Review Article Economics of Agriculture 3/2012
UDC: 620.953:631.1(497.11NIS)
Jelena Petrovic1, Zarko Dimitrijevic2
In order to achieve energy stability and sustainable development, it is necessary to secure the energy supply and improve efficiency of energy production and consumption at all levels. The increase of energy production from renewable sources will help deliver secure supply and can be one of the most attractive areas for foreign investment in the territory of Nis. Biomass, which is considered to be the greatest potential renewable source of energy in the city of Nis, has insufficiently been utilised. The authors of the paper highlight the importance of using biomass and consider the issues which arise from substituting conventional energies, such as securing the safety of energy supply, enhanced agricultural development and environment protection.
Key words: agriculture, supply security, energy, renewable sources of energy (RSE). JEL: K32, Q2
The trend towards replacing conventional sources of energy with renewable ones has improved the position and importance of agriculture in the overall economic development of Serbia. Agricultural production is important for two reasons it contributes to the overall economy delivering a positive social outcome through its contribution to total employment and it is a fundamental pre-requisite for the development of renewable energy. The current development of agriculture in almost all the parts of Serbia is characterized by two facts: the first is that agriculture is declining in gross domestic product as it is being replaced by other economic activities; the second is a consequence of this trend and of the modernization of the production process. Together they result in an absolute and relative reduction of employment and the agriculturally active population. For the improvement of agricultural production,
1 Assistant professor at University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Nis, Visegradska 33, Phone: +381 63 113 27 68, E-mail:
2 Ph.D. student at University of Nis, Faculty of law, Nis, Generala Milana Bordevica 31, Phone: +381 69 56 55 400, E-mail: dimitrijevic.zarko@,
the most important is to keep levels of population and agricultural areas as the two main resources.3
The fulfilment of all the conditions for agricultural development in the Republic of Serbia and especially in the city of Nis (developed biodiversity with adequate climatic conditions, adequate operating assets, educated and skilled personnel, favourable conditions for scientific method application in practice, etc.) will generate a renewed approach to agricultural production delivering a greater food supply to meet the population's needs and will support the development of biomass as the basic renewable source of energy.
In the city of Nis, biomass is used sporadically and in a traditional way as energy for heating, cooking or water heating. However, by raising agricultural production to a significant level coupled with new investments, biomass can be used in large co-generation plants for electricity and heating energy production and it can serve as a raw material for bio-fuel production. This will result in increased employment rates, social product growth, reduced consumption of fuel from conventional sources of energy and reduced pollution and preservation of the environment.
Nis agricultural production
The city of Nis with about 258,000 citizens is the third largest city in Serbia.4 Once an industrial and economic centre of the region, it today shares the fate of most cities with similar structure of economy and population in Serbia, namely uncompetitive exports, outdated technology and low productivity.5 These factors have also affected the development of agriculture.
Table 1. Structure of agricultural land in the city of Nis (in %)
Year Fields and gardens Orchards Vineyards Meadows Grasslands
1996 58.97 5.29 11.01 5.49 19.22
1999 58.44 5.25 10.99 5.46 19.86
2000 57.87 5.25 10.88 5.80 20.20
2004 58.65 5.34 10.51 5.05 20.45
2008 56.16 5.07 8.90 5.12 24.74
2009 56.60 4.91 8.79 5.13 24.57
Source: Odsek za statistiku (2006, 2010), Statisticki godisnjak grada Nisa, Poljoprivreda, sumarstvo i vodoprivreda, Nis.
3 Rajic, Z., Davidov, R., Dimitrijevic, B., Misic, I. (2006): Upravljanje resursima u kontekstu razvoja poljoprivrede. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, IEP Beograd, 53(4), pp. 1023-1024.
4 Republicki zavod za statistiku (2011^, Popis stanovnistva, domacinstava i stanova u Republici Srbiji, Ukupno popisana lica, ukupan broj stanovnika prema Popisima 2011 i 2002 i ukupan broj domacinstava i stanova, Beograd.
5 Gligorijevic, Z., Petrovic, J. (2008): Odrzivi razvoj turizma na teritoriji grada Nisa, Ekonomika, Drustvo ekonomista „Ekonomika", 58 (5-6), Nis, pp. 58.
The city of Nis represents the socio-economically most developed area of southeast Serbia. According to its location and topography, soil and hydrographical characteristics, the city has significant potentials and conditions for the development of agricultural production. The largest uninhabited part of the territory consists of very fertile agricultural land. However, taking into the account the materials that include the term "biomass"6 (in the context of renewable energy sources) there is a need to adapt the sown species i.e. planted areas.
Data from the table below indicates that the structure of agricultural land in the city of Nis is dominated by fields and gardens. In the observed period, the area covered with fields and gardens was reduced by 2.37%, vineyards by 2.22%, orchards by 0.38%, meadows by 0.36%, while the area covered with grassland expanded by 5.35%. This trend adversely impacts on the potential use of renewable sources of energy and the development of the energy sector in the city.
Although fields are traditionally planted with maize and wheat as the main crops, the production level is not constant (Table 2). The values presented in the table show large annual fluctuations. Thus, total wheat production ranges from 8,000 to 20,000 tonnes, and maize production ranges from 10,000 to 31,000 tonnes. Yields of wheat and corn are below the average yield obtained in Serbia as the result of factors such as field fragmentation, insufficient soil irrigation, growing corn and other vegetables on the same land, outdated machinery, ageing agricultural workforce, poor agricultural policy, etc.7
Table 2. Wheat and corn yield in the city of Nis
Year Total cereal production (in t) The average yield of wheat on family farms (in kg) The total production of corn (in t) The average yield for corn on family farms (in kg)
1996 8,581 2,086 9,737 1,371
1999 16,401 3,089 23,208 3,672
2000 10,395 2,061 9,548 1,471
2004 19,464 3,743 27,459 4,400
2008 15,870 3,777 26,271 4,122
2009 12,238 2,933 26,935 4,295
Source: Odsek za statistiku, (2006, 2010), StatistiCki godisnjak grada Nisa, Poljoprivreda, sumarstvo i vodoprivreda, Nis.
In the past, viticulture represented a significant share of agriculture with about 5,000 acres of vineyards and 3,500 of installed capacities in the four wineries. The wineries closed between 2001 and 2003 as the result of the termination of grape purchase and the occurrence of phytoplasma in vines, consequently the vineyard area in Nis was decreased.
Viticulture and fruit production are faced with numerous problems. The highest recorded number of vines was noted in 1971 and since then it started decreasing, so that in 2009 it
6 Infra, 3.
7 Bekic, S. (2001): Agrarni menadzment, Europrint, Nis, pp. 46. EP 2012 (59) 3 (499-512)
totalled only 20,446. However, grape production was not significantly reduced until 2002, because the yield per vine was 1kg. One exception is low yield achieved in 1999 (Table 3).
Table 3. Viticulture and fruit production in Nis
Year Vineyards Apples Plums
Number of fertile vines (1000 pieces) The yield (in t) Number of productive trees The yield (in t) Number of productive trees The yield (in t)
1996 26,727 22,554 219,770 4,024 648,477 9,104
1999 25,599 4,730 198,490 2,429 611,950 4,324
2000 25,416 22,049 190,890 2,754 600,758 5,944
2004 24,031 19,442 175,920 2,363 522,915 5,825
2008 20,406 14,325 167,330 1,905 468,820 4,200
2009 20,446 15,794 159,740 2,525 441,010 4,930
Source: Odsek za statistiku (2006, 2010), Statisticki godisnjak grada Nisa, Poljoprivreda, sumarstvo i vodoprivreda, Nis.
Fruit production is outdated, uncompetitive and not cost effective. Factors that negatively affect the quantity and quality of fruit are:
1) Small and fragmented planted areas,
2) Old planted areas,
3) Limited production of seedlings in the city,
4) The quantity of fruit production depends on climatic conditions,
5) Lack of investment,
6) Inadequate policies in the area of subventions,
7) Lack of modern facilities for processing and packaging.
Nis has very favorable conditions for the development and further improvement of fruit production. Exploitation of given conditions implies creation of a favorable environment for the rapid recovery of agriculture and the economy.8
The city of Nis has potential for far greater agricultural production. A significant part of the area is not used for growing crops. The observed part of the area also has good potential for the expansion of crop production. In addition, agricultural production can be expanded to arable land by applying modern technology. Nis is behind other areas and other countries in its use of modern technology in agriculture.
8 Vukoje, V, Milic, D. (2009): Ekonomski efekti uproizvodnji vaznijih vrsti vocaka, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, 56(3), Beograd, pp.377-387.
Agricultural production and security of energy supply
The availability of a secure energy supply is of strategic importance. Substitution of conventional fuels (coal, gas, oil and oil products) by synthetic raw materials often relies on the provision of other raw materials for the production of substitutes, which are also difficult to obtain. Thus, states often become dependent upon the countries rich in mineral wealth, especially in energy resources such as oil.9
Table 4. Dependence ofthe Republic of Serbia10 on imported primary energy sources (in %)
Element 2008. 2009. 2010.
Oil and derivatives 85.80 83.77 78.19
Gas 88.54 85.77 83.56
Coal 11.36 8.44 9.58
Source: Republicki zavod za statistiku (2008, 2009, 2010), Ukupni energetski bilans Republike Srbije, Beograd.
Reducing dependence can be achieved by reducing consumption and increasing production itself. The basic requirement to reduce consumption is to raise the level of energy efficiency. Potentials of energy savings by raising energy efficiency vary with respect to the observed sectors.
Table 5. The possibility of energy saving by sector
Sector The potential savings (in %)
Transport 10
Habitation 10-35
The public sector 35-40
The service sector 10-30
Industry 5-25
Source: WBIF, Executive Summary, Financial Support Facilities Available for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the Western Balkans, November 30, 2011. Available at:\.org/portal/page/portal/ENC_HOME/DOC'UMENTS?librarA.cateaorA = 165
The greatest energy savings can be achieved in the housing sector and public sector. The new Law on planning and building11 has systematically solved the problem of energy efficiency in housing, but only for newly constructed buildings i.e. reconstructed buildings. Namely, the Regulations on Energy Efficiency in Buildings12 have established energy performance
9 Mrdakovic, C., Mihajlovic, D. (2008): Upravljanje energetskim resursima Srbije i spoljnotrgovinska razmena sa Rusijom, Medunarodni problemi, Institut za medunarodnu politiku i privredu, 60 (4), Beograd, pp. 542.
10 According to the census from 2011 year, 5.24% of the total population of Serbia lives on the territory of Nis.
11 Sl. glasnik RS, br. 72/2009, 81/2009 - ispr., 64/2010 - odluka US i 24/2011.
12 Sl. glasnik RS, br. 61/2011.
of residential buildings which are aimed at increasing energy efficiency i.e. decreasing energy consumption. However there are no equivalent solutions for the public sector or for other sectors. This is considered to be the key to achieving major cost savings (Table 5).
Reducing dependence of the State upon imported energy is possible by increasing its own production, which, when it comes to Serbia, can be done in two ways. The first involves new investments in the production of fossil fuels (coal and oil), which is of very limited nature due to restricted and insufficient resources. Another option is based on investment into projects aimed at obtaining renewable sources of energy. The most effective investment in terms of ensuring security of supply and environmental protection is to invest in agricultural production in order to obtain biomass. In accordance with the Decision on Establishing the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia13, increasing production using renewable sources of energy refers primarily to biomass, hydro potentials of small water flow (with facilities up to 10 MW), geothermal energy, wind energy and solar radiation. The Decision states that the circumstances in Serbia require so-called decentralized production of heat (through combustion of biomass and "collection" of solar radiation) and electricity (by building mini hydroelectric power plants with the power of 10 MW and wind generators of up to 1 MW) to meet the needs of local consumers (villages, cities) and to supply surplus electricity to networks across Serbia. The energy potential of these renewable energy sources is very important and is over 3 M t.en.14a year (with the potential of small hydroelectric power plants of about 0.4 M t.en). About 80% of the total potential is in the utilization of biomass, about 1.0 M t.en of which is comprised of wood biomass (wood cutting and timber residue in its primary and/or industrial processing), and more than 1.5 M t.en. of agricultural biomass (agricultural and farming residues including slurry) - with 50% greater potential than the one of wood biomass.
To achieve better utilization of agricultural biomass it is necessary to establish incentives to promote the introduction of modern technologies for biomass and waste combustion, to invest in new facilities and to purchase equipment for the use of renewable sources of energy. It is also important to raise public awareness of the possibility of using renewable energy sources and about the benefits provided by the International Fund for Implementation of Specific Projects. This includes greater involvement of local authorities by showing the positive impact of these activities on employment and development of the local infrastructure.
The city of Nis has already established a Council on Energy Efficiency15 which aims to manage energy in a more rational way, to reduce the share of fossil fuels in favour of renewable sources of energy, to decrease emissions of green house gases in order to preserve the environment, and, as its basic task, to promote the use of renewable sources of energy, with agricultural biomass representing the greatest overall potential.
13 Sl. glasnik RS, br. 44/2005.
14 Millions tones of oil equivalent.
15 Resenje o obrazovanju Saveta grada Nisa za energetsku efikasnost (Sl. list grada Nisa, br. 22/2011). 504 EP 2012 (59) 3 (499-512)
Biomass as the engine of agricultural production development
Increased agricultural activity in the Nis area would create the conditions which would allow biomass to become a major source of energy. There is no exact economic data about the current feasibility of biomass use but by applying established principles we can conclude that greater available amounts would create favourable conditions for investment in great power plants which would be able to meet most energy needs on the whole territory of the city and beyond.
Table 6. Biomass as a renewable source of energy
Includes: Does not include:
plants and parts of plant fossil fuels and secondary and by-products produced thereof
energy sources derived from plants or parts of plants, whose entire components and intermediate products were generated from biomass peat
waste and by-products of plant or animal origin from the agricultural, forestry or fishing industry mixed municipal waste from private households and similar waste from other origins including biomass fractions derived from mixed municipal waste
Bio-waste waste wood with the exception of industrial residual wood
gas produced from biomass through gasification or pyrolysis and its secondary and by-products paper, cardboard
alcohols produced from biomass, whose components, intermediate, secondary and byproducts were generated from biomass. sewage sludge within the meaning of the Sewage Sludge Ordinance (Klarschlammverordnung)
harbour mud and other water body sludge and sediments
landfill gas
sewage treatment gas
Source: Ordinance on the Generation of Electricity from Biomass (Biomass Ordinance -Biomasse V), Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany, December, 2011, available at: downloads/doc/5433.php
The potential of biomass in the city of Nis is large. The basis for this statement is derived from the definition of biomass itself. Biomass is a biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues in agriculture (including vegetable and animal substances), forestry and associated industries, as well as a biodegradable fraction of industrial and city waste.16 The Energy Law
16 Directive 2001/77/EC ofthe European Parliament and ofthe Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market.
of the Republic of Serbia defines biomass as17: ''a biodegradable part of products, waste and residues of biological origin in agriculture (including vegetable and animal substances), forestry and associated industries, as well as a biodegradable part of industrial and communal waste'', the contents of which were expanded on the basis of the Decision on adoption of the biomass action plan from 2010 to 201218 which states: ''Biomass is a biodegradable matter originating in agriculture, forestry and associated industries and households, which includes: plants and plant parts, plant residues and by-products in agriculture (straw, corn, branches, seeds and nuts), residues of animal origin in agriculture (manure), the remains of plants in forestry (logging residue), biodegradable residues in food and timber industry which do not contain hazardous substances and separated biodegradable fraction of communal waste''. Finally, biomass is defined in overseas publications as a renewable source of energy which is comprised of matter composed of plants and plant parts, residues and by-products of plant and animal origin in agriculture, forestry, and commercial production of fish, biological waste, as well as gas and alcohol produced by chemical processes from biomass (Table 6).
From these definitions and the data on biodiversity in the territory of the city, we can conclude that possible increase in production would not have adverse effects on the production of traditionally grown crops, indeed it would be just the opposite. Therefore, it is necessary to extend the existing agricultural production and make it more effective, resulting in larger quantities of matter that can be considered as biomass.
Table 7. Biomass of targeted agricultural crops and equivalent oil value (t/year)
No Culture Area (in ha) Yield (t/ha) The total biomass (in t) The equivalent value oil (t/year)
1 Wheat 4,167 2.94 12,250.98 4,083.65
2 Rye 38 2.07 94.39 31.46
3 Barley 568 2.77 1,575.06 525.02
4 Oats 355 2.12 752.25 250.75
5 Corn 6,265 4.30 32,327.40 10,775.78
6 Branches from the orchard 1,905 2,000.25 800.10
7 Grape-vine 3,408 3,237.60 1,295.04
In total 52,237.93 17,761.80
Source: Authors' calculations based on the data from Odsek za statistiku (2010), Statisticki godisnjak grada Nisa, Poljoprivreda, sumarstvo i vodoprivreda, Nis.
17 Clan 2. stav 1. tacka 3. Zakona o energetici (Sl. glasnik RS, br. 57/2011 i 80/2011 - ispr).
18 Sl. glasnik RS, br. 56/2010.
Apart from the expansion ofthe existing production, it is also possible to increase agricultural production through ''special purpose plantations''19. This involves planting special types of fast growing trees (willow, various types of cane) which are used specifically for the production of biomass matters. This approach is technologically possible and has been achieved in many developed countries, particularly Great Britain20.
Furthermore, it is considered that the concept of special purpose plantations could include targeted crops which would provide greater benefit than the plantations cultivating types of longer vegetative development. First, the available field would not be exclusively used for the production of biomass, but would also be used for agricultural products which can be offered on the market. Second, by increasing the production of targeted crops, conditions for the upgrade of other industries, especially manufacturing, would be created. Third, employment among agricultural workers would be more regular because of the requirement to grow crops with a shorter vegetation period. Fourth, by growing targeted plants, biodiversity would be much higher.
Table 7 shows current production of targeted agricultural crops in the city of Nis and the equivalent oil value. Based on the energy value of biomass of certain crops, total equivalent oil value is 17,761 tonnes per year. If the production of all crops was increased up to the volume of production which was realised during the nineties in the last century, overall biomass and the equivalent oil value would be about 1.5 times higher.
Table 8. Estimation of total biogas production in the city of Nis
Types of livestock The number of heads of cattle1 Excrement2 (kg/day) The total dry matter (kg/day) Organic matter (kg/ day) The amount of biogas (Nm3)
Cattle 3,330 122,328 15,492.6 12,565.8 4,028.07
Pigs 934 20,548 2,521.8 2,521.8 756.54
Poultry 290 7,540 2,291.0 1,682.0 580.00
In total 4,554 150,416 20,305.4 16,769.6 5,364.62
Source: Calculations based on the data from Odsek za statistiku (2010). Statisticki godisnjak grada Nisa.Poljoprivreda, sumarstvo i vodoprivreda, Nis.
The situation is similar with the production of biogas. Table 8 shows estimates of energy potential of biogas, first of all by taking into consideration the state of cattle, pigs and poultry which was achieved in 2007. Total heat equivalent obtained from the manure is equal to about 120,704 MJ / day. The stated potential would not greatly affect the energy balance, but it would contribute significantly to reducing environmental hazards.
19 Nacionalna strategija za ukljucivanje Republike Srbije u mehanizam cistog razvoja Kjoto protokola za sektore upravljanja otpadom, poljoprivrede i sumarstva, (Sl. glasnik RS, br. 8/2010), pp. 31.
20 Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (2004), Biomass as a Renewable Source, Biomass Fuels, London, 2004.
Manure can also be used as fodder, for production of earthworms, humus and biogas as well as protein feed by using microorganisms. None of these possibilities have been used sufficiently, so the problem with slurry still exists and it puts livestock production in danger and makes it more expensive.21
It is therefore not surprising that farming in Nis is significantly declining (Table 9). In the period from 1960 to 1975, the number of cattle was increased, with the index of 120.8 for the year 1975 when compared to the year 1969. In the period from 1975 to 2007 the number of cattle was reduced, with the index of 34.2 for the year 2007.
Breeding pigs and producing corn both have an important role in supplying the population with meat and meat products. When it comes to pig production it should be noted that changing breed and the transition from fat to meat are important factors. Development of the observed production depends on the development of the slaughter industry. This is dependent upon revitalization of the existing plant, construction of new plants and a growth in the volume of production, i.e. that the decrease of the number of bred pigs is stopped. The index in 2007 was only 24.8.
Table 9. Number of cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry
Year Cattle Pigs Sheep Poultry
Total Index Total Index Total Index Total Index
1961 10,681 100.0 13,767 100.0 28,880 100.0 102,857 100.0
1965 11,379 106.5 17,576 127.7 23,703 82.1 126,701 123.2
1971 11,184 104.7 20,285 147.3 13,574 47.0 165,496 160.9
1975 12,899 120.8 22,386 163.0 15,900 55.1 242,756 236.0
1991 8,994 85.0 25,357 185.0 10,333 35.6 157,786 154.0
2001 7,636 71.5 17,981 130.6 14,376 49.8 171,339 166.6
2004 6,951 65.1 15,112 109.7 4,310 14.9 109,062 106.0
2007 3,653 34.2 3,416 24.8 4,451 15.4 93,088 90.5
Source: Odsek za statistiku (2010). Statisticki godisnjak grada Nisa.Poljoprivreda, sumarstvo i vodoprivreda, Nis.
Sheep farming on the territory of Nis is also in an unfavourable position. The number of sheep in 1961 was 28,880, this decreased to 15,900 in 1975 and by 2007 it was only 4,451. The number of female breeding stock and the number of animals per 100 ha of arable land changed alongside with the fluctuation of the overall number of sheep.
Although the highest level of modern technology in livestock production in Nis was achieved in the poultry production, the period from 2000 to 2007 was characterized by a significant decrease in production compared to the previous period. The development of this production was influenced by changes in modern technology and industrial production of poultry and eggs, however an important element which would improve the sustainability
21 Brkic, M. (1993): Proizvodnja i koriscenje biogasa i bioâubriva iz stajnjaka, Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad, pp. 5-11.
of production was left out thus reducing the overall rate of return. In poultry production the cycle is not long, and with the help of incubators much more meat can be produced than with conventional breeding.22 If we add income from biomass production, economic sustainability would be viewed in a different way.
Sustainability of agricultural production
The link between agricultural production and energy independence is of a permanent character. The greater agricultural production, the greater the amount of available biomass there is, which in turn improves the conditions for increased energy production and reduced energy dependency. However, for project realisation it is necessary to fulfil two conditions.
First, it is necessary to create a favourable investment atmosphere for investing into facilities for renewable energy. This primarily involves the adoption of new regulations in accordance with the EU whose solutions would help abolish general and specific legal and administrative barriers to exploiting new energy facilities. Regulations which relate to the facility construction in which production of energy would be carried out are considered as general because they are covered by general regulations, common for building other types of facilities. To include energy plant into the existing energy infrastructure in the country, an investor is obliged to fulfil several conditions and to obtain certain approvals and permits apart from procuring necessary equipment and facilities. We consider the complicated and often imprecise procedures for obtaining necessary approvals and permits from the relevant public services (at national or local community level) as particular barriers.23
Legal and administrative barriers of special character could be useful to support pure development techniques which ensures agricultural development based on biomass use providing this guarantees the sustainability of development and also meets the second condition, i.e. realization of interdependence of agriculture production and energy stability.
The application of the pure development mechanism protects agricultural land from negligence and abuse of exploitation and at the same time it guarantees the sustainability of agricultural production and application of all environmental protection standards. Pure development mechanism is based on the use of two concepts: "carbon neutrality" and "renewable biomass".24The concept of "carbon neutrality" means that the CO2 emissions generated in the process of biomass combustion do not exceed naturally-generated levels, ie .the amount of CO2 released in the process of biomass combustion is equal to the amount
22 Bekic, S. (2001): Agrarni menadzment, Europrint, Nis, pp. 66.
23 Dimitrijevic, Z., Ivanovic, B. M. (2011): Revoking of legal and administrative barriers for using renewable energy sources in order to increase competitiveness of companies in Serbia, Proceedings - 16th International Conference of the Series Man and Working Environment Safety of Technical Systems in Living and Working Environment - [STS-11], Univerzitet u Nisu, Fakultet zastite na radu, Nis, pp. 490
24 Nacionalna strategija za ukljucivanje Republike Srbije u mehanizam cistog razvoja Kjoto protokola za sektore upravljanja otpadom, poljoprivrede i sumarstva (Sl. glasnik RS, br. 8/2010), pp. 28.
of CO2 used by plants in their growth and development process. Thus, the CO2 released in the biomass combustion process is a part of the natural cycle and biomass is considered to be carbon neutral (because it does not release additional CO2). In this respect, biomass as an energy source is similar to renewable energy sources such as water, wind or solar energy.
The concept of "renewable biomass" relates to the standards of land treatment which generates biomass matter. It is necessary to ensure that after the collection of matter on the treated land the level of carbon is not increased, i.e. the conditions for the emergence of new material are created.
Reducing dependence of the country upon imported energy is also possible by raising its own production, which can be done in two ways when it comes to Serbia. The first involves new investments in the production of fossil fuels (coal and oil), which is of a very limited nature due to insufficient resources. An alternative is investment into projects for obtaining renewable sources of energy. The most promising investment in terms of ensuring security of supply and environmental protection is to invest in agricultural production in order to obtain biomass.
The city of Nis is rich in resources for the development of agricultural production and obtaining agricultural biomass. Increased agricultural activity in the city would provide conditions for biomass to represent a major source of energy. However, for the realisation of the project in such an established interdependence, it is necessary to fulfil two correlative conditions.
First, it is necessary to create a favourable investment atmosphere for investing into facilities for renewable energy, and then ensure the sustainability of agricultural production based on the principle of biomass through a pure development mechanism - by applying the concept of "carbon neutrality" and "renewable biomass". The application of the pure development mechanism protects agricultural land from negligence and exploitation and at the same time it guarantees the sustainability of agricultural production and application of all environmental protection standards.
Increasing agricultural production in the Nis area would increase biomass matter and create the conditions for the production of larger quantities of energy. The production of larger amounts of energy would mean less energy dependence of the city of Nis, and it would also lay the foundation for the application of that pattern to other parts of Serbia.
1. Biomass as a Renewable Source (2004), Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution Biomass Fuels, London.
2. Brkic, M. (1993): Proizvodnja i koriscenje biogasa i biodubriva iz stajnjaka, Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad.
3. Dimitrijevic, Z., Ivanovic, D. M. (2011): Revoking of legal and administrative barriers for using renewable energy sources in order to increase competitiveness of companies in Serbia, Proceedings - 16th International Conference of the Series Man and Working Environment Safety of Technical Systems in Living and Working Environment - [STS-11], Univerzitet u Nisu, Fakultet zastite na radu, pp. 489-495.
4. Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September
2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market.
5. Dekic, S. (2001): Agrarni menadzment, Europrint, Nis.
6. GligorijeviC, Z., Petrovic, J. (2008): Odrzivi razvoj turizma na teritoriji grada Nisa, Ekonomika, Drustvo ekonomista Ekonomika, 58 (5-6), pp. 58-64, Nis.
7. Mrdakovic, C., Mihajlovic, D. (2008): Upravljanje energetskim resursima Srbije i spoljnotrgovinska razmena sa Rusijom, Medunarodni problemi, Institut za medunarodnu politiku i privredu, 60(4), pp. 541-552, Beograd.
8. Nacionalna strategija za ukljucivanje Republike Srbije u mehanizam cistog razvoja Kjoto protokola za sektore upravljanja otpadom, poljoprivrede i sumarstva, (Sluzbeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br. 8/2010).
9. Ordinance on the Generation of Electricity from Biomass (Biomass Ordinance -Biomasse V), Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany, December, 2011, available at: renewable_energy/downloads/doc/5433.php
10. Popis stanovnistva, domacinstava i stanova u Republici Srbiji (2011), Republicki zavod za statistiku (Ukupno popisana lica, ukupan broj stanovnika prema Popisima 2011. i
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Jelena Petrovic25, Zarko Dimitrijevic26
Za ostvarivanje energetske stabilnosti jedne drzave i njen odrzivi i ravnomerni razvoj neophodno je obezbediti sigurnost snabdevanja energentima i unaprediti energetsku efikasnost proizvodnje i potrosnje na svim nivoima. Povecanje proizvodnje energije iz obnovljivih izvora u cilju obezbedenja sigurnosti snabdevanja moze biti jedna od najatraktivnijih oblasti za strana ulaganja na teritoriji grada Nisa. Biomasa, kao najveci potencijalni obnovljivi izvor energije u gradu Nisu, nedovoljno je iskoriscen. Autori u radu ukazuju na znacaj koriscenja biomase, koji se prvenstveno ogleda u obezbedivanju sigurnosti snabdevanja energentima, ubrzanom razvoju poljoprivrede i zastiti zivotne sredine supstitucijom konvencionalnih energenata.
Kljucne reci: poljoprivreda, sigurnost snabdevanja, energija, OIE.
25 docent na Departmanu za geografiju, Prirodno-matematicki fakultet u Nisu, Visegradska 33, Tel: +381 63 113 27 68, E-mail:
26 student doktorskih studija na Pravnom fakultetu u Nisu, Generala Milana Bordevica 31, Tel: +381 69 56 55 400, E-mail: