UDK 37.013
Akhmedov B.A. senior teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan Majidov J.M. senior teacher of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan Narimbetova Z.A.
teacher KuralovYu.A. teacher
of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract: This article discusses the experience of using cluster methods: in teaching students, independent work, the organization of practice, technical training of the graduates, inclusive education, quality training of the teaching staff, as well as the active and interactive teaching methods. With the students studying in Pedagogical and Exact sciences faculties at the Chirchik state pedagogical institute and Jizzakh State pedagogical institute of the Republic Uzbekistan.
Key words: system of continuous pedagogical education; educational cluster; training of future teachers.
The modernization of higher education and the transition to the new Education Standards of The National Training Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan require a higher quality training of the graduates. The training of highly qualified specialists must meet strict requirements: a high level of professional competence, the developed communication skills, the ability to predict the results of one's own activity, etc. Effective training is possible when the competency, practice oriented approach, active and interactive teaching methods are used. Currently, a focus in teaching students is on the role of independent work, the organization of practice, physical training of the graduates, the fund of evaluation tools, inclusive education, quality training of the teaching staff, as well as the active and interactive teaching methods. The active and interactive methods allows sharing information, receiving feedback, solving together the arising problems, simulating the educational situations, evaluating
one's own behavior and the actions of other participants, diving into the real atmosphere of business cooperation in solving problematic issues. Various methods exist of interaction between the teacher and students: cooperative learning methods, group discussions, debates, business simulation games, case situation analysis, project method, social-psychological training, moderation, computer simulations, and others. Thanks to interactive methods, the students form the professional competences, develop analytical thinking, mobilize the cognitive powers, an interest in new knowledge is awakened, and the creativity of personality is revealed.
One of the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational programs of the bachelor's degree (specialist training) is the widespread use of active and interactive forms of conducting classes in the educational process, the use of information technologies of distance learning in order to form and develop professional skills of students.
In education, three forms of interaction between teacher and students are more widely spread:
The passive method is when the teacher is the main actor, and the students act as passive listeners.
The active method is where the teacher and student interact with each other during the lesson
Interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning, during which interaction is carried out between the student and the teacher, between the students themselves.
Distance learning is:
• the opportunity to receive quality education in any region of the country; companies can conduct centralized training of employees in all branches at the same time;
• efficiency: quick updating of training materials allows you to use the latest information that has appeared on the market, as well as to respond to requests from the audience;
• continuity, individual approach: the educational process takes place without interruption from work, family, etc .; a personal program can be organized for each listener;
Moodle is a Content Management System (CMS) specially designed for educators to create online courses. Such e-learning systems are often called Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). Moodle is a development toolbox for both standalone online courses and educational websites.
One of the most important features of DL is the creation and storage of the student's learning history - all tasks completed by him, as well as the teacher's grades and comments to them, all the student's correspondence with the teacher and his messages in forums (chats) - and when resolving controversial issues, you can always contact to this archive.
The reforms carried out in education determine a particular importance of the issues of active and interactive training of schoolchildren and higher education students. The National Training Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan necessitate the transition from the informative forms and methods of training to the active ones, reorientation from the knowledge to the activity approach, finding opportunities of connecting theoretical knowledge with the practical needs of trainees.
Interactive methods are directed toward increasing interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and toward the dominance of the student activity in the learning process. The game methods of social-psychological training help to reduce mental tension, relieve psychological barriers, strengthen the motivation in the activities, develop the communicative and organizational qualities of the person, etc.
In our opinion, the interactive training is the most effective in the preparation of future teachers.
The profession of teacher belongs to the interpersonal sphere, so some special requirements are applied to the personality of the specialist: a high level of empathy and tolerance, sociability, organization, stress resistance, an adequate level of self-esteem and ambitions, constant desire for personal growth and intellectual self-development, etc.
As possible prospects of working on the considered subject, we see the creation of a base for the development of new topics for group discussions, case methods, business games for the students of the pedagogical department.
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