PECULIARITIES OF ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
mental / adolescent / subjective / thinking / thinking / development / reader / психическое / подростковое / субъективное / мышление / мышление / развитие / читатель.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Minovarova Madina Muslim Qizi, Akhmedova A.N.

This article provides information about the changes in the field of mental life during adolescence, the developmental characteristics of the child's psyche, the main problems of adolescence and the relationship with the child during this period.

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В статье представлена информация об изменениях в сфере психической жизни в подростковом возрасте, особенностях развития детской психики, основных проблемах подросткового возраста и взаимоотношениях с ребенком в этот период.


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Annotatsiya:Mazkur maqolada o'smirlik davrida psixik hayot sohasida bo'ladigan o'zgarishlar, bola psixikasining rivojlanish xususiyatlari, o'smirlik davrining asosiy muammolari va ushbu davrda bola bilan munosabatlar haqida ma'lumotlar berib o'tilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: psixik, o'smir, sub'ektiv, tafakkur, fikr, rivojlanish, o'quvchi.

Abstract: This article provides information about the changes in the field of mental life during adolescence, the developmental characteristics of the child's psyche, the main problems of adolescence and the relationship with the child during this period.

Keywords: mental, adolescent, subjective, thinking, thinking, development,



Миноварова Мадина Муслим кизи Студент Узбекского Государственного Университета Мировых Языков Научный руководитель: Ахмедова А.Н.

Аннотация: В статье представлена информация об изменениях в сфере психической жизни в подростковом возрасте, особенностях развития детской психики, основных проблемах подросткового возраста и взаимоотношениях с ребенком в этот период.

Ключевые слова: психическое, подростковое, субъективное, мышление, мышление, развитие, читатель.

It is important for a teacher and educator to know the psychology of children's adolescence, both psychologically and pedagogically. We also call this period the "transition period". Adolescence mainly affects children aged 11-15, students in grades 5-8. Some of the difficulties encountered in the education and upbringing of adolescents are related to the mental development of children of this age and sometimes due to insufficient knowledge or denial of their properties. Adolescents

Minovarova Madina Muslim qizi O'zbekiston Jahon Tillari Universiteti talabasi Ilmiy rahbar: Ahmedova A.N.


Minovarova Madina Muslim qizi Student of Uzbek State World Languages University Scientific advisor: Akhmedova A.N.


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face more difficulties in raising adolescents than younger and older schoolchildren. Because the process of a small child becoming an adult is very difficult. This process is associated with a significant change in the forms of interaction of adolescents with people, as well as changes in living conditions.

During this period, adolescents develop their own opinions. They expand their understanding of their dignity. According to scientific psychology, the forces that drive the mental development of adolescents are the emergence and elimination of dialectical contradictions between the needs arising from their activities and the ability to meet these needs.

Logical, historical, coherent and objective methods of scientific knowledge were widely used in the analysis of this article. The study examined the specifics of adolescent psychology. E.G. Goziyev's textbook "Management of students' learning activities" was identified as a methodological resource.

Biological factors in the development of psychology are difficult, sometimes powerless, which cause serious mental crisis and excitement in adolescents, for example: protest, rudeness, stubbornness, aggression, which are characteristic of adolescents. The tendency to self-analysis attaches great importance to the development of the subjective world and similar traits. The attempt to master speech is the need and aspiration of the adolescent to engage in behavior, cognition and creative activity.

In order to find new and effective ways and means of educating adolescents, we need to be familiar with the physical and psychological development of adolescents. The semantic characteristics of adolescence change over time, as the social conditions of human life in particular change.

During adolescence, reading and writing monologues develop rapidly. From the 5th to the 9th grade, reading rises from the level of correctness, speed and expressiveness, from the level of memorization to the level of expressive, effective narration. Monologic speech consists of the retelling of a small part of the work. , independently prepare speeches and speeches, give oral reflections, express opinions, and justify them. With the improvement of written speech, teenagers can now write independently on a free topic given to them, and teenagers' speech is carried out in a state of complete thinking. Students in grades 5-6 are able to plan and follow oral and written texts.

Adolescents become overly enthusiastic and careless, unemployment is very heavy for them, they quickly get tired of the same kind of work, lose interest in the



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same kind of work, which has a strong impact on the success of their educational process does. The problem of behavioral deviation is one of the central psychological and pedagogical problems. After all, if there were no difficulties in educating the younger generation, society's need for developmental and educational psychology, pedagogy, and private methods would simply disappear.

Adolescence is one of the most difficult periods of human development. Although relatively short-lived, it in many ways determines a person's future. The formation of character and other foundations of personality are mainly formed during adolescence. General features of mental development during adolescence: The complexity of life. Affirms independence.

Changing internal positions, changing attitudes to the future. The task of professional self-determination. The "threshold" of independent living.

- the emergence of life plans;

- access to all spheres of life; Leading activities:

- educational and professional profession;

- professional self-determination;

Until then, a polite and kind teenager will suddenly become stubborn, undisciplined, rude and rude. Such changes in adolescent behavior can cause great concern to teachers or parents, and can change attitudes. As a result, disagreements and misunderstandings arise.

So what is the driving force behind a teenager's mental growth? The driving force of adolescent mental development is the manifestation of a system of contradictions between the new needs that create his activity and the ability to meet them. The existing contradictions and contradictions can be gradually eliminated by providing psychological maturity, complicating the types of activities and the formation of new psychological qualities in the adolescent.

Set boundaries for teens. During adolescence, the desire for independence and independence is often realized through the violation of existing laws in society and in the family. To prevent this, it is important to set clear, fair, and mutually acceptable boundaries.

During adolescence, theoretical thinking becomes more important. Because students in this age group try to understand the content of the connections in the world at a high level. During this time, the adolescent's interest in learning progresses rises. The acquisition of scientific theoretical knowledge leads to the development of

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thinking. As a result, the ability to think with evidence develops. It develops the ability to draw deductive conclusions.

The subjects taught in school serve as a condition for the adolescent to make or test his own assumptions, as J. Piaget said, "Social life is shaped by the influence of three things - language, content, rules." In this regard, the acquired social relations create new opportunities for self-reflection. In the early stages of this age, the adolescent begins to acquire new knowledge on the basis of previously acquired knowledge. He is now accustomed to a number of teachers, he must behave accordingly, get used to their requirements and behave accordingly.

By the time they reach adolescence, their sense of duty and responsibility will be sufficiently developed. Children will be able to make conscious choices. They are not considered "small" in the family, they are required to help with household chores, to respond to the work assigned to them. They are consulted, and some teenagers, especially when they reach the end of high school, It is not surprising that every parent raising a child has heard a lot about the child's adolescence. You may be worried about any of the events that have been heard, but if you have accurate information about this period, there is nothing to worry about.

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