ERGONOMICS AND ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY SYSTEM "MAN-MACHINE" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Inyukina T.A., Klasner G.G., Gorb S.S.

The increasing complexity of production processes and equipment have changed the function of a person in modern production : increased responsibility of tasks ; It increased the amount of information perceived by employees. human work became more difficult, increased burden on the nervous system, decreased physical activity. In some cases, people become less reliable link in the system " man-machine ". As a consequence, there was the task of ensuring the reliability and security of the person working in the production, which decides to ergonomics and engineering psychology.

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Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor Inyukina T. А.,

Assistant Klasner G. G.

Assistant Gorb S. S.

Russia, Krasnodar city, Kubansky State Agricultural University

Abstract. The increasing complexity of production processes and equipment have changed the function of a person in modern production : increased responsibility of tasks ; It increased the amount of information perceived by employees. human work became more difficult, increased burden on the nervous system , decreased physical activity . In some cases, people become less reliable link in the system " man-machine ". As a consequence , there was the task of ensuring the reliability and security of the person working in the production , which decides to ergonomics and engineering psychology.

Keywords: Functions , responsibilities , work, people , safety.

The problems of adaptation to the working environment capabilities of the human body deals with the science of ergonomics - a complex science, it emerged in the 20s of the last century, as the development of technical progress there is a problem, how to reconcile the use of increasingly complex technology with the physical and psychological capabilities of people. The first studies in this area have been carried out in the most technically advanced countries - especially in England, the USA and Japan. Russian science for a long time, the main task of ergonomics seen in the rationalization of work and increasing the efficiency of labor. The scientific basis of ergonomics constitute the anatomy, physiology and psychology. Anatomy is the theoretical basis of anthropometry and biomechanics [1].

The objectives of ergonomics as an applied discipline are:

- The design of the system "man-machine", ie the distribution of functions between man and machine; information;

- Inventory management of objects and their attributes;

- The distribution of objects in order of importance;

- Distribution of functions between automation and human;

- Selection of a coding system of objects and making the total composition of the model;

- Definition of executive actions of man.

Engineering psychology - the scientific discipline that studies the patterns of interaction between man and information technology for the design, establishment and operation of the system "man-machine". Engineering psychology examines the processes of receiving, storing, processing and sale of human information. Based on the patterns of mental, psycho-physiological processes and human characteristics it specifies the requirements for technical devices and building systems, as well as the requirements for a human operator properties [2].

With the advent of computer technology, which has facilitated our lives, however for the body it is a serious danger. At first glance it just seems that we have a rest sitting, in fact the load on the


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lower part of the spine of a man sitting on standing compared to a 40% increase. In the standing position the spine retains its natural curve (called lordosis), which lost in the sitting position. The bending of the spine bulge forward exists in two divisions - cervical and lumbar. Normally this bend should not be very pronounced, since his task is to reduce the load on the spine.

Like any flexible design, spinal discs adapted to uneven loads, but if they are excessive, it can lead to poor circulation of the internal organs and lymph drainage. Forced fixed posture leads to disruption of metabolism in the muscles, as well as diseases of the spine [3].

In the process of designing an information model are determined by the placement of the media space in the workplace, choose the size and layout of characters. display means are placed in the field of view, taking into account the optimum angles and observation areas. Dimensions observing signs are determined by the maximum speed and accuracy of perception information and the brightness signs magnitude contrast, the use of color. Considered optimal brightness values, which provide the maximum contrast sensitivity. Its value will be the greater, the smaller the size of the object of discrimination, the optimum value of the contrast area is 60-90%.

In the eye there is a certain inertia, which requires consideration of the visual signal exposure time and time intervals for the sense of separateness signals one after the other. In most cases, the exposure time of the signal should be at least 50 ms. Each indicator species has its own area of use: lights illuminated are used to display the quality of information that requires an immediate response of the operator; dial indicators are used to read the measured parameters; integrated LEDs for alignment of information about several parameters.

In the design of the workplace should take into account the rules of the movements of the economy: the work of two hands of their movement should be simultaneous and symmetrical; movements should be smooth and rounded, rhythmic and familiar to the employee. The design of equipment must take into account the rules relating to the speed and accuracy of movement of workers.

following ergonomic indicators are used to assess the quality of the working environment:

• hygienic - illumination level, temperature, humidity, pressure, dust, radiation, vibration, etc ;

• anthropometric - conformity of the products of human anthropometric characteristics (size, shape). This group of indicators should provide a rational and comfortable posture, correct posture, optimum grip hands, etc., to protect the person from rapid fatigue..;

• physiological - determine the conformity of the product features of the functioning of the human senses. They affect the volume and speed of human labor movements, the volume of visual, auditory, tactile (haptic), gustatory and olfactory information received through the senses;

• psychological - psychological characteristics of the product conforms to the person. Psychological indicators characterize the product conforms to the newly formed fixed and human skills, abilities of perception and processing of human information [4].

Importance for the prevention of fatigue has technical aesthetics, which provides for the construction, modernization and operation of the equipment, devices and instruments. It includes the architecture of (shape, proportion and harmony of the layout of equipment), the safety and the harmlessness of work, reducing physical stress and nervous tension.

For safety and color design, fence hazardous areas, the safety brake and signaling devices, local coverage and so on. n.

Thus, the controls used in the workplace must comply with the general requirements ergonogetiki: direction of movement controls must match the movement of the associated indicator; line arrangement work sequence controls the operator; Ease of use; the creation of mechanical resistance management bodies, etc. In addition, for each type of administration has its own field of application and special requirements for size, shape, and make an effort.


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2. Белов С.В. Охрана окружающей среды / С.В. Белов. - М.: Высшая школа, 1991.319 с

3. Кудинова Е.В. Актуальные вопросы учета выпуска готовой продукции по нормативной или плановой себестоимости / Кудинова Е.В., Степаненко А.В. // В сборнике: Современные тенденции развития экономики и управления: проблемы и решения. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции . 2016. С. 105-110.

4. Кудинова А.В. Особенности калькулирования себестоимости продукции методом jit «точно в срок» / Кудинова А.В., Степаненко А.В. // В сборнике: Кластерные инициативы в формировании прогрессивной структуры национальной экономики сборник научных трудов 2-й Международной научно-практической конференции: в 2-х томах. 2016. С. 148-150.

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