ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 4 (51), 2023 УДК 331.56:330.35
Гурунатан Грин Кумар, студент международного медицинского института
Курского государственного медицинского университета, Курск, Россия
Email: drgreenkumargmpsg@gmail.com
Аннотация: основной целью данного исследования является изучение взаимосвязи между безработицей и экономическим ростом в Индии, с особым акцентом на влияние экономического роста на безработицу в период с 1990 по 2020 год.
Ключевые слова: экономический рост, безработица, Индия
Gurunathan Green Kumar, student of the International Medical Institute, Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia
Email: drgreenkumargmpsg@gmail.com
Abstract: the primary objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between unemployment and economic growth in India, with a particular focus on the impact of economic growth on unemployment from 1990 to 2020.
Keywords: economic growth, unemployment, India
Unemployment in India is a complex problem with numerous overlapping and intertwined causes; however, it is possible to identify several key causes. This article will attempt to describe and outline these causes, which vary from macro-level factors (e.g. overall slow economic growth as well as population increases) to more microlevel factors (e.g. the joint family system of business). Understanding the causes of unemployment is the first step in beginning to rectify this major problem and creating
ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 4 (51), 2023 a society in which everyone is able to find a sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families. According to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), an economics and business think-tank, as of January 2023, unemployment in India was 7.2%. That means tens of millions individuals are looking for jobs. The lowest unemployment rate in India was 3.4%. The caste system—a structure of social stratification that can potentially pervade virtually every aspect of life in India—is a major factor in generating unemployment. In some locations, certain kinds of work are prohibited for members of particular castes. This also leads to the result that work is often given to members of a certain community rather than to those who truly deserve the job—those who have the right skills. The result is higher levels of unemployment. ncreases in population have been considerable over the half-century. The country's overall population is made up of more than 1.3 billion people, second only to that of China. Moreover, India's population is predicted to exceed China's by the year 2024; it will, furthermore, probably be the most populous country for the entirety of the 21st century. As the country's economic growth cannot keep up with population growth, this leads to a larger share of the society being unemployed. Because the Indian economy is relatively underdeveloped, economic growth is considerably slower than it might otherwise be. This means that as the population increases, the economy cannot keep up with demands for employment and an increasing share of people are unable to find work. The result is insufficient levels of employment nationwide. Similarly, while industrialization has been considerable, its rate of growth is nevertheless fairly slow. There is a major emphasis on industrialization nationwide, which has elevated the Indian economy; however, industrial growth continues to generate relatively few new jobs overall as compared to increases in population. Agriculture offers unemployment for a large segment of the population, but only for several months out of the year. The result is that for a considerable portion of the year, many agricultural workers lack needed employment and income. More stable sources of income are essential to permit the fulfilment of basic needs. Large family businesses may often involve family members who depend on the family's joint income but do not contribute substantive work. Although these individuals may appear to be working, they may not actually add anything to the business. The result is that their unemployment is "disguised"[3]. The migration of the population from rural to urban settlement leads to unemployment
ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 4 (51), 2023 in towns due to increase of labour force supply. Social factors contribute in increasing the unemployment such as de-grading social status, geographical immobility, increase in the population, and defective education system. There are some other factors like lack of experience, vocational unfitness, and illness and disability. Unemployment is cause of less demand of product in market. Less demand is the cause of slow rate of development and postponing investments due to poor trade and Commerce and low/shift investment from manufacturing and non-manufacturing sector. Geographically immobility is another reason of unemployment. National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), an organisation under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) measure unemployment in India Daily Status Approach: Under this approach, the unemployment status of a person is measured for each day in a reference week. A person who has no gainful work even for 1 hour in a day is described as unemployed for that day [4].
Unemployment refers to the share of the labour force that is without work but available for and seeking employment.
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Figure - Unemployment Rate in India in 2022. [7]
Unemployment Rate in India increased to 8.30 percent in December from 8 percent in November of 2022
The government came up with several schemes to boost the employment rate in the country. Some of them are -
1. Integrated Rural Development Programme, an initiative to create employment opportunities in rural areas. This became official in 1980 intending to provide full employment.
2. Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment was another focusing on youth. The aim was to help unemployed rural youth from age of 18 till 35 years to adopt skills for self-employment opportunities. Though the emphasis was on SC/ST Youth and Women of the rural areas.
3. RSETI/RUDEST was an initiative by Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational Trust, Syndicate Bank, and Canara Bank. The idea was to mitigate the unemployment problem among the youth. This became official in 1982 with the setting up of the Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institute. The acronym for it is RUDSETI and is looked after by banks with coordination with the Government of India and the State.
4. National Rural Employment program and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme merged to form the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana. The JRY became official in 1989 with a cost ratio of 80:20 between the center and the States.
5. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is a 2005 scheme for creating employment. The schemes make sure to provide 100 days of paid employment to individuals from families willing to do unskilled labour-intensive work. The Right to work act comes under this scheme.
6. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana is a 2015 scheme to enable Indian youth to move towards industry-relevant skill training. This is to help them in securing a better livelihood for the future.
7. Start-Up India Scheme is another 2016 launched scheme for developing entrepreneurship opportunities. It aims to create an environment to promote and support entrepreneurship opportunities across the country.
8. The Stand-Up India Scheme is a banking scheme that provides loans between Rs 10 lakh to 1 crore to SC/ST and women borrowers. The target of each bank is to assign loans to each of the categories setting up a Greenfield enterprise.
9. National Skill Development Mission is a 2014 campaign that promotes the idea of 'Skill India'. The main agenda is to improve existing skill training initiatives and combine them. The scale and quality of skilling efforts, with speed, is what they want to work on.
1. Granger Causality Approach (researchgate.net)
2. Unemployment In India - Intelligent Economist
3. Unemployment in India (drishtiias.com)
4. India Unemployment Rate 1991-2023 | Macro Trends
5. Unemployment in India - Types, Causes, Impact and Steps to Overcome - Data Flair (data-flair. Training)
6. India Unemployment Rate - January 2023 Data - 2018-2022 Historical -February Forecast (tradingeconomics.com)