A COMPUTER IN THE WORKPLACE : THE BENEFITS AND HARMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Inyukina T.A., Klasner G.G., Gorb S.S.

Currently, computer technology is widely used in all areas of human activity. When interacting with her person is exposed to a number of dangerous and harmful factors, as this work is characterized by significant men

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Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor Inyukina T. A.

assistant. Klasner G. G. assistant. Gorb S. S.

Russia, Krasnodar city, Kubansky State Agricultural University

Abstract. Currently, computer technology is widely used in all areas of human activity . When interacting with her person is exposed to a number of dangerous and harmful factors , as this work is characterized by significant mental stress and neuro- emotional stress , eyestrain high and large enough load on the muscles of the arms , neck and back .

Keywords: Man , equipment , exposure , danger computer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert, up to 92% of adults working at the computer, complain of fatigue and a variety of unpleasant sensations in the end of the day, which lead to adverse consequences. Experts who conducted a special assessment of jobs (in offices, data-processing centers, scientific and educational institutions, shops), equipped with personal electronic computers (PC) have identified the following violations in the work of the operators [1].

The vision at work suffers the most - a few hours there is a burning sensation, as if the eye hit the sand, sore eyelids, so the screen must be from the user's eye at a distance of 60-70 cm and at least 50 cm monitor at the same time must be set. so that it was not sent to a bright light bulb, creating glare and natural light falling on the left. If every 45 minutes to do exercises at the same time rest and eyes.

It is important to consider the ergonomics of the workplace - the table height should be 68-80 cm at the bottom should be a footrest with a corrugated surface and the rim on the front edge. The chair should be equipped with a tilt-up mechanism, adjustable height and tilt angles the seat and backrest.

It is necessary to adjust the position of the keyboard so that it was located in the 10-30 cm from the edge of the table, and wrists were not suspended. The computer mouse is often the cause of pain in his right hand as a result of pinched nerve in the carpal canal, so when the brush should be straight and lie on a table away from the edge [2].

The electromagnetic field of the computer helps settling the smallest dust particles on the hands, face and neck, causing allergic reactions, dry skin and hair, skin diseases -. Eczema, neurodermatitis, etc. To reduce the impact of dust-free environment should be well ventilated and make wet cleaning. If the room is more than one monitor for each should be not less than six square meters (with LCD monitor -. 4.5 square meters).

Noise in the workplace, which are carried out work on a personal computer ((PC), not only promotes rapid operator fatigue, reduced productivity and poor quality of work, but also depresses the central nervous system, causes a change in the rate of respiration and heart rate, promotes metabolic disorders , the emergence of cardiovascular disease, the development of occupational diseases (hearing impairment or deafness). to reduce sound levels in rooms with video display terminal (VDT) and the PC must be used sound absorbing materials for walls and ceiling.

The electrostatic field causes deionization atmosphere around the operator, which is a depressing effect on the nervous system, it contributes to the development of depression and stress, headaches, eye fatigue. The presence in the atmosphere of a large number of positively charged ions adversely affects the human psyche. For the normalization of air ion formula in the room can be set ionizers (Chizhevskogo chandelier or other type), and the room itself is subject to compulsory airing at least twice a shift.

Pregnant women and breast-feeding the child to perform all types of work involving the use of a PC, are not allowed, as the fetus develops abnormally, babies are born prematurely, often overweight, the likelihood of defects and brain development.

The alarming trend is observed in computer use by schoolchildren. Inspired by games, experiencing great emotional lift, they did not feel fatigue, unable to break away from him. Communication with game programs accompanied by a strong nervous tension, because it requires a quick response. Short-term concentration of nerve processes cause the child a clear fatigue, which is accompanied by a significant increase in the content of adrenal hormones. Prevent fatigue can, if you limit the duration of the work of the child at the computer, because the children were recorded


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violations of the central nervous system [3].

Electronic games - a powerful transmitter of information to which a person interacts actively Effect screen story on the consciousness is repeatedly reinforced, because the player is no longer a passive spectator and participant of the action, control the characters. Electronic media operate on the subconscious mind, so in the majority of countries introduced strict rule that closed the entrance to the children computer games parlors without the written permission of parents [4].

All of these requirements are specified in the regulations, and in full compliance with their harmful effect computer can be minimized.


1. СанПиН № 4630-88 Охрана поверхностных вод от загрязнения.

2. Белов С.В. Охрана окружающей среды / С.В. Белов. - М.: Высшая школа, 1991.319 с

3. Кудинова Е.В. Актуальные вопросы учета выпуска готовой продукции по нормативной или плановой себестоимости / Кудинова Е.В., Степаненко А.В. // В сборнике: Современные тенденции развития экономики и управления: проблемы и решения. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции . 2016. С. 105-110.

4. Кудинова А.В. Особенности калькулирования себестоимости продукции методом jit «точно в срок» / Кудинова А.В., Степаненко А.В. // В сборнике: Кластерные инициативы в формировании прогрессивной структуры национальной экономики сборник научных трудов 2-й Международной научно-практической конференции: в 2-х томах. 2016. С. 148-150.


Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor Inyukina T. A.

assistant Klasner G. G. assistant Gorb S. S.

Russia, Krasnodar city, Kubansky State Agricultural University

Abstract. The legal, economic and organizational basis of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in the Russian Federation carried out in January 2000 in accordance with the Federal Law № 125-FZ of 24.07.1998 "On compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases ", which establishes the legal, economic and organizational basis for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases and the procedure for compensation of damage caused to life and health of the employee in the performance of his duties under the employment contract.

Keywords: Occupational diseases , the legal basis accidents.

Subjects of insurance:

Insured - a natural person subject to compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Policyholder - a legal entity of any organizational-legal form (including a foreign organization carrying out its activity on the territory of the Russian Federation and the hiring of citizens of the Russian Federation) or a natural person who employs persons subject to compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

insurer - Fund of social insurance of the Russian Federation.

Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases provides:

- Provision of social protection of insured and economic interest of the insurance entities to reduce occupational exposure;

- Compensation for damage caused to life and health of the insured in the performance of duties under an employment contract by giving the insured in full of all the necessary forms of support for insurance, including the payment of expenses for medical, social and vocational rehabilitation; [1]

- Provision of preventive measures to reduce occupational accidents and diseases.

Funds for the implementation of the compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases are formed by:

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