AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN THE SPEED INDICATORS OF BOXERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Khvedelidze Kakhaber

Our aim was to study the age-related changes occurring in the musculoskeletal system of boxers, and, on the basis of the results obtained, identify that age period, which is a turning point in terms of the state of the musculoskeletal system. Proceeding from the fact that the speed and speed of reactions are the decisive qualities in boxing to achieve this goal. We have studied such parameters as: the latent period of the motor reaction, taking into account the age of the athletes, as well as the frequency of elementary movements. After analyzing the results obtained, it turned out that the latent period of motor reactions naturally changes with age. In particular, among athletes 20-22 years old, it reaches an optimal value, after which it has a tendency. to growth and at the age of 27-30 years, it statistically significantly increases. The maximum frequency of elementary movements also changes with age, and reaches its maximum indicator at the age of 20-22 years, after which its deterioration begins, which is clearly visible by 27 -30 years old. Based on these data, it can be assumed that 30 years is a turning point. After which the physical indicators (in our case, the speed of the motor reaction) do not allow the athlete to perform at professional competitions without harm to health.

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Kakhaber Khvedelidze

Candidate of Sciences in Biology, Associate professor Georgian State Educational University of Physical Education and Sports,

Georgia, Tbilisi


Хведелидзе Кахабер Ражденович

канд. биол. наук, Ассоциированный профессор, Грузинский государственный учебный университет физического воспитания и спорта,

Грузия, г. Тбилиси


Our aim was to study the age-related changes occurring in the musculoskeletal system of boxers, and, on the basis of the results obtained, identify that age period, which is a turning point in terms of the state of the musculoskeletal system. Proceeding from the fact that the speed and speed of reactions are the decisive qualities in boxing to achieve this goal. We have studied such parameters as: the latent period of the motor reaction, taking into account the age of the athletes, as well as the frequency of elementary movements.

After analyzing the results obtained, it turned out that the latent period of motor reactions naturally changes with age. In particular, among athletes 20-22 years old, it reaches an optimal value, after which it has a tendency. to growth and at the age of 27-30 years, it statistically significantly increases. The maximum frequency of elementary movements also changes with age, and reaches its maximum indicator at the age of20-22 years, after which its deterioration begins, which is clearly visible by 27 -30 years old. Based on these data, it can be assumed that 30 years is a turning point. After which the physical indicators (in our case, the speed of the motor reaction) do not allow the athlete to perform at professional competitions without harm to health.


Нашей целью было изучить возрастные изменения, происходящие в опорно-двигательном аппарате боксеров, и на оснований полученных результатов выделить тот возрастной период, который является переломным в плане состояния опорно-двигательного аппарата. Исходя из того, что скорость и быстрота реакций является решающими качествами в боксе для достижения поставленной цели, нами были изучены такие параметры как: латентный период двигательной реакций с учетом возраста спортсменов, а также частота элементарных движений.

После анализа полученных результатов выяснилось, что скрытый период двигательных реакций закономерно изменяется в связи с возрастом. В частности, у спортсменов 20-22-х лет достигает оптимальной величины, после чего имеет тенденцию к росту и в возрасте 27-30 лет он статистически достоверно увеличивается. максимальная частота элементарных движений так же изменяется вместе с возрастом. И своего максимального показателя достигает в возрасте 20-22 лет, после чего начинается ее ухудшение, что хорошо видно уже к 27-30 годам. На оснований этих данных можно предположить, что 30 лет является переломным возрастом, после которого физические показатели (в нашем случае скорость двигательной реакций) не позволяют спортсмену без ущерба для здоровья выступать на профессиональных соревнованиях.

Keywords: latent period of reactions, boxing, age, fitness.

Ключевые слова: скрытый период реакций, бокс, возраст, тренированность.

The specific features of boxing - high physical and emotional stress, require planning and organization of the training process at a fairly high level. Modern boxing competitions, especially at large tournaments, place high demands on the athlete in terms of endurance, speed of reaction, technique, tactics and volitional qualities. Preparation for such competitions presupposes a long and purposeful training process and its effective

implementation strongly depends on the correct organization of the training regime [1; 6; 7].

By its nature, boxing belongs to situational sports, which are associated with continuous response to constantly changing conditions and rapidly changing forms of movement. And this, in turn, requires a quick rearrangement of coordination relations in the central nervous system [1].

Библиографическое описание: Khvedelidze K. AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN THE SPEED INDICATORS OF BOXERS // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 1(91). URL: https://7univer-sum. com/ru/nature/archive/item/12907

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Intensification of boxers' training and a significant increase in the level of training and competitive loads urgently requires the development and implementation of technologies that ensure the optimization of the training process without a significant volume and intensity of physical loads. This circumstance is especially important in the training of older athletes.

The problem of training senior boxers is one of the most important in practical terms and one of the most difficult in theoretical terms. The complexity of this problem is determined by the versatility of the components that determine the sports training of athletes, taking into account their age. (2.5). It is especially difficult to solve such problems in such a sport as boxing, in which the mutual influence of physical and mental factors is determined by motor complexity, tactical unpredictability and high emotional stress.

Boxing (especially professional) requires an athlete to have the highest level of functional state of the sportsmotor apparatus, central nervous and autonomic systems. Otherwise, based on the specifics of boxing, practicing this kind of sport is inappropriate not only due to the possible lack of a sports result, but also in terms of maintaining the athlete's health [3; 7;8;9;10].

Taking into account the above, our goal was to study age-related changes occurring in the musculoskeletal system of boxers, and on the basis of the results obtained, to single out the age period that is critical in terms of the state of the musculoskeletal system at a level that allows without prejudice to the athlete's health engage in competitive boxing

Material and research methods

The studies were carried out on male athletes of various ages and qualifications. With their help, in the conditions of training and competition, as well as with the use of various laboratory tests, we studied the complexes of such physiological indicators as the latent period of simple and complex motor reactions and the maximum frequency of elementary muscle movements.

Determination of the latent period of the motor reaction: Determination of the latent period of the motor reaction to a simple and complex stimulus in different age groups was carried out in 60 athletes who were divided into four age groups; 8-10, 15-16, 20-22 and 2730 years old. Each group consisted of 15 athletes.

For measurements, a system designed by us was used, one of the main components of which was a high-frequency electric stopwatch with a measurement accuracy of up to thousandths of a second. The scheme of the experiment was as follows: the experimenter, on his remote control, by pressing a special button, light an electric light bulb. The subject also has a remote control with buttons on which, in response to the light coming on, he must press the button as quickly as possible. In the course of carrying out these simple operations on an electric stopwatch, the latent period of the motor response to the conditioned stimulus is recorded.

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In the second, more complex set of experiments, several bulbs were used, the distance between which was equal to one meter. In this variant of the experiment, the subject does not know which lamp will be lit by the experimenter, but immediately after the lamp comes on, he must immediately press the button. And in this case, the reaction time is recorded by an electric stopwatch. Similar options are provided for determining the latent period of the motor reaction of the lower extremities, however, instead of a remote control with buttons, the subject uses a special pedal, which is pressed by the right or left foot.

Establishing the maximum frequency of muscle movements: The maximum frequency of muscle movements of a person is investigated with the motor activity of various muscles, including the example of finger movements.

Our task was to establish the maximum frequency of muscle movements of an athlete in relation to his age and qualifications. For this purpose, we have made an electric meter that automatically counted the number of finger presses on the button for 10 seconds. All movements were carried out with the index finger with a maximum amplitude. The ability to maintain the maximum frequency of movements for a long time was determined by the difference of this indicator in the intervals between the first and tenth 10-second recorded maximum frequency of movements. In other words, the athlete presses the button with his finger at a maximum frequency for 110 seconds. The indicators of the first 10 seconds were compared with the indicators recorded in the 100-110 second interval.

Age-related studies were conducted on 60 novice athletes of various ages, which were subdivided into the following 6 age groups: 7-8, 10-11, 13-14, 16-17, 20- 22 and 27-30 years old.

Each athlete was presented with at least 10 samples. The observation was carried out for 6 months, in laboratory conditions.

Results and their maintenance

In athletes 15-16 years old, the indicator of the latent period of the motor reaction compared with children 8-10 years old sharply decreased and for the right hand was 0.182 + - 0.010e, and for the left - 0.177+ -0.010e, and for the left - 0.177+ - 0E012 with. In athletes aged 20-22, a further decrease in the latent period of the motor reaction was observed, which was practically the same for both hands and equaled 0.165+ _0.015 and 0.165+ _0, .010s. For athletes of 27-30 years old we are dealing with an increase in the duration of the latent period; for the right hand, this indicator is 0.217 + _0.012 s, and for the left hand - 0.207 + _0.010 s. As it turned out, the latent period of a simple motor reaction decreases with age until a certain time and reaches a minimum by the age of 20-22, and then, with increasing age (27-30 years), it gradually increases.

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Figure 1. Latent period of the motor reaction of boxers of different age groups

Figure 1 shows the motor activity of the latent period of a simple motor reaction in athletes of different ages. As can be seen from the figure, in children aged 810 years, the latent period of a simple motor reaction with the left hand averaged 0.258+ -0.05 sec, and with the right hand - 0.240+ -0.045 sec.

In the case of the experiment with the lower extremities, the latent period of the motor reaction is significantly increased. So, in children of 8-10 years old, the latency of a simple motor reaction of the right leg was 0.326+ - 0.012 sec, and with the left leg - 0.294 + -0.02 sec.

Similar data were obtained on athletes 15-16 years old, in whom the latent period of simple motor reactions, carried out by the lower extremities, is significantly longer than in the upper extremities. As for the data obtained on athletes of 27-30 years old, the latent period of the lower extremities compared to the upper ones was increased to a lesser extent.

During the implementation of complex motor reactions by the upper and lower extremities, the latent period, in connection with age, changed with the same regularity as in the case of simple motor reactions. The latent period of simple motor reactions of the upper extremities in athletes of all age groups is shorter in comparison with the latent period of complex motor reactions.

A comparative analysis of the latent periods of motor reactions, carried out by the upper and lower extremities, showed that the latent periods of both simple and complex motor reactions are shorter for both the right and the left hand in comparison with the lower extremities. We can say that a regularity has been established, which consists in the fact that the latent period of the motor reaction of the upper extremities is always less than the same indicator of the lower extremities. For example, if the latent period of a simple motor reaction

of the upper extremities of athletes 20-22 years old was equal to 0.166 + -0.019 sec. in the same subjects, the latent period of the lower extremities increased to 0.200 + -0.010 sec.

It is clearly seen from the results obtained that the latent period of complex motor reactions is always greater. This difference is relatively better seen in children 8-10 years old and with age it gradually decreases at first, and then increases again. For example, the difference between reactions to simple and complex stimuli in children aged 8-10 years was 0.054 + -0.005 seconds. For athletes 15-16 years old, the difference decreased to 0.025 + -0.004; for athletes 20-22 years old, it decreased even more and reached 0.016 + -0.003 sec. After 20-22 years, the difference increased again and in 27-30 years old it was 0.040 + -0.005 sec. The difference between these indicators is statistically significant - p <0.05.

Based on our task, it was also of interest to study changes in the maximum frequency of muscle movements of athletes, depending on their age and qualifications, using the example of finger movements, and to identify the ability to maintain the maximum rate of these movements for a long time. After analyzing the data obtained, we can conclude that the maximum frequency of elementary movements continuously increases with age and reaches a maximum at the age of 20-22 years. So, for example, if in children 7-8 years old the indicator of the maximum frequency of elementary movements is 25 movements in 10 seconds, then at the age of 10 years the indicator quickly freezes and reaches 34 + -5 movements in 10 seconds.

In adolescents 13-14 years old, there is an even more significant increase in this indicator and it reaches 55-59 movements in 10 seconds.

The maximum frequency of elementary movements in 17-year-old boxers is 62-64 movements per 10 seconds.

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7-8years 10-11years 13-14years 16-17years 20-22years 27-30years

Figure 2. The frequency of elementary movements in 10 seconds among boxers of different age groups

It should be noted that if before the age of 17, the growth of this indicator occurs at a rather rapid pace, after the age of 17, the growth is insignificant and by the age of 20-22 it reaches 64-69 movements in 10 seconds. and after 22 years, a decrease begins and by the age of 27-30 this indicator decreases to 60-62 movements in 10 seconds.

With age, there is a slight decrease in the ability to maintain the maximum frequency of movements. So, at the age of 7-8 years, the maximum frequency of elementary movements during the tenth second test, in comparison with the first 10-second test, is reduced by 70.03%. In 10-year-old children, the reduction is 73.16 + -5.11%, and at the age of 12-13, it is 80.46 + -7.05%. A similar pattern is observed among non-athletes and novice athletes. In well-trained athletes, an increase in age in the majority of cases is accompanied by an increase in the level of fitness, which, together with age, compensates for a decrease in this indicator.

For beginner athletes 17 years old, the specified indicator is 64-66 movements in 10 seconds. For boxers of average skill - 66-70 movements, and for boxers of high qualification - it increases to 70-73 movements.

Highly qualified athletes are able to maintain the maximum rate of movement for a comparatively long time. Thus, the decrease by the tenth 10-second segment in comparison with the first 10-second segment was 81.52 + -11.5% among low-qualification athletes, and it did not exceed 68.57 + -7.006% among highly qualified athletes. Consequently, as qualifications grow, the ability to maintain the frequency of elementary movements for a long time increases. This tendency is recorded in all age groups. Of particular interest was the study of this indicator in sports in which the functional abilities of the upper limbs do not play a decisive role. In our case, football was chosen as such a sport.

There was no natural difference in the indicator of the maximum frequency of elementary movements among football players and boxers. Moreover, in some cases, the recorded indicators of football players (in some cases, 90-95 movements per 10 seconds) were higher than those of boxers. However, the boxers' ability to maintain the maximum tempo of movements for a long time was higher. However, this difference, was insignificant and statistically unreliable.

Based on this, we can say that the specified indicator in athletes depends not so much on the athlete's specialization, but on the general functional state of his body, since as the level of fitness increases, this indicator increases both among boxers and football players. The indicator of boxers and football players of the same age and qualification wound (according to our data) slightly differs from each other, despite the fact that these two sports differ sharply in their specificity.


Thus, observations on athletes of different ages have shown that the latent period of motor reactions naturally changes in connection with age. In particular, starting from the age of 8, the latent period of simple and complex motor reactions significantly decreases and in athletes 20-22 years old reaches the optimal value, after which the latent period tends to increase and at the age of 27-30 years it statistically significantly increases. This pattern is characteristic of motor reactions carried out by both the upper and lower extremities.

The differences between the latent periods of simple motor reactions of the upper and lower extremities should be due to the length of the reflex arc, which carries out the indicated motor reaction. As for the fact that the latent period of complex motor reactions significantly exceeds the latent period of simple reactions, time should be taken into account here. necessary for making a decision.

After analysis obtained results, we can come to the conclusion that the maximum frequency of elementary movements also changes with age. The maximum frequency of movements, which grows with age, reaches its maximum at the age of 20-22 years, after which its deterioration begins, which is clearly visible by the age of 27-30. In addition, the maximum frequency of movements depends on the level of training of the athlete. The increase in fitness, in turn, improves the ability to maintain the maximum frequency of elementary movements, and a similar tendency is typical for all age groups.

A good reaction of a boxer in the ring is a guarantee of victory, because it is very important to quickly perceive and process information, to be able to quickly group for your protection (10). And also, be able to inflict a lightning-fast counterstrike or attack the enemy. Fighting is based on sequential actions, but in every

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round there are unforeseen situations that require a lightning-fast reaction from the athlete. The boxer must not only move quickly, but also think quickly (give himself commands). In addition, a quick reaction and the ability to evade the opponent's blows excludes direct hits and related consequences. Based on the data obtained by us, it


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can be assumed that 30 years is a critical age for a boxer, after which for an athlete, using the example of speed capabilities, competitive boxing can be contraindicated not only in terms of lack of results, but also for maintaining the athlete's health.

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