ABOUT CHILDREN'S SPEECH DISORDERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Ключевые слова
Speech disorder in children / aspect / disease / biological disorder / linguistic disorder. / Speech disorder in children / aspect / disease / biological disorder / linguistic disorder.

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским наукам и общественному здравоохранению, автор научной работы — Eshmatova Raykhan

This article discusses the specific aspects of speech disorders in children. It should be noted that there are some forms of speech disorders observed in children, and they differ from each other according to their content and nature. Timely elimination of speech disorders in children is the basis for preventing them from becoming a serious disease in the future.

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This article discusses the specific aspects of speech disorders in children. It should be noted that there are some forms of speech disorders observed in children, and they differ from each other according to their content and nature. Timely elimination of speech disorders in children is the basis for preventing them from becoming a serious disease in the future.

Текст научной работы на тему «ABOUT CHILDREN'S SPEECH DISORDERS»

Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 7.899 www.in-academy.uz


Eshmatova Raykhan

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Special pedagogy: speech therapy

direction 2nd course https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11474517



Received: 22th May 2024 Accepted: 30th May 2024 Online: 31th May 2024 KEYWORDS

Speech disorder in children, aspect, disease, biological disorder,

linguistic disorder.

This article discusses the specific aspects of speech disorders in children. It should be noted that there are some forms of speech disorders observed in children, and they differ from each other according to their content and nature. Timely elimination of speech disorders in children is the basis for preventing them from becoming a serious disease in the future.



Eshmatova Rayxon

Nukus davlat pedagogika instituti Maxsus pedagogika:logopediya

yo'nalishi 2-kurs https://doi.org/


Received: 22th May 2024 Accepted: 30th May 2024 Online: 31th May 2024

KEYWORDS Bolalarda nutq buzilishi, jihat, kasallik, biologik buzilish, lingvistik buzilish.

Ushbu maqolada bolalarda nutq buzilishining o'ziga xos jihatlari xususida so'z yuritiladi. Qayd etib etish lozimki, bolalarda kuzatiladigan nutq buzilislilarining ayrim ko'rinishlari mavjud bo"lib, ular bir-biridan mazmuniga KOAea hamda tabiatiga ko'ra farqlanadi. Bolalarda uchraydigan nutq buzilishlarini o'z vaqtida bartaraf etish ularning kelgusida jiddiy kasallikka aylanmasligi uchun asos vazifasini o'taydi.

Speech disorders in children can significantly affect their ability to communicate effectively. These impairments may include difficulties with articulation, stuttering, voice disorders, or language disorders. It is important to identify and address these issues early to ensure that children develop strong communication skills as they grow older. One of the most common speech disorders in children is articulation disorder, which involves difficulty pronouncing sounds correctly. It may be difficult for others to understand what this child is trying to say. Stuttering is another common speech disorder characterized by disturbances in the flow of speech, such as repetition or lengthening of sounds or words. A voice disorder can also affect a child's ability to communicate clearly, as they may have trouble controlling the pitch, pitch, or quality of their voice. A language disorder can also affect a child's ability to

Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 7.899 www.in-academy.uz

communicate effectively. This may include difficulty understanding spoken language (receptive language) or difficulty expressing thoughts and ideas verbally (expressive language). Children with language disorders may have problems following directions, forming sentences, or communicating with others. [Luria A. R. Basic neurolinguistic problems. - M.: MGU, 1975.]

Speech disorders in children can be due to various reasons, including genetic factors, developmental delay, neurological diseases or hearing loss. Environmental factors such as exposure to toxins, trauma, or early language deprivation also contribute to speech disorders. It is important for parents and guardians to be aware of these potential causes so that they can seek appropriate help and intervention for their child. Early intervention is important in addressing speech disorders in children. Speech therapy is a general treatment that helps children improve their communication skills. Speech therapists work with children to develop strategies to improve articulation, fluency, voice, and language skills. These therapists can also provide guidance on how to develop a child's communication skills at home with parents and caregivers. In addition to speech therapy, children with speech disorders may benefit from other forms of support such as occupational therapy, counseling, or assistive technology. It is important for parents and caregivers to work closely with professionals, including speech therapists, teachers, and health care providers, to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for their child. [Ferdinand de Saussure. Trudy po yazykoznaniyu. -M., 1977.]

It is important for parents and caregivers to be patient and supportive when working with children with speech disabilities. Children may have difficulty communicating and may need extra encouragement and reassurance as they work to improve their skills. Creating a positive and nurturing environment at home can help children feel confident and engaged in therapy and practice communication skills. As children with speech disorders grow and develop, it is important that parents and caregivers continue to monitor their progress and modify the treatment plan as needed. Some children may continue to struggle with speech disorders into adulthood, while others may make significant improvements with appropriate intervention. With the right support and resources, children with speech disorders can learn to communicate effectively and reach their full potential.

Children's speech disorders can occur for various reasons, and there are many factors that affect their development. Speech disorders can be manifested in the following forms:

• Pronunciation disorder: This can be due to mispronouncing sounds or not being able to make them at all.

• Defects in the grammatical structure of the speech: This may be related to mistakes in the structure of the sentence or incorrect application of grammatical rules.

• Poor vocabulary: This may be due to limited vocabulary or difficulty learning new words and concepts.

• Disruption of speech speed and fluency: This may be due to slow or unclear speech. [ Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Typology is a word. - M., 1969.]

The causes of speech disorders may include:

• Genetic factors: In some cases, speech disorders can be passed down in families.

Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 7.899 www.in-academy.uz

• Congenital defects: For example, congenital defects such as cleft lip or short tongue can affect speech development.can affect the anis.

• Hearing problems: A decrease or loss of hearing can also have a negative impact on speech development.

• Psychological factors: Stress, aggressive environment or psychological traumas can also affect children's speech development. [ Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Typology is a word. - M., 1969.]

The following methods can be used to treat and prevent speech disorders:

• Hearing screening and treatment: If hearing problems are detected, they should be treated as soon as possible.

• Speech Therapy: Working with professional speech therapists can help improve children's pronunciation and speech skills.

• Education and upbringing: It is necessary to support the development of speech by encouraging children, talking to them regularly and teaching them new words.

• Social environment: It is possible to stimulate the development of speech by expanding children's social contacts, involving them in various social activities. [ Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Typology is a word. - M., 1969.]

It should be noted that there are other types of linguistic speech disorders in the scientific literature. Examples include:

a) phonological problems - problems related to the pronunciation of existing sounds in the word;

b) problems related to vocabulary, that is, problems related to understanding the meaning of words;

c) problems reflecting the word form, in particular, problems related to the grammatical form, syntactic form, morphemic form of the word;

d) pragmatic problems in speech, such as the narrow meaning of the word, discourse, problems reflecting the processes of speech communication.

There are also common aspects of speech and language disorders that apply to all of the above-mentioned types of problems:

- limited amount of speech;

- observation of limitation in vocabulary variety;

- observed difficulties in learning new words;

- having difficulty reflecting vocabulary or choosing words;

- short structure of sentences;

- very simple grammatical structures;

- lack of variety in the choice of sentence types; -use of unusual word order;

- having difficulty adjusting word order;

- to make a mistake in understanding the words, syntactic structure of the sentence. Another linguistic manifestation of speech disorder in children is late speech. In this

case, the formation of speech appears later than in normal children.

Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 7.899 www.in-academy.uz

In conclusion, speech disorders in children can significantly affect their ability to communicate effectively. It is important for parents and caregivers to know the different types of speech disorders and their possible causes. Early intervention in the form of speech therapy and other support services can help children improve their communication skills and reach their full potential. By working closely with a team of professionals to create a positive and nurturing environment at home, children with speech disorders can learn to communicate effectively and thrive.


1. Luria A. R. Basic neurolinguistic problems. - M.: MGU, 1975.

2. Ferdinand de Saussure. Trudy po yazykoznaniyu. - M., 1977.

3. Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Typology is a word. - M., 1969.

4. Kodukhov V. I. Obshchee yazykoznanie. - M., 2010.

5. Amirova T., Olkhovikov B. A., Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Ocherki po istorii linguistic. - M., 1975.

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