Економика пољопривредеНаучный журнал на тему: Сельскохозяйственные науки, Экономика и бизнес
Статистикавсего статей: 883
Описание научного журнала
Economics of Agriculture welcomes original articles from wide variety of economic perspectives that address current and relevant issues related to the agriculture. Economics of The main goal of the journal is to promote original research in the field of agricultural economy and agribusiness, by providing valuable insight as for academia audience, researchers and experts, as well as for policy-makers and producers in a highly competitive environment.
Балканская научная ассоциация экономистов-аграрников
Область наук
- Сельскохозяйственные науки
- Экономика и бизнес
Печатный: 0352-3462Электронный: 2334-8453