Научный журнал по биологическим наукам,экологическим биотехнологиям,промышленным биотехнологиям, 'Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems'

Regulatory Mechanisms in BiosystemsНаучный журнал на тему: Биологические науки, Экологические биотехнологии, Промышленные биотехнологии

Статистикавсего статей: 541

Описание научного журнала

Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems publishes peer-reviewed original research and review articles across all aspects of regulatory mechanisms in biological systems from the molecular level of organisation to the level of the organism. This journal mostly focuses on physiological mechanisms of regulation of metabolic processes, biochemical and physiological features of any species including human beings. Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems publishes contributions in the following basic areas: biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, cell biology, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, neuroscience, pharmacology, toxicology.

Область наук
  • Биологические науки
  • Экологические биотехнологии
  • Промышленные биотехнологии
Печатный: 2310-4155
Электронный: 2312-7295