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Ключевые слова
yigitlar / diniy ong / oila / shakllanish / psixologik tayyorlash / shaxs / tarbiya / oilaviy hayot / axloq / diniy tarbiya. / юноши / религиозное сознание / семья / становление / психологическая подготовка / личность / воспитание / семейная жизнь / нравственность / религиозное воспитание.

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — S.A. Nishanbayeva

Mazkur maqolada yigitlarni oilaviy hayotga psixologik tayyorlashni takomillashtirishda ma’naviy-axloqiy va diniy tarbiyaning o’rni,diniy ongni shakllantirishining oilaviy tarbiya jarayonida shakllanish ta'siri bevosita tahlil qilingan.

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В данной статье непосредственно проанализирована роль духовно-нравственного и религиозного воспитания в совершенствовании психологической подготовки молодых людей к семейной жизни, влияние формирования религиозного сознания на процесс семейного воспитания



Original paper

© S.A. Nishanbayeva1^_

1 Guliston davlat universiteti,Sirdaryo,O'zbekiston.


KIRISH: Mazkur maqolada yigitlarni oilaviy hayotga psixologik tayyorlashni takomillashtirishda ma'naviy-axloqiy va diniy tarbiyaning o'rni,diniy ongni shakllantirishining oilaviy tarbiya jarayonida shakllanish ta'siri bevosita tahlil qilingan.

MAQSAD: ushbu maqolaning maqsadi - talaba yigitlarning milliy qadriyatlar ruhida oilaviy hayotga tayyorlash va o'rgatishning psixologik xususiyatlari va uning ijtimoiy va ilmiy pedagogik asoslari to'g'risida so'z yuritilgan. Bundan tashqari talaba yigitlarning milliy qadriyatlar asosida oilaviy hayotga tayyorlash mexanizmlarini takomillashtirish va samaradorligini oshirish usul va metodlari to'g'risida fikrlar bayon etilgan.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: tadqiqot miqdoriy va sifatli ma'lumotlarni yig'ishni birlashtirgan aralash usullardan foydalanadi.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: Bizning xalqimiz tarixida yigitlar azaldan vatanparvarlik hamda mehnatsevarlik, vatanga, ota-onaga, oilaga sadoqat kabi muqaddas ahloqiy mezonlar ruhida tarbiyalangan. Oilada o'g'il bolaning tug'ilishi oilaning himoyachisi, tayanchi, kelajakdagi boquvchisining paydo bo'lishini bildirgan. Ma'naviy-axloqiy tarbiya masalasi bugungi kunda juda dolzarb masala bo'lib qolmoqda. Yigitlarimizni o'z Vatanini sevadigan, hurmat qiladigan vatanparvar va elparvar qilib tarbiyalashda o'z xalqining ma'naviy qadriyatlarini mustahkam bilmasdan turib, buni amalga oshirish mumkin emas.

XULOSA: Ma'naviy tahdidlar toboro kuchayib borayotgan bugungi kunda oilaviy tarbiyaning rolini kuchaytirish, yosh yigitlarni oilaviy hayotga tayyorlash borasida amalga oshirilgan ishlarning samaradorligini oshirishga xizmat qiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: yigitlar, diniy ong, oila, shakllanish, psixologik tayyorlash, shaxs, tarbiya, oilaviy hayot, axloq, diniy tarbiya.


Iqtibos uchun: Nishanbayeva S.A. Yigitlarni oilaviy hayotga psixologik tayyorlashda ma'naviy ahloqiy va diniy tarbiyaning o'rni // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5(1). B. 534-542.

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


© C. А. Нишанбаева1 и_

1 Гулистанский государственный университет, Гулистан, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: В данной статье непосредственно проанализирована роль духовно-нравственного и религиозного воспитания в совершенствовании психологической подготовки молодых людей к семейной жизни, влияние формирования религиозного сознания на процесс семейного воспитания

ЦЕЛЬ: цель данной статьи - рассмотрение психологических особенностей подготовки и обучения школьников к семейной жизни в духе национальных ценностей и ее социально-научных педагогических основ. Кроме того, изложены идеи и методы совершенствования и повышения эффективности механизмов подготовки школьников к семейной жизни на основе национальных ценностей.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в исследовании используются смешанные методы, сочетающие сбор количественных и качественных данных.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: в истории нашего народа юноши издавна воспитывались в духе таких священных нравственных критериев, как патриотизм и трудолюбие, преданность Родине, родителям, семье. Рождение мальчика в семье означало появление защитника, опоры, будущего кормильца семьи. Вопрос духовно-нравственного воспитания остается сегодня очень актуальным. Воспитывая наших ребят патриотами и учителями, которые любят и уважают свою Родину, невозможно обойтись без твердого знания духовных ценностей своего народа.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: усиление роли семейного воспитания, подготовка молодых людей к семейной жизни в наши дни, когда возрастают моральные угрозы, служит повышению эффективности проводимой работы.

Ключевые слова: юноши, религиозное сознание, семья, становление, психологическая подготовка, личность, воспитание, семейная жизнь, нравственность, религиозное воспитание.

Для цитирования: Нишанбаева C.A. Роль духовно-нравственного и религиозного воспитания в психологической подготовке молодых людей к семейной жизни // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5(1). С. 534-542.


© S.A. Nishanbayeva 1H

1Gulistan State University, Gulistan, Uzbekistan_


INTRODUCTION: this article directly analyzes the role of spiritual and moral and religious education in improving the psychological preparation of young people for family

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5 (1)

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


life, the influence of the formation of religious consciousness in the process of Family Education.

AIM: the purpose of this article is to talk about the psychological characteristics of training and teaching student guys to family life in the spirit of national values and its social and scientific pedagogical foundations. In addition, opinions are expressed on the methods and methods of improving and improving the effectiveness of training mechanisms of student youth for family life on the basis of national values.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: the study uses mixed methods combining quantitative and qualitative data collection.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: in the history of our people, the guys have long been brought up in the spirit of patriotism and hard work, holy moral criteria such as loyalty to the motherland, parents, family. The birth of a boy in the family signified the appearance of the protector, support, future breadwinner of the family. The issue of spiritual and moral education remains a very relevant issue today. It is impossible to do this without a strong knowledge of the spiritual values of their people in the upbringing of our guys as patriots and ambassadors who love, respect their homeland.

CONCLUSION: spiritual threats serve to strengthen the role of family upbringing today, when toboro is gaining momentum, to increase the effectiveness of work carried out on preparing young men for family life.

Key words: guys, religious consciousness, family, formation, psychological training, personality, upbringing, family life, morality, religious upbringing.

For citation: Sevara A. Nishanbayeva. (2024) 'The role of spiritual and moral and religious education in the psychological preparation of guys for family life', (5(1)), pp. 534-542. (In English).

Present tense According to the results of a survey conducted by scientists among young families in Uzbekistan, the strength of a marriage depends on the psychological and physiological maturity of boys and girls in relation to marriage. Readiness to create, develop and maintain a family and family relationships is manifested in the potential for personal development, and most importantly, this is the personal development of adults. It is possible to achieve personal maturity, and this is clear, in family life, because this is an activity in which the maturity of the individual is manifested. If a person's family is prosperous, from the point of view of society, he is accepted from a position of trust and respect.

In the scientific literature there are two points of view assessing the state of the modern institution of marriage and family in Uzbekistan. The first approach is crisis. Family

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5 (1)


members do not have the strength and ability to overcome such a crisis. Therefore, much attention is paid to the need for effective social policy in the state and changing public opinion about marriage and family relations. Much attention is paid to the negative phenomena occurring in society, which is associated with an increase in the number of divorces, an increase in mortality and a decrease in the birth rate, the intensity of extramarital affairs and many others. The second approach is transformational, it is considered more objective. Researchers at the Family Death Institute considered the changes to be modernization. They believed that the family was in a state of transition from one form to another. In addition, they did not see anything negative in the change in the social institution; on the contrary, they showed this phenomenon from the positive side. Researchers of this school were more inclined to emphasize that the family is undergoing an evolution in society: a transition from one form to another, a deformation of relationships between family members, a change of roles in marriage.

Also today there is an acute problem with preparing young men for family life. The younger generation is not ready to start a family. This is evidenced by many problems associated with young families: an increase in the number of divorces after several years of marriage, conflict in the distribution of family roles, ignorance of the basics of family farming, reluctance to fulfill family responsibilities, and reproduction. about the number of abortions, about the lack of proper attention to children, etc.

Currently, there is a decline in the prestige of the institutions of family, motherhood and fatherhood. Also, teenagers rarely monitor their health, especially reproductive health.In the history of our people, young men were brought up in the spirit of patriotism and hard work, loyalty to the Motherland, parents, and family. The birth of a boy in a family meant the appearance of a family protector, support, and future breadwinner. The issue of spiritual and moral education remains very relevant today. It is impossible to raise our young men as patriots and leaders who love and respect their Motherland without a firm understanding of the moral values of their people. Currently, the problem of spiritual and moral education of young men is one of the main problems facing every parent, the state and society as a whole.In modern society, an unfavorable situation has developed both in terms of the spiritual and moral education of young men. The main conditions for this situation are, among other things, the lack of clearly defined positive life guidelines among young people, as well as a sharp deterioration in the moral and spiritual situation in society.

The preparation of young men for family life is based on science and solid practice. Using the example of higher educational institutions related to this problem, a number of scientific works have been carried out to prepare young men for family life.

At the beginning of our century, devoted mainly to the problem of preparing families and youth for family life, Abdurauf Fitrat created the brochure "Family or Family Management Procedures", having studied the family traditions and customs of our people, as well as the teachings of Eastern thinkers. Fitrat writes: "This nation must act, become a state, be happy and gain respect, become a worldly person, be weak and humiliated, bear


the burden of misfortune, be forgotten, be subordinate, slave and captive depends on the education received. from parents since childhood," therefore, in the work "Family or Family Management Procedures," Fitrat describes the goals and objectives of building a family, its material, spiritual and legal foundations, husband and wife and their way of life, explained the roles and responsibilities of men and women in the family. The second part of the work is devoted to raising children.

In the views of Central Asian scientists on education and training, the main place is occupied by attention to spiritual values, which can directly be a factor in the formation of human perfection.

Issues of education in Islam have been studied widely and thoroughly. One of the greats said: "The happiness of every nation, the peace and tranquility of the states depend on the good education of the youth." At this point, the work of the late Mufti Hazrat Usmankhan Alimov, "Raising a Child in a Family," written on the basis of the Holy Quran and Sharif Hadith, as well as the theory and practice of Islamic ethics, is dedicated to family and family relationships in Islam must be shown. This directly, in the family, serves as an important program for the formation of a healthy religious consciousness of teenage boys. The family environment creates natural conditions for the formation and development of the child's personality. Family is an elementary school of beauty, life and education. Therefore, the unity of parents and other family members forms the basis of the idea of beauty, which greatly influences the aesthetic development of the child. Family is the basis of various aesthetic experiences, which allows every person to be influenced by nature.

The responsibility of parents in raising a child and the responsibilities of the child towards parents are highly valued among the Uzbek people. Such publications include the treasures of our spirituality, "The Holy Quran", "Hadis", the heritage of our ancestors, "Nightmare", "Akhlaqi Muhsini" by Hussein Vaiz Koshifi, "Airatul Abror" by Alisher Navoi, "Farhad and Shirin". , "Mahbub-ul-Kulub", "Gulistan" by Saadi Shirazi and a number of other works. Such works are of great importance in instilling in young men faith in family and responsibility.When preparing young people for family life, in ensuring family stability, it is appropriate to pay attention to the level, lifestyle, character traits of their parents and, finally, to professional activity, the scientist believes, and the direction of equality is more obvious. when performing all family work, he emphasizes that he The upbringing of children in small and large families depends on the school, family cooperation, providing pedagogical knowledge to parents, the problems of relying on our national customs and traditions in education, the formation of the scientific worldview of students in the family and school, providing them Social activity draws attention to the fact that all this relates to the problem of preparing the younger generation for family life.

A child is one of God's blessings. He is the adornment of worldly life. Allah Almighty says: "Property and children are the adornment of life in this world..." And "Give daughters to whomever you wish, and sons to whomever you wish..." Therefore, parents should not be grateful for blessings. This is necessary for him to improve the upbringing of his child, teach him the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, and encourage him to have good morals.

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


He must keep his child away from bad people. The most important thing is that he pray to God so that his children will be righteous. A father should be an example to his children by doing good to his father and should respect them more than his own life. Only then will the child follow the path of his father, experience his influence and grow up in this state.

Relevance of the topic. Without paying due attention to the problem of preparing for family life before independence, schools and higher educational institutions are forced to prepare young men for family life, raise children in the future as fathers themselves, and create a healthy psychological environment in the family. The article covers many issues, such as the establishment of natural lifestyle.

The problem of preparing young men for family life in our republic was given comprehensive attention only in the years of independence, and schools, neighborhoods, educational institutions, public organizations paid attention to this with the responsibility of every citizen, and the problem of the family was raised to the level of state policy.

In the new conditions of modern civilization, the creation of a promising educational system capable of preparing young men for family life is one of the main problems of the present time. Education cannot guarantee a sufficiently high or even average level of spiritual and moral education, because education is, first of all, a person's behavior in his everyday life, as well as his personal qualities that characterize his attitude towards others. . The basis of education is respect and goodwill towards every person.

When analyzing the scientific literature, we see that the psychological aspects of the spiritual and moral education of a person by P.F. Kapterev, Sh. It is covered in detail in the works of I. Ganelin, N. A. Konstantinov, K. V. Elnitsky and others. As noted in the works of such famous researchers of moral education as O.S. Bogdanova, N.I. Boldyrev, D.M. Grishin, I.S. Marenko, young people often have unstable ideas about moral standards. These inconsistencies can often lead to ethical standards, non-compliance and even unethical behavior. It is dedicated to the work of such researchers as B. T. Bitinas, N. I. Monakhov, N. G. Golubev, with questions of diagnostics and development of criteria for the effectiveness of youth education.

The problem of interest to us in the field of psychology is considered in the works of some researchers, for example, L.I. Novikova and V.A.E. Bondarevskaya and. NOT. Shchurkova - personal and personal function of education and spiritual development of a person, Yu.V. S. Manuilova studies the relationship between the development of personality and the environment, S.Ya. Yurkin deals with the issue of training and education in connection with work.

Purpose of the study.

The role of spiritual, moral and religious education in improving the psychological preparation of young men for family lifestudying the socio-psychological significance of preparing young men for family lifeon spiritual, moral and religious teachingsis to develop proposals and conclusions.

Formulation of the problem.The scientific and practical significance of the classification for improving the process of forming students' interest in national values has

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5 (1)


been determined, the factors ensuring its effectiveness have been comprehended from a scientific and theoretical point of view, and technologies for solving this problem have been proposed. The problem, developed effective methods, students and young men to family life This is explained by the use of increasing their quality and efficiency in teaching based on national values.

Object of study.20 young men from Gulistan State University participated in the field of physical education.

Subject of study.Rthe role of spiritual, moral and religious education in improving the psychological preparation of young men for family life, spiritual, moral and religious teachingsis to develop mechanisms for giving.

Most young people enter into family and marriage relationships shortly before or after graduation. Therefore, it is necessary at the university to develop more the family training of male students, to increase their spiritual, moral, economic, everyday, aesthetic, sexual and psychological preparedness. In fact, in higher education institutions you need to prepare for family life.

This damages the spiritual and moral environment of the family and the moral and ideological stability of society. After all, as the President noted, "a healthy environment in the family is the source of the formation of a healthy worldview. Ensuring the strength, well-being, mutual respect and harmony of every family in society is the basis for the implementation of the goals provided for in the national ideology." youth is being prepared for family life: family, neighborhood, medical institutions, higher educational institutions and their public organizations, samples of national significance and folklore, the media, radio and television, educational events,

In family pedagogy and pedagogical science, the upbringing of girls is mainly studied. Our observations have shown that little attention is paid to raising boys and preparing them for family life. Also, in the process of solving the problem of preparing for family life, it is very important to effectively use the necessary factors and means of educating both boys and girls. The role of the head of the family, i.e. the husband, is great in strengthening the family, material support, socio-pedagogical, spiritual support, as well as in raising children.

In order to prepare students for family life in higher educational institutions, during lectures on economics and practical classes, frugality, entrepreneurship, commerce, financial management of the family, proper management of the family, sex education, the rules of decency, pedagogy, spiritual and moral maturity are studied in hygiene classes , a sense of respect for a spouse, hard work, mental maturity in psychology classes, freshness, self-control in any situation without succumbing to excessive emotions, self-development and family development in social development in philosophy, it is necessary to understand the role and place and form such qualities. Preparing young men for family life on the basis of national values is one of the most pressing tasks in the modern era, when family and marriage issues are among the most important problems. Since young


people are on the verge of independent life, on the one hand, they must be ready for family life, and on the other hand, they act as specialists in preparing the younger generation for family life in educational institutions. When starting a family, a number of requirements are presented to young men, the most important of which are social, everyday, spiritual, spiritual and sexual readiness. In this area, sociologists, demographers, psychologists, teachers and scientists focus on preparing young people for family life in the following areas:

- compliance with the norms of moral formation or behavior;

- familiarity with the basics of marriage law;

- psychological preparation for starting a family;

- physiological and hygienic preparation;

- be armed with pedagogical knowledge.

Preparing schoolchildren for family life has its own characteristics, which include familiarity with family traditions, economic and everyday opportunities, the creation of a healthy psychological environment, the coordination of family responsibilities and tasks with the demands of society, and the ability to create a model of family life. future family, to develop skills and competencies to manage it.

Purpose of the studythe role of moral and religious education in improving the psychological preparation of young men for family lifestudying the socio-psychological significance of preparing young men for family lifeon spiritual, moral and religious teachingsconsists of developing proposals and comments.

The object of the study was 20 young students of Gulistan State University, Syrdarya region, in the direction of "Physical Education".The research used the methods of interviews, questionnaires, interviews, observations, and testing.

Conclusions and offers. To summarize, the effective use of all the above methods requires students to have comprehensive knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject. To do this, teachers need to establish strong relationships with pediatricians, gynecologists, venereologists, psychologists, sociologists, lawyers, demographers, philosophers, and employees of wedding houses.

We used national values to prepare students for family life and took as a basis the current issues highlighted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in improving the situation of the family in the modern era. The feeling of homeland enters into every person with mother's milk in this family, and is subsequently formed by traditions, profession, kindness and upbringing of parents.


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H Nishanbayeva Sevara Avazxanovna, tayanch doktorant [ Нишанбаева Севара Авазхановна, докторант], [Nishanbayeva Sevara Avazkhanovna, PhD student]; manzil: Sirdaryo viloyati, Guliston shahri, Bunyodkor, 146 [адрес: Сырдаринская область, г. Гулистан, ул. Бунёдкор д. 146.], [address: Bunyadkar street, 146, Gulistan city, Sirdarya region]; E-mail: sevara.axmetova1979@gmail.com

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