WALTER SCOTT-A FOUNDER OF A GENRE OF A HISTORICAL NOVEL IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Walter Scott / historical novel / Ivanhoe / Anglo-Saxons / literature.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gulsanam Husan Kizi Ahrorova, Elvina Reshatovna Kenjali

Sir Walter Scott, the first great historical novelist and the founding father of the genre in English literature, revolutionised storytelling by blending history and fiction. This abstract discusses Scott's original historical tales, thorough research, excellent storytelling, and lasting effect on literature. Scott reinvented the genre by combining historical events, evocative descriptions, and complicated characters to bring the past to life. Through works like "Waverley," "Ivanhoe," and "Rob Roy," he inspired generations of authors to write about history. This abstract emphasises Scott's tremendous effect on English literature and his ability to explain the human experience through history, cementing his status as a literary light whose works continue to fascinate audiences worldwide. This study will use research, citations, and texts to discuss Walter Scott's theatrical works.

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Gulsanam Husan kizi Ahrorova

Student, Chirchik state pedagogical university

gulsanamahrorova25721 @gmail.com Scientific adviser: Elvina Reshatovna Kenjali EFL teacher, Chirchik state pedagogical university kenjelya18@gmail.com


Sir Walter Scott, the first great historical novelist and the founding father of the genre in English literature, revolutionised storytelling by blending history and fiction. This abstract discusses Scott's original historical tales, thorough research, excellent storytelling, and lasting effect on literature. Scott reinvented the genre by combining historical events, evocative descriptions, and complicated characters to bring the past to life. Through works like "Waverley," "Ivanhoe," and "Rob Roy," he inspired generations of authors to write about history. This abstract emphasises Scott's tremendous effect on English literature and his ability to explain the human experience through history, cementing his status as a literary light whose works continue to fascinate audiences worldwide. This study will use research, citations, and texts to discuss Walter Scott's theatrical works.

Keywords: Walter Scott, historical novel, Ivanhoe, Anglo-Saxons, literature.


Ser Valter Skott, birinchi buyuk tarixiy roman muallifi va ingliz adabiyotidagi janrning asoschisi, tarix va fantastikani uyg'unlashtirish orqali hikoya qilishda inqilob qildi. Ushbu abstrakt Skottning asl tarixiy ertaklari, chuqur izlanishlari, ajoyib hikoyalari va adabiyotga doimiy ta'sirini muhokama qiladi. Skott o'tmishni jonlantirish uchun tarixiy voqealar, hayajonli tasvirlar va murakkab personajlarni birlashtirib, janrni qayta kashf etdi. U "Veyverli", "Ayvanxo" va "Rob Roy" kabi asarlari orqali mualliflarning avlodlarini tarix haqida yozishga ilhomlantirdi. Ushbu abstrakt Skottning ingliz adabiyotiga ulkan ta'sirini va uning insoniyat tajribasini tarix orqali tushuntirish qobiliyatini ta'kidlab, uning asarlari butun dunyo bo'ylab tomoshabinlarni hayratda qoldiradigan adabiy nur sifatidagi maqomini mustahkamlaydi. Ushbu tadqiqot Uolter Skottning teatr asarlarini muhokama qilish uchun tadqiqot, iqtiboslar va matnlardan foydalanadi.

Kalit so'zlar: Valter Skott, tarixiy roman, Ivanhoe, Anglo-Saxons, adabiyot.


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Sir Walter Scott, a luminary of English literature, stands as a prominent figure whose innovative contributions solidified the historical novel genre as a distinctive and influential literary form. Renowned for his immersive storytelling, meticulous attention to historical detail, and profound characterizations, Scott reshaped the literary landscape by weaving the tapestries of history into the fabric of fiction. Sir Walter Scott is not only remembered as a prominent storyteller of the 18th-century literary movement but also as a significant figure in shaping modern English literature. He revolutionized the notion that literature should be accessible to the public, challenging the exclusivity that had previously characterized literary circles. Before Scott's time, English literature was largely confined to a narrow audience of patrons and critics, primarily focused on rational romanticism centered around a few individuals and often culminating in emotionally satisfying conclusions.Scott broke away from these conventions, opening up literature to a wider readership and democratizing literary consumption.Sir Walter Scott's impact was profound, marking a shift towards a more inclusive and popular literary culture that resonated with diverse audiences and helped establish romantic poetry as a widely beloved genre across society.This article delves into Scott's pioneering role in establishing the historical novel genre, exploring his transformative impact on literature and his enduring legacy as a trailblazer who brought the past to life through the power of narrative.


Scott is credited with creating the historical novel in English and Scottish history and literature. The historical novel is a genre of literature that combines compelling narratives with authentic human emotions set against a backdrop of specific historical contexts. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), considered the pioneer of this genre, had a profound influence on Romantic Europe. His debut novel, "Waverley" (1814), ignited a lasting fascination for historical fiction among both readers and writers. Scott's significant contribution was in reshaping the perception of history from a mere catalogue of political and religious occurrences to a tapestry woven by human choices and actions.

Literary critics divide Scott's works into three groups:

The first group of novels are those devoted to Scottish history: "Waverley, or "Tis Sixty Years Since" (1814), "Guy Mannering, or the Astrologer"(1815) , "The Autiquary" (1816), "Black Dwarf (1816), "Old Mortality"(1816) , "Rob Roy" (1817), "The heart of Midlothean" (1818), "The Bride of Lammermoor" (1819), "A legend of Montrose" (1819), "Redgauntlet" (1824), "The fair Maid of Perth" (1828).

April 23-24, 2024


The second group of novels refers to English history: "Ivanhoe" (1819), the best of this series; "The Monastery" (1820), "The Abbot" (1820), "Kenilworth"

(1821), "The Pirate" (1822), "The Fortunes of Nigel" (1822), "Peveril of the peak"

(1822), "Woodstock" (1826).

The third group comprises novels based on the history of the Europe: "Quentin Durward" (1823), "The Talisman" (1825), "Count Robert of Paris" (1832), "Anne of Geierstein" (1829), "Castle Dangerous" (1832).

In "Ivanhoe," Sir Walter Scott achieved a groundbreaking fusion of romanticism and realism, seamlessly blending 18th-century romance with authentic depictions of the era. This novel marked a unique convergence of historical context and literary creation, setting a new standard for combining 18th-century manners within a historical framework. Like many of Scott's works, "Ivanhoe" is a historical romance set in the Middle Ages, employing simile and allegory to shed light on contemporary issues through parallel debates from the past.

Scott's approach to historical romance involved intertwining factual history with imaginative storytelling, using fictional elements to evoke the thoughts and emotions of people from distant eras. Scholars such as John Henry Newman recognized Scott's ability to steer attention towards the Middle Ages, while figures like Carlyle and Ruskin acknowledged his influence in reviving interest in that era, particularly through the publication of "Ivanhoe." Scott's method of blending historical sources with literary imagination was a departure from his contemporaries, showcasing a unique approach to depicting history through a multifaceted lens.

Unlike his peers, such as Balzac in France, Scott's nuanced handling of history in his novels distinguished him as a pioneer in merging fictional and historical narrative strands. Scholars like Mitchell acknowledge Scott's eclectic approach, citing his ability to draw inspiration from various literary sources across different time periods simultaneously. Through his historical novels, Scott introduced readers to a vibrant tapestry of living characters from the past, transcending the dry accounts of history to reveal the vitality and humanity of bygone eras. In the words of Thomas Carlyle, Scott's historical novels unveiled a fundamental truth upheld by l iving men and women throughout history, revolutionizing the understanding and portrayal of past epochs.

"Ivanhoe"is set in medieval England amidst the backdrop of the Crusades, portraying a central conflict between Anglo-Saxon landowners and Norman barons who are unable to find common ground. Even among Norman conquerors, internal power struggles create unrest, exemplified by Prince John's ambitious plot to usurp his brother, King Richard, during Richard's Crusade. The divergent ideologies of the

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti


Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

two brothers regarding relations with Anglo-Saxons further accentuate tensions. Prince John aims for complete dominance over the land and its inhabitants, while King Richard advocates for cooperation with Anglo-Saxon landowners, a progressive approach fostering peace and national unity.Thane Cedric the Saxon leads the remaining Anglo-Saxon knights, aspiring to restore their independence by instating a Saxon king and queen on the throne. Cedric envisions Lady Rowena, a descendant of Alfred the Great, as queen, and Athelstane of Coningsburgh as king. However, complications arise when Cedric's son, Wilfred of Ivanhoe, disrupts these plans by falling in love with Rowena, leading to Cedric disowning him. Ivanhoe embarks on a Crusade where he forges a friendship with King Richard. Upon their return to England, Richard, aided by Saxons and Robin Hood's archers, combats Prince John to reclaim his crown and emerges victorious. Ultimately, Cedric comes to terms with the unfeasibility of Saxon restoration and reconciles with the Normans.

The novel showcases Scott's renowned descriptive abilities, illustrating his talent for creating vivid and uniquely expressive characters. At its core, the book advocates for peace and reconciliation, with Scott promoting the idea of uniting disparate social classes for the greater good. He believed that social cohesion could be achieved through collaboration among the finest individuals from all societal strata against malevolent forces. This central theme is exemplified in "Ivanhoe" through a pivotal scene where King Richard, Robin Hood, and their comrades join forces to liberate Saxon thanes from a Norman baron's stronghold. This episode serves as a powerful illustration of how cooperation between individuals of different backgrounds and social standings can triumph over adversity and promote harmony.


Walter Scott was deeply devoted to his homeland, demonstrating profound passion and loyalty towards Scotland in his works, notably exemplified by the fervor with which he wrote "Ivanhoe." His writing reflected a breadth of characters, spanning from royalty to the most marginalized in society, catering especially to young individuals whom he viewed as potential agents of societal change. Despite his strong Scottish identity, Scott maintained an unbiased approach, distinguishing between patriotism rooted in love for one's country and regionalism driven by resentment or envy towards others. He believed in the transformative power of self-belief and patriotism, emphasizing the inevitability of societal evolution. Scott's ability to inspire and uplift people through his writings was remarkable, encouraging self-confidence and the determination to overcome challenges by staying focused on one's goals.


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari


Sir Walter Scott's enduring legacy as the founder of the historical novel genre in English literature stands as a testament to his literary prowess, visionary storytelling, and transformative impact on the literary landscape. Through works such as "Ivanhoe," Scott transcended the confines of his era, weaving intricate narratives of history, romance, and societal change that continue to captivate audiences to this day.

Scott's ability to blend historical accuracy with imaginative storytelling set a new standard for storytelling, captivating readers with vivid characters, compelling plots, and rich historical detail. By infusing his works with themes of patriotism, self-belief, and societal evolution, Scott not only entertained but also inspired generations of readers to consider the power of storytelling in shaping perceptions and sparking change.


1. Carlyle.T, Sir Walter Scott. XXV, Part5.The Harward classics - New York 2001

2. Mitchell. J, Scott, Chaucer and Midival Romance: A Study in Sir Walter Scott's Indebtedness to the Literature of the Middle Ages. 1987

3. Yusupova M. A, Djalilova A.N, Xoshimova D.R, Aminova S.A, History of English and American Literature -Chirchik 2023.

4. https: //www.summaryplanet.com/literature/Walter- Scott.html

5. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi1.rgstatic.net%2Fpub lication%2F326815674_Manifestation_of_18th_century_literary_movement_through

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