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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Fogilev Ivan S., Malinovskaya Vera N.

Purpose. The article provides information on the resultsof the activities of the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services СTIF for 2021. The main purpose of the article isto familiarize specialists whose activities are related to fire safety and fire extinguishment with the work of an international organization and the participation of the Russian National Committee in it.Methods. The main research methods are the analysisand comparison of information obtained during the interaction of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the working groups and commissions of CTIF.Findings. Speaking about the work of CTIF, we can saywith confidence that during the period of restrictive measures related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Association was able to continue and organize work in videoconference mode on various platforms, to hold a meetingof the General Assembly of Delegates in a hybrid format. Interactionwith the fire and rescue services of CTIF member countries was carried out, scientific developments in the field of fire safety were exchanged, new relevant information was obtained.Research application field. The results obtained arerecommended for implementation in the work of territorial bodies, structural divisions, educational and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.Conclusions. The scale, significance and duration of the participation of the National Committee of Russia in CTIF confirmthe relevance and prospects for further mutually beneficial work, involving a wider range of interested Russian specialists.

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DOI 10.25257/FE.2022.1.100-105


1 State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Activities of the international association of fire and rescue services (CTIF) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic


Purpose. The article provides information on the results of the activities of the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services CTIF for 2021. The main purpose of the article is to familiarize specialists whose activities are related to fire safety and fire extinguishment with the work of an international organization and the participation of the Russian National Committee in it.

Methods. The main research methods are the analysis and comparison of information obtained during the interaction of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the working groups and commissions of CTIF.

Findings. Speaking about the work of CTIF, we can say with confidence that during the period of restrictive measures related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Association was able to continue and organize work in videoconference mode on various platforms, to hold a meeting of the General Assembly of Delegates in a hybrid format. Interaction

with the fire and rescue services of CTIF member countries was carried out, scientific developments in the field of fire safety were exchanged, new relevant information was obtained.

Research application field. The results obtained are recommended for implementation in the work of territorial bodies, structural divisions, educational and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Conclusions. The scale, significance and duration of the participation of the National Committee of Russia in CTIF confirm the relevance and prospects for further mutually beneficial work, involving a wider range of interested Russian specialists.

Key words: CTIF, fire safety, scientific cooperation, results of activities


1 Академия ГПС МЧС России, Москва, Россия

Деятельность международной ассоциации пожарных и спасательных служб (КТИФ) в условиях пандемии НШ-19


Тема. Статья информирует об итогах деятельности Международной ассоциации пожарно-спасательных служб КТИФ за 2021 год. Основной целью авторов является ознакомление специалистов, деятельность которых связана с обеспечением пожарной безопасности и тушением пожаров, с работой Международной организации и участия в ней России национального комитета.

Методы. Основными методами исследования является анализ и сопоставление информации, полученной при взаимодействии специалистов МЧС России в рабочих группах и комиссиях КТИФ.

Результаты. Говоря о работе КТИФ, можно с уверенность сказать, что в период ограничительных мер, связанных с распространением пандемии COVID-19, Международная ассоциация сумела продолжить и организовать работу в режиме видеоконференций на различных платформах, провести в гибридном формате заседание Генеральной ассамблеи

делегатов. Было осуществлено взаимодействие с пожарно-спасательными службами стран-членов КТИФ, проведён обмен научными разработками в области пожарной безопасности, получена новая актуальная информация.

Область применения результатов. Полученные результаты рекомендованы для внедрения в работу территориальных органов, структурных подразделений, учебных и научных учреждений МЧС России.

Выводы. Масштабы, значимость и продолжительность участия Национального комитета России в КТИФ подтверждают актуальность и перспективы дальнейшей взаимовыгодной работы, с привлечением более широкого круга заинтересованных специалистов России.

Ключевые слова: КТИФ, пожарная безопасность, научное сотрудничество, итоги деятельности

New 2022 began for the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF) with congratulations and wishes to all

permanent, associate and honorary members of CTIF for an excellent upcoming year, as well as further active participation in the work of the Association,

enhancing knowledge and sharing practical experience in the field of public safety, developing cooperation and strengthening friendly and professional ties.

There are all necessary prerequisites for solving these tasks: more than 120 years of experience of the organization, a large number of participants from 40 countries of the world -representatives of North America, Asia and almost all European countries [1].

As President of CTIF, head of the Slovenian Agency for civil protection and assistance in case of natural disasters, as well as head of the Slovenian national school of firefighting Milan Dubravac noted in his annual address - activities of CTIF in the period of 2020-21 were severely affected by the continuing spread of the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19.

Almost all countries have faced a number of restrictions and prohibitions that have influenced the usual schedule of the Association. This required transferring the usual practice of holding CTIF events to a distant format, using remote technologies, and a reduction in physical contact and interaction between participants [2].


When the pandemic of the disease broke out in spring 2020, it became necessary to reconsider all plans for physical participation in the planned events.

Due to the international situation and the closure of many countries for quarantine, CTIF was forced to cancel the meeting of delegates again during the International Fire and Technical Exhibition, Interschutz in Hanover (Germany). The International Exhibition has been postponed to June 2022.

Most of CTIF events were held online, in a remote format. Stabilizing the situation with the disease allowed the society to return partially to its usual life, and in the member countries of CTIF there appeared an opportunity to return to work and cooperation in the previous format. Due to positive changes in the general epidemiological situation, the Executive Committee of CTIF decided to hold General Assembly in a hybrid format in Marseille (France) in October 2021 with the support of French Fire Association within the framework of the National Congress of French Firefighters (Fig. 1).

The event was attended by the President of French Emmanuel Macron.

Unfortunately, representatives of some CTIF member countries were unable to join the offline

Figure 1. General Assembly of CTIF Delegates

(Marseille (France), October 2021) Рисунок 1. Генеральная Ассамблея делегатов КТИФ (Марсель (Франция), октябрь 2021)

participation in the General Assembly, so virtual participation was organized for them. According to the participants of the Assembly, the opportunity to hold meetings in a mixed format is a very real future for such events within the framework of CTIF activities.

The delegation of the Russian National Committee (RNC) of CTIF took part in the General Assembly of CTIF under the leadership of the Vice-President of CTIF, Chairman of the RNC of CTIF, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Colonel-General of the Internal Service Anatoly Suprunovsky.

The pandemic forced the structures of CTIF to work at a higher level, using information technologies. The Executive Committee, as well as many commissions and working groups, have set up a monthly schedule of meetings in the format of videoconferences (Fig. 2).

It is possible that similar technologies will be used in the future during the meetings and the Assembly of Delegates in 2022 in Celje (Slovenia).

Participants of the Delegates Assembly in 2021 noted that the established restrictions did not prevent successful virtual interaction.

In the reports of Vice-Presidents and heads of commissions, the cooperation of CTIF with a number of international organizations, such as International Atomic Energy Agency, is of interest in revising the Guidelines for Rescuers on Responding to Radiological Emergencies. At a meeting with representatives of Geneva and Vienna offices of the UN Security Service on possible interaction and development of cooperation with non-CTIF member countries, the possibilities of creating a common online education


Figure 2. Meeting of CTIF commission "Women in fire and rescue services" in videoconference format (September, 2021) Рисунок 2. Заседание комиссии КТИФ «Женщины в пожарно-спасательных службах» в формате видеоконференцсвязи (сентябрь, 2021)

system for CTIF member countries in the field of chemical, biological, radiation, nuclear and explosive substances, hazardous materials and technological risks that may arise in the coming decades were discussed.

The most active commission in the remote mode was "Medicine", whose members continued discussions on raising awareness of firefighters about cancer and mental illness prevention measures, about medical procedures before and after a fire [3].

The issues of readiness of emergency response services under exposure to toxic substances, terrorist attacks, as well as ensuring their own safety are also discussed [4].

Commissions and working groups "Extinguishing fires in tunnels" created in 2019 with the participation of representatives from Switzerland, Germany, France, Norway and members of the executive committee of CTIF are actively working [5].

At the meetings of the working group, the specifics of work in road tunnels in Norway was discussed, information on the tactics of extinguishing fires in tunnels and ventilation was exchanged, the specifics of tunnel construction and emergency situations was considered.

At the upcoming meetings, it is planned to discuss issues related to the safety of being in a car during a fire, the distance of the car from the fire, the amount of toxic gas with insufficient ventilation and the maximum time a person can safely stay in the car

The members of the working group "Fire Investigation" supported the initiative of Hungarian colleagues to hold international competitions

on fire investigation in order to exchange practical experience and knowledge in this area (Fig. 3).

A few years ago, members of the working group took part in the Hungarian national fire investigation competitions. The participants unanimously supported the opinion that the main purpose of the investigation should not only be looking for the causes of fire, but also using the experience and information obtained during the investigation. Burning of lithium batteries became one of the main topics of the discussion, where participants from different countries shared their experience [5].

The Commission "Extrication and New Technologies" closely cooperate with the working

Figure 3. Virtual conference of CTIF Working Group on Fire Investigation. Budapest (Hungary)

Рисунок 3. Виртуальная конференция рабочей группы CTIF по расследованию пожаров Будапешт (Венгрия)


i *

Figure 4. Details of ISO 17840 standard development Рисунок 4. Детали разработки стандарта ISO 17840

group on rescue operations and safety of the European New Car Assessment Program (Fig. 4).

The tasks of the group include the development of topics for alerting the civilian population and employees of emergency response services (Euro Rescue) in the field of security. The members of the commission participate in a number of ISO projects: provisions on marking hydrogen cars and hydrogen safety, safety of hydrogen transport in tunnels and other closed places, they analyze and present an expert assessment of the man-made fires and disasters that have occurred [6]. A Memorandum of Understanding between CTIF and the International Organization for the Use of Drones in Emergency Situations has been submitted for discussion and approval to the Executive Committee of CTIF. This Memorandum can become the basis for establishing permanent communication between the two organizations, maintaining and expanding scientific, technical and professional educational process aimed at mutual transfer of knowledge and practical experience [7].

Along with other CTIF commissions, the commission "Women in Fire and Rescue services" is actively working (Fig. 5). The Commission was formed in 2011 on the initiative of the Russian National Committee of CTIF. The purpose of its creation was to assist in providing opportunities for all members of society to work and serve in fire and rescue services. The work takes into account the experience of the best national practices in ensuring gender equality, taking into account physiological characteristics, individual protective equipment, uniforms and equipment in fire departments, improving

working conditions. The work of the commission aroused great interest among representatives of fire and rescue services of many CTIF members. Currently, the commission consists of representatives from more than 20 countries.

In October 2019, the Executive Committee of CTIF approved the candidacy of Gerald Schimpf (Austria) for the post of head of the Historical Commission. The commission's work is focused on increasing the number of participants. The National Committees of Greece, Korea, Russia and the USA have already nominated their candidates to the commission. Negotiations are underway with Japan, Sweden and Belarus. As part of the commission's work, it is planned to continue certification of fire protection museums, classification of historical fire engines and other equipment, and coverage of the history of CTIF [8].

During the work of the commission "Extinguishing and preventing forest fires" the impact of climate change on the occurrence of large fires is actively discussed, proposals are made to adapt to modern doctrines and strategies for responding to threats (Fig. 5).

At the meetings held in 2021, the issues of choosing personal protective equipment for firefighters, the use of aerial vehicles (unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters, etc.), scenarios for developing vegetation and crown forest fires were discussed. With the increase in the number of fire-fighting measures, the burden on fire-fighters increases, which requires additional training and preparation, extinguishing forest fires including, in this regard, training programs should be standardized [9].

Participation in various international projects enables members of National Committees to gain

Figure 5. Devastating wildfire in Colorado Рисунок 5. Разрушительный лесной пожар в Колорадо


the necessary new knowledge and master new methods of work, share their discoveries and best practices that can be used for the development of fire and rescue services in various countries of the world [10].

During 2021, CTIF executive committee also actively used online meeting tools. Since the General Assembly of Delegates in October 2020, 20 online meetings have been held to discuss current issues and coordinate work. One of the main areas of work of CTIF executive committee is active interaction with 15 technical commissions and working groups within CTIF [15]. In order to expand their cooperation in 2021, a meeting with the chairmen of the commissions was organized in an online format; this initiative was approved by the parties and recommended for continuation in the future.

The main idea of the International Seminar "Fire. Rescue. New challenges" was discussing the strategy for future organization development, expansion of cooperation with both permanent and associate members of commissions and working groups. It is important to remember that national committees are not only the main decision-making links, but also the conductors of new knowledge, which is actively introduced into the practice of fire and rescue services in different countries. Without strong national committees, the results of the work of CTIF will not reach regional fire services. Only the coordinated work and interaction of all the structures of CTIF will ensure safety and professionalism of fire and rescue services work in order to protect population and society [16].

As part of the development of the contractual and legal framework of CTIF, a number of Cooperation Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding have been signed, which indicates the recognition of the international professional authority of CTIF and the interest of partners in continuing cooperation with the International Association. In recent years, several Cooperation Agreements have been concluded with organizations, the so-called memoranda of understanding. In December 2021, a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with IEDO (International Organization for the Use of Drones in Emergency Situations) to expand the exchange of experience within countries in the


1. Malinovskaya V.N. International Organization of Fire and Rescue Services (KTIF) in the new Millennium. Pozharnoe delo (Firefighting). 2006. No. 3. Pp. 26-28 (in Russ.).

2. M. zur Nieden, Baekgaard Kjaer T., Schinnerl A., Lusa S., Knauf-HQbel D., Gabor Szomolanyi C. Nutrition and hydration for firefighters. CTIF Firefighters' Health Commission.

field of new technologies. In January 2022, an international conference on the Use of drones in Emergency Services was held. It has become a platform for an international exchange of views on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in saving or ensuring safety of human lives.

In order to eliminate new and existing threats to safety associated with road rescue operations, as well as with fires and accidents of vehicles, CTIF, together with ISO, has developed the international standard for safety of emergency rescue operations ISO 17840. Its purpose is to disseminate information on providing assistance to victims and the technique of rescue operations in vehicle accidents. In October 2021 the Memorandum was extended.

Memoranda of understanding are often also associated with written commitments on mutual agreements reached and obligations of the parties, but the pandemic has made it difficult to implement some of these agreements, at least for now. In the future, after the lifting of restrictions, it is planned to resume this work.


Speaking about the work of CTIF, we can say with confidence that during the period of restrictive measures related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic the International Association managed to continue and organize video conferences on various platforms, hold a meeting of the General Assembly of Delegates in a hybrid format and is optimistic about the future.

A number of important events of CTIF are planned to be held in 2022:

- webinar "The impact of climate change on the activities of fire and rescue services";

- Participation of representatives of the Executive Committee in the International Fire and Rescue Congress (Moscow);

- International Fire and Technical Exhibition Interschutz in Hanover (Germany);

- International Sports Competitions in fire-applied sports among youth and adult teams in Celje (Slovenia);

- General Assembly of Delegates in Celje (Slovenia).

3. Stec A., Wolffe T., Clinton A. Minimising firefighters' exposure to toxic fire effluents. Fire Brigades Union (FBU). 2020.

4. Tsiva O., Khorvat G.V. Obuchenie zashchite v chrezvychainykh situatsiiakh na osnovanii opyta Glavnogo Upravleniia Pozharnoi okhrany g. Budapeshta Mat-ly 18-y mezhdunar. nauchn.-tekhn. konf. "Sistemy bezopasnosti - 2009" [Training in emergency

protection based on the experience of the Main Fire Department of Budapest. Proceedings of 18th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Security Systems-2009"]. Moscow, State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia Publ., 2009, pp. 201-203 (in Russ.).

5. Accident analysis of the Beijing lithium battery explosion which killed two firefighters.Institute of energy storage and novel electric technology, China Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd. 2021.

6. The state-of-the-art 2020 best practices, techniques, tactics of drone uses for fire & rescue operations. International Emergency Drone Organization. 2020.

7. Malinovskaya V., Fogilev I., Bervenova O. Current aspects of national committee work in the activities of CTIF. Pozhary i

chrezvychaynye situatsii: predotvrashchenie, likvidatsiya (Fire and Emergencies: Prevention, Elimination). 2021, no. 1, pp. 82-87 (in Russ.). DOI:10.25257/FE.2021.1.82-87

8. Horvath G., Kuti R. About experience of base preparation fireman of Hungary to resque work. Tekhnologii tekhnosfernoi bezopasnosti (Technology of technosphere safety). 2010, iss. 5 (33), pp. 15-20. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/item. asp?id=16322616 (Accessed March 1, 2022) (in Russ.).

9. Brushlinskiy N.N., Sokolov S.V., Grigoryeva M.P. Major fire risks analysis in the countries of the world and in Russia. Pozharovzryvobezopasnost (Fire and Explosion Safety). 2017, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 72-80 (in Russ.). DOI:10.18322/PVB.2017.26.02.72-80


1. Малиновская В. Н. Международная организация пожарных и спасательных служб (КТИФ) в новом тысячелетии // Пожарное дело. 2006. № 3. С. 26-28.

2. M. zur Nieden, Baekgaard Kjaer T., Schinnerl A, Lusa S, Knauf-Hubel D., Gabor Szomolanyi C. Nutrition and hydration for firefighters. CTIF Firefighters' Health Commission.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

3. Stec A., Wolffe T., Clinton A. Minimising firefighters' exposure to toxic fire effluents. Fire Brigades Union (FBU). 2020.

4. Цива О., Хорват Г. В. Обучение защите в чрезвычайных ситуациях на основании опыта Главного Управления Пожарной охраны г. Будапешта // Материалы 18-й международной научно-технической конференции «Системы безопасности -2009». М.: Академия ГПС МЧС России, 2009. С. 201-203.

5. Accident analysis of the Beijing lithium battery explosion which killed two firefighters.Institute of energy storage and novel electric technology, China Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd. 2021.

6. The state-of-the-art 2020 best practices, techniques, tactics of drone uses for fire & rescue operations. International Emergency Drone Organization. 2020.

7. Фогилев И. С., Малиновская В. Н., Бервенова О. В. Актуальные аспекты работы Национального комитета в деятельности КТИФ // Пожары и чрезвычайные ситуации: предотвращение, ликвидация. 2021. № 1. С. 82-87. DOI: 10.25257/ FE.2021.1.82-87

8. Хорватх Г. В., Кути Р. Об опыте базовой подготовки пожарных Венгрии к аварийно-спасательным работам [Электронный ресурс] // Технологии техносферной безопасности. 2010. Вып. 5 (з3). С. 15-20. Режим доступа: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16322616 (дата обращения 01.03.2022).

9. Брушлинский Н. Н., Соколов С. В., Григорьева М. П. Анализ основных пожарных рисков в странах мира и в России // Пожаровзрывобезопасность. 2017. Т. 26, № 2. С. 72-80. DOI: 10/18322/PVB.2017.26.02.72-80


PhD in Engineering,

Head of research-educational complex of fire safetyprovision systems, State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation SPIN-rafl: 6792-0626 AutorID: 972535 H galich_ivan@mail.ru


Senior researcher of the Research Department of Fire Safety Systems Management Problems,

State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation SPIN-rafl: 9615-2748 AutorID: 1099161 v.malinovskaya@academygps.ru

Received 4.02.2022 Accepted 1.03.2022

For citation:

Fogilev I.S. , Malinovskaya V.N. Activities of the international association of fire and rescue services (CTIF) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pozhary i chrezvychaynyye situatsii: predotvrashcheniye, likvidatsiya (Fire and emergencies: prevention, elimination). 2022, no. 1, pp. 100-105. DOI:10.25257/FE.2022.1.100-105


Кандидат технических наук,

Начальник учебно-научного комплекса систем

обеспечения пожарной безопасности,

Академия ГПС МЧС России, Москва, Российская Федерация

SPIN-код: 6792-0626

AutorID: 972535

Н galich_ivan@mail.ru

Вера Николаевна МАЛИНОВСКАЯ

Старший научный сотрудник научно-исследовательского отделения проблем управления системами обеспечения пожарной безопасности, Академия ГПС МЧС России, Москва, Российская Федерация SPIN-код: 9615-2748 AutorID: 1099161 v.malinovskaya@academygps.ru

Поступила в редакцию 4.02.2022 Принята к публикации 1.03.2022

Для цитирования:

Фогилев И. С., Малиновская В. Н. Деятельность международной ассоциации пожарных и спасательных служб (КТИФ) в условиях пандемии СОУГО-19 // Пожары и чрезвычайные ситуации: предупреждение, ликвидация. 2022. № 1. С. 100-105. 001:10.25257/РЕ.2022.1.100-105

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