Научная статья на тему 'Wordplay as characteristic feature of Terry Pratchett’s novels'

Wordplay as characteristic feature of Terry Pratchett’s novels Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Абакумова И. А., Расюк Д. А.

The article is devoted to analysis of one of the most interesting stylistic devices wordplay. It deals with novels written by one of the masters of contemporary literature Sir Terry Pratchett. We have investigated types of wordplays which he frequently used in his books. The results of our study suggest that wordplay represents the reflection of culture. To understand such a phenomenon as British humour, one should have an idea of British mass culture and literature.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Wordplay as characteristic feature of Terry Pratchett’s novels»




И.А. Абакумова

К.п.н., доцент кафедры межкультурной коммуникации и методики преподавания иностранных языков ЮФУ Г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация

Д.А. Расюк Студентка 4 курса

Институт Филологии, Журналистики и Межкультурной Коммуникации

Южный федеральный университет Г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация



The article is devoted to analysis of one of the most interesting stylistic devices - wordplay. It deals with novels written by one of the masters of contemporary literature Sir Terry Pratchett. We have investigated types of wordplays which he frequently used in his books. The results of our study suggest that wordplay represents the reflection of culture. To understand such a phenomenon as British humour, one should have an idea of British mass culture and literature.

Key words

stylistic devices, wordplay, pun, play on words

Humour is a universal phenomenon, which can be found in every culture all over the world. Thought humour is presented in all cultures, the content can vary, and that difference in the very content of the joke represents the reflection of culture.

British humour is worldwide known, and has been distinguished as a self-contained term for its specific features. The diversity of types seems to be endless, all types of jokes are used and there seems to be no taboo subject. But another feature of British people can be found in jokes, too - their great love of the language. English with all its ambiguity, polysemy and homonymy is a great basis for linguistic jokes, especially wordplays or puns.

There is no unanimity among linguists. Many scholars treat wordplay and pun as full synonyms (T. F. Efremova, V.I. Dal, Y.M. Skrebnev, Y.S. Maslov, D. Delabastita, H. Gottlieb, W. Redfern). The same idea is represented by The Oxford English Dictionary and The Webster's Dictionary. But some scholars (J. Pollack, P. Hammond, P. Hughes) still think that pun should be distinguished as a separate term, pointing out that puns mostly occur because of similar sounding of two etymologically different words, while wordplay depends on multiple meaning of one word.

Having studied all opinions on this subject, we will hold to idea delivered by S.I. Vlahov and S.P. Florin that puns are a subcategory of a more general term - wordplay.

Having thought over definitions and categories stated by different linguists we can come to a conclusion that wordplay is a literary technique which intentionally uses a word for amusement or humour. Wordplay can be based on homonymy or polysemy of words and also includes such stylistic devices as puns, spoonerisms, chiasmus, wellerisms, story puns and telling characters names.

As we have already mentioned, English language is abundant with wordplays. British authors are acknowledged masters of wordplay usage in their works. One of these masters of contemporary literature is considered to be Sir Terry Pratchett. Having read some of his novels we found some types of wordplays which he frequently used:

a) play on words based on homonymy,

b) play on words based on polysemy,

c) "wrecking" or rethinking of the phrasal verbs, set expression or idiom,

d) telling character name,

e) pun-allusion,


Let's look at these wordplays in detail, using examples from such Terry Pratchett's novels as "Hogfather", "Mort", "Good Omens" and "Soul Music".

a) "There was always something that needed transferring from A to B or, of course, to the bottom of the C." [1, p46]

In the extract the author tells us about thieves and murderers who treated themselves like persons who did not rob or kill people but simply moved them. And wordplay occurs due to the homonymy of letter C (which denotes the position of something) and word "sea".

b) "The great rivers were represented by veins of jade, the deserts by powdered diamond and the most notable cities were picked out in precious stones; Ankh-Morpork, for instance, was a carbuncle." [2, p. 246]

In that example the play on words is expressed through the multiple meaning on the word "carbuncle". According to the context of the sentence the meaning "bright red gem" is used, but knowing the characteristic features of this city (not a very pleasant one to live in due to thieves, assassins, bad environment) another meaning "painful inflammation of the skin with multiple openings" is also meant as a metaphor.

c) "Right. It'd be a real feather in your wing." Crowley gave the angel an encouraging smile. [3, p. 58] There is an idiomatic phrase "a feather in somebody's cap" in English, which means an achievement that you

can be proud of. In the text this phrase is said to an angel, so the author wrecks the idiom and adapts it to the angel changing "cap" into "wing".

d) WHAT IS YOUR NAME? 'Mortimer ... sir. They call me Mort.' WHAT A COINCIDENCE [2, p.21]

In the novel "Mort" Death is looking for an apprentice, he meets a boy on the hiring fair. The boy's name is Mort. This name is actually a talking character name, which is an old word for "death".

e) "No, er, not in pain, er, I wouldn't say that," said the Lecturer in Recent Runes, beginning to go red, "but, er, when the young man was waggling his hips like that-"

"He definitely looks elvish to me," said Ridcully. [4, p. 228]

The novel "Soul Music" by Terry Pratchett is abundant with pun-allusions which are references to rock music. In that example the word "elvish" is a race name, but in the book we understand that this is a homophonic pun referring to Elvis Presley. In that particular extract it's underlined by mentioning a special way of moving hips, which is rather distinguished characteristic of Elvis.

f) Soon it will start to see pink people. [2, p. 282]

Most story puns involve a setup narrative whose punch lines are a punning adaptation of common proverb or saying. [5, p. 19] The extract from the novel tells us about an elephant who is going to be used as a sacrificial victim. And during pre-ceremonial confusion it drinks a gallon of strong wine. So very slowly it becomes drunk and "starts to see pink people". This phrase is a punning adaptation for an elephant of the English idiom "to see pink elephants" meaning delirium tremens.

Having observed these types of wordplay, we have come to a conclusion that if one wants to understand such a phenomenon as British humour, one must study not only language but should also have an idea about British traditions, customs, mass culture and literature. Literature

1. T. Pratchett. Hogfather. London: Corgi Books, 2006. - 445 p.

2. T. Pratchett. Mort. London: Corgi Books, 2004. - 317 p.

3. T. Pratchett, N. Gaiman. Good Omens. New York: HarperTorch, 2006. - 413 p.

4. T. Pratchett. Soul Music. London: Corgi Books, 2004. - 378 p.

5. J. Pollack. The Pun Also Rises. New York: Gotham Books, 2011. - 240 p.

© И.А. Абакумова, Д.А. Расюк, 2015



магистр пед. наук, ст.преподаватель кафедры Государственных и иностранных языков Алматинский технологический университет Г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан [email protected]



Статья посвящена вопросам терминологической лексики в области вычислительной техники. Данная тема актуальна, поскольку интенсивный рост социальной значимости вычислительной техники в эпоху развития информационных технологий способствует в русском языке к образованию и обогащению новой терминологической лексики.

Ключевые слова

Термины, терминология, терминологическая лексика, вычислительная техника,

информационная технология XXI век - это век информационных технологий и развития Интернета. Информация сегодня становится основным стратегическим ресурсом развития современного образования. В действительности, неиссякаемый поток новейшей информации, особенно на русском языке, требует идти в ногу со временем. Это поиск новых информационных подходов, постоянное обновление в системе образования. Использование в образовании интернет-ресурсов понимается как процесс, направленный на повышение качества образования, проведение разработок и исследований, сопровождение, внедрение и развитие, замену традиционных информационных технологий на более современные, эффективные деятельности.

В современном обществе вычислительная техника является неотъемлемой частью любой современной науки и техники и роль ее для развития различных отраслей знаний несомненно велика. Интенсивный рост социальной значимости вычислительной техники в эпоху научно-технической революции способствует в русском языке к образованию и обогащению новой терминологической лексики. Источником пополнения терминов являются новые заимствованные слова из других языков. Заимствование новых слов считается закономерным для любого языка, например, computer - компьютер, innovation -инновация и т.д. Заимствование - это слово или термин, который переходит в другой язык со своим понятием или используется для терминирования того же понятия.

Таким образом, терминология пополняется новыми заимствованными словами, многие из которых стали интернационализмами. Под терминологией понимается «совокупность, система терминов» [1, с. 793]. Терминологическая лексика дает возможность наиболее точно, четко и экономно излагать содержание данного предмета и обеспечивает правильное понимание существа трактуемого вопроса. В специальной литературе термины несут основную семантическую нагрузку, занимая главное место среди прочих общелитературных и служебных слов.

Термин - слово или словосочетание название определяемого понятия какой-нибудь специальной области науки, техники, искусства».[1, с. 793]

Слова-термины часто искусственно созданы с использованием латинских и греческих корней и отличаются от «обычных» слов языка тем, что они, в идеале, однозначны в данной терминологии и не имеют синонимов, то есть каждому термину должен соответствовать только один объект данной науки. Каждое слово-термин имеет строгое определение, зафиксированное в специальных научных исследованиях или терминологических словарях. Различают термины общепонятные и узкоспециальные. Значение общепонятных терминов известно и неспециалисту, что обычно связано с изучением основ разных наук и с частым их употреблением в быту (например, медицинская терминология) и в СМИ (политическая, экономическая терминология). Узкоспециальные термины понятны только специалистам. Приведем примеры терминов разного типа:

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