parents

Pupils themselves 60.8 4,5

Parents 45.6 90,3

Doctors-specialists 43,0 62,3

Pre-conception clinic 31,6 40,2

Appropriate school program 24,7 41,7

Mass media 21,5 18,2

Pedagogues 10,4 17,4

As it is seen the opinions of parents are essentially different from teenagers' thoughts. Parents assign a main part in sexual education to themselves, but teenagers to themselves.

On the start of individual life, pupils-teenagers have to know: a) about contraceptives; b) about sexually-transmitted diseases; c) about the problem of early pregnancy; d) a possibility of a rape; e) about sexual orientations and deviation.

Besides it the youth have to be persuaded that: sexuality in each person becomes apparent in different ways; all the people are sexy; people have to respect and accept a variety of sexual values which exist in peoples' community; sexual relations can't be compulsory; any sexual activity and decisions have its consequences; everybody has his or her own right for responsible sexual choice; early sexual relations have unpredicted consequences; a continence from sexual relations is the most effective preventive means from undesirable consequences; sexual practice needs appropriate information about health services; sexual intercourse is only one of the forms of sexuality expression.

The aims of sexual education we determined the following way: to give the pupils a scope of knowledge of anatomy and human physiology, its hormonal and sexual systems, formation of correct reaction to some physiological changes during sexual maturation; to acquaint the teenagers with the nature of menstruation and pollution and their physiological importance and averting their inadequate reactions to these peculiarities of development; informing the pupils about different tempo of sexual maturation, acceleration, delays and deviations in psycho-sexual development of different gender representatives, acquaintance of the school youth with the gender differences and reproduction in nature and human society using scientific terminology (ovule, spermatozoon, fertilization, etc.); acquaintance of the pupils with unwanted consequences of early sexual interactions, venereal diseases and AIDS, transmittable disease, the ways of prevention against them discrowning sexual myths which exist in the youths' surrounding and also with prostitution as a phenomenon; a formation of pupils' erotic vocabulary, intimate language, ability to express freely what you feel to a beloved person, readiness to straight talk; the development of moderate interest to erotic literature.

The content of sexual education has naturally integrative character and includes ethic, psychological, legal, psychological, hygienic, pedagogical and other aspects of sexual behavior. The system of sexologo-pedagogical knowledge which is oriented to the general human values forms definite logical relations of different knowledge, range of which is becoming wider with the age and individual child's experience

An important task of sexual education is the youth acquaintance with the main terms, which characterize the sphere of intimate relations. An essential cause of complication of sexual communication connected with the child's socialization is a lack of language means of expression and

natural to many people fear of self expression. The way we were educated in our childhood is often a cause of later difficulties during communication about sex. We were taught to cover our genitals and to think that some functions are «dirty» or to hide self-satisfaction because of fear of negative reaction. Everything of it at the end influences the formation of shame feeling and discomfort about some parts and functions of our body which concern sex. The words which we could learn to talk about sex often are more associated with negative than positive emotions. Finally these words are used for expressing anger, aggression or to offend somebody. Accordingly it is not comfortable to use these words to describe the feelings to a person, who is very close and special to us.

The investigation of sexual jargon of senior pupils and students made by P. Sanderson (1978) assured that the main part of boys and girls in intersexual interaction were shy to name any sexual organs. Word combination «sexual act» used nearly 10 % of boys and girls, the majority used another word combination «to make love». Lately the popularity got the phrase «to have sex».

We think that sexual education should be started with the preschool children because during this period it is the easiest to talk with them. In preschool age the children have to recognize their «self» and to get «elementary knowledge about their body built, true and the fullest answers to the questions: «In what way is «he» or «she» different from me?», «From where do the children appear?» etc. It is easier to talk with the children of under school age about sexual health. The children of under school age are curious and want to know everything. They accept the information about their body as well as about everything else. A famous specialist in sexology, Y. Prokopenko defined modern motto of sexual education. «It's better to start a year earlier than a day later». Postponing the talks about gender problems hygiene, you make it possible that somebody else or mass media will make it instead of the parents with the help of myth, hints, alterations and exploitation. Children need an appropriate information and appropriate vocabulary. Early sexual education has not only preventive meaning but also it gives its advantages when the children will grow up. The results of our investigation assure that the teenagers and the youth were talked to openly at home show less sexual activity and avoid doubtful relations. Moreover, in everyday life they feel more confident and happier.

In junior forms (from 6 to 10 years) the information which was got earlier should be made more precisely. It's worth underlying two causes of necessity to the children in junior forms about the changes which take place during sexual maturation, before these changes will have taken place.

Firstly the children have to have the notion of what they have to expect in near future. Then if these changes will have taken place earlier than with other children they wouldn't be frighten by them and would be able to talk about them. Secondly, among their peers in school, camp, street may be such «early» kids. If the pupils didn't know what about are talking their more informed colleagues, they could get into isolation or even not be recognized by their peers. Meaning purposefulness of gradual sexual education we made the list of knowledge, which kids of junior forms have to attain: the names of the parts of the body in general, male and female in particular, the excretory organs, names and positions of main inner organs; positive evaluation of body senses and body expressions by them; the gender differences and peculiarities of reproduction in the world of plants and animals; main notions connected with mammals reproduction (ovule, spermatozoon, fertilization); the main processes and stages of development of a child in mother's body, a pregnant woman's regime and help for her; the bases of care of an infant; the notion of family planning; love influences and concordance in a family; ability to value and evaluate a body beauty; expressing one's feelings with words, facial expression, gesture; the ability to evaluate one's own love expression and devotion.

To the question of gender the junior school pupils express only cognitive interest. Asking questions and listening to the answers to them the child only makes clear some cases for itself. It is interested only in relationship of cause and effect in nature and in humans. Sometimes it wants to know the meaning of somewhere heard word (sometimes obscene) and asks about it not having any notion about its meaning. The fact of addressing to the adults for explanation proves that there is nothing negative for the child in this word otherwise it would address not to the teacher but to the elder children not risking to be judged. In the case if a child got a true answer and for its level of perception full information from a close person everybody would benefit from it at the same time a trustful contact between a child and adults becomes stronger. For the benefit of sexual education any situations from school's life and different conflicts between boys and girls can be used.

The next stage (from 11 to 13 years) of sexual education already has a «tint of maturity», as far as younger teenagers have to know everything including gender relations. It is necessary to give the pupils knowledge about nature and peculiarities of sexual maturation, about gender differences, about the role of family in personal and social life, about paternity and maternity etc.

Sexual education of teenagers plays a main role in sexual socialization of personality, as far as it takes place on the background of sexual body maturation, intensive formation of the inner world, self-consciousness of a personality. All the information of sexual character becomes relevant.

Teenagers have to: get the information about the changes which are happening with their body during sexual maturation; about venereal diseases; to know contraceptive methods; to understand the sense of intimate relations; to know how to form relations; to know how to refuse; to know one's boundaries and respect the boundaries of other person, to have formed attitude towards pornography, to oppose the distorted idea about "perfect" look and built, and also so called sexual myths. A school component of sexual education provide for broadening of knowledge about physiology and anatomy of body development, about the influence of sexual hormones on sexual interest, libido, feelings of a person.

The older teenagers (14-16 years) have to know about psychological, moral, medical aspects of sexual life, the peculiarities of male and female sexuality, to know the information about sexual deviations and diseases and also responsibility for sexual crimes. It is reasonable to bring to the pupils' attention such questions as: the differences in rate of growing up and peculiarities of maturation of boys and girls; the changes caused by sexual maturation; the idea about gender roles, culture and hygiene of a body; idea about menstrual cycle; regularity, duration and peculiarities of menstruation; the idea about menstrual cycle; regularity, duration and peculiarities of menstruation, its calendaring; the acquaintance with peculiarities of male's sexual system development; idea about menstrual disorders for girls, about pollution for boys; idea about hormonal systems of men's and women's bodies; ability to evaluate one's own physical maturity, body and sexual organs hygiene, psychological problems of maturation; sexual reactions of maturation: pollutions, masturbation, bad habits and their influence on future children.

One more sacred mother's duty is to acquaint her daughter with the rules of hygiene during menstruation. It is reasonable to call to girl's attention to the fact that during menstruation sexual organs are especially sensitive to infections because of decrease of protective power of a body and hygiene should be on the highest level. A mother has to say what is allowed during these days and what is not; it is necessary to decrease emotional strains and increase a rest, to go into the fresh air, to sleep, to pay attention to a diet etc.

Early attained knowledge of hygiene by senior pupils should be completed by ideas about hygienic diseases and to acquaint them with the purpose of medico henetical consulting, with statements about physiology of pregnancy and delivery, about contraceptive methods etc. Great attention should be paid to physiological aspects of childbirth, questions about child care, parents' responsibility for child education. Investigating the questions about family and family relations it is reasonable to prefer the topics, which are connected with family planning. At the same time a great attention should be paid to the questions of family reliability, psychological compatibility of spouses, family happiness. It is also necessary to give the pupils the main notions about sexual relations in a marriage.

There is no purpose to tell the children about possible sexual deviations, not to elicit their unwanted reaction of imitation. In any case it is not allowed to talk about sex cynically, in a rude way. There is no effect to the information about the harm for health, which may be connected with possible infection of venereal disease: not everybody can think of the consequences of their behavior, especially to accept probability of something as reality. Vice versa, onerous demands, selectiveness, fastidiousness about probable objects of sexual interactions limit chances of these contacts.

A work in sexual education to our mind may be practiced by:

1) using the content of school subjects preferably Ukrainian and foreign literature, biology, history, law, vocational training, chemistry, etc;

2) introduction of additional courses in senior forms dedicated to the problems of family formation, maternity and paternity;

3) accomplishment by pupils different individual tasks; to collect the proverbs, sayings, passages from verses about successful family, happy motherhood and fatherhood, to write down a wedding scenario of ceremonial registration of a child in Civil Registry Office, etc.;

4) holding extracurricular activity, oriented on before marriage training of school youth -lectures, talks, disputes, reading conferences etc.

The tasks of adaptation of foreign programs of sexual education to Ukrainian pedagogical practice traditions and peculiarities of the culture of Ukrainian society are still relevant. It also provides for adaptation of programs for different categories of the school youth (drug addicts, with psychical disorders, the disabled etc.).

The analysis of foreign works gives information that:

• in the most of European and American countries the «sexual education» became a school subject in the 70-th of the previous century;

• into the notion «sexual education» entered such a topics as sexual anatomy, human reproduction, sexual relations, reproductive rights and duties, abstinence, contraception and other aspects of human sexuality;

• in European countries the course of sexual education became a component of a human biology course. The main goals, which set the creators of this course are a decrease of a risk of early pregnancy and venereal diseases infections (through the acquaintance with contraception), it means a human sexuality out of a family and marriage context. At the same time in USSR, where at that time there was «no sex», the main bases were not physiological but ethical component and the whole course was oriented on «the formation of harmonious soviet family» Soviet course unlike its western analogues, didn't have a success and was disgracefully excluded from school program. The subject «sexual education» in some countries of the world is a major one (e.g. in Finland, Sweden, Germany, France, Netherlands) and in some of them it is an additional course (e.g. in England, Wales, Northern America);

• there are two approaches to sexual education of teenagers: the one of them is so called «full sexual education» which is oriented on giving the teenagers a full information about all the aspects of sexual life and literally preparation to sexual activity at the age of 15 and older (in the schools of Finland, for instance, 15 years old; teenagers are given a special «introductive sexual package» which contains early access brochure, a cartoon about the history of love and a condom); the other approach is called «sexual education limited by abstinence». This course provides for narrowing of the subject themes;

• in the context of abstinence before marriage (accordingly in such a courses there is no information about contraception, pregnancy prevention, venereal diseases and about other practical aspects of the problem;

• in some European countries «the full course of sexual education» starts from kindergarten and contains the information about homosexual relations in relation to heterosexual ones (as for instance in Netherlands, Germany);

• the course of «sexual education» in most of the European countries practically doesn't include information about health marriage formation and strong family formation. From the other point of view, the children are too much talked about homosexual unions;

• European demographists connect the decrease of teenagers' pregnancies with an efficiency of the state educational policy in the sphere of sexual education and they think that most effective in this sphere is a German educational program (11,7 cases of teenagers' pregnancy per 1000 persons), and the least effective are Canada (42,7 per 1000 persons), Great Britain (62,6 per 1000 persons) and the USA (93,0 per 1000 persons).


1. Говорун Т. В. Сощал1защя стат та сексуальности монограф1я / Т. В. Говорун. - Тернопшь: Навчальна книга - Богдан, 2011. - 240 с.

2. Даценко I. М. Шдготовка молод! до имейного життя в Польщу автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.07 / 1рина Миколаъвна Даценко. - Тернопшь, 2008. - 20 с.

3. Ктнежд1 О. М. Гендерна вдентичшсть в онтогенез! особистоста: монограф1я / О. М. Ктнежд! -Тернопшь: Навчальна книга - Богдан, 2011. - 400 с.

4. Кон И. С. Подростковая сексуальность на пороге XXI века / И. С. Кон. - Дубна: Феникс, 2001. -208 с.

5. Паничок Т. Я. Статеве виховання учшвсько! молодi у Шмеччиш: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 14.00.07 / Тетяна Ярославшна Паничок. - Тернопшь, 2010. - 20 с.

УДК 373.5.016:821.161.2:316.346.2



Доведено, що досягнення ГендерноI гармони з оточуючим свтом визначаеться такими етапами формування ГендерноI культури: когттивним, критичним, аксiологiчним, формуючим, емотивним, рефлексивним, моделюючим, ттерактивним, деонтологiчним. Розкрито змiст ГендерноI термтологп щодо становлення Гендерного «Я». Запропонован власн авторсьт визначення ключових Гендерних понять на основi теоретичного аналiзу праць з Гендерологи.

Ключовi слова: Гендерна культура, Гендерна самосвiдомiсть, Гендерн стереотипи, Гендерна картина свту, Гендерне пози^онування, Гендерю взаемовiдносини, андрогтна особистiсть, Гендерна рефлекЫя, Гендерна гармотя/дисгармотя.



Доказано, что достижение гендерной гармонии с окружающей средой определяется такими этапами формирования гендерной культуры: когнитивным, критическим, аксиологическим, формирующим, эмотивным, рефлексивным, моделирующим, интерактивным, деонтологическим. Раскрыто содержание гендерной терминологии относительно становления гендерного «Я». Предлагаются собственные авторские определения главных понятий на основании теоретического анализа работ по гендерологии.

Ключевые слова: гендерная культура, гендерное самосознание, гендерные стереотипы, гендерная картина мира, гендерное позицирование, Гендерные взаимоотношения, андрогинная личность, гендерная рефлексия, гендерная гармония/дисгармония.

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It is proved that reaching gender harmony with the environment is determined by such stages of forming gender culture: cognitive, critical, axiological, emotive, reflective, modelling, interactive, deontological. Learning one's own «I», forming and improving gender knowledge, ability and skills, creating effective gender experience help to create egalitarian relationship. The contents of gender terminology, concerning formation gender «I» are exposed. The author suggests her own definitions of key gender notions on the basis of theoretical analysis of works in gender science.

Keywords: gender culture, gender self-awareness, gender stereotype, gender picture of the word, gender position, gender interaction, androgynous individual, gender reflection, gender harmony/discord.

Одшею з базових потреб людства е прагнення до внутршньо! та зовшшньо! гармони. Проте в умовах трансформацп украшського суспшьства в 6iK егоцентризму, ншелювання морально-етичних цшностей домiнуючим принципом е дисгармоншшсть, що породжуе нерiвнiсть, дискримшацш, конфлшти, насильство, внутршнш дискомфорт. Тому вдея гармоншного виховання мае стати центральною домшантою педагопчного процесу. Одним з аспекпв гармоншно! особистосп е гендерний, тобто узгоджешсть зi сво!м гендерним «Я», побудова конструктивних взаемоввдносин з особами протилежно! стат!

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