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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ganiev O.N.

This article analyzes the development of human resources in the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, the article systematically examines the attitude to the human factor in the years of independence. In addition, the content of reforms in the development of human capital in the higher education system in recent years has been highlighted.

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Ganiev O.N.

Researcher National University of Uzbekistan Employee of the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of

Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Abstract: This article analyzes the development of human resources in the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, the article systematically examines the attitude to the human factor in the years of independence. In addition, the content of reforms in the development of human capital in the higher education system in recent years has been highlighted.

Keywords: society, state, New Uzbekistan, man, human factor, human capital, human resource, higher education, personnel, new generation personnel, soft power.

At present, special attention is paid to the education system in our country. The main goal of the reforms in the field of education is to train personnel who are spiritually rich and well-rounded, have modern knowledge, independent thinking and decision-making.

"Labor force" in Uzbek is a term applied to situations in which labor activity is carried out based on the biological and physical capabilities of man ("power").1 The term "human factor" has been widely used in the Uzbek dictionary in recent years as a new phrase. This concept can be properly understood and interpreted in the light of the conditions and factors that require the development of society on a new scientific basis, the choice of the path of independence and independent development, the changes of time and new requirements. Therefore, it is safe to say that the need to change the concept of "human factor" in terms of independence and development of society was associated with the development of a new and appropriate development strategy of New Uzbekistan on the path of independent development.

The education, knowledge, and skills acquired can become obsolete and lose their value over time. Therefore, the education and knowledge that form the core of human capital must be constantly updated and improved. The motto "long live learning", which has emerged in Western countries, also reflects the need for a modern workforce and the constant study and research of professionals.2

1 ycMOHOB E, KpgnpoB M. HHCOH KanmaflHHHHr maKraaHumuga Ta*MHM Ba Hmw-^aHHHHr po^H. TomKeHT, 2015. E-6.

2 The same source. Page 31.

According to a study by scientists from the University of California in the United States, there is a link between a person's level of education and his longevity. Every year that a person is educated until the age of 35 will eventually add a year and a half to his or her life. Mortality rates among people with secondary education are 54 per cent higher than among people with higher education. The average life expectancy of those who have completed higher education by the age of 25 is seven and a half years longer than that of those who have completed secondary education. This means that the knowledge gained as a result of education helps a person to live a long life, and as a result, education is a sociobiological process. 3

If we analyze this problem from a political point of view, in the context of the conditions created for the development of human capital in society today, including in higher education, lies the attitude to human resources, and it is called the personnel system.

Today, the formation of the personnel system is carried out on a new basis, in all spheres of state and public administration. They perform different functions and tasks at different levels.

1. In the formation of personnel selection:

a) the opinion of individuals;

b) qualities that characterize the staff;

c) leadership and management experience;

d) ability;

e) responsibility;

f) It is important to be able to take into account his interests in the motherland, state and society.

2. It should be noted that the activities of academies, institutes, public associations play an important role in training and retraining, advanced training of personnel.

In the first years of independence, the need to form and implement a new system of personnel policy was due to a number of reasons:

First, it was related to the need for a conscious and principled understanding of the personnel corps formed during the totalitarian regime and adapted to serve this system, the differences that arose in the practice of their selection and placement;

Second, as a result of the restructuring of the political system of society, the structures of state power due to independence, there is a need to form a new approach to the training of appropriate personnel;

Third, due to the country's transition to a market economy, there is a need to train new leaders and management staff who meet modern requirements in the socio-economic foundations of society, macro and microeconomics;

3 Leras-Muney, Adriana. The Relationship Between Education and Adult Mortality in the U.S.// Review of Economic Differences in Health behaviors by Education/ Journal of Health Economics, Vol.29, No.1: 1-28, January 2010.

Fourth, the increase in the status of personnel in accordance with the new public administration relations;

Fifth, to inculcate the ideas of independence in the minds of leaders and managers working at all levels of state and society building, to develop principles of creating modern mechanisms, tools, cultural and educational bases for the formation, training and retraining of a new generation of leaders;

Sixth, an objective study of personnel policy is associated with the possibility of political analysis.

Today, the problem of formation and implementation of a new system of personnel policy in the higher education system of the republic, and ways to solve it have been identified. To implement this policy, the National Training Program and the new version of the Law on Education were adopted on September 23, 2020. 4 This law defines the rules of the education system and its types, social protection of participants in the educational process, the management of the education system. 5

Also, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the National Training Program" identifies the existing problems and the need for radical reform of the training system, the resulting goals and objectives, the stages of implementation. "National model of training", "The main directions of development of the training system" were identified.

They are reflected in:

1) ensuring continuity of education;

2) training, retraining and advanced training of teachers and scientific-pedagogical staff;

3) content reform of the educational process;

4) spiritual and moral education and enlightenment;

5) gifted children and talented youth;

6) management of the education system;

7) formation of a system of quality control of vocational education;

8) financing of the education system;

9) logistics;

10) creation of an integrated information space of the education system;

11) development of the market of educational services;

12) provision of social guarantees in the field of education and support of this sphere through state assistance.

In this context, the study of this problem through political institutions requires, first, the existence of a structure of political institutions, state power and a mechanism for its implementation in accordance with the political system of society; secondly, the formation of existing political institutions and the corresponding personnel system.

4 Y36eKHCTOH Pecny6^HKacHHHHr 2020 hh^ 23 ceHTa6pga ^a6yn KHOTHraH "TaMHM TyrpHCHga"rH KoHyHH. https://lex.uz/

5 Look at: The same page.

The great work begun by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev during his four years in power to democratize and liberalize all spheres of society and state life, to build a new Uzbekistan, these positive changes are recognized not only by the people but also by foreign experts, think tanks and international organizations. Of course, these consistent changes indicate the beginning of a "new course" in the development of the country's political system.

Among these innovations, major institutional changes are also taking place in the field of higher education.

During this short period, our country has undergone huge reforms and radical changes that will help build a "New Uzbekistan". At a time when the glorious power of our people is in full swing, the foundation for a new Renaissance - the Third Renaissance - is being formed in Uzbekistan. Because serious and institutional reforms are being carried out in the field of education and science on the basis of the idea that "We will carry out large-scale reforms, guided by the idea "New Uzbekistan starts from the doorstep of the school, from the system of education and enlightenment."6

The strategy of action is the foundation for building a new Uzbekistan. It was noted that in today's rapidly developing world, only countries that keep pace with the times and carry out the necessary reforms to modernize society and the state can be competitive, and develop a new policy and long-term strategy for the new Uzbekistan.

New Uzbekistan is a country where human development and talent are valued. Today, no one doubts that science, education, innovation, technology and human resources are a decisive factor in the development of modern democratic society. It is difficult to imagine the development of the country in accordance with modern requirements without science.

The head of our state paid great attention to strengthening the integration of science and industry, developing the education system, the innovative economy, and raising the development of science to a new level. One of the priorities of the state is to provide comprehensive support to science and scientists, increase the intellectual, scientific and educational potential of the country, strengthen the role of science in socio-economic development, support the activities of scientists and teachers, improve the quality of training.

Work in this direction continues consistently and systematically. In this area, the laws "On Science and Scientific Activity", "On Innovative Activity" and "On Education", more than 170 documents of the President were adopted. The Strategy for Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the concept for the development of long-term (until 2030) science, higher education, public and preschool education systems, have been approved and are being implemented. In order to achieve the most important goal, aimed at

6 https://president.uz/en/lists/view/4057

developing human capital, a strategic plan was adopted to join the top 50 countries in the world by 2030, according to the Global Innovation Index.

It is no coincidence that on December 25, 2020, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Youth Forum of Uzbekistan and linked his speeches at the conference, which was held for the first time in our country, with the title "Youth - Uzbekistan's greatest wealth, priceless treasure." Every issue raised at the conference stressed that the Uzbek youth is no less than anyone else, the activities of young people, their role is extremely important for our society.

At the conference, he said, "The foundations of the Third Renaissance in our Motherland have been recognized as the most important links of the future Renaissance in the family, preschool, school and higher education, as well as scientific and cultural institutions. The recognition and attention paid to these links in the social sphere was based on the assessment of the state policy for the implementation of the idea of "New Uzbekistan - a new worldview."

This year's Presidential Address to the Oliy Majlis and our people on December 29, 2020, in contrast to every year, coincided with a complex pandemic. The event, which has become a tradition since 2017, will be announced the main indicators for the current year, goals and objectives for the new year. The Address outlines the results achieved this year, the work done under the State Program "Year of Science, Enlightenment and Digital Economy", the most important tasks for the further development of our country, the priorities of domestic and foreign policy.

"We have set ourselves a great goal, namely, securing the foundation for a new Renaissance in our country, and for this purpose we must deliver an environment and conditions for nurturing new Khorezmis, Berunis, Ibn Sinos, Ulugbeks, Navois and Baburs. Crucial factors in this historic process, an integral part of our national idea, are the development of education and enlightenment, science and innovation, promotion of healthy lifestyle.7

The education system is also a subsystem element of the political system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The changes in the field are both priorities and, given the political system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its essence, the formation and implementation of a new system of personnel policy play an important role in building a free civil society. Therefore, the development of human resources is reflected in the changes in the higher education system of the country. We want to focus on these aspects below.

Today, there are 114 higher education institutions in the country, of which 93 are local and 21 are foreign higher education institutions and their branches.

7 Look at the same page - https://president.uz/en/lists/view/4057

In particular, 6 higher education institutions, 17 branches and 14 branches of foreign higher education institutions have been established in the last 3 years.8

Today, in the process of global change, education as the most important factor of human development is proving to have a great impact on the solution of a whole set of economic, political, social and humanitarian problems. Proof of this can be seen in the following areas:

• in ensuring the standard of living and quality of life of the population in each country for the current period;

• ensuring effective employment;

• ensuring sustainable development;

• reduction of social inequality;

• strengthening the structure of civil society;

• Observance and effective implementation of human rights;

• Creating conditions for the full and comprehensive realization of the individual's potential.

In all these areas, this is done with the development of human resources in higher education. In order to implement the above tasks in the political system, 2021 in our country has been named the " Year of Support for Youth and Public Health Promotion"9 It is no exaggeration to say that this year is aimed at the comprehensive protection of the interests of the youth of Uzbekistan. The main activities planned for 2021 to develop human resources are as follows: •to increase the number of state grants for higher education by at least 25%;

•on the basis of advanced international practice, the transfer of the academic titles of associate professors and professors, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science to the academic councils of prestigious universities in their field; •youth employment and business support;

•introduction of a new system of special care for children from needy families, orphans, children with disabilities and those in need of treatment; Through the development of human resources, Uzbekistan demonstrates in the international system a complex conceptual model of soft power diplomacy of modern society. These are; economic soft power; human capital soft power; cultural "soft power"; political "soft power"; diplomatic "soft power". These factors are the elements that determine the prestige and attention of Uzbekistan in domestic and foreign policy, as well as in the international arena.

Joseph S. Nye Jr. also cites history and culture as the main source of soft power.10 At the same time, it is impossible not to recognize that Uzbekistan,

8 Y36eKHCTOH Pecny6^HKacu npe3HgeHTHHHHr 2019 hh^ 8 OKTa6pgarH "Y36eKHCTOH Pecny6^HKacu O^HH TaMHM TH3HMHHH 2030 HH^rana pHBO^anrapHm кoнцепцннсннн Tacgu^am TyrpHCHga"rH n®-5847-coH^H


9 https://president.uz/en/lists/view/4067

10 https://www.j stor.org/stable/25097996?seq= 1

which has a rich history of statehood among the Turkic peoples, is one of the

main pillars in Central Asia.


1. https://president.uz/en/lists/view/4057

2. https://president.uz/en/lists/view/4067

3. https://www.jstor.org/stable/25097996?seq=1

4. Leras-Muney, Adriana. The Relationship Between Education and Adult Mortality in the U.S.// Review of Economic Differences in Health behaviors by Education/ Journal of Health Economics, Vol.29, No.1: 1-28, January 2010.

5. Y36eKHCTOH PecnyS^HKacu npe3HgeHTHHHHr 2019 HH^ 8 OKraSpgaru "Y36eKHCTOH PecnyS^HKacu OHHH Tat^HM TH3HMHHH 2030 HHOTana pHBO^naHTHpnm концenцнflcннн TacgH^^am TyFpHCHga"rH no-5847-cohhh OapMOHH.

6. Y36eKHCTOH PecnyS^HKacHHHHr 2020 HH^ 23 ceHraSpga ^aSyn KH^HHraH "Tat^HM TyFpucHga"ru KpHyHH. https://lex.uz/

7. YCMOHOB E, KpgupoB M. HHCOH KanHTanHHHHr maKmaHumuga Tat^HM Ba H^M-^aHHHHr po^H. TomKeHT, 2015. E-6.

8. ^Hru Y36eKHCTOH. H^THMOHH-CHCCHH ra3eTa. №252. 2020 HH^ 26 geKaSpt

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