Научная статья на тему '«Жители России» как структурный компонент концепта «Russia» (на материале дискурса еженедельника «Newsweek»)'

«Жители России» как структурный компонент концепта «Russia» (на материале дискурса еженедельника «Newsweek») Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему ««Жители России» как структурный компонент концепта «Russia» (на материале дискурса еженедельника «Newsweek»)»

UDC [581.45:582.681.81.091] : 581.5


Samotaev A.A., Professor Naymushina A.P., Post-graduate student Phone: +7 (35163) 2-36-80, E-mail: samotaew@mail.ru Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Troitsk, Russia


The research was conducted in the period from 5 to 12 September 2011 at the territory of the Chelyabinsk region in three areas: the first is the Iskra settlement, the second is in the Gagarin Park in the North-West district of Chelyabinsk city and the third is the Lineynaya Street of the Traktorozavodskoy district. The object of the study is species of woody plants of the Chelyabinsk region: white willow (Salix Alba L.), black poplar (Populus nigra L.). The aim of the work was the establishment of regularities of the change of wood plant lamina characteristics in different ecological zones of the Chelyabinsk region. The obtained results were subjected to special processing using the developed algorithm, containing more than 20 statistical methods, including multi-dimensional method, using a package of programs Statistica, SPSS and Olympus - expert. The analysis of differences between woody plants showed that there is common regularity of intraspecific and interspecific differences. That is, at increasing the degree of anthropogenic load decreasing of the diversity of responses and specialization of the existing ones takes place. At further deterioration of the ecological condition the reaction of trees remains unchanged. In the case of worsening growing conditions of the reaction of woody plants is a reduction in the diversity of responses in the direction of increasing specialization of the existing ones. The result of the analysis of the contribution of the leading factors to the variability of the lamina showed that the maximum influence is produced by combined activity of the environment state and wood plant species specificity.


Ecology; Trees; Black poplar; Willow white; Lamina; Industrial zone; System; Model; Structure; Model; Element.

In a large stream of contemporary works on industrial ecology environmentalists’ interest is focused on the assessment of the impact on plants of polluting agents by means of the system of chemical and analytical control. Despite this, according to T. Y. Ashikhmina’s opinion (2000), "biological monitoring is more accessible and interesting, as it allows using bio indicators to reflect the level of technological environmental impact as a single complex, as well as to develop new and improve the old approaches to estimation and prediction" [2]. Mostly trees, with high ecological plasticity and the extensive reaction norm are considered as a biological object [11].

Many authors point out at the lamina high informativity. In particular, A. Y. Kuzmin (1989) believes that "the morphological characteristics of the lamina may be used for the study and analysis of anthropogenic influence"[6]. According to L. S. Yermolova (1998), "the highest priority of the functional structure of trees for research is the foliage and it’s the most informative ecological characteristics - foliage surface area along with other indicators, such as linear dimensions, weight, concentration of chlorophyll and other pigments, stomatal resistance" [4].

That is, the study of woody plants gives the opportunity not only to look into the internal mechanisms of functioning, but also improve our knowledge of the regularities of formation of the response of biological systems to the combined effect of factors of different nature, to develop correct and scientifically sound criteria and methods for assessment of hazards of pollutants of the environment.

In addition, it allows to develop a common methodological approaches used for environmental protection at the global level.


General conditions of the study. The studies were conducted in the period from 5 to 12 September 2011 at the territory of the Chelyabinsk region in three areas: the first is the Iskra settlement, the second is in the Gagarin Park in the North-West district of Chelyabinsk city and the third is the Lineynaya street of the Traktorozavodskoy district.

The first area of objects selection of study (settlement Iskra) was named conditionally clean zone, as was characterized by a weak intensity of the car traffic, low haze and a lack of large industrial and agricultural enterprises.

The second area is named residential zone (the Gagarin Park), as it was located in a residential area, in the absence of enterprises and major highways. Accordingly, the third area of research sampling (the Linear St.) - was polluted or dirty, because among mentioned above it was characterized by not only the intensity of emissions of air pollutants from mobile sources, but also the presence of such enterprises as JSC "TPP - 1", OAO "ChTZ", often being the cause of smog in the Traktorozavodskoy district of the Chelyabinsk city.

Urban objects of the research were at the distance of about 10 km from each other and about 250 km from the rural areas. Sampling site was chosen arbitrarily on the basis of the degree of pollution of atmospheric air, the intensity of traffic, the closeness of the industrial enterprises. Sampling was performed in the solar windless days at a relative air humidity of 75%.

Methodology of the study. The object of the study were six species of woody plants of the Chelyabinsk region: white Willow (Salix Alba L.), smooth Elm (Ulmus laevis L.), Canadian Maple (Aser negundo l.), Birch squat (Betula numilis L.), wild Apple (Mail silvestris l.), black poplar (Populus nigra L.) [9]. Selection of objects of the research was based on the existence of listed species in each research area and the coincidence of the systematic identification. Identification of the material collected was done by "the School Atlas determinant of higher plants" [9].

The samples were taken at the periphery of the bottom of the crowns of trees at a height of up to 2 m by means of separation of lamina with leaf cutting from leaf angle or place of attaching it to the branch. The material collected was put under the herbarium presses.

To achieve the objectives of the study the most appropriate method can be considered method of indicating by leaves, suggested by F. A. Fedorova and A. G. Nikolskaya [10].

Therefore, at the coming of the winter period the measurements of the following parameters of lamina were carried out according to the methodology: length L (mm), width D (mm), perimeter P (mm); paper mass, which is a projection of a leaf on paper MB (g); the mass of the square of paper, where the sides of the square are equal to the length and width of the leaf, respectively, MKB (^g); area of the paper S6 (L*D) (mm2); area of leaf S, (MKB*S6 / M5) (mm 2); conversion factor K (Sn / S6). Length and width are measured with pupils ruler with = 0.1 mm, the perimeter was determined with the help of an odometer KU-AND C = 0.01 mm, mass of a square of paper and mass of a leaf contour with analytical balance of type ADV-200 M 2 keypad with an error of 200 g in inter-chair laboratory UGAVM.

Statistical processing of the material. The statistical processing of data was carried out according to the Professor A.A. Samotaev’s algorithm with the help of the software package Statistica. It was preceded by a determination of the type of lamina features distribution for the six species of trees in the three study areas, with the coefficient of excess (As) and asymmetry (Ex). In future, using cluster method, we determined the species arrangement in the sensitivities decrease line to the influence of anthropogenic factors [5].

The objects of the research were the six species of woody plants, characterized by the eight characteristics; the cluster analysis makes it possible to divide them into groups (zones) homogeneous according to specified parameters. The number of groups was set in advance.

Then with the help of the main components method the structural properties and the presence of the system among the estimated parameters of lamina were established.

Hereinafter the correlation analysis identified system-forming and system-destructive elements. The factor and conducted again analyses gave the opportunity to establish the number and the elements arrangement place in subsystem.

The next step was the construction of a mathematical model on the basis of the multiple regression equation for the final element of the subsystems, and the establishment of the differences between the mechanisms of the subsystems formation and structures of compared species of woody plants with the help of a nonparametric criterion Mann-Whitney N.M. Emmanuel believes that "every process can be formalized and described in the form of a mathematical relation, which can be used for practical purposes" [13].

Gitelson I.I. expanded this concept, adding that "any model is not only systematization and generalization of observations, experimental facts and ideas, and above all, the basis of logical reasoning for further experiments and research" [12]. That is, the foundation of the process of cognition of nature is building models of the phenomena being studied. For this, first of all, it is necessary to identify the list of those properties of the object, which will be included in the model.

The final stage of the work was the establishment of differences in the mechanisms of the formation of structures and subsystems using nonparametric criterion Mann - Whitney, as well as ANOVA : two-factor used to determine the contribution of the leading factors in the variability of the lamina characteristics.


The analysis of the ecological sensitivity of the species of Willow white in conditionally clean region showed the presence of two subsystems, as well as the study of the part lets you know the whole, according to biological graphical law of system ecology, through the study of the subsystems, you can understand the essence of the processes occurring in the tree and their communities. In the first order there were three elements: perimeter ^ width ^ index. Its activity is aimed at changing the size of the lamina, because the optimization of photosynthetic activity is a fundamental process for the development of plant (table 1). Modeling subsystem on the final element has shown that increase of the index is prevented with the perimeter, and the width of the lamina.

Table 1 - Lamina characteristics of the first subsystem of white willow specie

in the relatively clean zone

idicator X±m Cv, %

perimeter (P), mm 15,4 ±0,51 9,3

width (D), mm 14,4 ± 1,00 19,7

coefficient (K) 0,71 ±0,02 8,7

In the subsystem of the second order there were five elements: length ^ the actual leaf mass ^ the actual leaf area ^ the optimal mass ^ the optimal leaf area.

Table 2 - Indicators of lamina characteristics of the second subsystem of white willow specie

in the relatively clean zone

indicator X ±m Cv, %

length (L), mm 71,6 ± 2,5 9,9

Leaf mass (Ml), the ICG 0,060 ± 0,004 17,8

leaf area (Sn), mm 722,0 ± 32,06 12,6

paper mass(MB), the ICG 0,09 ± 0,01 21,8

paper area (S6), mm 1026,6 ± 73,05 20,1

The characteristic feature is the increased number of elements from three to five, a slight increase in stability to 0.11, as well as the load on the element in 2.1 times. Activities of the second subsystem are aimed at changing the leaf optimal area. The tendency to achieve an ideal or optimal size lamina in the system of characteristics is supported by the actual leaf area, the optimal mass and length of the leaf. Deterrence is happening with the actual mass

of the lamina. Variability of the lamina characteristics of subsystem of the second-order was higher by 1.3 times.

According to the principle of hierarchical organization, realization of the function of the first subsystem for a tree is of paramount importance, so the adaptation process in conditionally clean zone is to change the leaf size.

Morphological characteristics of a leaf of white Willow specie in the residential zone. When studying the state of Willow white in the residential zone it is noted that the lamina characteristics form one structure in contrast to the previous zone. In it the elements are arranged in the following way: leaf ^ index ^ the leaf perimeter ^ the optimal mass ^ length ^ the actual leaf mass ^ the optimal area ^ the actual leaf area (table 3). In this area the system activity aims at changing the actual area of the lamina.

Table 3 - Indicators of lamina characteristics of white Willow specie in the residential zone

indicators X±m Cv, % t between zones

width (D), mm 25,1 ±0,88 9,9 7,91*

coefficient (K) 0,66 ± 0,02 7,1 1,68

perimeter (P), mm 24,6 + 0,72 8,3 19,15*

paper mass (MB), the ICG 0,23 ±0,01 15,9 12,79*

length (L), mm 115,1 ±3,51 8,6 16,61*

leaf mass (Ml), the ICG 0,15 ±0,01 20,1 9,84*

paper area (S6), mm2 2892,5 ± 135,7 13,2 14,05*

leaf area (Sn), mm2 1914,6 ± 114,7 16,9 11,11*

Note: * - P < 0.05 - 0,01

Modeling of the final element of the system showed that the tendency of the actual area to increase is supported by the index and the optimal area of the leaf, but the perimeter, length and optimal mass of the leaf prevent from it. Variability of lamina of the system was 12,5 ± 1,68 %. Compared with conventionally clean zone of the load on the element has increased in 2,3 times, and the stability decreased in 1,57 times.

Thus, apparently, the willow energy resources are redistributed by means of the change of the sizes of the most plastic body for more adequate adaptation to the environment of growth and achievement of homeostatic balance and stability.

So, Golubeva I.E. indicates that "in regard to the amount of photosynthetic the leaf surface plants adaptive reactions are associated with the solution of the problem: on the one hand, the large surface is a guarantee of growth processes supply with the products of photosynthesis, on the other hand, there is the greater the consumption of the energy resources and accelerated transition of a plant in quiescence" [3].

Morphological characteristics of a leaf of white Willow specie in the polluted zone. In the polluted zone, apparently, similar environment factors, noted earlier in conventionally clean zone act. The analysis of the lamina characteristics showed the presence of two structures.

White Willow specie keeps the quantitative composition of the subsystems compared with a clean zone and in contrast to residential, but their activation element and activity result are changed. Accordingly, the activation elements for two subsystems are the index and the leaf width, and the result of the actual leaf mass and the perimeter.

The activity of the subsystem of the first order is aimed at changing the actual lamina mass. Modeling of its final element has shown that in the contaminated zone, the reduction of the actual mass, supported by the index and the optimal leaf area are optimal (table 4).

Table 4 - Indicators of lamina characteristics of the first subsystem of white Willow specie

in the polluted zone

indicator X ± m Cv, % t

paper area (S6), MM2 4119,8 ± 141,22 9,7 7,44*

coefficient (K) 0,70 ± 0,02 9,1 1,78

leaf mass (Ml), the ICG 0,21 ±0,01 18,4 5,50*

Note: * - p < 0.05 - 0,01

Table 5 - Indicators signs of the leaf of the second subsystem type of white Willow

in the polluted zone

indicator X±m Cv, % t

width (D), mm 31,5 ±0,57 5,1 6,06*

leaf area (Sn), mm2 2888,8 ± 132,9 13,0 8,37*

paper mass (MB), the ICG 0,29 ± 0,02 17,0 4,25*

length (L), mm 130,8 ±3,75 8,1 2,95*

perimeter (P), mm 27,9 ±0,69 6,9 3,14*

Note: * - p < 0.05 - 0,01

In the second subsystem there was a reduction of the number of elements from three to five: width ^ actual leaf area ^ optimal mass ^ length ^ perimeter (table 5). The stability of the willow has decreased up to 0, the load on the element increased by 9.5 times. Here there is a tendency to a change in the lamina perimeter. Its increase is provided with the width, length, optimal leaf mass and its actual area. Variability of the lamina characteristics in the subsystem of the first order was higher by 1.2 times.

Thus, willow in the contaminated zone is characterized by the stabilization of the exchange processes and the development of the accommodations in an unfavorable environment by facilitating assimilatory apparatus and increase the lamina perimeter. In the basis of these structural alterations, obviously, there are the changes that occur at the cellular and tissue levels.

Morphological characteristics of a leaf of black poplar specie in the relatively clean area. In conventionally clean zone the analysis of the lamina characteristics of black Poplar showed the presence of one structure: width ^ the optimal leaf area ^ index ^ length ^ the actual leaf mass ^ optimal mass ^ the actual leaf area ^ perimeter (table 6). The peculiarity of black Poplar is a tendency to change the leaf perimeter and degree of the edge irregularity of the lamina.

Table 6 - Indicators of lamina characteristics of black poplar specie in the relatively clean zone

indicator X+m Cv, % t between species

width (D), mm 46,1 ±0,71 4,55 28,5*

paper area (S6), mm2 3088,1 ±46,96 4,30 31,9*

coefficient (K) 0,63 ±0,01 6,70 2,62*

length (L), mm 67,0 ±0,91 3,83 1,43

leaf mass (Ml), the ICG 0,15 ±0,02 44,00 3,70*

paper mass (MB), the ICG 0,24 ± 0,04 45,02 4,02*

leaf area (Sn), mm 1946,0 ±57,06 8,29 24,1*

perimeter (P), mm 17,70 ±0,22 3,59 3,37*

Note: * - P < 0.05 - 0,01

Modeling of the final element has allowed finding out, that the increase of leaf irregularity is supported by the optimal area, but is constrained by the optimal leaf mass. Variability of leaf characteristics is 15,0 ±6,46%. The stability of the black poplar specie in comparison with white Willow specie is higher in 6,8 times, when the load on the element has increased in 1.8 times.

In spite of the widespread opinion about the stability of poplar (A. Y. Kulagin [7], V. G. Antipov [1]), the result that proves the low stability of the structures of the tree, which appears already in the conditionally clean zone, which is characterised by a relatively small anthropogenic load.

Morphological characteristics of a leaf of black poplar specie in the residential zone. I n the residential zone the structure of the lamina characteristics of black Poplar is not changed, but the order of elements is changed: leaf width ^ index ^ perimeter ^ the optimal leaf mass ^ the optimal area^ the actual mass ^ length ^ the optimal leaf mass ^the actual leaf area.

Table 7 - Indicators of lamina characteristics of black poplar specie in the residential zone

indicator X±m Cv, % t between the species t between zones

width (D), mm 54,3 ±0,88 4,6 6,60* 20,8*

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coefficient (K) 0,63 ±0,01 4,7 0,0003 1,38

perimeter (P), mm 19,7 ±0,52 7,4 3,67* 4,67*

Paper area (S6), mm 2 4148,8 ± 161,5 11,0 6,05* 4,64*

leaf mass (Ml), the ICG 0,15 ±0,01 27,3 0,18 0

length (L) mm 76,4 ±2,35 8,7 3,74* 7,08*

paper mass (MB), the ICG 0,25 ± 0,03 30,5 0,15 0,66

leaf area (Sn), mm2 2603,0 ± 107,6 11,7 4,67* 3,35*

Note: * - p < 0.05 - 0,01

At present ecological environment state the change of the leaf sizes is optimal for the black Poplar. That is, there is the tendency to reduce the actual area supported by the other elements of the system. The level of variation of lamina characteristics is less than 1.1 times.

The stability of the system has increased in 1,2 times, and the load on the element has decreased in comparison with the previous zone in 4,8 times. In relation to the Willow white specie the stability of the black Poplar at the same level of anthropogenic load is higher in 12,4 times at decrease of the load on the element in 6.2 times.

Here an interesting feature of the tree is marked. It consists in increasing the stability and balance in the residential zone in comparison with the more environmentally friendly zone. One of the ways of adaptation is to reduce the lamina sizes, that is, the reverse adaptation mechanism of the willow.

Morphological leaf characteristics of black poplar specie in the polluted zone. In the contaminated zone, the structure of black poplar specie still remains. The system includes eight components, but in the other order: index ^ the optimal leaf mass ^ the actual leaf mass^ length ^ perimeter ^ width ^ the actual leaf area ^ the optimal leaf area (table 8).

Table 8 - Indicators of the lamina characteristics of black poplar specie in the polluted zone

indicators X±m Cv, % t between the species t between zones

coefficient (K) 0,52 ± 0,06 30,2 4,01* 1,76

paper mass (MB), the ICG 0,23 ± 0,02 25,3 1,95 0,47

leaf mass (Ml), the ICG 0,14 ±0,01 25,6 3,08* 0,88

length (L), mm 59,1 ±0,88 4,2 18,7* 5,56*

perimeter (P), mm 15,7 ±0,26 4,7 18,9* 5,55*

Width (D), mm 41,4 ± 1,40 9,6 8,78* 7,60*

leaf area (Sn), mm 1473,5 ±61,99 11,9 14,7* 7,07*

paper area (S6), MM 2 2450,6 ± 108,1 12,5 13,9* 7,14*

Note: * - p < 0.05 - 0,01

The activity of the tree in this zone also aims to decrease the area of the assimilatory apparatus area. Modeling of the final element showed that the index prevents the decrease of the optimal area, while the actual area and perimeter contribute to its increase. That is, the main problem of the tree is the choice of size, which most completely satisfies the needs of the tree at inconsiderable power consumptions. Since, according to the principle of energy saving, wood plant tends to achieve such a state, at which there will be minimum energy consumption. Variability of the lamina characteristics has increased in 1,2 times.

In this zone the stability of the black Poplar indicators is even higher in 1.4 times, and in comparison with Willow white - in 2,4 times. When the load on the element of black poplar specie increased in 5.2 times as compared to the residential zone and in 8 times with Willow white specie in the polluted zone.

In General, there is reduction of the lamina size at a simultaneous increase in the variability of its characteristics. Probably, its increase is an adaptive mechanism, in which the tree "tends" to find the most optimal state, at which it reaches a balance with the growth environment. V.S. Nikolaevsky stressed, that "the resistant species compared with irresistible species have no practically photosynthesis suppression, increase of respiration, destruction

of plastid pigments, radiocarbon metabolism disorders and other physiological and biochemical processes. But they are characterized by higher capacity for cell structure reparation, the increased durability of the regulatory cell systems" [8]. Therefore, poplar really can be called stable specie, because at low oscillation of balancing mechanisms of interaction of the tree with the environment, it can withstand different influence doses of the environmental factors, that is, it is considered to be ecologically plastic specie. Here the law of the maximization of energy and information is illustrated. According to it, the system, foremost providing income, production and efficient use of energy and information, has the best chances for self-preservation. In this case, the structure of poplar determines the optimal interaction with the environment and the formulation of appropriate accommodations.

Assessment of the differences between the willow white specie and black poplar specie and the impact of the leading factors on them. Being done at the final stage, the analysis of differences between woody plants showed that there is a common regularity of intraspecific and interspecific differences. That is, at increasing the degree of anthropogenic load the diversity of responses and specialization of the existing ones is decreased. At the further deterioration of the ecological condition the reaction of trees remains unchanged. Apparently, in the case of worsening of growth conditions the reaction of woody plants is a reduction in the diversity of responses in the direction of increasing specialization of the existing ones. The result of the analysis of the contribution of the leading factors in the variability of the lamina showed that among the considered factors the most important influence is done by common action of the environment state and species identification of woody plants.


In the Chelyabinsk region woody plants sensitivity to the environmental conditions is reduced according to the following scheme: white Willows wild Apple ^ Canadian Maple ^ Birch squat ^ Elm smooth ^ black poplar. The sustainable woody plants species show conservatism and the constancy of the basic indicators of their condition, but sensitive species are characterized by variations of characteristics. That is confirmed with the law of system ecology on the balance between conservatism and variability. To optimize the interaction with the environment the woody plants and their characteristics form the system and subsystems.

In the rural area the lamina characteristics of white Willow specie organize two subsystems. In the first sub-system the order of elements presence was the following: perimeter ^ widths index. Modeling of the final element of the subsystem has shown that the tendency to increase the index is constrained by the perimeter and width. Subsystem of the second order is presented by the order: length ^ actual leaf mass ^ the actual leaf area^ the optimal leaf mass ^ the optimal leaf area. The leaf tendency to achieve the optimal area is provided with the length, the actual leaf area and its optimum mass, and is prevented the actual lamina mass. Stability and load of the second subsystem were higher in of 0.11 times; the load was in 2.1 times.

The least sensitive black Poplar the lamina characteristics form a system: width ^the optimal area^ index ^ length ^ the optimal mass ^ the actual mass ^ the actual leaf area^ perimeter. Modeling of the final element of the system detects the tendency of the perimeter to increase, which is provided with the optimal area, but is prevented with the theoretical leaf mass. The stability of the system was 0.75, the load on its element was 3,10 ± 0.20.

In the Park zone of the city the white Willow elements of the leaf characteristics system are arranged in the following order: width^index ^ perimeter ^ the optimal mass ^ length ^ the actual mass ^ the optimal area ^ the actual area. The reduction of the actual leaf area is provided with the optimal area and index and is prevented with length, width and the actual leaf mass. The stability of the lamina characteristics system is 0,07, the load on the element is 3,94 ± of 0.37. The system elements of black poplar specie are arranged: width ^ index ^ perimeter ^ the optimal area ^ the actual mass^ length ^ the optimal mass ^ the actual leaf area. The reduction of actual leaf area is provided with all the rest of the system elements. The stability of the system is 0,87, and the load on its element is 0,64 ±


In the polluted zone of the city the lamina characteristics of the white Willow specie form two subsystems. Subsystem of the first order is the following: index ^ the optimal area^ the actual leaf mass. The actual leaf mass tendency to its reduction is supported with the optimal area and index. Subsystem of the second order is formed with the elements: width ^ the actual leaf area ^ the optimal mass ^ length ^ the leaf perimeter. The perimeter tendency to increase is prevented with the actual leaf area, and it is provided with the leaf perimeter, width, length and the optimal leaf mass. The stability of the first subsystem is more in 0.5 times, and the load on the element, on the contrary, is less than 9.5 times.The lamina characteristics system of the black poplar specie is presented: index ^ the optimal mass ^ the actual mass ^ length ^ perimeter ^ width ^ the actual area ^ the optimal leaf area. The optimal leaf area tendency to the reduction is supported with perimeter and the actual area, but is constrained with index. The system stability is 1,20, the load on the element is 3.34 a ± 0,41.

The mathematical models constructed on the basis of the multiple regression equation for the final element of the system of black poplar specie, as well as subsystems of the second-order of white Willow specie in clean and contaminated areas, are true (F = 2,83... 12002,9, p < of 0.05 - 0.01) and can be used to predict the ecological condition of the environment.


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