Научная статья на тему 'Joint development Medical University City of Semey and three prefectures of Japan that based on our history of international exchange'

Joint development Medical University City of Semey and three prefectures of Japan that based on our history of international exchange Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
international exchanges / Semey / Kochi / Hiroshima / Shimane / Almaty / международный обмен / Семей / Kochi / Hiroshima / Shimane / Алматы

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Ken Inoue, Nailya Chaizhunussova, Masaharu Hoshi, Yoshihiro Noso, Nobuo Takeichi

In the current era of globalization, universities are working to conclude agreements on international exchanges. Such agreements are concluded as a result of support from various quarters and departments within the university. International exchanges between Kazakhstan and Japan have progressed over the past few years. Semey State Medical University and Kochi University concluded an agreement on academic cooperation and student exchanges in 2018. This agreement follows on the heels of similar agreements concluded between Semey State Medical University and Hiroshima and Shimane universities. The current paper described the characteristics of Semey State Medical University, Kochi University, Hiroshima University, and Shimane University. The study described in this paper examined the current state of collaboration between Semey State Medical University and Japanese organizations or individuals (i.e. the authors of this paper). This paper described collaborative/cooperative projects that Semey State Medical University and Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane universities have planned for the near future. This paper also offered specific proposals to facilitate future international exchanges between the City of Semey including the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane in various areas. All 4 of the aforementioned universities are providing a rigorous education, and individual departments at those universities are rigorously conducting their own and joint research. In light of current conditions at those universities, further cooperation is necessary in terms of international exchanges. Universities have been concluding agreements on international exchanges, so universities, government agencies, foundations and organizations supporting international exchanges, NGO, and relevant personnel should coordinate to facilitate exchanges between prefectures/provinces and municipalities and their foreign counterparts. This should facilitate increased exchanges and further regional development. Based on the current results, further actions will be taken in the future.

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Похожие темы научных работ по фундаментальной медицине , автор научной работы — Ken Inoue, Nailya Chaizhunussova, Masaharu Hoshi, Yoshihiro Noso, Nobuo Takeichi

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В нынешней эре глобализации университеты заключают соглашения в рамках программ международного обмена. Международный обмен между Казахстаном и Японией прогрессировал за последние несколько лет. Государственный Медицинский Университет города Семей и Университет Кочи заключили соглашение об академическом сотрудничестве и программах по обмену студентами в 2019 году. Это соглашение последовало за соглашением, которое было заключено между Государственным Медицинским Университетом города Семей и Университетами Хиросима и Шимане. Данная статья описывает особенности Государственного Медицинского Университета города Семей, Университета Кочи, Университета Hiroshima и Университета Shimane. Исследования, проведенные в результате нынешнего сотрудничества между Государственным Медицинским Университетом города Семей и Японской ассоциацией профессоров (авторы данного документа), описаны в этом документе. Так же, представлены совместные проекты, планируемые в ближайшем будущем Государственным Медицинским Университетом города Семей вместе с Университетами: Kochi, Hiroshima и Shimane. На основе этого, выдвинуты специальные предложения, которые способствуют будущим программам международного обмена в различных сферах между городом Семей, а также Республикой Казахстан, в целом, и университетами Кочи, Хиросима и Шимане. Все упомянутые университеты предоставляют конкурентноспособное и качественное образование, а отдельные департаменты этих университетов каждый день ведут профессиональную исследовательскую работу. Дальнейшее сотрудничество в рамках международного обмена в данных университетах, только повысит уровень образовательного процесса всех заинтересованных сторон. Заключение соглашений в рамках программ международного обмена, привело к тому, что персонал университетов, государственных органов, фондов и организаций должны сотрудничать в улучшении программ обмена между префектурами, провинциями и муниципалитетами с их иностранными партнерами. Это должно способствовать будущему развитию регионов. Основываясь на нынешних результатах, будут предприняты последующие действия в будущем.

Текст научной работы на тему «Joint development Medical University City of Semey and three prefectures of Japan that based on our history of international exchange»

Received: 20 November 2018 / Accepted: 15 December 2018 / Published online: 31 December 2018 УДК 612. 614



Ken Inoue1*, Nailya Chaizhunussova2, Masaharu Hoshi3, Yoshihiro Noso4, Nobuo Takeichi4, Nurgul Ospanova 2, Timur Moldagaliev 2, Zhanat Sarsembina 2, Nursultan Seksenbaev2, Gulnara Berekenova 2*, Nataliya Kulabuhova2, Yumi Onishi5, Shotai Kobayashi4, Yersin Zhunussov2

Kochi University, Kochi, Japan

2 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan

3 Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

4 Shimane University, Shimane, Japan

5 Japan Foundation, Tokyo, Japan, and Visitting professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


In the current era of globalization, universities are working to conclude agreements on international exchanges. Such agreements are concluded as a result of support from various quarters and departments within the university. International exchanges between Kazakhstan and Japan have progressed over the past few years. Semey State Medical University and Kochi University concluded an agreement on academic cooperation and student exchanges in 2018. This agreement follows on the heels of similar agreements concluded between Semey State Medical University and Hiroshima and Shimane universities.

The current paper described the characteristics of Semey State Medical University, Kochi University, Hiroshima University, and Shimane University. The study described in this paper examined the current state of collaboration between Semey State Medical University and Japanese organizations or individuals (i.e. the authors of this paper). This paper described collaborative/cooperative projects that Semey State Medical University and Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane universities have planned for the near future. This paper also offered specific proposals to facilitate future international exchanges between the City of Semey including the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane in various areas.

All 4 of the aforementioned universities are providing a rigorous education, and individual departments at those universities are rigorously conducting their own and joint research. In light of current conditions at those universities, further cooperation is necessary in terms of international exchanges.

Universities have been concluding agreements on international exchanges, so universities, government agencies, foundations and organizations supporting international exchanges, NGO, and relevant personnel should coordinate to facilitate exchanges between prefectures/provinces and municipalities and their foreign counterparts. This should facilitate increased exchanges and further regional development. Based on the current results, further actions will be taken in the future. Key words: international exchanges, Semey, Kochi, Hiroshima, Shimane, Almaty.



Кен Иноуе 1, Найля Чайжунусова 2, Масахару Хоши 3, Йошихиро Носо 4, Нобуо Такейчи4, Нургуль Оспанова 2, Тимур Молдагалиев 2, Жанат Сарсембина 2, Нурсултан Сексенбаев 2, Гульнара Берекенова 2, Наталья Кулабухова2, Юми Ониши 5, Шотай Кобаяши 4, Ерсин Жунусов 2

Кочи университет, Япония;

2 Государственный медицинский университет города Семей, г. Семей, Республика Казахстан;

3 Университет Хиросимы, Хиросима, Япония;

4 Университет Шимане, Шимане, Япония;

5 Японский фонд, Токио, Япония и визитинг-профессор Казахского Национального университета им. Аль-Фараби, Алматы Республика Казахстан.

В нынешней эре глобализации университеты заключают соглашения в рамках программ международного обмена. Международный обмен между Казахстаном и Японией прогрессировал за последние несколько лет.



Государственный Медицинский Университет города Семей и Университет Кочи заключили соглашение об академическом сотрудничестве и программах по обмену студентами в 2019 году. Это соглашение последовало за соглашением, которое было заключено между Государственным Медицинским Университетом города Семей и Университетами Хиросима и Шимане.

Данная статья описывает особенности Государственного Медицинского Университета города Семей, Университета Кочи, Университета Hiroshima и Университета Shimane. Исследования, проведенные в результате нынешнего сотрудничества между Государственным Медицинским Университетом города Семей и Японской ассоциацией профессоров (авторы данного документа), описаны в этом документе. Так же, представлены совместные проекты, планируемые в ближайшем будущем Государственным Медицинским Университетом города Семей вместе с Университетами: Kochi, Hiroshima и Shimane. На основе этого, выдвинуты специальные предложения, которые способствуют будущим программам международного обмена в различных сферах между городом Семей, а также Республикой Казахстан, в целом, и университетами Кочи, Хиросима и Шимане.

Все упомянутые университеты предоставляют конкурентноспособное и качественное образование, а отдельные департаменты этих университетов каждый день ведут профессиональную исследовательскую работу. Дальнейшее сотрудничество в рамках международного обмена в данных университетах, только повысит уровень образовательного процесса всех заинтересованных сторон.

Заключение соглашений в рамках программ международного обмена, привело к тому, что персонал университетов, государственных органов, фондов и организаций должны сотрудничать в улучшении программ обмена между префектурами, провинциями и муниципалитетами с их иностранными партнерами. Это должно способствовать будущему развитию регионов. Основываясь на нынешних результатах, будут предприняты последующие действия в будущем.

Ключевые слова: международный обмен, Семей, Kochi, Hiroshima, Shimane, Алматы.



Кен Иноуе 1, Найля Чайжунусова 2, Масахару Хоши 3, Йошихиро Носо 4, Нобуо Такейчи4, Нургуль Оспанова 2, Тимур Молдагалиев 2, Жанат Сарсембина 2, Нурсултан Сексенбаев 2, Гульнара Берекенова 2, Наталья Кулабухова2, Юми Ониши5, Шотай Кобаяши 4, Ерсин Жунусов2

Кочи университету Жапония 2 Семей каласыныц Мемлекетлк Медицина Университетi, Семей к-, Казакстан Республикасы; 3Хиросима университетi, Жапония;

4 Шимане университету Жапония;

5 Жапон коры Токио, Жапония, Аль-Фараби атындагы Казак улттык университетi -визитинг-профессоры, Алматы к-, Казакстан Республикасы.

Семей каласы университету^ жэне Жапонияньщ Yш перфектурасыньщ бiрiгiн дамуы, бiлiм беру жэне зерттеу жумыстарын, клиникалык т8жiрибенi жалгастырады, сондай-ак халыкаралык алмасу тарихына негiзделген жалпы жа^а жоспарлармен жумыс iстеу мYкiндiгiн бередi.

Каарп жаhандау д8уiрiнде университеттер халыкаралык алмасу бавдарлаасы аясында келiсiге келу Yшiн жумыс жасайды. Осындай келiсiмдер тYрлi университет ш™ департамент бвлiшелерi колдауыньщ н8тижесЫде жасалады. Со^ы бiрнеше жыл шнде казакстан мен Жапония арасындагы халыкаралык аласу белсендтИн кврсеттi. 2019 жылы Семей каласыньщ мемлекеттiк медицина университет ж8не Кочи университетi академиялык серктесш ж8не студенттермен алмасу бавдарламасы туралы келiсiмге кол койды. Бул келгам, Семей каласыньщ мемлекеттiк медицина университет мен Хиросима ж8не Шимане университеттерi арасындагы келiсiдi жалгастырады.

Берiлген макалада Семей каласы медициналык университетi, Кочи университет^ Hiroshima университетi ж8не Shimane университету^ ерекшелiктерi сипатталган. Осы кужатта Семей мемлекеттiк медицина университетi мен Жапон профессорлары кауыдастыгы (осы кужаттар авторлары) арасындагы казiргi серiктестiк н8тижесЫде жYргiзiлген зерттеулер кврсетiлген. Сондай-ак жакын арада Семей мелекеттiк едицина университет мен Кочи, Хиросима, Шимане калалары арасындагы тYрлi салаларда болашак халыкаралык аласу бавдарламалары дамытуга арналган арнайы усыныстар усынды. Барлык аталган 4 жогары оку орны б8секеге кабтетп ж8не сапалы бiлiм бередi, ал осы университеттердщ жеке бвлiдерi ^н сайын к8сiби зерттеу жумыстарын жYргiзедi. Осы жогаргы оку орындарында б™ беру YPДiсiнiи ныгаюы н8тижесiнде серктесш одан 8рi халыкаралык алмасу ше^берЫде кажет YPДiстiк даму дечгейiн арттырады.

Халыкаралык алмасу бавдарламалары бойынша келгам жасау халыкаралык келiсiм жасау халыкаралык уйымдарга жэне тиiстi емес уйымдарга жэне тиют персоналга перфектуралар, провинциялар мен муниципалитеттер арасында шетелдiк серiктестермен алмасуды жаксартуга квмектесетiн жогаргы оку орындары, мемлекетпк мекемелер, корлар мен уйыдарга жетекштк еттi.

Ол региондардыщ болашак дамуына септiгiн тигiзуi керек. фарп корытындыларга сYЙене отырып болашактагы iс-8рекеттерге талпыныс бередуi.

TYurndi свздер: Халыкаралык аласу, Семей, Кочи, Хиросима, Шимане, Алмнаты.



Библиографическая ссылка:

Кен Иноуе, Чайжунусова Н., Масахару Хоши, Йошихиро Носо, Нобуо Такеши, Оспанова Н., Молдагалиев Т., Сарсембина Ж., Сексенбаев Н., Берекенова Г., Кулабухова Н., Юми Оничи, Шотай Кобаяши, Жунусов Е. Совместное развитие медицинского университета города Семей и трёх префектур Японии, основанное на нашей истории международного обмена // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2018. 6 (Т.20). С. 163-168.

Ken Inoue, Chaizhunussova N., Hoshi M., Noso Yo., Takeichi N., Ospanova N., Moldagaliev T., Sarsembina Zh., Seksenbaev N., Berekenova G., Kulabuhova N., Onishi Y., Kobayashi Sh., Zhunussov Ye. Joint development medical university city of Semey and three prefectures of Japan that based on our history of international exchange. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2018, (Vol.20) 6, pp. 163-168.

Кен Иноуе, Чайжунусова Н., Масахару Хоши, Йошихиро Носо, Нобуо Такеши, Оспанова Н., Молдагалиев Т., Сарсембина Ж., Сексенбаев Н., Берекенова Г., Кулабухова Н., Юми Оничи, Шотай Кобаяши, Жунусов Е. Халыкаралык алмасу тарихына непзделген Семей каласыныщ медцина университет ж8не Жапония Yш перфектурасыныщ бiрлескен дамуы // Гылым ж8не Денсаулык сактау. 2018. 6 (Т.20). Б. 163-168.


In today's era of globalization, Japanese universities have endeavored to conclude agreements on exchanges (academic exchanges and student exchanges) with foreign universities (i.e. international exchanges) over the past few years [1]. In that same vein, Japanese universities have endeavored to conduct international exchanges with universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. These international exchanges between universities facilitate more meaningful exchanges between universities and allow development of ties between communities where the universities are located and outside organizations as well [2]. Given that perspective, we (the current authors) established amicable relations with Semey State Medical University [3].

The Republic of Kazakhstan has a population of 18.2 million (as of 2017) and an area of 2,724,900 km2; about 67% of the population is Kazakh and about 20% is Russian (as of January 2018), and both ethnic groups account for close to 90% of the population [4]. Japan has a population of 126,706,000 (as of 2017) [5] and an area of 378,000 km2 [6]. The Republic of Kazakhstan has about 7 times the area of Japan while Japan has about 7 times the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When traveling to Semey, we (the current authors) go through Incheon (Seoul) and then on to Almaty or Astana before arriving in Semey (or arriving in Semey from Ust-Kamenogorsk).

During the days of the former Soviet Union, 456 nuclear tests were conducted at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, impacting and physically and mentally exhausting residents and their families in places like the City of Semey. Semey State Medical University, Kazakh hospitals, medical personnel, government agencies, related personnel, and related organizations are charged with dealing with those residents and their families and helping to keep them healthy. Countries around the world like Japan should

consider ways to help if needed. This requires a long-term approach rather than a short-term one. To that end, Japan should conduct joint research and medical studies with Semey State Medical University and foster ties with Kazakh locals. This will further benefit communities and academics in the two countries. In addition, student exchanges and visits between the two countries will help broaden the international outlook of students and faculty.

With these points in mind, we (the current authors) examined the characteristics of various educational institutions in the two countries, and we (the authors) described their current collaboration and cooperation. We (the authors) have also discussed prospects for further collaboration in the future.

Autor's summarized the aspects of international exchanges and the institutions where the authors work (universities). This study also discussed specific forms of future collaboration.

They collected information on the specific characteristics of 4 universities and 1 project. This study examined prior collaboration among the authors as well as collaborative projects between Semey and Japan.

The current paper described the characteristics of Semey State Medical University, Kochi University, Hiroshima University, and Shimane University. This paper also described the current state of collaboration between Semey State Medical University and Japanese organizations or individuals (i.e. the authors of this paper). This paper described coordinated projects that Semey State Medical University and Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane universities have planned for the near future.

I. Characteristics of the 4 universities studied [7-10] A) Semey State Medical University Semey State Medical University is located in the City of Semey in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Founded in 1952 to train medical personnel, the University has about 4,700 students (including about 250 foreign students). Several

hospitals are affiliated with Semey State Medical University. The University is also affiliated with the Semipalatinsk Oncology Center, which is a major hospital in the City that diagnoses and treats cancer. Since the Oncology Center was founded in 1957, it has been a vital hospital providing ongoing cancer care. The Oncology Center also specializes in treatment of breast cancer, which is highly sensitive to radiation. The University's medical departments cover various areas including basic medicine, community medicine, and clinical medicine. The University also has a doctoral course and it actively accepts foreign students.

B) Kochi University

Kochi University has 6 departments and 1 program (the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Agriculture and Marine Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Faculty of Humanities and Economics, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Regional Collaboration, and the Tosa Sakigake Program) and 1 graduate school (master's programs in 6 areas and doctoral programs in 3 areas). According to the Times Higher Education's (THE) World University Rankings for 2016-2017, Kochi University ranked from 601st-800th. The University has been recognized for its "research capabilities," and it ranks 7th domestically in terms of top cited papers. As of May 1, 2017, the Kochi University campus was home to 130 international students from 23 countries. The University's Center for International Collaboration conducts supplementary classes in Japanese, and it offers classes in accordance with the needs and language level of foreign students. Kochi University's School of Medicine has an MD program and a Nursing program. Students in the MD program start with Liberal Arts and then learn Basic Medicine, Social Medicine, and Clinical Medicine. Clinical Medicine includes Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Radiology, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Urology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Psychiatry, Disaster and Emergency Medicine, and Dental Surgery. Clinical Medicine includes every department that is associated with the clinical practice of medicine, and students can gain the latest knowledge and learn the latest techniques in each department. Social Medicine includes Public Health, Environmental Medicine, and Forensic Medicine. Basic Medicine includes Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Functional Genomics, Molecular Biophysics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Parasitology, and Immunology. The Nursing program consists of Basic Nursing, Clinical Nursing, and Community Nursing. The University seeks to further enhance the current state of education. The University seeks to enhance research in individual departments as well as joint research among different departments and among multiple facilities.

C) Hiroshima University

The University's motto is "Ensuring a quality education that fuels the passion of students. The University provides a high-level education through its educational system, the Hiroshima University Program of Specified Education and Study (HiPROSPECTS). HiPROSPECTS allows students to acquire knowledge in a wide range of disciplines or specialties. The University has a School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, a School of Letters, a School of Education, a School of Law, a School of Economics, a School of

Science, a School of Medicine, a School of Dentistry, a School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, a School of Engineering, a School of Applied Biological Science, and a School of Informatics and Data Science.

The Department of Special Needs Education accepts college graduates with a certificate to teach kindergarten or elementary, middle, or high school, and it trains those students to teach special needs education.

The motto of the University's graduate program is "A world-class education unique to Hiroshima University. The University has 11 graduate schools.

The University has an interdisciplinary degree program known as the Graduate Leader's program. Expanding beyond the confines of conventional disciplines and areas of research, the program seeks to produce global leaders who can generate new knowledge. The University has also created a new degree program that spans research areas known as the Doctoral Program to Foster Leaders. Hiroshima University offers courses to instill students with creativity, the ability to adopt an overarching perspective, the ability to act, and the ability to solve problems based on extensive expertise fostered at the University as well as core courses that teach students the University's mindset. The University fosters personnel who look at problems creatively, who take an overarching view based on extensive knowledge, and who act globally.

The University has a number of affiliated research institutes, joint usage facilities, joint education and research facilities, and educational offices such as the Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine and the Headquarters for Education.

"Social cooperation" is one of the missions of Hiroshima University, along with education and research. The University created the Organization to Promote Industry, Academia, and Community Collaboration in order to meet a variety of needs. The Organization seeks to facilitate development by feeding the results of research and education back to the community.

D) Shimane University

The University has 6 departments: Faculty of Law & Literature, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, and Faculty of Life and Environmental Science.

The University also has 6 graduate schools: Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, and Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology.

Shimane University seeks to be "A unique university with ties to the community that enlightens the world". In addition, the University's policy is "To encourage international exchanges primarily with partner universities overseas and to promote university education globally in order to fulfil the University's mission of fostering personnel with a global outlook who will facilitate peaceful international development and societal progress". To that end, "1. the University actively accepts foreign students and it provides support to help those students settle in, 2. the University promotes exchanges between foreign students and Japanese students on campus, 3. the University hires

foreign instructors and instructors who have earned their degrees at foreign institutions of higher learning, and the University is increasing the number of courses taught in English, 4. the University has created a new system of credentialing with partner universities overseas, and 5. the University encourages Japanese students to study abroad by expanding educational options in collaboration with foreign institutions of higher learning". As a university with ties to the community, Shimane University is promoting community-oriented education in accordance with 4 policies in order to foster personnel who can help build a community. Those 4 policies are as follows: "1. the University will provide a diverse community-oriented education with ties to the Sanin region, it will incorporate community-oriented education in its bachelor's program, and it will encourage students to learn in a methodical and planned manner, 2. in collaboration with the community, the University will provide an education that fosters the ability to address local issues, 3. the University will create an educational system that allows every student to receive a community-oriented education and that fuels their desire to learn, and 4. the University will ensure the quality of a community-oriented education by examining and improving that education".

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine has the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing. A key mission of the Faculty is to foster personnel who can help provide community medicine. The University promotes research with 2 aspects in mind: "research with local ties (to Shimane Prefecture)" and "cutting-edge medical research".

II. The current state of collaboration between Semey State Medical University and Japanese organizations or individuals (i.e. the authors) [7-12]

Semey State Medical University and Kochi University concluded an agreement on academic cooperation and student exchanges on February 21, 2018. One of the current authors has visited Semey State Medical University twice (once when the agreement was signed in February and one other time. During those visits (one or both), conferences were held, presentations were given, and study meetings, lectures, or seminars were conducted (including meetings or question-and-answer sessions in those formats). At the end of February next year, a student from Kochi University's School of Medicine wants to train at Semey State Medical University for about 1 week.

Hiroshima University concluded an agreement with Semey State Medical University (Semipalatinsk State Medical University) on July 20, 2002. The same day, Hiroshima University concluded an agreement with Semipalatinsk Emergency Hospital as well. Hiroshima University concluded an agreement with the Semipalatinsk Oncology Center and the Pathology Bureau of the City of Semipalatinsk on August 14, 2001. Hiroshima University and Semey State Medical University are actively collaborating. Numerous exchanges of instructors and students and academic exchanges have taken place.

Shimane University concluded an agreement with Semey State Medical University on January 28, 2013. The 2 universities have collaborated mainly through exchanges of instructors and students for about 6 years.

The Hiroshima Semipalatinsk Project is actively conducting exchanges with Semey State Medical

University. Volunteer work with Kazakh athletes by Hiroshima residents during the 12th Asian Games held in Hiroshima in 1994 strengthened the relationship between Hiroshima and Kazakhstan. The Hiroshima Semipalatinsk Project is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that was established in September 1998. An example of further involvement at the local level, the Project seeks to aid radiation victims around the Semipalatinsk Test Site in the former Soviet Union. In light of the prolonged impact that radiation had on the 2 cities of Hiroshima and Semipalatinsk (now Semey), one goal of the Project is to further enhance mutual understanding through exchanges among residents. The Project sponsors activities such as ongoing lectures, it has provided medical aid and assistance, it has assisted students from the City of Semey and elsewhere in Kazakhstan to study in Japan, and it provides considerable assistance to the City of Semey and elsewhere in Kazakhstan.

Experts from the Japan Foundation and personnel from the Japanese School graciously provided meticulous assistance, language assistance, and on-site assistance while agreements were being concluded.

III. Collaboration between Semey State Medical University and Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane universities planned for the near future

Conducting future exchanges and facilitating further collaboration between Semey State Medical University and Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane universities is absolutely vital. One way to achieve this would be to continue joint research at those universities. Another would be to continue efforts to foster the next generation of students at Semey State Medical University. A third way would be to assist Semey State Medical University in terms of education, research, and clinical practice.


The current work has described joint activities involving Semey State Medical University and Japan (Kochi, Hiroshima, and Shimane) and collaboration planned for the near future. The hope is to collaborate with Semey State Medical University in every way possible, with a particular focus on improving medicine and nursing. Study abroad programs in which students earn credits at medical schools at Japanese universities are being conducted in the form of clinical training (clinical clerkships and bedside learning) [13]. International exchanges between the two countries and programs facilitated by those exchanges should be actively explored.

Current research topics and results need to be considered [14-16], and joint research also needs to be conducted in a number of areas.

In fact, representatives of both countries must continue to cooperate so that both countries can develop further.


The current study has described previous international exchanges between Japanese universities and organizations and Semey State Medical University. This study has also described the system for collaboration between those two parties. The current authors are actively helping to create a system for cooperation in various areas and exchanges between Japan and Kazakhstan at the provincial/prefectural and municipal level. To that end, further collaboration among universities, government

agencies, funds and organizations that promote international exchanges, NGO, and other relevant organizations is crucial.

Conflict of interest: None.

Acknowledgements. We wish to thank Chieko Kobatake (Hiroshima Semipalatinsk Project, Hiroshima, Japan), Naoyuki Kanki (Ichikawa Japanese language school, Almaty, Kazakhstan), Zarina Mendygazyeva (Ichikawa Japanese language school, Almaty, Kazakhstan), and Hiroshi Nino (Kochi University, Kochi, Japan) for their valuable comments or cooperation.


1. Inoue K., Chaizhunusova N., Noso Y., Takeichi N., Hashioka S., Miyaoka T. et al. Further improving medicine in Kazakhstan and Japan through an agreement on bilateral exchanges: fostering further collaboration among Semey, Kochi, Shimane, and Hiroshima. International scientific-practical conference «Innovative approaches in modernization of medical education, science and practice» 65th anniversary of Semey State Medical University. 2018; 1-2 November, 2018: pp.191.

2. Inoue K., Chaizhunusova N., Hoshi M., Noso Y., Takeichi N, Nurgul O, et al. Agreements on international exchanges between universities and facilitating exchanges with the prefectures and municipalities where they are located: In light of a short systematic review. International scientific-practical conference «Innovative approaches in modernization of medical education, science and practice» 65th anniversary of Semey State Medical University. 2018; 1-2 November, 2018: pp.226.

3. Semey State Medical University. http://ssmu.kz/en. Access date: 30 September, 2018.

3. Kochi University. http://www.kochi-u.ac.jp/. Access date: 30 September, 2018.

4. Hiroshima University https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/. Access date: 30 September, 2018.

5. Shimane University. https://www.shimane-u.ac.jp/. Access date: 3 October, 2018.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

6. [Hiroshimajyouhoua-netto, Hiroshima City]. http://www.a-

net.shimin.city.hiroshima.jp/anet/dantai/archives/p-1019816690450.html. Access date: 4 October, 2018.

7. Hiroshima Semipalatinsk Project. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/kazakhstan. Access date: 4 October, 2018.

8. Inoue K., Chayzhunusova N., Hoshi M., Noso Y., Takeichi N., Nargul O., et al. Guidelines on suicide prevention measures for South Korea and Japan based on recent suicide trends: The need to utilize this approach to devise future suicide prevention measures for the rest of Asia and the rest of the world // Science & Healthcare. 2016; 2: pp.47-55.

9. Chaizhunusova N., Madiyeva M., Tanaka K., Hoshi M., Kawano N., Noso Y. et al. Cytogenetic abnormalities of the descendants of permanent residents of heavily contaminated East Kazakhstan // Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. 2017; 56(4): pp.337-343.

10. Inoue K., Hashioka S., Chayzhunusova N., Nurgul O., Timur M., Zhanat S. et al. Discussion of several aspects of panic disorder and further research of that disorder in the future. (under review).


Ken Inoue - Kochi University, Kochi, Japan

Health Service Center, Kochi University, 2-5-1, Akebono-cho, Kochi-shi, Kochi 780-8520, Japan phone: +81-88-844-8158, fax: +81-88-844-8089 email: ke-inoue@med.shimane-u.ac.jp

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