ABOUT INCREASING EDUCATIONAL MOTIVATION IN ENGLISH CLASS IN HIGH SCHOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nokhrin M.V.

The article deals with various approaches to understanding the motivation of educational activity among high school students in a general education organization. The directions in which educational motivation can be formed in English class in high school are considered

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Nokhrin M.V.

Master-Student of the Pedagogical Institute Faculty of Foreign Languages,

Belgorod State National Research University (Russia, Belgorod)


Abstract: the article deals with various approaches to understanding the motivation of educational activity among high school students in a general education organization. The directions in which educational motivation can be formed in English class in high school are considered.

Keywords: motivation, educational activity, learning English.

No activity can take place if the subject of educational activity has no motivation. In a word, if a person is not motivated in one way or another, he will not act, especially for a long time, which is required in training in a general education organization. If a high school student is motivated, he has the desire and energy to overcome everyday difficulties and challenges in mastering English - that will contribute to the effectiveness of learning.

At first glance, the subject is quite simple to realize. An action requires a reason, a driving force, which is called a motive. But for educational activities that last for a long time, a lot of motives are needed; they intertwine, pass into one another, form a complex and are called motivation. This is enough for ordinary consciousness. However, it is necessary for any teacher to dive into these complex relationships in order to understand what determines the activity of students in English class in high

school, how it manifests itself, what varieties and types of motives exist, how they are formed, fade away and what is supported.

Like any other complex psychological phenomena (subject, personality, individuality, activity, development), the driving forces of human activity have been studied for centuries. Scientists at different timeline points contributed to understanding this issue, introduced their own concepts and terms. Therefore, by the middle of the twentieth century, the human sciences, including psychology, have accumulated an extensive system of ideas about what is the basis, the cause of a particular behaviour and activity of people.

In different scientific schools, motivation is considered from different points of view [5]:

- as a simple combination of specific motives;

- as a system of interrelated motives;

- as a field of activity that unites a system of needs, interests, goals and proper motives;

- as a system of factors determining behaviour;

- as a characteristic of the process that determines behavioural activity.

For instance, R. S. Weissman believes that motivation is a set of factors that determine behaviour [1]; I. L. Gushchina defines motivation as a set of combined motives [3]; M. S. Magomed-Eminov determines motivation as the process of mental regulation of activity [4]; V. K. Vilyunas - a set of processes responsible for the direction of activity [2].

Educational motivation is defined as a particular type of motivation included in the activity of teaching, educational activity. A. N. Leontiev emphasizes that motives endow educational activity with personal meaning. Accordingly, the motivation of educational activity is a set of motives that form an attitude to a set of certain actions aimed at achieving an educational result.

Educational motivation allows a developing person to determine not only the direction, but also the ways of implementing various forms of educational activity, to

use the emotional-volitional sphere. It acts as a significant multifactorial determination that specifies the peculiarities of the educational situation in each time interval, including ones in English learning.

Educational motivation in English class in high school can be built in the following areas.

The main direction of motivation of educational activity is the attitude to the learning process itself. The motive here is the process of learning, learning new things, interest in the content side of English. Curiosity, desire to understand the essence of the subject are of great importance here.

The second direction is the attitude to certain academic subjects. It's often associated with a teacher who is able to reveal the significance, usefulness, depth of the subject being taught.

The third direction is the motives of self-expression and self-affirmation, primacy, leadership in the group.

Without any doubt, each of the directions is connected with the others, affects one another. Their hierarchy can be formed from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Educational motivation is both stable and dynamic.

The tasks of educational activity from the perspective of its productivity and effectiveness, as well as personal development, are motivational orientations on the process and result of this activity; these are specific dominant orientations of learning at school.

The researches of dynamics of motivation of educational activity under the influence of learning conditions show that motivational orientation to the process is more efficient for effective educational activity of students. Associated with cognitive motives, the initial positive attitude to learning a foreign language is revealed here. An unstable attitude most of all relates to instrumental values (these are values-means as opposed to values-goals). A negative attitude to learning correlates with the motives of one's own well-being [5].

The meaning-forming motive of the teaching students at school depends on their initial attitude to the subject being studied. Positive attitude and cognitive motives determine the initial type of motivation structure of learning with the dominance of process orientation; unstable and negative attitude in combination with instrumental motives and well-being motives determine the dominance of result orientation in the initial structure of motivation of learning. Thus, cognitive motives - meaning-forming ones in educational activity - are the basis of motivational orientation to the process.

The organization of educational activities helps to increase the motivation of learning through the development of an individual's internal motivation and formation of his cognitive interest. It can contribute to the creation of conditions for a positive attitude to learning sessions. That will provide mutual assistance and a favourable emotional climate in the group; collective ways of learning; the practical value of the subject matter; emphasis on positive impressive examples; ensuring optimal pedagogical communication.

An individualized training program also has a positive effect on the motivation of students' learning activities, since individual programs consider not only the emotional and social maturity of a student, his personal qualities, interests, and level of knowledge, but also his inclinations, views and spiritual values.

Thus, strengthening educational motivation in English class in high school is ambiguous. It may be associated with changes in a student's attitude to a particular subject or to the entire educational process. Educational motivation is a system that involves motivations, interests in educational activities. Today, a student's academic performance depends not only on his abilities, but also on his motives behind his learning.


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