start and count, they go very far. Languages have the necessary words and symbols to represent numbers that span such distances. Humans are able to interpret a large number of numbers using a small number of symbols. Distances, weights, and time can be measured and determined using these symbols and expressions.
Numbers cannot be made up of other words like other word groups. To create an ordinal number from numbers, there are basic suffixes like -ynjy/-inji, -unjy/-unji, -njy-nji. When numerals and ordinals come with words they pronounce, they retain their original form without accepting modifiers. When numerals are used independently of the words they are derived from, they take on, change, and skip the modifying suffixes.
As we said above, numbers are figuratively like nouns when they are replaced by letters and numbers. When suffixes and suffixes change with a letter or key, only their final words change.
When numerals ending in consonants change with a word, they change in the same way as nouns ending in consonants change; In the possessive and win cases, the vowels y and i at the end of the noun are long, but in the plural, the lettery and letter i are dropped and the long a is used instead of the letter y, and the long letter a is used instead of the letter i.
When numbers that end in consonants change with consonants, nouns that end in consonants change with consonants. For example:
All sunnies gather together to defend their dignity They ruined castles, destroyed gardens Their giant demons conquered Esfahan city Nobody knows three or four of towns
Ordinal numbers in the Turkmen language can also skip and change. Ordinals accept numerals, decimals, and decimals when they are converted to decimals. The plural suffix -lar/-ler is added before the plural suffixes: six-sixth-sixths(alty - altynjy -altynjylar - altynjylardan)...
When the ordinal numbers change, and some words such as fifth and sixth are consonant, the last i sound of the fifth word becomes a long a sound and the y sound of the sixth word becomes a long a sound. This is similar to the case of simple numbers that end in consonants.
By adopting the suffix -lar/-ler, the ordinal numbers that change in the conjugation occur equally in the third of the conjugation in the singular and the plural conjugation. References:
1. Краткая литературная энциклопедия. — М., 1972.
2. Предисловие А. Зырина и М. Овезгельдыева к изданию Махтумкули, Стихотворения, Советский писатель, Ленинградское отделение, 1984.
3. Нуры Байрамов «Долгая дорога», Ашхабад, «Магарыф», 1986. В составе сборника повесть «Долгая дорога» (перевод Михаила Гребнева) о Махтумкули.
© Atayeva A., 2024
УДК 39
Aydogdyyeva B. R.,
Student of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Akhalteke horses, which are considered the pride of our people, are the decoration of our weddings in our
motherland. Every year on the last Sunday of April, the national holiday of the Turkmen horse is celebrated at the state level in the country and various competitions and horse races are held, which means that the horse has a high place in the spiritual world of the.
akhalteke horses, Turkmen people, in ancient times, historical culture.
Айдогдыева Б.Р.,
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан
Ахалтекинские кони, считающиеся гордостью нашего народа, являются украшением наших свадеб на Родине. Ежегодно в последнее воскресенье апреля на государственном уровне в стране отмечается национальный праздник туркменского скакуна и проводятся различные соревнования и скачки, а это значит, что скакун занимает высокое место в духовном мире туркмен.
Ключевые слова:
ахалтекинские лошади, туркмены, в древности, историческая культура.
The horse is considered a material and spiritual wealth for the Turkmen. Yes, although the horse is a symbol of stability and wealth, it is not considered as a commodity, because it is the priceless end of nobility, trust and friendship. Turkmen horses, whose name has spread to the world, have such amazing qualities. Turkmen people cannot imagine their life without a horse. On his happy day, Turkmen Aga held a solemn wedding and had a horse. Even when the country is in danger, he jumps on his horse. The glory of Akhalteke horses, created and raised by the talent of the Turkmen people, is even greater on the face of the world, as if it is united with man. On thin legs like a pencil, the most harmonious body in the world, a long neck, a proud head... Then, as if wearing a high sultan's robe, which covered these wonders, the red and bright red, brown, black, brown. thin skin...Worthy of kings, should be ridden, beautiful as if drawn by hand and eyes that look white and longing. Manes reminding the flag of victory, tail symbol of strength...Akhalteke horses, which are considered the pride of our people, are the decoration of our weddings in our motherland. Every year on the last Sunday of April, the national holiday of the Turkmen horse is celebrated at the state level in the country and various competitions and horse races are held, which means that the horse has a high place in the spiritual world of the Turkmen.
The Turkmen people are the owners of a multifaceted historical culture. Among them, the world-famous Turkmen Ahalteke horses and the wonderful art of horse breeding occupy a worthy place. The Turkmen people, who made great discoveries at the level of universal values and gave the world a great example of perfection, also created elite breeds of hardy, loyal, stable horses. Today, our Ahalteke horses have become a symbol of the high pace of development, noble ways and sacred goals of our country. In the Turkmen breeding school, perfected by our ancestors over the centuries, all topics such as the birth, breeding, behavior of horses, breeding according to age, gait, methods of treatment of horse diseases, types of drugs used in treatment, preparation and other fine magic of horsemanship are concentrated. Breeding requires a lot of hard work, dedication, care, observation, sensitivity, intelligence and finesse.
Over the centuries, our ancestors took great care to maintain the pure blood of the Akhalteke horses. The pure blood of the seven arches of his paternal side was strictly followed. Thoroughbred horses are bred as far
as the eye can see. Their diet was different from other horses, and they were fed only by one person, that is, seyis, according to the ancient custom, in a certain amount with dried beans, barley, mustard, sugar, raisins, and eggs.
1. Summerhayes, RS, Horses and Ponies, Warne & Co, London & New York, 1948
2. Filipov, David (April 5, 1998). «A Long Way to Go». Boston Globe. Archived from the original on October 21, 2012. Retrieved June 12, 2007.
3. Turkmenistan: Arkadag Rides Again! Archived October 4, 2013, at the Wayback Machine.
© Aydogdyyeva B.R., 2024
УДК 39
Мелаева З.,
Преподавательница, Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, Ашхабад, Туркменистан.
Ниса, столица Парфии, считается жемчужиной Древнего Востока. Раскопки этого города постоянно продолжаются. В статье описаны архитектурные комплексы Нисы, находки и их место в мировой культуре.
Ключевые слова: Парфия, Ниса, находка, ритон, культура, эллинизм.
Melayeva Z.,
Teacher of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Nusay, the capital of Parthia, is considered the pearl of the Ancient East. Excavations of this city are constantly ongoing. The article describes the architectural complexes of Nusay, finds and their place in world culture.
Parthia, Nusay, find, rhyton, culture, Hellenism.
Парфянская империя, просуществовавшая почти пять столетий на стыке двух эпох, оставила большой след в истории. В 1948-1956 гг. академик М.Е. Массон, в последующие годы после него академик В.М. Массон, профессор В.Н. Пилипко проводили раскопки в Нисе, первой парфянской столице. Руины города Ниса состоят из двух крепостей: Старой и Новой Нисы. Обе крепости были построены по плану, состоящему из естественного рельефа: цитадель и окраина города, город занимал площадь 18 га.
Грозная крепость, построенная в форме неправильного пятиугольника на высотах Старой Нисы,