ZPROBLEMS OF TEACHING METHODS IN AMONAVI CLASS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Естественные и точные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Modern lesson / methodology / student psychology / innovation / technology / development / advanced pedagogical experience.

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — Erkin Sadikovich Nazarov, Mohidil Botyrovna Teshayeva

The development of society, the reforms in the field of education in our country require the training of mature and highly thinking personnel in accordance with the world standard. In this article, it is explained that the teacher is the main figure in the lesson to conduct education at a high scientific level.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257


Erkin Sadikovich Nazarov

Bukhara State University, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor [email protected]

Mohidil Botyrovna Teshayeva

Graduate student of Bukhara State University, Department of Physics teshayevamohidil055@mail .ru


The development of society, the reforms in the field of education in our country require the training of mature and highly thinking personnel in accordance with the world standard. In this article, it is explained that the teacher is the main figure in the lesson to conduct education at a high scientific level.

Key words: Modern lesson, methodology, student psychology, innovation, technology, development, advanced pedagogical experience.

Along with the growth of the tasks to be solved in the modern lesson, the demands placed on the teacher are also growing. In order to conduct education at a high scientific level, the teacher is required to know the subject he teaches, its modern problems, the methodology of scientific knowledge, and the technical application of the subject. The teacher should have modern teaching methods to develop creativity, teach him to learn independently. Knowledge of pedagogy and psychology is necessary for the successful teaching of each student.

It cannot be ignored that the personality of the teacher has a great influence on his ability to attract the subject, emotion, intuition, tact, and even if he has all the necessary qualities, the teacher prepares for each individual lesson. has to do a lot of work. When preparing for the lesson, the teacher must clearly define the goals and tasks that he wants to solve in this lesson. The versatility of goals and tasks requires the teacher not only the content of the educational material and the methods of learning it, but also the various tools available - the methods of managing and controlling the educational activities of students, and the use of technical tools. requires careful consideration education, training manuals, various forms of organization of the educational process. In this case, we need to skillfully use and combine all these tools.

In order to further improve the education and training process, it is necessary to analyze the results, as in all other areas of human activity. The main and decisive criterion for evaluating the results of the teacher's pedagogical activity should be their compliance with the objective requirements of the development of science, technology, production, and the social life of the state in the period of scientific and technical innovations. In order to form a coherent scientific picture of the world in students, the


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257

content of the high school physics course should be adapted to modern physical views, taking into account that the amount of information that can be included in the physics course is a small part of the information available to mankind. The selection of educational material for the school physics course is made by a special committee consisting of physics scientists and experienced teachers. Therefore, the teacher should know the problems of the educational content and guide them in developing the content and methodology of each individual lesson. Formation of a person capable of rapid development of science and technology, contributing to the development of culture is a complex and long process. This is true for life.

High school plays an important role in this process. The level of development, education and upbringing of school graduates is mainly determined by the quality of lessons. Therefore, in addition to the main task - creating a system of knowledge for students - the tasks of teaching thinking, independent acquisition of knowledge before schooling are prioritized.

When discussing educational issues, it is necessary to take into account the deep interdependence of education and upbringing. Therefore, the tasks of education include the organization of the learning process in which the student's creative initiative and independence develop to the maximum extent.

Educational films, television programs and other technical means used in classes have a certain influence on the course of the educational process and the chosen methodology of presenting the material. As a result, a special situation is created in the classroom that changes the position of the teacher in the classroom. At times, he transfers his role, for example, to an expert who conducts a television show. So the lesson is like two teachers. The effectiveness of such a lesson depends on how well their joint activities are combined, as a result of which the student's activity should develop to the maximum.

The teacher's skill is not only an art, but primarily a socially organized, pedagogically regulated and controlled system. The implementation of all these tasks requires the teacher to have deep and comprehensive knowledge of the nature of the educational process and psychological-didactic laws. Without a scientific theory, the educational process is not protected from various errors and regimes in the content, forms, methods and educational tools. In addition to in-depth special knowledge, the teacher needs knowledge about the laws of education and training, features of formation, organization, and their active mental activity is developed.


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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=222ff7

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=222ff7

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