ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Language / American / smartphone / Westminster / TOEFL / purpose / repetition / communication. / язык / американский / смартфон / Вестминстер / TOEFL / цель / повторение / общение.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ismatullaeva, Iroda Izatullaevna, Mirzadjonov, Samandar

This article provides tips for learning English. This involves setting a clear goal, repeating new words continuously, communicating without shame when you have the opportunity, adapting the process of learning English to your life, and finally, using technology effectively.

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В этой статье приведены советы по изучению английского языка. Это включает в себя постановку четкой цели, постоянное повторение новых слов, общение без стыда, когда у вас есть возможность, адаптацию



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023



Iroda Ismatullaeva Izatullaevna, Mirzadjonov Samandar

Tashkent State Transport University

This article provides tips for learning English. This involves setting a clear goal, repeating new words continuously, communicating without shame when you have the opportunity, adapting the process of learning English to your life, and finally, using technology effectively.

Key words: Language, American, smartphone, Westminster, TOEFL, purpose, repetition, communication.

В этой статье приведены советы по изучению английского языка. Это включает в себя постановку четкой цели, постоянное повторение новых слов, общение без стыда, когда у вас есть возможность, адаптацию

Ключевые слова: язык, американский, смартфон, Вестминстер, TOEFL, цель, повторение, общение.


Foreign language classes in non-linguistic universities should be focused on the future profession and specialty of students. Improving teaching methods is one of the main tasks being solved today by pedagogical science and the practice of modern foreign language teaching. A modern teacher should be combined with traditional teaching of a foreign language using advanced modern pedagogical technologies. Each lesson in a foreign language in non-linguistic specialties should help to increase interest in the chosen profession, be able to get information in a real situation.

The norms of time for mastering the material are determined by the peculiarities of the foreign language course in non-philological universities. The main problem with such features is that in universities of this category there are groups with different levels of training of students and with different amounts of hours allocated to language learning. Therefore, each teacher should be provided with the opportunity to conduct training according to various schemes chosen in each case, depending on the level of knowledge of students in each group.

When learning foreign languages, two main, closely related factors act as a driving force: a clear and clear understanding of the goal and an equally clear and clear understanding of the practical benefits or benefits of achieving this goal. These




SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023

tasks are ignored, it is obvious that they should be solved by themselves as a matter of course, but the conditions of life in our society are such that the tasks themselves are not solved. Therefore, for the vast majority of students, they remain undisclosed. It is not at all indifferent at what age a person starts learning a foreign language. One of the ways to solve the above problem may be to work with a computer. As already mentioned, for certain reasons, it is often very difficult to combine this duality of language in a non-linguistic university, and therefore there is a need for constant search for new learning models, technologies and organizational forms.


Teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university is associated with certain problems, one of which is groups with different levels of language training.

Therefore, the teacher has a task - to organize effective work in the classroom in accordance with the requirements of a higher educational institution, to open the opportunity for everyone to further study the language. For those students who have difficulties in the learning process for one reason or another, the teacher is obliged to find an individual approach, using various pedagogical technologies, new textbooks with materials that allow for a differentiated approach to each student.

The usual textbook is designed for further development of oral and written speech skills, as a result of mastering speech patterns containing new lexical and grammatical phenomena, and the training program in non-linguistic universities is aimed at in-depth study of special terms and texts in the specialty. Therefore, the teacher faces the most acute problem - how to teach the language basics to a littleaware student while not losing the interest of the knowledgeable in the subject. foreign language profession student

Recently, methodological developments have offered a wide range of exercises aimed at the above-mentioned audience. So, for example, at the beginning of work on any text, the active vocabulary of the lesson is brought to the fore, where students can be invited to translate words into their native language, to make sentences using new words, to ask them to find synonyms and antonyms for some of them, to indicate their ambiguity. This will expand the linguistic base of students.

The goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language can be formulated and put forward only in strict accordance with the existing conditions in society.

These goals and objectives turn out to be difficult to accomplish, and therefore not viable. A practical view of things is characteristic of our time. This practical view or approach is beginning to penetrate into all areas of our activity, and in some areas it is the main content of this activity.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023

The process of learning a foreign language is a complex, constantly evolving system. New methods of teaching a foreign language help to facilitate access to information and reduce the time of language learning. At the moment there is a huge selection of Internet pages containing information necessary for learning a foreign language, electronic textbooks, databases with thematic texts and exercises. Currently, there are many opinions about whether to use a computer in teaching a foreign language or not to use it. Some believe that the computer should replace the teacher, others believe that the computer is not able to present the material the way the teacher does.

Information and computer technologies are often used when learning a foreign language, open the way to new sources of information, increase the efficiency of independent work of students. But, as you know, learning a foreign language is a long and time-consuming process that takes a lot of time. Therefore, at present, the issue related to the development of new tools, methods and technologies that can qualitatively improve the learning process and increase the processing speed of large flows of information is coming to the fore.

The solution to these problems is the introduction of information technologies into the educational process, namely the use of a computer and the Internet as auxiliary means of teaching a foreign language. The discussion of the use of information technologies in teaching foreign languages allows us to reach more general problems related to the preparation of students in a foreign language and advanced training in their chosen profession.

Teaching a foreign language in technical universities is the main process of everyday work of every foreign language teacher. It requires an appropriate level of training, knowledge of the most effective pedagogical technologies for certain groups of students, as well as the involvement of a wide range of technical means, a computer and the Internet, which today is one of the most effective methods used in teaching a foreign language. The Internet is an informant and its role is great in increasing the motivation of learning. If a student of a foreign language studies with interest, then success is guaranteed.

The central problems of teaching methods of foreign languages in a non-linguistic university are the issues of defining goals, as well as the content of teaching adequate to them, in the development of which the most effective ideas are about teaching not just a language, but a foreign language culture in the broad sense of the word. The problem of developing technologies for teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university based on the integration of relevant teaching methods, tools and techniques to achieve the goals of proficiency (mastery) of a foreign language by


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023

students in non-linguistic universities on the authentic material of a textbook or textbook on the foreign language being studied remains one of the little-developed pedagogical problems in the field of theory and methodology of vocational education.

When adjusting the goals and objectives of teaching foreign languages, it is necessary to proceed from the requirements for the level of language training of a modern specialist imposed by social and economic changes in society and in the workplace, respectively expressed by qualification characteristics.


Thus, the technology of teaching foreign-language professional communication to students of non-linguistic universities should meet all psychological and pedagogical standards and be aimed at achieving the planned quality according to the threshold levels of foreign language proficiency in the specialty, ensure quality management of training specialists, monitor the development of language competence.

The problem of developing effective linguo-didactic methods of teaching non-philological students professional foreign language communication based on the integration of various approaches based on high-quality authentic educational materials is relevant and affects the entire system of organization of educational activities in a foreign language in higher professional education.


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