Научная статья на тему 'Ways of development of military-physical training in Azerbaijan during the period of independence'

Ways of development of military-physical training in Azerbaijan during the period of independence Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Jihad Dengiz Mehmet

The position of National leader Heydar Aliyev to sport on military-physical training in the country after his return to the power is given in this article. The development of military-physical training during this period as one of the directions of state policy is reflected in the given article. The recognition of independent Azerbaijan in international arena as a sport country and participation in Olympic movement are widely analyzed here. It was also stated in this article that even after his election as a president Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who always cared physical-moral health of Azerbaijan people, continued to keep under attention the implementation of the complex measures in the field of development of military-physical training and always tried to increase the sport image of our republic. There was also shown the government care paid to the military-physical training strengthening of the material and technical basis corresponding to the economic development of our country and increasing financial opportunities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ways of development of military-physical training in Azerbaijan during the period of independence»

Д.М. Джихад


педагогические науки

УДК 37.037.1



Д.М. Джихад, докторант

Кавказский университет, Баку (Азербайджан)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается политика общенационального лидера Гейдара Алиева в стране в отношении спорта в рамках военно-физической подготовки, после его возвращения к власти. Здесь анализирован ход развития военно-физической подготовки в этот период, в качестве одного из направлений государственной политики. Здесь также проанализированы вопросы признания независимого Азербайджана на международной арене в качестве спортивной страны и широкого участия страны в олимпийском движении. В данной статье также подчеркивается, что и после избрания на пост президента И.Алиева правительство продолжает держать в центре своего внимания вопросы осуществления комплексных мер в области развития военно-физической культуры, заботу о физическом и нравственном здоровье азербайджанского народа, о росте спортивного имиджа нашей республики. Правительство оказывает внимание укреплению материально-технической базы спортивной сферы, соответствующему экономическому развитию нашей страны и увеличению финансовых возможностей для военно-физической подготовки.

Ключевые слова: образование, военно-физическое воспитание, педагогика, знание, умения и привычки, физическое воспитание, виды спорта, материально-техническая база.

After the restoration period of independence in Azerbaijan, military-physical training system was entirely out of attention like the whole other spheres. Such a miserable situation in the country influenced unhealthy lifestyle of the youth, partiality for bad habits. National leader Heydar Aliyev expressing his position towards the situation arisen in military- physical training system during those years has said: "... During 1990-1993 years in Azerbaijan material and technical basis of sports on military-physical training had been destroyed. The biggest stadium of Azerbaijan was in a bad position. There were opened numerous bazaars, markets by separate people, and the stadium became kebab house. Be sure that the most things had been destroyed in Azerbaijan when I got to know about this issue. But I was mostly shocked by demolish of this stadium which was very important for Azerbaijan youth and sport " [1].

Attitude to the sports on the military-physical training in the country has been radically changed after return of the national leader Heydar Aliyev to power at urgent insistence of the people. The development of military-physical training became one of the directions of the state policy and laid down the foundation of the development in this sphere. Independent Azerbaijan was recognized as a sport country in the international arena and entered Olympic movement. There were defined the future priorities for the liquidation of the problems in sport, improvement of well-being of the sportsmen, stimulation of them for future victories, and establishment of new sport complexes in the country.

Heydar Aliyev considered the military-physical training development to be the triumph of international prestige and position of the state along with the embodiment of great ideas of each civilized nation. National leader underlining the exceptional role of sport in recognition of our country in the world and strengthening of its image used to say: "Sport and physical culture is important social sphere bound with the health of the people. The flag of Azerbaijan could be raised twice in the world. It happens when the state leader of Azerbaijan visits any of the countries and when our sportsmen win the name of champions participating at the international contests. The hymn of Azerbaijan is sounded and the state flag is raised" [2].

The policy implemented by National leader Heydar Aliyev in the field of military-physical training had entered a new stage since 1997. The election of Mr. Ilham Aliyev being successful in any field that managed as a president of National Olympic Committee became an important and portentous event in sport life of Azerbaijan2. This historical choice provided the rapid implementation of the ideas of National leader Heydar Aliyev bound with the development of sport in the republic, created tremendous opportunities in realization of the state policy held in sport sphere in a new situation. The steps made by Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the

development of sport and physical culture and in possessing equal rights of Azerbaijan in world sport family were accepted with consent by the whole sport society. The measures that have been carried out within a short period of time by Mr. Ilham Aliyev started to give its results. The attention was paid to the important issues in strengthening of material and technical basis of sport along with state care given to the sportsmen. Starting from 2000 there were started construction of Olympic sport complexes in modern style in different regions of Azerbaijan.

Mr. Ilham Aliyev doing his best for the physical-moral health of Azerbaijan people even after being elected as a president continued to paid attention to realization of complex measures for the development of military-physical training, tried always to raise the sport image of our republic. State care given to the military-physical training has been increased; serious works have started in the way of strengthening of material and technical basis corresponding to the economic development and increasing financial opportunities. The formation of infrastructure that would meet all modern requirements for going in for sports on military-physical training in all regions of Azerbaijan was estimated by state leader as one of the important tasks. And, of course, all these serve to train the young generation in a healthy spirit, to gain popularity of sports on military-physical training in our republic.

Successful results having gained in this sphere are the vital evidence of the right sport policy established in Azerbaijan. Numerous young sportsmen having left our republic during the first years of independence because of financial position came back to raise sports honor and tricolor national flag of Azerbaijan. The contests in international level started to be organized in our republic, and our sportsmen showed successful results on different kinds of sport having participated at European and World championships. Following of the contests, moral and material support, encouragement of our sportsmen by the state leader Ilham Aliyev should be accented as an important means.

Concern for the development of sport in our country is given not only to Olympic sports but to non-Olympic sports as well and state organs always finance the participation of the sportsmen going in for these sports at international contests, taking different measures to stimulate them for the future victories. As a result, Azerbaijan sportsmen achieved the highest results in power lifting, professional boxing, kickboxing, ultimate fighting and in other kinds of sport. President Ilham Aliyev has said: "Olympic and non-Olympic sports in Azerbaijan are of the same right. No discrimination exists in Azerbaijan and this policy has been carried out for years. We concern with the same attitude both sportsmen going in for Olympic or non-Olympic sports and this is the only way to be done, because each sportsman at

педагогические науки

Д.М. Джихад


the international contests represents Azerbaijan and raises its fame" [3].

Dynamic development of Azerbaijan runs simultaneously with sport development. The medals won, construction of sport complexes, strengthening of Azerbaijan's authority in the international arena as a sport country make a unity and are the basis of our successes in sport sphere. Our sportsmen are sure that social, political and cultural line of the president Ilham Aliyev serving the development of our country would give tremendous push to the development of our sport. The successes always achieved by our sportsmen at the international contests and raising our flag give honor to our country.

Today Azerbaijan Republic lives honorable, advanced, developed and prosperity period of its history. Strategy of varied policy carried out based on national interests of our National leader Heydar Aliyev, today is continued confidently by the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Naturally, military-physical training system is not out of attention and care.


1. Abiyev A,G., Gurbanov H.H., Ramazanov A.X. Theoretical basis of organization of physical preparation in the army. "Adiloglu" LLC. Baku: 2004, 248 p.

2. Instruction on physical preparation and sport of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, 2000. 20 p.

3. Ahmadov S., Jafarova E. Weapons of the middle Ages of Azerbaijan. Baku: Elm, 2005, 154 p.

4. Aliyev V.H. Monuments of the Bronze Age of Shahtakht. Azerbaijan SSR, AS News. History, philosophy, law series, Baku: 1994, № 4

5. Forum is over... Forum is continued... Baku: Red Crescent, 1997, 25 p.

6. Ibrahimov N. Youth - the future of independent Azerbaijan. Baku: Azerbaijan, 1996, 8-11 p.


© 2015

D.M. Jihad, doctoral student

Caucasus University, Baku (Azerbaijan)

Abstract. The position of National leader Heydar Aliyev to sport on military-physical training in the country after his return to the power is given in this article. The development of military-physical training during this period as one of the directions of state policy is reflected in the given article. The recognition of independent Azerbaijan in international arena as a sport country and participation in Olympic movement are widely analyzed here. It was also stated in this article that even after his election as a president Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who always cared physical-moral health of Azerbaijan people, continued to keep under attention the implementation of the complex measures in the field of development of military-physical training and always tried to increase the sport image of our republic. There was also shown the government care paid to the military-physical training strengthening of the material and technical basis corresponding to the economic development of our country and increasing financial opportunities.

Key words: education, military-physical training, pedagogics, knowledge, abilities and habits, physical training, kinds of sport, material-technical basis.

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