Научная статья на тему 'A statistical analysis of traffic accidents by time and day of the week: the methodology for this study in Tokyo will serve as a blueprint for a future study in Kazakhstan'

A statistical analysis of traffic accidents by time and day of the week: the methodology for this study in Tokyo will serve as a blueprint for a future study in Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Inoue K., Hoshi M., Takeshita H., Takinami Y., Fujihara J.

Introduction: In the future, detailed studies will need to be performed in Japan in order to devise more effective measures to prevent traffic accidents. Statistical approaches that are applicable not just to Japan but to other countries as well also need to be developed. Materials and Methods: The occurrence of traffic accidents in Tokyo from 2010-2014 was studied based on a report from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and specific aspects of those accidents were examined. Those findings indicated important measures to prevent future traffic accidents in Tokyo. In addition, the use of this methodology in a study of traffic accidents in Kazakhstan and the use of the current findings to devise measures to prevent traffic accidents in that country have also been described. Results and Conclusion: Over the 5 years studied, there were 233,144 traffic accidents in total. By day of the week, accidents occurred most often on Friday and least often on Sunday. A comparison of traffic accidents by time on weekdays (Mon.-Fri.) and weekends (Sat. & Sun.) indicated that accidents on weekdays occurred most often from 8-10 AM, followed by 4-6 PM. Accidents on weekends occurred most often from 4-6 PM, followed by 2-4 PM, then 12-2 PM, and finally 10-12 AM. In light of these findings, further enhancing preventive measures on weekdays and weekends and examining times when accidents occur are key to educational efforts to further reduce traffic accidents. We plan to conduct a study to determine which measures will prove effective at preventing traffic accidents in Kazakhstan. The current methodology could be used to study traffic accidents in different countries, such as Kazakhstan.

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Похожие темы научных работ по социологическим наукам , автор научной работы — Inoue K., Hoshi M., Takeshita H., Takinami Y., Fujihara J.

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Текст научной работы на тему «A statistical analysis of traffic accidents by time and day of the week: the methodology for this study in Tokyo will serve as a blueprint for a future study in Kazakhstan»

Received: 12 July 2016 / Accepted: 28 July 2016 / Published online: 31 August 2016 UDC 614.86:31(520) (574)


Ken Inoue1, Masaharu Hoshi2, Haruo Takeshita3, Yoshikazu Takinami4, Junko Fujihara3, Kaori Kimura-Kataoka3, Yoshihiro Noso5, Nobuo Takeichi6, Nailya Chaizhunusova7, Nargul Ospanova8, Timur Moldagaliev8, Zhanat Sarsembina8, Akerke Kalieva9, Ulzhan Jamedinova9, Sholpan Chegedekova9, Alua Sharapiyeva9, Dina Bitebayeva9, Kulpash Kembayeva 7, Tolebay K. Rakhypbekov10

1 Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Gunma, Japan;

2 Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan;

3 Shimane University, Department of Legal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane, Japan;

4 Shimane University, Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane, Japan;

5 Shimane University, Department of General Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane, Japan;

6 Takeichi Clinic, Hiroshima, Japan;

7 Semey State Medical University, Department of Nutrition and Hygienic disciplines, Semey, Kazakhstan

8 Semey State Medical University, Department of Neurology, psychiatry and infectious diseases, Semey, Kazakhstan

9 Semey State Medical University, Department of Public Health, Semey, Kazakhstan

10 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan


Introduction: In the future, detailed studies will need to be performed in Japan in order to devise more effective measures to prevent traffic accidents. Statistical approaches that are applicable not just to Japan but to other countries as well also need to be developed.

Materials and Methods: The occurrence of traffic accidents in Tokyo from 2010-2014 was studied based on a report from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and specific aspects of those accidents were examined. Those findings indicated important measures to prevent future traffic accidents in Tokyo. In addition, the use of this methodology in a study of traffic accidents in Kazakhstan and the use of the current findings to devise measures to prevent traffic accidents in that country have also been described.

Results and Conclusion: Over the 5 years studied, there were 233,144 traffic accidents in total. By day of the week, accidents occurred most often on Friday and least often on Sunday. A comparison of traffic accidents by time on weekdays (Mon.-Fri.) and weekends (Sat. & Sun.) indicated that accidents on weekdays occurred most often from 8-10 AM, followed by 4-6 PM. Accidents on weekends occurred most often from 4-6 PM, followed by 2-4 PM, then 12-2 PM, and finally 10-12 AM. In light of these findings, further enhancing preventive measures on weekdays and weekends and examining times when accidents occur are key to educational efforts to further reduce traffic accidents. We plan to

conduct a study to determine which measures will prove effective at preventing traffic accidents in Kazakhstan. The current methodology could be used to study traffic accidents in different countries, such as Kazakhstan.

Keywords: traffic accidents, day, time, Tokyo, Kazakhstan



Кен Иное1, Масахару Хоши2, Харуо Такешита3, Йошиказу Такинами4, Джанко Фуджихара3, Каори Кимура-Катаока3, Йошихиро Носо5, Нобуо Такейчи6, Найля Чайжунусова7, Наргуль Оспанова8, Тимур Молдагалиев8, Жанат Сарсембина8, Акерке Калиева9, Улжан Джамединова9, Шолпан Чегедекова9, Алуа Шарапиева9, Дина Битебаева9, Кульпаш Кембаева7, Толебай К. Рахыпбеков10

1 Университет Гунма, Высшая школа медицины, Департамент общественного здравоохранения, Гунма, Япония;

2 Университет Хиросимы, Научно-исследовательский институт радиационной биологии и медицины, Хиросима, Япония;

3 Университет Шимани, Департамент судебной медицины, медицинский факультет,Шимани, Япония;

4 Университет Шимани, Департамент по чрезвычайным ситуациям и неотложной медицине, медицинский факультет, Шимани, Япония;

5 Университет Шимани, Департамент общей медицины, медицинский факультет, Шимани, Япония;

6 Клиника «Такейчи», Хиросима, Япония;

7 Государственный медицинский университет города Семей, Кафедра питания и гигиенических дисциплин, Семей, Казахстан;

8 Государственный медицинский университет города Семей, Кафедра неврологии, психиатрии и инфекционных заболеваний, г. Семей, Казахстан

9 Государственный медицинский университет города Семей, Кафедра общественного здравоохранения, г. Семей, Казахстан

10 Государственный медицинский университет города Семей, г. Семей, Казахстан

Введение: Необходимо проведение детальных исследований с целью разработки мероприятий для предотвращения дорожно-транспортных происшествий в будущем. Так же, необходима разработка статистических методов, применимых не только в Японии, но и в других странах.

Материалы и Методы: Распространенность дорожно-транспортных происшествий в Токио в период с 2010-2014 гг. была исследована на основе доклада департамента столичной полиции. Так же, были изучены особенности этих происшествий. Полученные результаты выявили острую необходимость в разработке мер по предотвращению ДТП в Токио. Кроме того, использование этой методологии в исследовании дорожно-транспортных происшествий в Казахстане и использование текущих результатов были описаны для разработки мер по предотвращению дорожно-транспортных происшествий в этой стране.

Результаты и Заключение: За 5 лет, что были исследованы, произошло 233 144 дорожно-транспортных происшествий. Чаще всего ДТП происходили в пятницу, а реже всего в

воскресенье. Сравнивая распространенность ДТП между будними (пн.-пт.) и выходными (сб.-вс.) днями выяснилось, что в будние дни ДТП чаще всего случались в промежутке времени с 8-10 часов утра и с 16-18 часов вечера. ДТП в выходные дни чаще всего случались в промежутке времени с 16-18 часов вечера, затем с 12-2 часов ночи и, наконец, с 10-12 часов утра. С учётом полученных данных становится ясно, что последующее увеличение мер предотвращения и исследование времени, когда ДТП имеют место быть, являются своего рода ключом к снижению распространенности дорожно-транспортных происшествий. Мы планируем провести исследование, чтобы определить эффективные меры по предотвращению дорожно-транспортных происшествий и в Казахстане. Данная методология могла бы использоваться для исследования ДТП в различных странах, включая Казахстан.

Ключевые слова: дорожно-транспортные происшествия, дневное время, Токио, Казахстан.



Кен Иное1, Масахару Хоши2, Харуо Такешита3, Йошиказу Такинами4, Джанко Фуджихара3, Каори Кимура-Катаока3, Йошихиро Носо5, Нобуо Такейчи6, Найля Чайжунусова7, Наргуль Оспанова8, Тимур Молдагалиев8, Жанат Сарсембина8, Акерке Калиева9, Улжан Джамединова9, Шолпан Чегедекова9, Алуа Шарапиева9, Дина Битебаева9, Кульпаш Кембаева7, Толебай К. Рахыпбеков10

1 Гунма университетшш медицина мектебi, Когамдык денсаулык сактау департаментi, Гунма, Жапония;

2 Хиросима университет^ Радиациялык биология жэне медицина гылыми-зерттеу институты, Хиросима, Жапония;

3 Шимани университетшщ медицина факультетi, сот медицина департаментi, Шимани, Жапония;

4 Шимани университетшщ медицина факультет^ Тетенше жагдай баскару жэне апат медицина кафедрасы, Шимани, Жапония;

5 Шимани университетшщ медицина факультет^ Жалпы медицина департаментi, Шимани, Жапония;

6 «Такейчи» ауруханасы, Хиросима, Жапония;

7 Семей мемлекегпк медицина университет^ Тагамтану жэне гигиеналык пэндер кафедрасы, Семей к , Казакстан;

9 Семей мемлекеттiк медицина университетi, Неврология, психиатрия жэне жукпалы аурулар кафедрасы, Семей, Казакстан;

10 Семей мемлекегпк медицина университет^ Семей К-, Казакстан.

Юр^пе: Келешекте жол-квлiк о^игалары алдын алу Yшiн iс - шаралар эдютеу ма^сатында егжей-тегжейлi зерттеулер вткiзу к;ажет болады. Сол сия^ты Жапонияда гана емес, сонымен к;атар баск;а мемлекеттерде к;олданылатын статистикалык; эдiстердi эдiстеу к;ажет.

Материалдар жэне эдiстер: 2010-2014 жж. мерзiмдегi Токиодагы жол-квлiк о^игаларыныц таралуы астаналык; полиция департаментi баяндамасы непзшде зерттелген болатын. Сол сия^ты, осы апаттар ерекшелiктерi зерттелген болатын. алынган нэтижелер Токиодагы ЖКО алдын алу бойынша iс - шараларын эдютеуде жiтi к;ажеттттт аны^тады. Содан баскд ^азак;стандагы жол-квлiк о^игаларыныц таралуын зерттеуде жэне осы методологияны

пайдалану жэне осы мемлекеттеп жол-келт окигаларыньщ алдын алу бойынша ic шараларды эдicтеу Yшiн агымдагы нэитижелердi пайдалану cуреттелдi.

Нэтижелер жэне корытындылар: Зерттелген 5 жыл шнде 233144 жол-келiк окигалары орын алды. ЖКО эдетте жума кYндерi орын алган, ал жекcенбiде сирек. ЖКО таралуын салыстыра отырып кYнделiктi (^йс-жума) жэне демалыс (cенбi - жекс.) арасында ЖКО кYнделiктi кYндерi 8-10 сагат тацертецп уакытта жэне 16-18 сагат кешкi уакытта болатыны аныкталды. Демалыс кYндерi ЖКО 16-18 сагат кешкi уакытта, сосын 12-2 сагат тYнгi уакытта жиi кездеcедi, жэне 10-12 саг. тацертецп уакытта болады. ЖКО болган жагдайда алдын алу шараларын кебейту жэне уакытты зерттеу Yшiн алынган мэлiметтердi ескерумен анык болатын жол-келiк окигалары темендеушН таралуыныц кiлтi болып табылады. Бiз ^азакстандагы жол-келiк окигаларыньщ алдын алу бойынша тиiмдi ic - шараларды аныктау Yшiн зерттеудi еткiзудi жоспарлаудамыз. Осы методология эртYрлi мемлекеттерде, ^азакстанды коса алганда ЖКО зерттеу Yшiн пайдаланылуы мYмкiн.

Heri3ri сездер: жол - келт окигалары, кYндiзгi уакыт, Токио, ^азакстан.

Библиографическая ссылка:

Иное К., Хоши М., Такешита Х., Такинами Й., Фуджихара Дж., Кимура-Катаока К., Носо Й., Такейчи Н., Чайжунусова Н., Оспанова Н., Молдагалиев Т., Сарсембина Ж., Калиева А., Джамединова У., Чегедекова Ш., Шарапиева А., Битебаева Д., Кембаева К., Рахыпбеков Т.К. Статистический анализ дорожно-транспортных происшествий по времени и дню недели: методология исследования в Токио будет служить проектом для будущего исследования в Казахстане / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №4. С. 38-44.

Inoue K., Hoshi M., Takeshita H., Takinami Y., Fujihara J., Kimura-Kataoka K., Noso Y., Takeichi N., Chaizhunusova N., Ospanova N., Moldagaliev T., Sarsembina Zh., Kalieva A., Jamedinova U., Chegedekova Sh., Sharapiyeva A., Bitebayeva D., Kembayeva K., Rakhypbekov T.K. A statistical analysis of traffic accidents by time and day of the week: the methodology for this study in Tokyo will serve as a blueprint for a future study in Kazakhstan. Nauka iZdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 4, pp. 38-44.

Иное К., Хоши М., Такешита Х., Такинами Й, Фуджихара Дж., Кимура-Катаока К., Носо Й., Такейчи Н., Чайжунусова Н., Оспанова Н., Молдагалиев Т., Сарсембина Ж., Калиева А., Джамединова У., Чегедекова Ш., Шарапиева А., Битебаева Д., Кембаева К., Рахыпбеков Т.К. Уакыты жэне апта ^i бойынша жол-келк апаттарыныц статистикалык талдауы: осы Токиодагы зерттеу Yшiн ^азакстандагы болашак зерттеулер Yшiн жоба болатын методология / / Гылым жэне Денсаулык сактау. 2016. №4. Б. 38-44.


According to a report from the National Police Agency, there were 10,684 traffic fatalities in Japan in 1995 and over 10,000 annually in prior years. However, there were around 9,000 traffic fatalities annually from 1996-2000, around 8,000 annually from 2001-2002, around 7,000 annually from 2003-2004, around 6,000 annually from 2005-2006, around 5,000 annually from 20072008, and around 4,000 annually from 20092014 [1]. Efforts such as enforcing the wearing of seat belts and steep increases in fines, lowering the legal limit for driving under the influence, and ongoing campaigns have presumably resulted in the decrease in traffic fatalities [2,3,4]. Detailed studies of various aspects of traffic accidents will need to be conducted and measures will need to be devised based on the findings of those studies in order to determine more effective measures to

prevent traffic accidents in the future. In addition, a methodology that is not limited specifically to Japan but that is applicable to other countries as well needs to be developed.


Type of study. This was a descriptive study.

Methods of selection of study participants

This study examined traffic accidents in Tokyo based on a report from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department [5]. This report publishes numerical data without information identifying individuals.

Data collection

This study examined traffic accidents by time and day of the week in Tokyo from 2010-2014 [5].

Data presentation

Traffic accidents at different times on different days were divided into accidents on weekdays

(Mon.-Fri.) and accidents on weekends (Sat. & Sun.).

Data analysis

Traffic accident trends on weekdays and weekends were compared. Those findings suggested specific measures that Tokyo needs to implement to prevent traffic accidents in the future. This study also examined whether the current methodology could be used to study traffic accidents in Kazakhstan and to devise measures to prevent traffic accidents in that country.

Ethical considerations

This report examined official data without information identifying individuals.


The annual number of traffic accidents over the 5 years studied is shown in Figure 1. During that period, there were 233,144 traffic accidents in total, with an average of about 46,629 accidents annually. During that period, the most accidents (55,013) occurred in 2010 and the fewest occurred (37,184) occurred in 2014.

Figure 1. Traffic accidents in Tokyo from 2010-2014.

The number of traffic accidents by day of the Tuesday (15.00%), Thursday (14.95%), week is shown in Figure 2. Accidents most often Wednesday (14.87%), Monday (14.64%), occurred on Friday (16.25%), followed by Saturday (14.27%), and then Sunday (10.01%).








Figure 2. Traffic accidents by day of the week in Tokyo from 2010-2014.

The number of traffic accidents by time on weekdays and weekends is shown in Tables 1 and 2. Accidents on weekdays most often occurred from 8-10 AM (15.34%), followed by 4-

6 PM (13.92%). Accidents on weekends most often occurred from 4-6 PM (14.12%), followed by 2-4 PM (13.24%), 12-2 PM (13.03%), and then 10-12 AM (13.02%).

Table 1.

Traffic accidents by time on weekdays in Tokyo from 2010-2014.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

8-10AM 8-10AM 8-10AM 8-10AM 8-10AM 8-10AM

1st (15.48%) (15.12%) (15.69%) (15.13%) (15.20%) (15.34%)

4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM

2nd (13.84%) (13.93%) (14.06%) (13.82%) (13.98%) (13.92%)

2-4PM 10-12AM 10-12 AM 10-12 AM 10-12 AM 10-12 AM

3rd (12.17%) (12.26%) (12.09%) (12.66%) (12.38%) (12.28%)

10-12AM 2-4PM 2-4PM 2-4PM 2-4PM 2-4PM

4th (12.12%) (12.07%) (11.81%) (12.05%) (12.05%) (12.04%)

Table 2.

Traffic accidents by time on weekends in Tokyo from 2010-2014.

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2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM

1st (14.28%) (14.51%) (13.67%) (13.70%) (14.43%) (14.12%)

2-4PM 10-12 AM 2-4PM 10-12 AM 10-12 AM 2-4PM

2nd (13.48%) (13.26%) (13.55%) (13.15%) (13.23%) (13.24%)

12-2PM 2-4PM 12-2PM 2-4PM 12-2PM 12-2PM

3rd (13.01%) (13.20%) (13.50%) (13.03%) (13.14%) (13.03%)

10-12AM 12-2PM 10-12 AM 12-2PM 2-4PM 10-12 AM

4th (12.75%) (12.84%) (12.78%) (12.66%) (12.74%) (13.02%)


Based on the current findings, preventive measures on weekdays and weekends probably need to be enhanced further and times when accidents occur probably need to be studied to target educational efforts to further reduce traffic accidents. In specific terms, further effort needs to be expended to reduce traffic accidents on weekdays and the public needs to be educated about preventing traffic accidents. The hours of 810 AM on weekdays are hours of travel to work or school and the hours of 4-6 PM are hours of travel from work or school or shopping, so educational efforts to prevent traffic accidents need to involve schools, workplaces, and the community. The times slightly prior to noon until early evening on weekends are hours when family trips take place, so educational efforts targeting families and the community should prove effective at preventing traffic accidents.

One limitation of this approach is that it focuses substantially on weekdays as commuting times to work or school and on weekends as holidays, though there are instances when this does not hold true.

Numerous studies in Japan have indicated that a focus on evidence-based preventive measures and educational efforts is effective when a rapid response to a social issue is required [6,7,8]. Studies overseas have examined various aspects of measures to prevent traffic accidents [9,10,11,12,13]. However, few studies have assembled data on aspects such as day and time from multiple years and few studies have indicated the importance of educating the public about preventive measures, as the current study has done. In the future, we are considering a study to determine which measures will prove effective at preventing traffic accidents in Kazakhstan. The current methodology could be

used to study traffic accidents in different countries, such as Kazakhstan.


In conclusions, Tokyo must expend further effort to prevent traffic accidents on weekdays. Tokyo also needs to increase its educational efforts to prevent traffic accidents during hours of travel to work or school and hours of travel from work or school or shopping on weekdays and hours of family trips on weekends. A statistical study of traffic accidents by time and day of the week is a methodology that could be considered for use in studies in different countries, such as Kazakhstan.

Conflict of interest: None

Author's contributions: KI designed the study, and KI analyzed the data. All authors in this study thought and discussed based on the results. All authors also read and approved the report for submission.

Funding: None


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2. Fujita Y., Inoue K., Sakuta A., Seki N., Miyazawa T., Eguchi K. // Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2008. 15(7). pp.469-470.

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4. Inoue K., Fukunaga T., Okazazi Y., Nishimura M., Fujita Y. A study on the effectiveness of recent traffic accident prevention measures based on trends in the number of traffic accidents in Japan: specific measures for the future based on recent conditions // West Indian Medical Journal. 2013. 62(6). pp.571.

5. Metropolitan Police Department. http://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.jp/. Last accessed 24 November, 2015.

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7. Takayanagi M., Nihei T., Katayama A. Relationship between epidemiological indicators and critical care system in Ibaraki Prefecture: Considerations based on average life span and standardized mortality ratio // Japanese Journal of Medical Technology. 2015. 64(6). pp.760-766. [in Japanese, English summary]

8. Nakahara S., Katanoda K., Ichikawa M. Onset of a declining trend in fatal motor vehicle crashes involving drunk-driving in Japan // Journal of Epidemiology. 2013. 23(3). pp.195-204.

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Ken Inoue - MD, PhD, Department of Public Health, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, 3-39-22, Showa-machi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8511, Japan phone: +81-27-220-8013, fax: +81-27-220-8016 e-mail: [email protected]

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