ADVANTAGES OF THE KNOWLEDGE CONTROL SYSTEM IN THE DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ochilova N.S.

This article is dedicated to the development of information educational technology based on learning management system Moodle. The article describes theoretical foundations of e-education and software platforms for the organization of e-learning, gives description of the developed technology and shows its practical use by creating a training course for foreign languages. Developed technology allows to create educational courses which combine real and electronic educational resources.

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UDC 37.004.3

Ochilova N.S. teacher

department of interfaculty foreign languages faculty of foreign languages Andijan State University Uzbekistan, Andijan



Abstract: This article is dedicated to the development of information educational technology based on learning management system Moodle. The article describes theoretical foundations of e-education and software platforms for the organization of e-learning, gives description of the developed technology and shows its practical use by creating a training course for foreign languages. Developed technology allows to create educational courses which combine real and electronic educational resources.

Key words: e-learning, Moodle, educational processes, practical, methods, theoretical, information educational technology

The automation of the learning process is carried out using computer training programs and electronic textbooks, which are used not only with the use of magnetic media (laser disks), but also with the use of local and global computer networks. In the latter case, a specialized information and educational environment is formed, which makes it possible to implement modern teaching technologies. To fill the information and educational environment, as well as for the effective use of local and global computer networks, it is necessary to quickly develop high-quality e-learning courses that meet the current state of science in this subject area.

The general goal of creating e-learning courses is to increase the efficiency of the knowledge assimilation process and improve the quality of training specialists. In the system of full-time education, e-learning courses can be used as additional educational tools that allow methodologically correct organization of independent work of students controlled by the teacher. Thus, within the framework of full-time education, the gradual introduction of open education technologies, in particular, the e-learning method, will be carried out. At the same time, in the open education system, e-learning courses are the main source of educational information for the student.

Moodle features interesting for administrators:

a) Moodle is designed as a set of modules and allows you to flexibly add or remove elements at different levels;

b) Moodle is easily updated from version to version. It has an internal system for updating its own database and restoring;

c) Moodle requires only one database and can be used in conjunction with other applications;

d) Moodle includes a general purpose database that supports various types of databases;

e) Emphasis on safety at any level.

The current level of development of information technology affects all spheres of life, including education. Therefore, today the educational process, in addition to traditional requirements, such as purposefulness, efficiency, structure and diversification, also demands interactivity and flexibility. Interactivity implies the placement of all educational resources in one place in electronic form and the availability of feedback with students. Flexibility means the ability to use educational programs for different forms of education.

The purpose of this work is to develop information educational technology for full-time, part-time and distance learning, combining the entire range of educational elements. The proposed technology takes the learning process at the university to a completely new quality level, providing a number of advantages. This is, first of all, the gradual erasure of the boundaries and fundamental differences between the various forms of education, as well as the individualization of training with the maximum quality to obtain knowledge and practical skills at a convenient time for the student and in a comfortable place for him.

The fact that in e-education all materials of the training course are digitized and posted on the Internet provides a number of advantages in organizing the educational process:

• the availability of the course at any time. Electronic technologies allow organizing training on the principle of "24/7/365": the student can work on the course 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For course participants, electronic assignments and lectures are available at any time, and learners largely independently decide at what pace they take this course;

• the availability of the course from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. At the same time, for most courses, a high speed of connection to the network is not required: a regular dial-up connection via a modem is enough;

• the breadth of the information provided. Being in the Internet environment, the student can directly in the process of working on the course material refer to any world sources (resources of other educational centers, electronic libraries around the world, etc.);

• the efficiency of providing information. In traditional teaching, the source of information is a book, the update cycle of which takes months and sometimes years. Today there is a number of dynamically developing sciences in which the information summarized in monographs is outdated by the time of their publication. The Internet allows you to update any information and provide access to it for students within minutes;

• more flexible organization of the educational process. In any educational subject, there are sections that are simpler and more complex. E-learning allows the

teacher to concentrate on more complex sections of the course, laying out simple fragments for independent study;

• automation of the educational process - the teacher does not need to draw up many similar variants of tasks for the test and check the results of their execution: the system will select any parameters at the request of the teacher and check and save the results in the teacher's journal;

• multimedia. In addition to traditional textual and graphic information, e-Learning naturally involves the use of all media in the education process: animation, video, sound and color. This provides the clarity of the taught material and allows you to use most of the mechanisms of human perception of new information;

• e-learning technologies better correspond to the mentality of modern youth, for whom the Internet has practically become a "second reality";

• confident knowledge of modern info communication technologies is one of the key competencies of a graduate of a modern educational institution. The passage of the student training in the e-Learning format can dramatically increase the general computer literacy of the student;

• the breadth and scale of the information provided, access to global information resources form the student's appropriate style of thinking. In addition, the use of e-Learning provides much more opportunities for student independent work, contributing to the formation of self-organization skills and rational planning of study time.

However, electronic educational technologies, like any other achievements of progress, have certain disadvantages. They stem from the understanding of full-fledged education as an interconnected process of teaching and upbringing: teaching based on computer programs cannot replace direct communication between teacher and student. Pure e-learning is impersonal. Allowing extensive automation of the learning process, it is not able to take into account the individual characteristics of the student's intellect and temperament. Rigid "digital" logic, consistently implemented in e-learning, is poorer than the human logic of event analysis and decision making. Oftentimes, the right decisions in life are only made with emotional and ethical considerations in mind, which are not programmed.


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