ADAPTATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION TO THE CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE LEARNING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
distance education / interactive learning / computer information / computer telecommunications

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasynska E.

The article analyzes the current state of the introduction of distance education in Ukraine, as well as the features, advantages and prospects for the creation of a new system of information support for education for the higher education system in modern conditions.

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Yasynska E.

Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine

«Bukovina State Medical University», Chernovtsy. DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-14137-23-25 ADAPTATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION TO THE CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE LEARNING


The article analyzes the current state of the introduction of distance education in Ukraine, as well as the features, advantages and prospects for the creation of a new system of information support for education for the higher education system in modern conditions.

Key words: distance education, interactive learning, computer information, computer telecommunications.

Purpose: is to analyze the current state of the introduction of distance education in Ukraine, the features, advantages, difficulties and prospects of distance learning for the higher education system in modern conditions are considered.

The economic, political and social changes taking place in Ukraine make it necessary to accelerate the reform of the education system. First of all, this concerns meeting the educational needs of citizens throughout their lives, providing access to educational and vocational training for all who have the necessary abilities and adequate training. Therefore, it is planned to introduce the latest pedagogical technologies and scientific and methodological achievements into the educational process, create a new system of information support for education, and enter the international system of computer information.

The most effective solution of these problems is facilitated by distance learning, which is carried out on the basis of modern pedagogical, information, computer and telecommunication technologies. This form of organization of education will solve many problems that other forms of education are powerless to face.Cur-rently, the issue of distance learning is of particular relevance in the field of education. To date, many leading domestic universities maintain, to one degree or another, a distance learning format.

The basic principles of distance learning are the establishment of interactive communication between the student and the teacher without providing a direct meeting and the independent development of a certain

array of knowledge and skills in the chosen course using certain information technologies. In Ukraine, the concept of distance learning refers to those didactic concepts, the place of which among the didactic categories is not strictly defined. This was facilitated by the absence, until recently, of a unified concept of distance learning. Currently, there are different views on distance learning - from its absolutization as a new universal form of education that can change the traditional one, to the technology of acquisition of means and methods of transferring educational information. Modern computer telecommunications are able to provide the transfer of knowledge and access to a variety of educational information, sometimes more efficiently than traditional methods of learning. New electronic technologies, such as interactive disks, electronic bulletin boards, multimedia hypertext, accessible via the global Internet, not only can ensure the active involvement of the student in the learning process, but allow you to manage this process, unlike most traditional learning environments. The integration of sound, moving images and text creates a new, extremely rich learning environment, with the development of which the degree of student involvement in the learning process will increase. Interactive capabilities of programs and information delivery systems, used in the distance learning system allows you to establish and even stimulate feedback, provide dialogue and ongoing support that are not possible in most traditional learning systems. Considering the essence of distance education and distance learning, most authors admit that the idea is not new,



since its elements are implemented in correspondence and external forms of education. However, as emphasized by many authors, distance learning should not be confused with distance learning. Correspondence education is only a prototype of distance learning. It is much easier to implement the concept of distance learning in those educational institutions that have experience in distance learning. Instead, it is necessary to clearly understand the fundamental differences between distance learning standards and new ideas of distance learning. Yes, distance learning involves obtaining a specific specialty according to a well-defined curriculum. Distance learning is more democratic, that is, a student can choose any course or system of courses, without linking it to obtaining a specific specialty. In distance learning, face-to-face classes are usually planned, when students come together to listen to review lectures, perform laboratory work, pass tests and exams. With distance learning, such sessions are not planned. Distance learning focuses on printed materials sent by regular mail. Distance learning is based on the use of computer and telecommunication technologies. This is an ideal solution for those who prefer modern information technologies in education and value their time. Distance learning allows students round-the-clock access to educational materials, constant support and advice from teachers and methodologists, online video lectures, virtual simulators and other techno logical solutions to ensure an effective learning process. The distance form of education demonstrates its advantages over other forms of education due to its significantly higher information content, accessibility and cost-effectiveness. It also requires less time and energy to master knowledge, is much more mobile and comfortable than other forms of learning. It is these and other reasons that predetermine the expansion of distance learning around the world, and group learning in classrooms and reading rooms is gradually losing its position. The benefits of distance education include: the possibility of individualizing learning, choosing the desired pace and speed of learning, high quality control of knowledge using a modular learning system, effective testing. Distance education is not just an electronic version of distance learning, because it requires the preparation of special training courses. At the present stage of informatization of society, computer technologies, which are one of the tools of cognition, are becoming more widespread in various spheres of life. One of the main tasks of modern education is the training of a specialist who is freely oriented in the global information space, knowledge and skills in searching, processing and storing information using modern computer technologies. Distance learning is designed to help in the global educational space. It acts as an effective addition to traditional forms of education, as a means of partially solving its urgent problems. who is freely oriented in the global information space, has the knowledge and skills of searching, processing and storing information using modern computer technologies. The distance learning format has a number of characteristic features compared to the traditional one. In this case, the main responsibility for monitoring learning lies with the student himself, and the effectiveness of learning depends

on self-motivation and self-discipline, the ability to rationally plan training activities and self-training, and note progress in the learning process. At the same time, an integral advantage of distance learning is the wide possibility of combining it with the schedule of everyday life. Significantly reduced fatigue. It is also necessary to note the development and improvement of the skills of working with digital, multimedia technologies of both students and university teachers: the development and use of training materials - slides of lecture presentations. At the same time, taking into account the specifics of the educational process of a medical university, the distance learning format does not allow the full use of all elements of educational technologies, namely the performance of laboratory work, the development of practical manual and communication skills in working with patients. Of course, visualization plays a key role in the acquisition of knowledge by the future doctor. It is unrealistic to imagine the study of anatomy without work in dissection, histology without work with micropreparations, surgery without observation of operations, etc.

Distance education gives students access to non-traditional sources of information, increases the efficiency of independent work, provides completely new opportunities for creativity, finding and consolidating various professional skills, and allows teachers to implement fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching using conceptual modeling of phenomena. processes The development of distance learning in the system of Ukrainian education will continue and improve with the development of Internet technologies and the improvement of distance learning methods.

The current direction of further work is the analysis of the state of distance education in Ukraine in the theory and practice of higher educational institutions, the clarification of the essence of basic concepts, the theoretical justification of the psychological and pedagogical principles for the development and use of elements of distance technologies.

Distance learning is the best option for those who want to continue their education but cannot attend classes on a regular basis. However, distance learning is not the right choice for everyone - it is better for those who are self-disciplined and self-motivated. It should be noted that distance learning in the modern world is carried out using various technologies that differ in: the form of presentation of educational materials; the presence of an intermediary in the education system or in a centralized form of education; by the degree of use of telecommunications and personal computers; on the technology of organizing the control of the educational process; according to the degree of implementation in the technology of teaching the usual methods of conducting the educational process; on the methods of identifying students when passing exams.

There are different types of distance learning:

Correspondence Learning. With distance learning, you receive textbooks, study guides, assignments, and other learning materials in the mail. You work with these materials in your own time and at your own pace. Depending on the institution where you choose to study



a particular course, you can ask a teacher or instructor via email, phone, instant messaging.

E-Learning. Allows you to access course materials on your computer. CDs, DVDs and computer applications can be used to deliver e-Learning courses.

Online Learning. This is a form of e-learning that requires you to access the internet. Online learning is more interactive than other types of distance learning because it allows you to interact with teachers and other students in real time. With online learning, the student can download study materials from the Internet, and the teacher can submit their assignments through the online student portal, conduct online surveys, attend webinars, and participate in virtual classrooms.

Virtual classrooms are interactive learning sessions that take place over the Internet. Such online classes may take the form of web conferences, live broadcasts or teleconferences. One of the advantages of virtual classrooms is that they give students the opportunity to participate in learning activities with their fellow students. Therefore, virtual classrooms eliminate one of the disadvantages of distance learning - the lack of social interaction during learning. Another important difference when it comes to different types of distance learning is synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Synchronized learning is where you simultaneously participate in learning activities (such as webinars and virtual classrooms) with your instructors and classmates. The advantages of this type are: You can interact with your teachers and other students in real time. You can get instant feedback from your instructors. You can ask questions or participate in discussions. Disadvantages of this type: You will have less flexibility as you will need to attend sessions at scheduled times. You will need to have access to the appropriate technology (which can be costly). You will need to be comfortable using the right technology.

Asynchronous learning does not require you to participate in learning activities at the same time as your fellow students. Instead, you are given the opportunity to work through the course material at your own pace and according to your own schedule. Textbooks, email and postal correspondence, virtual libraries, online databases, bulletin boards, CDs and DVDs can all play an important role in delivering learning mate-

rial for asynchronous distance learning courses. Benefits of this type: you can define your own learning schedule, which means you have more flexibility.

Conclusions: distance learning is able to provide a sufficiently high level of mastering academic disciplines by administering all stages of the distance educational process, emphasizing the need for the highest level of student self-motivation.


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