Научная статья на тему 'WAYS OF ACTIVATE AGRICULTURE'

WAYS OF ACTIVATE AGRICULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Rustamova Dilsabohon

The article discusses how innovative development can fundamentally change in agriculture as a solution to exist problems in agriculture, as well as move to a new stage in the development of agriculture and its infrastructure. Keywords: innovation, food security, system integration, agricultural infrastructu

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Текст научной работы на тему «WAYS OF ACTIVATE AGRICULTURE»

https://doi.org/10.29013/EJEMS -20-1-49-52

Rustamova Dilsabohon, PhD, Andijan branch of Tashkent state Agrarian Universityy Department of Agribusiness and Investment Activities

E-mail: dilbo@mail.ru


Abstract. The article discusses how innovative development can fundamentally change in agriculture as a solution to exist problems in agriculture, as well as move to a new stage in the development of agriculture and its infrastructure.

Keywords: innovation, food security, system integration, agricultural infrastructure, innovative development, innovative model.

Introduction. In the context of global integra- Sustainable Development Goals 2030". Decree "On

tion, ensuring food security of the country requires the sector's adaptation to the changing environment, its impact on various innovations and scientific and technological development based on sustainable agricultural development. In many developed countries, the modern stage of agricultural development is the transition to an innovative model that provides a systematic integration of the agrarian and scientific-technical sectors to increase its effectiveness. In particular, "there is an urgent need to create "smart agriculture" to optimize production and distribution systems and to introduce new business models that will enable the efficient use of land, energy and other natural resources, while focusing on the needs of the world's poor" [1].

By 2050, world population will reach 9.7 billion The global human population represents a global problem. These problems pose a serious threat to the right to adequate nutrition and the basic right of everyone to be free from hunger. Feeding the growing population and achieving the goals of sustainable development requires agricultural producers to produce more food. In this regard, innovation is about reforming the food system, saving family farmers from poverty, food security, sustainable agriculture, and the "Changing the World: September 25, 2015," adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

Approval of the Innovation Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2021", dated May 7, 2018, PK-3698 No. 2460 "On Measures for Further Reform and Development of Agriculture in 2016-2020", as of May 29, 2018, No. PK-3751 "Mechanization and Service Providers for Agricultural Products" This research will serve to some extent in fulfilling the objectives set out in the Decree "On Additional Measures for Improving Dental Efficiency" as well as other regulations related to this activity.

Literature Review on Literature Review. "Creating Innovative Places" (NESTA is the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts); Stabilizing production by introducing innovations in the agricultural sector and promoting integration between science and agricultural producers (CIRAD). Internal factors affecting the innovative potential of the European Union (ECIC), France, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, USA) are highlighted. Support for attracting investment in infrastructure, creating and developing agrarian infrastructure in agriculture (AIJF) to help farmers increase their output and promote their products on the market (Wageningen University and Reserch Center, Netherlands, Ghent University, Belgium) - Agricultural

Infrastructure and Jobs Fund, Australia, Victoria), introduction of agricultural biotechnology (Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, USA), agricultural engineering improvement of his horse (MKXA named after K. A. Timiryazev - Russian State Agrarian University, Russia).

Some scientific and theoretical and organizational and economic aspects of innovative development of various sectors of the economy, including agriculture, are provided by foreign economists: D. Aschauer, R. Wethersfield, I. R. Bright, A. Stow, L. I. Abalkin, I. Ansoff, P. Baranchev, I. K. Belyae-vsky, J. Bright, W. P. Krasovsky, K. R. Mackonel, L. Bru, M. Porter, Research of scientific works of IS Sandu, B. Santo, A. Smith, R. Taker, B. Twiss, R. A. Fatkhudinov, V. F. Fedorenko, M. Huchek, FK Shakirov, I. Schumpeter was made.

Some of these issues are from the economists of the Republic of Uzbekistan B. B. Berkinov, K. D. Mirzaev, Ch. Partially studied in scientific works of Choriev, R. H. Ergashev, SS Gulomov, A. M. Kodirov [2] and others.

Research Methodology. In Uzbekistan, too, much attention is paid to the provision of all the conditions for activating innovation processes in all sectors of the economy, including agriculture. Innovative development will allow solving existing problems in agriculture, as well as radically changing its appearance, and moving to a new stage in the development of agriculture and its infrastructure. In the context of modernization of the country, it is necessary to "restore the lost old varieties, rational and effective selection, wide introduction of scientific achievements and innovations in the field" [3] and "farmers who are well versed in modern technologies of production and innovation in agricultural technologies." water and air needed" [4]. At the same time, the methods and mechanisms of innovative infrastructure development must meet not only the modern market principles of the national economy, but also take into account the specifics of each region. In gen-

eral, a comprehensive review of innovation activities and processes in the agricultural infrastructure sector, critical review of the practice and innovative development of the agricultural infrastructure are becoming an objective necessity.

Investment and innovative development of agriculture is a wide-ranging process, using financial resources, attracting additional sources of financing, investing in new knowledge and ideas, applying new technologies, introducing services, and introducing new forms of infrastructure management. are closely related. This problem can be solved only when investment is compatible with innovation, and balanced development of investment and innovation processes.

This approach entails studying investment and innovation as a system, and its successful development and functioning is closely linked to the infrastructure and services provided by agriculture and the level of economic growth and sustainable development.

Analysis and results. According to the analysis, the amount of innovations in the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan is 0.00004% of the gross agricultural output, and this figure is even lower in the agricultural infrastructure sector, which is 20-25 times higher than in other developed countries. Expenditures on technological, marketing and organizational innovations in agriculture increased by 354 times in 2009-2018, while the share of innovation costs in gross agricultural output declined by 8.5 times. These funds are certainly not enough for innovative development of the industry.

The analysis of expenditures on self-employed research and development activities in the field of agricultural science, by regions, showed that the largest share was in Tashkent and Samarkand regions and in Tashkent city. In 2012-2018, the costs of fundamental research in the agricultural sector in the country increased by 135.7% and applied research by 120.4%.

By the specifics of the agrarian sector, the high risk is that the funds invested in the development of innovative entrepreneurship in agriculture may not be repaid, in which case the government guaran-

tees the use of various state-guaranteed investment projects in the event of ineffectiveness of innovative projects through the development of venture funds.

The introduction of a system of venture financing for innovative activities in the field of agriculture and service infrastructure requires state regulation, namely:

- Adequate development of infrastructure facilities that ensure effective cooperation between venture companies and entrepreneurs engaged in innovative activities in the agrarian sector;

- Development of market mechanisms for investment in low-risk, high-risk projects;

- Development of economic incentive mechanisms that can attract venture capital companies to finance innovative projects in the agricultural sector;

- Ensuring the freedom of those engaged in innovative entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector;

- Provision of highly qualified specialists for venture companies engaged in agrarian sector.

Organizational-economic mechanism of innovative development of agricultural services infrastructure is a set of forms, tools and management tools that promote innovation and innovative development in this area.

According to the experience of developed countries, not only farmers and farms, but also large agroholding companies, agro-clusters and agro-technology parks, which combine the relations of the state with scientific-research and processing business in accordance with market principles, business incubators.

In the innovative development of infrastructure services in the logistics system in agriculture, it is important to consider their activities and content critically. In particular, 38% of the country's 146,295 agricultural machinery is already in service, and "16,495 units of agricultural machinery are found to be deficient" [5], requiring improvements in logistics (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The proposed specialized technology center management structure [6]

It is advisable to establish technological centers specializing in innovative development of logistics system.

Specialized technology centers (based on public-private partnerships) will supply farms with the necessary agricultural machinery. It also includes departments for the repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery, special services for the introduction of advanced technologies and consulting services.

In these specialized technology centers, it is advisable to focus on creating a competitive environment between them to ensure the quality of service,

ie establishing several specialized technology centers in one area.

It should be noted that Uzbekistan has all the opportunities for the innovative development of the agricultural and service infrastructure. In particular, since 2000 the average growth rate of 32 farms has been 6%.

Sustainable development and competitiveness of the industry through broad introduction of innovative technologies into production, integration of science and production, enhancing domestic and export potential of the industry, deepening production diversification for the period of2019-2024. will be provided.


1. Global Innovation Index 2017: Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, USA and United Kingdom are leading // URL: https://www.wipo.int/pressroom/ru/articles/2017/article_0006.html

2. Address by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev to the Oliy Majlis // Public Speech, December 23, 2017.

3. Statement by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev to Parliament, December 29, 2018.

4. Mirziyoev Sh. M. Promoting the labor of agricultural workers, who are the creators of our daily lives, is our main task - to raise the industry to a new level // Word of the people, 10.12.2017.

5. Mirziyoev Sh. M. Promoting the labor of agricultural workers, who are the creators of our daily lives, is our main task - to raise the industry to a new level // Word of the people, 10.12.2017.

6. Khamraeva S. N. The role of infrastructure in the socio-economic development of agriculture in the context of anti-crisis measures // Regional features of mitigating the effects of the global financial and economic crisis in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference.- Termez, 2014.-P. 182-184.

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