A STUDY OF METHODOLOGICAL LITERATURE AND ITS CRITICAL ANALYSIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
methodological literature / national language / scientific research
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согласных в начале и конце туркменского слова нарушает закон сингармонизма. Поэтому в туркменском произношении часто слышится вместо факт-факыт, вместо кровать-кирават, вместо вкусно-викусно, вместо стакан-ыстакан и т.д. Такие слова не вписываются в живую речь туркменского языка и знающий туркменский понимает, что это не правильно. Но на туркменском свободно произносятся сыясат вместо сиясэт, пикир вместо фикр, сабыр вместо сабр и т. д. Эти арабские слова за столетия активного употребления притерлись к туркменской фонетике и являются нормой родного языка. Этот же мотив просматривается и в смене слов типа станция на араб. мензил, съезд на араб. маслахат, транспорт на туркм. улаг и т.д.

Как только исчезла опасность осуждения, преследования, наклеивания ярлыков за употребление арабской лексики, она стала удивительно быстро возвращаться. Такие слова как велаят, сыясат, маслахат, хяким, хякимлик, межлис, садака, берекет, сYннет и сотни других слов быстро активизировались в условиях демократизации общественной жизни. Народ, а точнее его интеллигенция в душе никогда не соглашались с волевым решением об изгнании арабских заимствований из туркменского языка как его составных элементов. Люди понимали, что это обедняет язык, меняет его историческую окраску, лишает его лингвистического своеобразия.

Если процесс заимствования арабской лексики в свое время был продиктован влиянием религиозной и философской литературы, то нынешний процесс возврата такой категории заимствований не связан ни с религией, ни с философией. При этом носители туркменского языка не ощущают инородности арабизмов и парсизмов, которые за столетия прочно вписались в живую речь туркменского языка грамматически, фонетически и морфологически.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Белоусов В. Иноязычные слова в русском языке. Наука и жизнь, № 8. М., 1993.

2. Лотте Д.С. Вопросы заимствования и упорядочения иноязычных терминов. М., 1982.

3. Назаров О. Н. К вопросу о лексико - семантической эквивалентности соматических фразеологизмов русского и туркменского языков. АН ТССР №2., Ашх., 1974.

4. Саплыева Т. Лексико-семантическое сходство в туркменском и арабском языках. Ашхабад, 2011."Билим". Научно-методический журнал, №5.

5. Шипова Е.Н. Словарь тюркизмов в русском языке. Алма-Ата, 1976.

6. Хамзаев М., Алтаев С., Ачылова Г., Месгудов В., Меретгельдиев А. Словарь туркменского языка. Ашхабад, 1962.

7. Ярцев В.Н. Большой энциклопедический словарь. М., 1998.

© Оразов А. Х., Базарова И. С., 2024


Розыева С. А., преподаватель Губажаева А. А., преподаватель Мыратгулыев Р. Х., преподаватель Туркменского национального института мировых языков имени Довлетмаммеда Азади



methodological literature, national language, scientific research.

Studying and analyzing the methodological literature available in our country and abroad is the beginning of any scientific work moment is considered. In studying any method of literature or problem, a thorough study of its history is a prerequisite. Outside about the history and current state of teaching national languages literature includes textbooks on methodology, method manuals, monographs, articles, school's examples include textbooks and archival materials. With methodological science to conduct any research work. It is also useful to study the advances in related sciences.

Exploring the work experiences of leading teachers. This is it method is a prerequisite of any scientific research. Leading the scientific method of conducting business with case studies observes the interrelationship of objective laws.

As well as determining the validity and viability of methodological theory, the extent to which the proposed methods are appropriate. As each best practice is learned, it needs to be compiled and systematized. This method is in-depth training should be conducted on the basis of study. When learning from experience and types of schools in summary, where studies are conducted conditions must be taken into account. For example, in traditional schools, education in foreign language schools and abroad in specialized schools that teach foreign languages in depth teaching conditions are not equal.

Observation of classes and extracurricular activities is the main means of teaching and summarizing practical experience comes out Another way to learn about leading business practices is to participate in seminars, pedagogical lectures, consultations and their is to use their materials.

Experimentation teach foreign languages. It is one of the most important research methods in the methodology. This is the method about scientists P.B. Gurvini, E.A. Shtulman scientific works separately let's get to the point. This method is divided into three groups according to the direction of transfer:

a) experiments conducted in accordance with the goals of education;

b) experiments conducted in accordance with the content of education;

c) experiments conducted according to the conditions and methods of teaching.

It is not always necessary to conduct experiments. This method is used when the issue to be investigated is controversial. For example, in defining learning objectives and content no experimentation required. But it is up to you to experiment in choosing teaching methods and the most effective system of doing things must be transferred. During it, the hypothesis made by the scientist is tested. The longer the experiment, the more persuasive it becomes. But it interferes with study time should not be given. The experiment was not carried out in isolation from life. It is a research review, literature review, and a pioneer methods and methods such as learning and summarizing work experience should be coordinated with The experiment was successful it is recommended that the following conditions be met.

Test and practice training. As the name suggests, experimental study is the initiative of the teacher conducting scientific research is based on In this case, the teacher's first working hypothesis is tested. In other words, to improve the study period

The researcher's original hypothesis was that of the experimental study which results in either being true or false. But practical training it is different. This study was conducted as a long-term group study according to the methodology proposed by the researcher refers to the visit. Only after being tried and tested through this course, are the method tips from other schools as well can be introduced into their lives.

Methodology is the science of teaching. It called "methodology" comes from a Greek word that means "the sum of the methods of accomplishing a particular task." Any science in society does not arise suddenly. Because each science has its own history of development. The history of the methodology of teaching English in primary grades is inextricably linked with the methodology of teaching foreign languages. By the way, the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Scientificallyn founded by famous linguist, academician Lev Vladimirovich Sherba.

A specific pedagogy of a specific language, for example English the science of learning based on their

abilities and circumstances data is studied in a private methodological science. That is, the methodology of teaching foreign languages is a general methodology, and the methodology of teaching English is a private methodology.

The term "methodology" often used in pedagogical conversation has three meanings, and they are as follows: First, being a "methodological" theoretical course, the medium and with the name of the subjects studied in higher education institutions used in connection "Our last lesson today is English language teaching methodology.

In the history of teaching foreign languages, methodological science is divided into general and specific methodology. The methodology of teaching foreign languages is the purpose, content, it is a science that studies means and ways. Literature:

1. Reading in foreign language. // method of teaching foreign languages abroad. -M., Duncan MH. 1967.

2. Thematic evenings in English. - M., Diment A.L. 1988.

© Po3bieBa C. A., Ty6awaeBa A. A., MbipaTry.bieB P. X., 2024


Худдыева Р.,

Старший преподаватель, Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан Сулеймангулыев А., Старший преподаватель, Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан Гурдова Дж., Преподаватель,

Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан Оразов О., Преподаватель,

Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан


Ныне поэзия Махтумкули Фраги звучит с новой силой, став посланником доброй воли туркменского народа в деле развития дружественных, -добрососедских отношений с народами мира, укрепления международных гуманитарных связей.

Ключевые слова:

народный поэт, душа народа, бессмертное творчество, великий мыслитель, поэтическое наследие. Великий поэт и мыслитель туркменского народа Махтумкули Фраги своим бессмертным

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