A DESCRIPTION OF THE ADOLESCENT PERIOD AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
adolescence / period / teenager / psychological / physiological / changes.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Shahrizoda Kosimova, Diana Valeryevna Abduramanova

The article examines the peculiarities of adolescence, including its psychological and physiological characteristics, frequent and typical changes among adolescents, and the formation of qualitative neoplasms. Neoplasm is a generalised outcome of these changes, the complete mental development of the child during the corresponding time, which serves as the beginning point for the construction of the mental processes and personality of the next age. Everyone's adolescence is the most challenging and significant phase of their lives. This is the first phase of a person's personality development. Significant physical and psychological changes, a feeling of maturity, and a new degree of selfawareness define this time period

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Shahrizoda Kosimova

Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University kasimova.sh.b@gmail.com

Diana Valeryevna Abduramanova

Senior teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University diana1207saliyeva@gmail .com


The article examines the peculiarities of adolescence, including its psychological and physiological characteristics, frequent and typical changes among adolescents, and the formation of qualitative neoplasms. Neoplasm is a generalised outcome of these changes, the complete mental development of the child during the corresponding time, which serves as the beginning point for the construction of the mental processes and personality of the next age.

Everyone's adolescence is the most challenging and significant phase of their lives. This is the first phase of a person's personality development. Significant physical and psychological changes, a feeling of maturity, and a new degree of self-awareness define this time period.

Keywords: adolescence, period, teenager, psychological, physiological, changes.


The phase known as adolescence is characterised by rapid growth and development of the body as a whole. The body expands quickly, the process of ossification of the bones continues, and the level of muscular strength increases. The ability of the cerebral cortex to control one's impulses and emotions becomes more developed. Nevertheless, excitation processes continue to be more successful than inhibition processes. Pubescence is a natural process. As a consequence of the significant changes that occur throughout puberty, a teenager's body displays acute signs of fatigue. Generally speaking, both psychological and physiological shifts take place.


Neoplasms are distinguished by significant alterations in the environment impacting the individual development of the infant, which are manifested as psychological traits in adulthood.

January, 2023


Character development takes place throughout adolescence, and the adolescent experiences profound internal and external shifts at this time. Additionally, the teen comes to terms with their maturing physiologically, psychologically, and spiritually. The majority of the time, the changes have something to do with the physiology of the body, the connections that form in teenagers with adults and peers, the degree of development of cognitive processes, intellect, and talents, and so on. Contradictions in acts, disputes with parents and others, undesirable conduct, challenges in comprehending and establishing a common language with other peers are all manifestations of these changes that have taken place. These are the threats, challenges, and conflicts that are most typical throughout the teenage years. Adolescence is fraught with these things. Psychologists are of the opinion that the display of such inconsistencies is a normal occurrence, which is characteristic of this age range.

Adolescence is a time when a young person faces an unending battle for justice, tenacity in the face of evil, and dishonesty. The personality works hard to distinguish themselves from the rest of society in any manner, which results in an unending stream of demands. During adolescence, a person's levels of egotism and self-esteem tend to rise. There is a rush of sentiments, a short temper, hostility, and a refusal to learn, as well as emotional storms that take the shape of amorous excitement and rudeness. Biological factors also contribute to the determination of this age. Hormonal upheavals are common throughout this stage of development, which is known as puberty. Not only is this time of life challenging for parents, but it is also challenging for the adolescent who is developing at the rate of light for all intents and purposes. At the centre of everything are changes in the body's physical, physiological, and psychological systems. Adolescence is characterized by uneven development of the musculoskeletal system, muscle mass "does not keep up" with the growth rate of the bone system. Studies show that adolescents of the same age have significant differences in height and body weight. As a result, teenagers seem awkward, angular, their movements are discoordinated. In particular, girls develop earlier than boys, but after a while it is possible to notice coordinated changes in boys in height and body weight.

As a result of the development of the cardiovascular system, there is a discrepancy between the growth of the heart and the development of blood vessels, Therefore, the teenager experiences dizziness, increased blood pressure, unpleasant sensations in the heart area, and in general, the physical and mental health of the teenager deteriorates. You will notice that teenagers become active, change their behavior and their actions trying to hide their condition and weaknesses.

Also, during this period, puberty is not insignificant, which has a significant impact on well-being and psychological state. There is interest and feelings for the opposite sex. A.V.

January, 2023


ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

Matyukhina said that physical and sexual development generate a teenager's interest increase to their appearance. A teenager experiences sympathy, love-friendly emotional relationships. Unrequited love becomes a source of very strong emotions.

Doctors say that puberty of adolescents manifests itself in short temper, irritability, excessive resentment, and some adolescents have a closed and insecure process. This process is very individual, and proceeds differently for everyone. For example, for a certain number of teenagers, this period is very emotional, and for others - imperceptibly.


It follows from the above that adolescence is a time of active personality formation, the refraction of social experience through the individual's own active activity to transform his personality, the formation of his "I". The central neoplasm of a teenager's personality, during this period, is the formation of feelings of adulthood, the development of self-awareness. Based on everything, the child realizes that he is already an adult, noticing strong changes in himself, is aware of responsibility for his actions, and in the course of his actions and actions acquires life experience for himself.


It can be concluded that in a new rapidly changing situation for a teenager, he often loses his orientation in it, when encountering difficulties, a teenager has a strong sense of opposition, teenagers tend to show their feelings violently, when considering the mental status of a teenager, the conflict and tension of development situations attracts attention. All these are prerequisites for the difficulties of adolescence. As a result of psychological and physiological changes in children, irritability, conflicts with parents and society, problems in self-confidence are observed. But they also have an internal struggle of self-awareness and self-knowledge.


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