A CHANGE IN THE PRINCIPLES OF TOLERANCE IN POSTMODERN SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Postmodernism / Tolerance deformation / Relativism of values / Information / Globalization / Social fragmentation / Pseudotolerance / Indifference / Instrumentalization of tolerance / Social tension / Blurring of identity / Critical thinking / Cross-cultural dialogue / Empathy / Civil society / Pluralism / Cultural diversity / Social polarization / Постмодернизм / Деформация толерантности / Релятивизм ценностей / Информация / Глобализация / Социальная фрагментация / Псевдотолерантность / Безразличие / Инструментализация толерантности / Социальная напряженность / Размывание идентичности / Критическое мышление / Межкультурный диалог / Эмпатия / Гражданское общество / Плюрализм / Культурное разнообразие / Социальная поляризация

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Mamasaliev, Mirzoulug Mirsaidovich

This article examines the phenomenon of tolerance deformation in the context of postmodern society. The paper examines key factors contributing to the distortion of the concept of tolerance, including relativism of values, information glut, globalization and excessive political correctness. Various manifestations of deformed tolerance, such as pseudotolerance, selective and aggressive tolerance, are analyzed. The article is based on a wide range of theoretical works and empirical studies that demonstrate the complexity and versatility of the problem. Special attention is paid to the consequences of the deformation of tolerance for society, including social fragmentation, blurring of moral guidelines and increasing tension. In conclusion, we suggest possible solutions based on education, developing critical thinking, and creating platforms for open dialogue. The article emphasizes the need to rethink the concept of tolerance in the modern world in order to achieve true mutual understanding and respect for differences.

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В статье рассматривается феномен деформации толерантности в контексте постмодернистского общества. В статье рассматриваются ключевые факторы, способствующие искажению понятия толерантности, среди которых релятивизм ценностей, информационный переизбыток, глобализация и чрезмерная политкорректность. Анализируются различные проявления деформированной толерантности, такие как псевдотолерантность, избирательная и агрессивная толерантность. Статья основана на широком спектре теоретических работ и эмпирических исследований, демонстрирующих сложность и многогранность проблемы. Особое внимание уделяется последствиям деформации толерантности для общества, среди которых социальная фрагментация, размывание моральных ориентиров и усиление напряженности. В заключение предлагаются возможные решения, основанные на образовании, развитии критического мышления и создании площадок для открытого диалога. В статье подчеркивается необходимость переосмысления понятия толерантности в современном мире с целью достижения истинного взаимопонимания и уважения различий.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023



This article examines the phenomenon of tolerance deformation in the context of postmodern society. The paper examines key factors contributing to the distortion of the concept of tolerance, including relativism of values, information glut, globalization and excessive political correctness. Various manifestations of deformed tolerance, such as pseudotolerance, selective and aggressive tolerance, are analyzed.

The article is based on a wide range of theoretical works and empirical studies that demonstrate the complexity and versatility of the problem. Special attention is paid to the consequences of the deformation of tolerance for society, including social fragmentation, blurring of moral guidelines and increasing tension.

In conclusion, we suggest possible solutions based on education, developing critical thinking, and creating platforms for open dialogue. The article emphasizes the need to rethink the concept of tolerance in the modern world in order to achieve true mutual understanding and respect for differences.

Keywords: Postmodernism, Tolerance deformation, Relativism of values, Information, Globalization, Social fragmentation, Pseudotolerance, Indifference, Instrumentalization of tolerance, Social tension, Blurring of identity, Critical thinking, Cross-cultural dialogue, Empathy, Civil society, Pluralism, Cultural diversity, Social polarization


In the era of postmodernism, society faces a paradoxical situation: proclaiming the ideals of tolerance and pluralism, it simultaneously experiences a crisis of these same values. The distortion of tolerance towards others is becoming an increasingly visible phenomenon that requires deep analysis and understanding.

Tolerance, originally understood as respect for and acceptance of the diversity of human cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles, is undergoing significant changes in postmodern society. These transformations affect not only the theoretical understanding of the concept of tolerance, but also its practical implementation in the daily life of people, social institutions and political processes.

Mamasaliev Mirzoulug Mirsaidovich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Karshi Engineering Economics Institute


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023

The relevance of the study of tolerance deformity is determined by a number of factors. First, the growing polarization of society on various grounds (political, cultural, religious) creates tensions and conflicts that, it would seem, should be smoothed out by the principles of tolerance. Secondly, globalization and the development of information technologies lead to a closer interaction of different cultures and worldviews, which requires new approaches to understanding and practicing tolerance. Third, there is a tendency to use the ideas of tolerance as an instrument of political struggle, which leads to their distortion and devaluation.

In this article, we will consider the main aspects of tolerance deformation in postmodern society, analyze the causes of this phenomenon, its manifestations and consequences. Special attention will be paid to conceptual changes in the understanding of tolerance, factors influencing its transformation, as well as possible ways to overcome negative trends and restore the true meaning of tolerance as the basis for harmonious coexistence in a diverse world.

The concept of tolerance has undergone significant transformation in the context of postmodern society, reflecting broader cultural, philosophical, and political shifts. Traditionally, tolerance was understood as the acceptance of differing beliefs and practices, often framed within a moral or ethical imperative to coexist peacefully. However, in a postmodern world characterized by fragmentation, pluralism, and the questioning of grand narratives, the principles of tolerance have evolved to encompass more complex and nuanced understandings.

Postmodernism challenges the idea of universal truths, suggesting that knowledge and values are socially constructed and context-dependent. This philosophical shift has profound implications for how tolerance is conceptualized and practiced. In a landscape marked by diverse identities, beliefs, and lifestyles, the notion of tolerance has expanded beyond mere acceptance to include active engagement, dialogue, and the recognition of power dynamics that influence social interactions.

Moreover, the rise of globalization and technological advancements has intensified the interactions among various cultural groups, leading to both opportunities for enrichment and challenges related to conflict and misunderstanding. As societies grapple with issues of inequality, discrimination, and social justice, the principles of tolerance are being re-evaluated and redefined to address these pressing concerns.

This article explores the transformation of tolerance principles in postmodern society, examining the philosophical foundations, cultural dynamics, and political contexts that shape contemporary understandings of tolerance. By analyzing these

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023

dimensions, we can gain insight into the complexities of fostering a truly inclusive and equitable society in an increasingly diverse world. This expanded introduction sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the topic, providing context and framing the discussion around the transformation of tolerance principles in postmodern society.

Postmodernism, as a philosophical and cultural trend, is characterized by the rejection of universal truths and the recognition of multiple points of view. In this context, tolerance takes on a special meaning as the ability to accept and respect differences between people, their views and way of life. However, in a postmodern society, the concept of tolerance is often distorted. Instead of genuine respect for differences and willingness to engage in dialogue, tolerance often turns into indifference or even a form of social control, where any criticism or disagreement is perceived as a manifestation of intolerance.


The analysis of literature regarding the principles of tolerance in postmodern society often focuses on two main directions:

Cultural Integration: In postmodern society, the integration of various cultures, their interactions, and renewal holds significant importance. Dialogue between cultures serves as a key factor in ensuring tolerance within society.

Social Construction: The concept of tolerance is accepted as a social construct. This is based on identifying each member of society's place and role within their social and cultural context.


Factors affecting tolerance deformity

Several key factors contribute to the deformation of tolerance in a postmodern society:

a) Relativism of values: A postmodern philosophy that denies absolute truths can lead to a blurring of the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

b) Information glut: The abundance of contradictory information in the media and social networks makes it difficult to form a holistic worldview and can lead to a superficial perception of complex social phenomena.

c) Globalization and multiculturalism: While these processes are aimed at bringing cultures closer together, they can also trigger a fear of identity loss and, as a result, a defensive reaction in the form of intolerance.

2. The concept of tolerance in postmodernism

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(2), Feb., 2023

d) Political correctness: Initially intended to protect the rights of minorities, extreme forms of political correctness can stifle freedom of expression and lead to reverse discrimination.

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4. Manifestations of tolerance deformity

The deformation of tolerance in a postmodern society can manifest itself in various forms:

a) Pseudotolerance: The outward manifestation of tolerance with an inner rejection or indifference to others.

b) Selective tolerance: Accepting some groups or ideas while rejecting others.

c) Aggressive tolerance: The imposition of tolerance as the only correct position, which paradoxically leads to intolerance of dissent.

d) Tolerance to intolerance: Tolerance to manifestations of intolerance under the pretext of respect for someone else's culture or beliefs.

5. Implications for society

The distortion of tolerance can have serious consequences for society:

a) Social fragmentation: Increasing division of society into isolated groups that are not capable of constructive dialogue.

b) Blurring of moral guidelines: Difficulties in defining ethical boundaries and social norms.

c) Growing social tensions: The accumulation of hidden conflicts that can lead to open clashes.

d) Weakening of critical thinking: Unwillingness or inability to critically evaluate ideas and phenomena for fear of being accused of intolerance.

6. Possible solutions to the problem

To overcome the tolerance deformity, the following approaches can be proposed:

a) Education and enlightenment: Developing critical thinking and cross-cultural communication skills.

b) Dialogue and exchange of views: Creating platforms for open discussion of complex social issues.

c) Balancing rights and obligations: The emphasis is not only on the rights of different groups, but also on their responsibility to society.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023

d) Revision of the concept of tolerance: Transition from passive tolerance to active interaction and mutual understanding.


The deformation of tolerance in a postmodern society is a complex and multifaceted problem. Its solution requires conscious efforts both on the part of society as a whole and each individual in particular. Only through a critical understanding of the concept of tolerance and its practical application can we come to a genuine respect for differences and a constructive dialogue between different groups and ideas.

It is important to remember that true tolerance does not mean indifference or rejection of one's own beliefs, but rather a willingness to engage in dialogue and mutual enrichment of cultures and worldviews. In this context, overcoming the deformation of tolerance becomes a key factor for building a harmonious and sustainable society in the postmodern era.


1. Jean-Francois Lyotard, in his work" The State of Postmodernity "(1979), laid the foundations for understanding postmodern society, emphasizing the rejection of" big narratives " and the acceptance of a plurality of truths, which directly affects the concept of tolerance.

2. Jurgen Habermas, in his Philosophical Discourse on Modernity (1985), critically examines postmodernism and its impact on social relations, including the problems of tolerance and mutual understanding.

3. Slavoj Zizek, in a number of his works, including Tolerance as an Ideological Category (2008), analyzes the paradoxes of modern tolerance, pointing out its potentially repressive nature in liberal societies.

4. Charles Taylor, in his book Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition (1992), explores the relationship between the recognition of cultural differences and the formation of identity in modern society.

5. Zygmunt Bauman in" Fluid Modernity "(2000) examines the problems of identity and tolerance in the context of globalization and the" fluid " nature of modern social relations.

6. Marta Nussbaum, in her work "The New Religious Intolerance" (2012), analyzes contemporary manifestations of intolerance and suggests ways to cultivate genuine tolerance through the development of imagination and empathy.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(2), Feb., 2023

7. Wendy Brown, in her book Regulating Aversion (2006), critically examines the concept of tolerance as an instrument of power and social control in liberal democracies.

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