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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zagorulko Maryna Alexandrovna

The article is devoted to the study of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines as a means of ensuring the need-motivational sphere of future primary school teachers. It is noted that the formation of the personality of the future primary school teacher requires the creation of fundamentally different approaches to professional training in accordance with the modern requirements. The author analyzes the definition of motivation in psychological and pedagogical sources. Motivation is formed and changed in the course of a student's life and, above all, during their academic activities. In the process of activity, new motives, interests and needs are born, which in turn affect the activity. It is important to study the correlation of motives at different stages of personality development and the degree of individual motivation of each student, which will help the teacher to cultivate intrinsic motivation for learning in all students. Considered the concept of the motivational sphere of personality as a set of stable motives that have a certain hierarchy and express the direction of the personality. Motivational sphere in a broad sense is considered as the basis of the personality, which is attracted by its properties such as orientation, value orientations, attitudes, social expectations, claims, emotions, volitional qualities and other socio-psychological characteristics. It is noted that the motivational sphere of the personality is the center of the personality space, where the axes of properties that characterize it intersect. Therefore, the need-motivational sphere cannot be limited to any of the types of motives that are included in it. Needs, motives, goals, emotions, and interests are constantly changing and entering into new relationships. Therefore, the formation of motivation is a constant complication of the structure of the motivational sphere, the appearance of new, more Mature, sometimes contradictory relationships between them. It is noted that through the individualization of the block of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, which is associated with the implementation of individual works, individual educational and research tasks, writing pedagogical essays, we can purposefully influence the needs and motivational sphere of future primary school teachers.

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Статья посвящена исследованию изучения психолого-педагогических дисциплин как средства обеспечения потребностно-мотивационной сферы будущих учителей начальной школы. Отмечается, что формирование личности будущего учителя начальной школы требует создания принципиально иных подходов в профессиональной подготовке в соответствии с требованиями сегодняшнего дня. Автором проанализировано определение понятия мотивация в психолого-педагогических источниках. Мотивация формируется и меняется в процессе жизни студента и, прежде всего, во время его учебной деятельности. В процессе деятельности рождаются новые мотивы, интересы и потребности, которые, в свою очередь влияют на деятельность. Важно изучить соотношение мотивов на различных этапах развития личности и степень индивидуальной мотивации каждого студента, это поможет педагогу воспитать внутреннюю мотивацию к обучению у всех студентов. Рассмотрено понятие мотивационной сферы личности как совокупности устойчивых мотивов, имеющих определенную иерархию и выражающих направленность личности. Мотивационная сфера в широком смысле рассматривается как основа личности, к которому притягиваются такие ее свойства, как направленность, ценностные ориентации, установки, социальные ожидания, притязания, эмоции, волевые качества и другие социально-психологические характеристики. Отмечено, что мотивационная сфера личности - это центр пространства личности, в котором пересекаются оси свойств, которые ее характеризуют. Следовательно, потребностно-мотивационная сфера не может ограничиваться ни одним из видов побуждений, которые входят в нее. Потребности, мотивы, цели, эмоции, интересы постоянно изменяются и вступают в новые отношения. Поэтому становление мотивации - это постоянное усложнение структуры мотивационной сферы появление новых, более зрелых, иногда противоречивых отношений между ними. Отмечается, что через индивидуализацию блока психолого-педагогических дисциплин, которая связана с выполнением индивидуальных работ, индивидуальных учебно-исследовательских заданий, написанию педагогических эссе, можем целенаправленно влиять на потребностно-мотивационную сферу будущих учителей начальной школы.


UDC 378.147.376


© 2020

ResearcherlD: AAF-8544-2020

ORCID: 0000-0002-9677-2130

Zagorulko Maryna Alexandrovna, teacher of the Department of foreign languages

Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (01011, Ukraine, Kiev, Nemirovich-Danchenko street, 2, e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines as a means of ensuring the need-motivational sphere of future primary school teachers. It is noted that the formation of the personality of the future primary school teacher requires the creation of fundamentally different approaches to professional training in accordance with the modern requirements. The author analyzes the definition of motivation in psychological and pedagogical sources. Motivation is formed and changed in the course of a student's life and, above all, during their academic activities. In the process of activity, new motives, interests and needs are born, which in turn affect the activity. It is important to study the correlation of motives at different stages of personality development and the degree of individual motivation of each student, which will help the teacher to cultivate intrinsic motivation for learning in all students. Considered the concept of the motivational sphere of personality as a set of stable motives that have a certain hierarchy and express the direction of the personality. Motivational sphere in a broad sense is considered as the basis of the personality, which is attracted by its properties such as orientation, value orientations, attitudes, social expectations, claims, emotions, volitional qualities and other socio-psychological characteristics. It is noted that the motivational sphere of the personality is the center of the personality space, where the axes of properties that characterize it intersect. Therefore, the need-motivational sphere cannot be limited to any of the types of motives that are included in it. Needs, motives, goals, emotions, and interests are constantly changing and entering into new relationships. Therefore, the formation of motivation is a constant complication of the structure of the motivational sphere, the appearance of new, more Mature, sometimes contradictory relationships between them. It is noted that through the individualization of the block of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, which is associated with the implementation of individual works, individual educational and research tasks, writing pedagogical essays, we can purposefully influence the needs and motivational sphere of future primary school teachers.

Keywords: motive, motivation, stages of formation of motivation, motivational sphere of personality, need-motivational sphere, psychological and pedagogical disciplines, future primary school teachers.



© 2020

Загорулько Марина Олександрiвна, викладач кафедри шоземних мов Кшвський нащональний ун1верситет технологш та дизайну (01011, Украша, Ктв, вулиця Немировича-Данченка, 2, e-mail: [email protected])

Анотащя. Статтю присвячено дослвдження навчання психолого-педагопчних дисциплш як засобу забезпе-чення потребшсно-мотивацшно! сфери майбутшх учителiв початково! школи. Наголошуеться, що формування особистосп майбутнього вчителя початково! школи потребуе створення принципово шших пiдходiв у фаховш шдготовщ ввдповщно до вимог сьогодення. Автором проаналiзовано визначення поняття мотиващя у психолого-педагопчних джерелах. Мотиващя формуеться i змiнюеться в процеа життя студента i, перш за все, пвд час його навчально! дiяльностi. У процеа дiяльностi народжуються новi мотиви, штереси i потреби, яш, у свою чергу впли-вають на дiяльнiсть. Важливо вивчити сшввщношення мотивiв на рiзних етапах розвитку особистосп i стутнь шдиввдуально! мотиваци кожного студента, що допоможе педагогу виховати внутршню мотивацш до навчання у вах студенпв. Розглянуто поняття мотивацшно! сфери особистосп, як сукупносп стшких мотивiв, що мають певну iерархiю i виражають спрямовашсть особистосп. Мотивацшна сфера в широкому розумшш розглядаеться як основа особистосп, до якого притягуються таш и властивосп, як спрямовашсть, цшшсш орiентацii, настанови, сощальш оч^вання, домагання, емоцп, вольовi якостi та iншi сощально-психолопчш характеристики. Зазначено, що мотивацiйна сфера особистосп - то е центр простору особистосп, у якому перетинаються вга властивостей, якi ii характеризуют Отже, потребнiсно-мотивацiйна сфера не може обмежуватись жодним iз видiв спонукань, якi входять до не!. Потреби, мотиви, цш, емоцп, iнтереси постшно змiнюються та вступають у новi вiдносини. Тому становлення мотивацii' - це постшне ускладнення структури мотивацшно! сфери, поява нових, бiльш зрших, iнодi су-перечливих вiдношень мiж ними. Наголошуеться на тому, що через iндивiдуалiзацiю блока психолого-педагогiчних дисциплш, яка пов'язана з виконанням шдиввдуальних робiт, iндивiдуальних навчально-дослiдних завдань, напи-санням педагогiчних есе, можемо цшеспрямовано впливати на потребнiсно-мотивацiйну сферу майбутшх учителiв початково! школи.

Ключовi слова: мотив, мотиващя, етапи формування мотиваци, мотивацшна сфера особистосп, потребшсно-мотивацшна сфера, психолого-педагогiчнi дисциплiни, майбутнi вчителi початково! школи.



© 2020

Загорулько Марина Александровна, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков

Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна (01011, Украина, Киев, улица Немировича-Данченко, 2, e-mail: [email protected])

Аннотация. Статья посвящена исследованию изучения психолого-педагогических дисциплин как средства обеспечения потребностно-мотивационной сферы будущих учителей начальной школы. Отмечается, что формирование личности будущего учителя начальной школы требует создания принципиально иных подходов в профессиональной подготовке в соответствии с требованиями сегодняшнего дня. Автором проанализировано определение понятия мотивация в психолого-педагогических источниках. Мотивация формируется и меняется в процессе жизни Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания. 2020. Т. 3. № 1(7) 47

студента и, прежде всего, во время его учебной деятельности. В процессе деятельности рождаются новые мотивы, интересы и потребности, которые, в свою очередь влияют на деятельность. Важно изучить соотношение мотивов на различных этапах развития личности и степень индивидуальной мотивации каждого студента, это поможет педагогу воспитать внутреннюю мотивацию к обучению у всех студентов. Рассмотрено понятие мотивационной сферы личности как совокупности устойчивых мотивов, имеющих определенную иерархию и выражающих направленность личности. Мотивационная сфера в широком смысле рассматривается как основа личности, к которому притягиваются такие ее свойства, как направленность, ценностные ориентации, установки, социальные ожидания, притязания, эмоции, волевые качества и другие социально-психологические характеристики. Отмечено, что мотивационная сфера личности - это центр пространства личности, в котором пересекаются оси свойств, которые ее характеризуют. Следовательно, потребностно-мотивационная сфера не может ограничиваться ни одним из видов побуждений, которые входят в нее. Потребности, мотивы, цели, эмоции, интересы постоянно изменяются и вступают в новые отношения. Поэтому становление мотивации - это постоянное усложнение структуры мотивационной сферы появление новых, более зрелых, иногда противоречивых отношений между ними. Отмечается, что через индивидуализацию блока психолого-педагогических дисциплин, которая связана с выполнением индивидуальных работ, индивидуальных учебно-исследовательских заданий, написанию педагогических эссе, можем целенаправленно влиять на потребностно-мотивационную сферу будущих учителей начальной школы.

Ключевые слова: мотив, мотивация, этапы формирования мотивации, мотивационная сфера личности, потребшсно-мотивационная сфера, психолого-педагогические дисциплины, будущие учителя начальной школы.


Statement of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. In the conditions of transition of the Ukrainian system of higher education to the global open educational space, the scientific and practical need to change the structure, content and nature of knowledge, experience of future specialists, formation of their professional outlook and life position, determination of prospects for professional and personal development increases. Theoretical and practical knowledge obtained by future specialists in higher education institutions should become professionally oriented and personal-value, since the most important task of higher pedagogical education is to train competitive specialists who are able to make professionally balanced decisions.

A modern teacher must master the skills to analyze, design, construct, organize the pedagogical process, conduct their own research to study the personality of their students.

Therefore, knowledge of pedagogy, which are closely related to psychological knowledge, is necessary for a modern teacher for continuous self-education, successful construction of a professional pedagogical career, and development of creative abilities.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The concept of motivation has been studied by many scientists, in particular: O. Leontiev [1] claimed that the knowledge of the motives is necessary especially in the process of analyzing the activities and evaluating the actions of students, because the same actions can be performed based on different motives; S. Rubinstein [2] noted that the motives are not revealed to consciousness only by analyzing activity and its dynamics and E. Ilyin [3] refered to the motive as a complex system with multi-component structure. M. Dubinka [4] considered in her dissertation motivations of activity and stages of its formation. L. Stolyarenko [5] defines the motivational sphere of the individual, and I. Karpyuk [6] explores the concept of the need-motivational sphere of the individual during physical training. A. Markova [7] considered the conditions of effective diagnostics and realization of the process of formation of personal and professional development of future teachers before studying the disciplines of the psychological-pedagogical block of study. L. Melnyk [8] explored the psychological and pedagogical conditions of forming a positive attitude of future teachers to the study of disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical block of study, which involve the use of various opportunities for the purpose of professional analysis of crises of professional development of the future specialist.

The issue of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines as a means of providing students with a need-motivation sphere while studying in higher education institutions has not been fully addressed in the studies of modern scholars. The problem of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines as a means of providing the needs and motivational sphere of future primary school teachers was not re-

flected in the research in psychology and pedagogy.


Forming the goals of the article (setting the task). In this article, we will analyze the concept of motivation and the motivational sphere of the individual as a means of ensuring the need-motivation of future primary school teachers.

The methods, techniques and technologies used: analysis of literary sources, method of comparison, generalization.


Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results. Motivation, like other higher mental functions, should be regarded as a socially conditioned asset. Motivation is formed and changed in the course of a student's life and, above all, during their academic activities. In the process of activity, new motives, interests and needs are born, which in turn affect the activity.

A. Leontiev [1] noted that the subject of activity in the process of self-determination is its actual motive. Knowledge of the motives themselves is necessary especially when analyzing the activities and evaluating the actions of students, because the same actions can be performed based on different motives.

For the correct direction of the process of human self-determination, understanding, and assessment of their behavior need to know the complex and diverse relationships that exist between motive and purpose of the activities, because the needs of the individual, matching motive and purpose of the activities is not always the case. According to A. Leontiev, the correlation of motive and activity is one of the central problems of personality psychology. Their unity is that there is no activity without a motive that excites it, and there is no activity that does not reproduce a new motive.

S. Rubinstein claims that a motive, as a conscious desire for a certain activity, is formed as a person weighs the circumstances in which he is located and realizes the goal that stands before it. Moreover, motives are not revealed to consciousness only by analyzing activity and its dynamics. Goals, unlike motives, are always recognized and become an independent motivating force [2].

At the same time, the source of personality activity is its dependence on specific conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account that when circumstances change, the goal of the activity changes, depending on the awareness of the motive.

E. Ilyin refers all the definitions of motivation to the two directions. The first considers motivation from a structural point of view, as a set of factors or motives, and the second - not as a static, but as a dynamic formation, as a process, a mechanism. The scientist also emphasizes that there is no unity of views in understanding the relationship between motivation and motive, and these two concepts are often used as synonyms. E. Ilyin defines motivation as a dynamic process of forming a motive as the basis of an action [3, P. 65-67].

E. Ilyin notes that all definitions of the concept of «motive» are grouped around the following points of view on


Humanitarian Balkan Research. 2020. Т. 4. № 1(7)

the motive: as an incentive, a need, a goal, an intention, personality properties, and states. The scientist emphasizes that the motive is a complex integral (system) psychological education. The structure of the motive is multi-component, it often displays several reasons and goals. In the structure of the motive, the scientist includes three blocks of components: need, which includes biological and social needs; the «internal filter» block, which consists of moral control, assessment of the external situation, assessment of one's capabilities (knowledge, skills, qualities), preferences (interests, inclinations, level of claims) and the target block contains an image of an object that can satisfy a need, an action is defined, a goal is needed, and a representation of the process of satisfying a need [3, p. 117].

According to E. Ilyin, the motive in its formation goes through three stages: the first - the formation of the primary (abstract) motive, which consists of the formation of the individual's need and motivation for search activity, the second stage includes external or internal search activity, and the third - the choice of a specific goal and the formation of an intention to achieve it [3, p. 76].

M. Dubinka established that activity motivation is a system of various ways of forming motives that encourage a person to specific forms of activity and behavior. The motive is a form of manifestation of a person's need and encourages the student to work. This dependence in the context of consideration of the concept of «need-motivational orientation» can be represented as the following sequence: need-motive-activity [4, p. 85].

In the context of problems of human self-determination to motivation, we need to correlate all that really encourage activity: generalized and more specific life goals of the person that it begins to define and which, apparently, will become the credo of his position in life in the future. At the same time, a person in the process of self-determination, carrying out all types of systematic activities and many unplanned actions, is guided by certain motivational factors that he tries to identify and understand. Herewith, it is worth noting that for an individual, motivational value is also given to those phenomena that do not encourage activity, but can encourage it, i. e., are potential motives. So, the motive of activity, reflected in the human mind, encourages activity, directs it to meet a certain need [4, p. 85].

The motive may be at the following stages of formation:

1. The stage of motivation awareness where the motivational engine is recognized and begins to perform a guiding function. The absence of this stage leads to a «blind» search. The result is impulsive behavior.

2. The stage of accepting a motive allows for the transformation of a conscious impulse into a personal motive. In this case, there is a correlation and inclusion of motivation in the hierarchy of subjective personal values. If the motive is not accepted internally, there is a sense of duality, uncertainty. A second, parallel system of motives can be formed.

3. The stage of realization of a motive is determined by the fact that its content is saturated. If the motive cannot be realized, frustration arises.

4. The stage of fixing the motive is due to the fact that repeated repetition leads to the transformation of the motive into a character trait, into a permanent incentive potency. If the motive is not fixed, then the integrity of the character is not formed, there is a sense of social and role inadequacy.

5. The stage of actualization of the motivation is laid in the character traits of a person. It can start a new cycle of formation of motivational formations [4, p. 85].

According to L. Stolyarenko, the motivational sphere of personality is understood as a set of persistent motives that have a certain hierarchy and express the direction of the individual. The motivational sphere in a broad sense is considered as the core of the personality, to which its properties such as orientation, value orientations, attitudes, social expectations, claims, emotions, volitional qualities and other socio-psychological characteristics are attracted [5, p. 174].

The need-motivational sphere can not be limited to any

of the types of motives included in it (motives, goals, interests, emotions, etc.). Needs, the meaning of exercise, motives, goals, emotions, and interests are constantly changing and entering into new relationships. Therefore, the formation of motivation is not a simple increase in the positive or aggravation of the negative attitude to physical training, but a complication of the structure of the motivational sphere, the motives that enter it, the appearance of new, more mature, sometimes contradictory relations between them.

The formation of motivation depends in general on the content, forms, methods of training, as well as on the development and complexity of the connection of young people with the world and different people. Social and family education contribute to the formation of motivation.

The formation of motivation for learning is influenced by a combination of external and internal conditions. External conditions can be the following: activities of the teacher, course content, teaching methods, level of pedagogical skill of the teacher, the logistics, the use of technical training, psychological climate in the group, the unity requirements of the teaching staff, institutions of higher education, family, relationship with others in the learning process.

As internal conditions for the formation of motivation, we can identify those qualitative changes in mental development and structural psychological neoplasms that occur in students when they are involved in educational activities, namely: forms of interaction and communication with another person (older people, peers); the orientation of the student's personality (for consumption or creation, for individual or social goals, on different sides of social and interpersonal relations) in the learning process [6].

The formation of motivation can take place in stages and holistically. In the first case, the teacher selects and consistently updates, fixes individual motives, and in the other -purposefully affects the motivation of education as a whole.

The formation of motivation can be carried out «from top to bottom» and «from bottom to top». The first way is to inculcate ideals, samples of what should be the motives for education. Students learn motives as standards by which they compare their behavior, identify their motives with the motives offered by the teacher and society. The disadvantage of this way is that there is a threat of formal assimilation of the expectation of motives [6].

The teacher needs to keep in mind and distinguish between the motives that are familiar to the student (from conversations, questionnaires) and those that actually work. The motives for exercising are not only closely related to each other, but are also in constant struggle. It is important to study their relationship at different stages of personal development and the degree of individual motivation. Knowledge of the features of students ' motivation will help the teacher to cultivate the internal motivation of physical education, that is, to form an interest in classes as the basis of personal physical culture of students.

Defining a scientific field of research dedicated to this issue, we emphasize that the system of psychological-pedagogical preparation of future teachers, methods and forms of studying of disciplines of psycho-pedagogical cycle, in our view, should help them in the awareness level of professional psychological competency and pedagogical skill. To do this, it is important to define and provide appropriate psychological and pedagogical conditions of the educational process that would contribute to the diagnosis and evaluation of students' professional competencies and self-improvement.

In our opinion, effective diagnostics and implementation of the process of formation of personal and professional development of future teachers to study the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle are possible if:

- the features of personal and professional self-actualization of students are defined;

- in the process of university education, psychological and pedagogical conditions provide an opportunity to define and specify the functions of personal and professional self-actualization of students (axiological, reflexive and

Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания. 2020. Т. 3. № 1(7)


creative aspects) and its components (value-motivational, reflexive and creative);

- the relationship between the components and functions of personal and professional self-actualization of students is determined, expands and deepens their understanding of the essence of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle [7, p. 25-57].

Psycho-pedagogical conditions of formation of positive attitudes of future teachers to study the disciplines of psycho-pedagogical cycle intended to be used various opportunities in order professional analysis of crises professional development specialist:

- the crisis of educational and professional orientation and professional choice;

- the crisis of professional expectations;

- the crisis of professional growth (dissatisfaction with opportunities, position, salary, etc.) [8, p. 17-35].

The block of psychological and pedagogical training of future primary school teachers covers various academic disciplines, including: pedagogy, general and age psychology, pedagogical psychology, and the basics of pedagogical research. These disciplines provide basic psychological and pedagogical training for the future primary school teacher, form pedagogical thinking, and pedagogical competence. Through the individualization of educational psychological and pedagogical disciplines (performing individual works, tasks, writing pedagogical essays, performing individual educational and research tasks), we can provide and meet the needs and motivational sphere of future primary school teachers. Individual work should be related to the research and diagnosis of primary school students during their practical training after future primary school teachers have mastered the theoretical basis in the process of studying psychological and pedagogical disciplines.

It should also be taken into account that among the main reasons for the inefficient organization of the educational process, there is insufficient consideration of individual experience, the level of their psychological and pedagogical training, awareness of personal and professional needs and problems. On this basis, we conclude that the psychological and pedagogical conditions do not correspond to the needs of students, in particular, in self-realization in the field of professional activity. We explain this by the fact that the content of the learning process is focused primarily on professional activities, and not on the development of self-awareness, stimulating self-education in the field of psychological and pedagogical disciplines. That is why, in our opinion, an important task is the pedagogically focused organization of personal-oriented training of students, the systematic assimilation of both special disciplines and psychological and pedagogical, taking into account their personal potential in the process of obtaining professional qualifications.


Conclusions of the study and prospects for further exploration of this area. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of professional motivation of future primary school teachers shows an individual approach to the selection task in the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines (e. g. performing individual works, tasks, writing pedagogical essays, performing individual educational and research tasks etc.), is important in the training of future primary school teachers, since it contributes to the formation of research skills that will provide a further demonstration of the high level of professionalism of future specialists and can meet need-motivational sphere of future primary school teachers.

The presented study does not exhaust all aspects of the problem of ensuring the need-motivational sphere of future primary school teachers. We consider the study of individ-ualization of the learning process of psychological and pedagogical disciplines as a means of providing a need-motivational basis for the formation of research and diagnostic skills of future primary school teachers to be promising for our research.


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Humanitarian Balkan Research. 2020. T. 4. № 1(7)

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