Original peper
© A.O. Axmedov1^_
1Buxoro Davlat universiteti, Buxoro, O'zbekiston
Maqolada qayta tiklanadigan energetikani joriy etish, resurslarni barqaror boshqarish, yopiq sikl iqtisodiyoti amaliyoti va yashil tashabbuslarni ilgari surishda texnologiyaning roli kabi turli aspektlar ko'rib chiqilgan. Maqolada muvozanatli iqtisodiy rivojlanish va atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish muhimligi ta'kidlangan, shuningdek, turli sohalardagi amaliy tadqiqotlar va muvaffaqiyatli misollar ko'rsatilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: yashil iqtisodiyot, globallashuv, istiqbollar, tamoyillar, jamiyat rivojlanishi.
Iqtibos uchun: Axmedov A.O. Yashil iqtisodiyot fanini o'qitish kontekstida yashil iqtisodiyotning zamonaviy amaliyotlari va texnologiyalarini tahlil qilish. // Inter education
& global study. 2024. № 3(2). B. 96-104.
© A.O. Ахмедов1 н
1 Бухарский государственный университет, Бухара,Узбекистан_
ВВЕДЕНИЕ: в статье рассматриваются различные аспекты, такие как внедрение возобновляемых источников энергии, устойчивое управление ресурсами, практика экономики замкнутого цикла и роль технологий в продвижении зеленых инициатив. В статье подчеркивается важность сбалансированного экономического развития и охраны окружающей среды, а также демонстрируются тематические исследования и успешные примеры из различных секторов.
Ключевые слова: зелёная экономика, глобализация, перспективы, принципы, развитие общества.
Для цитирования: Ахмедов A.O. Анализ современных практик и технологий зелёной экономики в контексте преподавания предмета зелёная экономика. // Inter education & global study. 2024. № 3(2). С. 96-104.
© Azimjon O.Akhmedov1®
1Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan_
The article examines various aspects such as introducing renewable energy sources, sustainable resource management, closed-loop economics practice, and technology's role in promoting green initiatives. It highlights the importance of balancing economic development and environmental protection and demonstrates case studies and successful examples from various sectors.
Key words: green economy, globalization, prospects, principles, development of society.
For citation: Azimjon O. Akhmedov. (2024) 'Analysis of modern practices and technologies of the green economy in the context of teaching the subjectof green economics', Inter education & global study, (3(2)), pp. 96-104. (In Inglish).
ITRODUCTION: Modern Uzbekistan is moving towards sustainable development through the promotion of "green" economy approaches, which is a national priority in both the medium and long-term plans of the country. The concept of a "green" economy is a model that leads to an improvement in the health and social justice of the population, as well as to a significant reduction in dangerous environmental impacts and a reduction in environmental scarcity. Thus, the "green" economy in its simplest form can be considered a low-carbon, resource-saving, and socially inclusive economic model. The concept of a "green" economy does not replace the concept of sustainable development, but there is widespread recognition that achieving sustainability is almost entirely based on obtaining economic law.
Over the past 4 years, Uzbekistan has developed, adopted, and implemented various strategies and measures to support climate change mitigation and adaptation. One of the distinguishing features of this reform process was its adoption in October 2019. Strategies for the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a "green" economy for the period 20192030, aimed at fulfilling obligations under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) The United Nations (UN) under the Paris Agreement, ratified by Uzbekistan in 2018, as well as the implementation of the Strategy/Action programs on five priority areas of development for the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period 2017-2021.
The strategy for the transition to a green economy sets specific goals for reducing emissions by increasing energy efficiency, expanding the use of renewable energy sources, increasing resource efficiency and productivity while ensuring a neutral balance of land degradation. Uzbekistan also once again drew attention to solving the problems of the Aral Sea region, striving to turn it into a "zone of environmental innovation and technology." The
strategy can only strengthen this ambition, ultimately contributing to the fact that climate change does not impose restrictions on future growth prospects, does not undermine the country's poverty reduction achievements and does not adversely affect food security, especially in vulnerable rural areas.A green economy is an economy aimed at reducing environmental risks and environmental scarcity, as well as sustainable development without harming the environment. It is closely related to environmental economics, but has a more applied political orientation. The UNEP Green Economy report argues that "to be green, the economy must be not only efficient, but also fair. Equity implies the recognition of aspects of equality at the global and country levels, especially in ensuring a fair transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive economy. This type of economy is a direction in economics in which it is believed that the economy is a dependent component of the natural environment within which it exists and is a part of it; it is aimed at preserving the well-being of society through the effective use of natural resources, as well as the return of end-use products to the production cycle markets and industries, and the results of progress can be measured at both the micro and macro levels. It promotes international cooperation and distributes international responsibilities, as well as obliges everyone to comply with international human rights standards and environmental agreements.
MAIN PART: it is undeniable that our planet is currently facing several environmental problems that can have a serious impact on the future of humanity. However, we can contribute to promoting sustainable growth by providing information and guidance to policymakers, businesses, and individuals. Let's look at some ideas on how to do this.
1. Education and awareness.
It is important to provide policymakers, businesses, and individuals with reliable information on issues related to climate change, environmental pollution, and resource depletion. Educational programs and awareness-raising activities can be a powerful tool in combating these problems.
2. Development of environmental strategies.
Policy makers should develop and implement environmental strategies that will promote sustainable growth and conservation of natural resources. This may include creating laws and regulations, taking measures to reduce emissions of harmful substances and encouraging the use of renewable energy sources.
3. Responsibility of enterprises.
Enterprises have a huge impact on the environment. They should be responsible for their actions and take measures to reduce the negative impact on nature. This can be achieved through the introduction of environmental standards, the use of efficient technologies and the reduction of resource consumption.
4. Changing consumer behavior.
Individuals can also play an important role in preserving the planet for future generations by changing their consumer behavior. We can give preference to
environmentally friendly products, reduce energy and water consumption, and participate in waste recycling.
Promoting sustainable growth and preserving the planet for future generations is a challenge facing all of us. Information and recommendations provided to policy makers, businesses and individuals can be a powerful tool in achieving this goal.
Balanced economic development and environmental protection play a key role in ensuring a sustainable future for our planet and humanity as a whole. These two aspects are interrelated and interdependent, and their importance is becoming increasingly apparent in the modern world.
The first thing to note is that economic development should not take place at the expense of the destruction of nature and the depletion of resources. Instead, it is necessary to strive for a development model that considers the needs of the current generation without compromising the opportunities of future generations. This means a transition to an economy based on the use of renewable energy sources, efficient resource management and the adoption of circular production models.
The introduction of renewable energy sources is one of the main directions that the world is moving towards today to reduce the negative impact on the environment and transition to sustainable development. The abandonment of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, and the transition to green sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, and others are becoming increasingly urgent issues in modern society.
The introduction of renewable energy sources has several advantages. First of all, such energy sources are not exhausted and do not pollute the environment with greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, they allow regions to be more energy-independent, as they do not require the import of fossil fuels.
However, successful implementation of renewable energy sources requires sustainable resource management. This includes proper planning and monitoring of resource use, as well as efficient recycling and disposal of waste. Indeed, to ensure sustainable growth and environmental conservation, it is necessary to handle resources responsibly, reducing their consumption and moving to a closed-loop economy.
The practice of closed-loop economics is based on the transition from a linear consumption-emissions-shedding model to a model in which all resources are used as efficiently as possible and after use are recycled and returned to production. This model allows you to minimize the consumption of new resources and reduce the amount of waste, which has a positive effect on the environment.
Technology plays an important role in this process. The development of new technologies contributes to improving the efficiency of renewable energy sources, the development of new waste recycling methods, and the creation of innovative solutions for the closed-loop economy. Technological progress helps accelerate the transition to green initiatives and makes them more accessible to society.
Thus, the introduction of renewable energy sources, sustainable resource management, the practice of closed-loop economics, and the role of technology are important components of green initiatives. They make it possible not only to reduce the negative impact on the environment but also to create a more sustainable and favorable economic and social environment for future generations.
To demonstrate the importance of balanced economic development and environmental protection, a number of case studies and successful examples from various sectors can be consulted. For example, research shows that companies investing in environmentally friendly technologies and processes not only improve their environmental reputation, but also gain economic benefits by reducing energy and resource costs.
In the agricultural sector, the use of sustainable methods and organic farming not only contribute to the preservation of soil fertility, but also reduce the negative environmental impact from the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
It is also worth mentioning successful examples of urban planning, where attention is paid to the creation of green areas, improving public transport and the introduction of energy-efficient technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
These and many other studies and examples show that balanced economic development and environmental protection are not only possible, but also necessary to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all of us.
A feature that distinguishes it from previous economic regimes is the direct assessment of natural capital and environmental services as having economic value and a full cost accounting regime in which costs transferred to society through ecosystems are reliably tracked and accounted for as liabilities of the entity that harms the asset or neglects him.
The practice of using green stickers and eco-labeling has become an indicator of respect for the environment and sustainable development for consumers. Many industries are beginning to implement these standards as a way to promote their greening practices in a globalized economy. These standards, also known as sustainability standards, are special rules that ensure that products purchased do not harm the environment and the people who produce them. Recently, the number of these standards has increased, and now they can help build a new, more environmentally friendly economy. They focus in particular on economic sectors such as forestry, farming, mining or fishing; pay special attention to environmental factors such as protecting water sources and biodiversity or reducing greenhouse gas emissions; support social protection and workers' rights; and pay special attention to specific aspects of production processes.
Besides there are some principles that clarify the importance of a green economy such as the principle of flexibility, the principle of efficiency and sufficiency, the principle of generation.
The principle of flexibility. The green economy contributes to the development of social protection and environmental protection systems, promotes preparedness for extreme events and climate disasters, as well as adaptation to them. The green economy model can adapt to the different cultural, social and environmental characteristics of any country.
The principle of efficiency and sufficiency. The green economy implements the principle of "polluter pays" and strives for zero emissions, zero costs, resource efficiency and optimal use of water. It promotes social, economic and environmental innovation.
The principle of generations. The green economy invests in the present and the future. It ensures intergenerational equity, contributes to the conservation of resources and the quality of life in the long term, regulates and influences the financial sector to invest in green technologies and sectors of the economy, and ensures a stable global monetary system.
Although the basic principles have been mentioned, this type of economy concept could not agree with the concept of another economy.
The need to move to the concept of sustainable development and "greening" is due to the negative consequences of the functioning of the current "brown" economy, which exploits natural capital and poses a threat to both current and future generations. The prospects
Let's highlight some perspectives that can be used by states to "green up" the economy: support in the form of subsidies and reduced tax rates, tax holidays for new "green" enterprises; financial support for priority industries in the form of equity participation in the authorized capital; control over the activities of "green" enterprises at all stages of production; emissions trading; replacement of mentally and physically worn-out equipment; creation of waste disposal and recycling programs; allocation of a larger number of state educational grants in the field of environmentally friendly technologies.
The "green" economy, we believe, has significant multiplicative and anti-crisis potential, since: it allows to ensure comparable growth rates and employment levels, to mitigate unemployment; stimulates the activity of related (related and supportive) industries, the creation and implementation of high "green" technologies; helps to increase the overall competitiveness of the economy (for example, the 3R public-private partnership program in Japan (3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) are applicable primarily to the organization of waste recycling and reduction of its volumes; they are the most important prerequisite for creating a "clean city").
The Green economy is a "natural news" for our enviroment as it is anticipated to have several improvements and, in fact, some obvious advantages are cited below.
1. Sufficient environmental sustainability due to the state of ecosystems and the preservation of extensive environmental management over significant areas (exceeding the bio-intensity of the territory over the ecological footprint;
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2. Moderate environmental impact on public health (air quality (PM2.5, NO2, etc.), satisfactory provision of drinking water and sewerage).
3. Moderate water stress.
4. The ability to implement adaptation measures to climatic conditions
5. changes.
6. Public participation in environmental decision-making, disclosure of environmental information.
Also, reusing is profitable. The idea of a waste-free economy turns a consumer of any level into a user. When the service life of the product has ended, it is not thrown away, as prescribed by the consumer economy, but returned to the manufacturer, who can create a new product based on it, using old materials. Turning waste into resources turns out to be more beneficial for both society and business. They are familiar with the concept of a waste-free (circular) economy, 30% of them confirmed that they have "circular" strategies, and 75% said that they plan to introduce waste-free economics methods into companies' business processes. At the same time, the survey showed that large companies lack both technologies and partners who share eco-principles to implement environmental initiatives. However, today there are companies in the world that offer B2B services based on the principles of sharing and reuse. For example, the company SNS, which provides a pallet pooling service. The essence of the service is that manufacturers and suppliers rent the number of high-quality pallets they need, but at the same time, the SNS company is engaged in collecting the vacated containers, repairing them and returning them to circulation for reuse.
Reduction of the tax burden. As it is known, manufacturers and importers of goods are obliged to ensure the disposal of waste from the use of goods according to the disposal standards established by some governments of the world. In case of non-compliance with the regulations, an environmental fee is charged. From year to year, the list of goods and packaging to be disposed of is expanding, and the rates of environmental collection are increasing. Moreover, Ministry of Finance of countries proposes to replace environmental and recycling fees with an environmental tax, which will automatically entail tougher liability for non-payment. New packaging schemes can help reduce the risk of cost increases in this area. For example, the already mentioned pooling allows you not to buy pallets, but to rent them, reducing the cost of recycling containers.
Sustainable business processes help attract investors to companies that demonstrate commitment to a "green policy" and can issue green bonds. The funds obtained with their help can be used, for example, to switch to the use of renewable energy sources, reduce harmful emissions, and introduce the best available technologies. To become an issuer of green bonds, it is important for companies to show their commitment to eco-principles, in particular, for example, to work with "eco-friendly" partners. Such a partner can be the pooling operator SNS, which is among the top two companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) in the category of commercial services and supplies. By placing
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green bonds, companies receive benefits from the state in paying taxes, compensation for the costs of preparing the issue, and subsidies. Plus, in this way companies can expand the circle of investors and raise capital on more favorable terms. The implementation of the principles of sustainable development is an important item on the agenda of all large FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) companies. Pallet pooling is a service that exists in some companies and such service allows not only to save finances and operational resources, but also to reduce the harmful impact on the environment, reduce waste and emissions, ease the tax burden and open up new business opportunities for a company.
But it's not just about reducing the ecological footprint. In addition to reducing the cost of paying environmental fees, such a scheme of work allows companies to reduce operating costs. According to some facts, renting pallets is 17-30% cheaper than buying them. Manufacturers do not need to keep a stock of pallets in stock, deal with their storage, inspection, repair, and return from retailers. Retailers get rid of the need to collect, sort pallets, and return them to suppliers. For example, such a large retail chain as Magnit returns 35 thousand pallets daily to 100 contractors, with each of whom it is necessary to conduct appropriate communication. Switching to pallet handling through a puddling operator allows pellets to be shipped on schedule to just one partner. This significantly reduces labor costs and is much more efficient.
CONCLUSIONS: the discussion in the scientific community about which factors lead to an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and what is the contribution of each of them continues, the anthropogenic nature of global changes themselves - climate change is by no means the only scientifically sound theory.
There are relevant examples where individual countries have successfully used the global environmental initiative and multinational corporations in their interests as a competitive tool.
There are good reasons to believe that the modern environmental agenda is also being used as an instrument of global competition.
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Axmedov Azimjon Olimjonovich, o'qituvchi [Ахмедов Азимжон Олимжонович,
преподаватель], [Azimjon O. Akhmedov, Lecturer]; manzil: O'zbekiston, Buxoro M.Iqbol 11 [адрес: Узбекистан, Бухарская М.Икбол 11], [address: Uzbekistan, Bukhara M.Iqbol 11]; E-mail: [email protected]