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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Krivenko A., Smetanko O., Burykina S.

Наведені результати застосування позакореневого підживлення пшениці озимої різними нормами азотних добрив, що вирощуються після попередників чорного пару, гороху і ріпаку озимого та їх вплив на урожайність, якість і фракційний склад зерна. Показано,що термін весняного підживлення мало впливає на якість зерна при вирощуванні пшениці по чорному пару і гороху; по попереднику ріпак озимий підживлення слід проводити з фази масового трубкування

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Похожие темы научных работ по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству , автор научной работы — Krivenko A., Smetanko O., Burykina S.

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The effect of nitrogen fertilizer application time on the yield, quality and fractional composition of winter wheat grain after different precursors under conditions of the southern steppe of Ukraine

The results of application of foliar fertilizing of winter wheat of different norms of nitrogen fertilizers grown after predecessors black fallow, peas and winter oilseed rape and their effect on the yield, quality, and fractional composition of the grain itself are presented. There were determined the optimal rate and timing of application of mineral nitrogen depending on the predecessor and areas of production: food grains or seeds. It is shown that the spring term feeding has a little impact on the grain quality when wheat is grown on the black fallow and peas; the predecessor of winter rape feeding should be carried out in the phase of mass tubing


UDC 631.1:631.8:633.1

DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2018.127018


© A. Krivenko, O. Smetanko, S. Burykina

Наведенi результати застосування позакореневого тдживлення пшеницi озимо! pi-зними нормами азот-них добрив, що вирощуються тсля попереднитв чорного пару, гороху i ртаку озимого та ïx вплив на урожайтсть, яюсть i фракцшний склад зерна. Показано,що термт весняного тдживлення мало впли-вае на яюсть зерна при вирощувант пшеницi по чорному пару i гороху; по попереднику ртак озимий пi-дживлення (miд проводити з фази масового трубкування

Ключовi слова: пшениця озима, тдживлення, карбамiд, яюсть, урожай, бток, клейковина, фракщя, ко-реляця

1. Introduction

Within the structure of agroindustrial production, in the field of plant cultivation, at planting grain crops, Ukrainian economies specialize in two directions: in seed production and planting food grain. Requirements to the quality of a caryopsis are different at that. In seeds it is desirable that caryopses are big, with a great mass. In food grain, on the contrary, it must not obligatory have a high mass, but the higher protein content, the better quality, the higher price, the more profit.

Production of high-quality winter wheat grain is the most problem of agriculture of Ukraine. Complicated economic conditions of the period of establishing the statehood resulted in the abrupt worsening of quality parameters, even in the steppe zone, traditionally considered as a production zone of strong and high-value grain. During the last years food grain, produced in Ukraine mainly (67-75 %) didn't correspond to requirements of quality of the third and higher classes, when the gluten content >18,0 %, and protein concentration in grain is higher than 11,0 %. Fodder grain (sixth quality class, protein content no less than 10,5 %) stably forms a third of total volumes, delivered to bread-receiving stations. For Odessa region, I—Ill class grain volumes vary within 52,3...24,5 % by years [1].

At the same time the high quality of grain is a guarantee of the economic growth and indicator of a condition of a state and country in whole, because it gives a possibility to come at international markets. The internal market doesn't give to agricultural enterprises a possibility to raise profitability of the grain economy because of disparity of prices for grain realization that grew only by 42 % during the last decade and cost price of the production that grew in 2,9 times during the same period

at the expanse of increased prices for energy sources, fertilizers, means of plants protection. At the world market the demand for high-quality grain grows continuously and leaves supply essentially behind, so high quality grain it is an important export article that gives an important positive contribution in the state economy.

The quality of products depends on many factors, the most important among them are systems of plant nutrition, climatic conditions of their cultivation and level of soil yield. Without organizing the effective mineral nutrition and correct nitrogen feeding, winter wheat cultivation is low-profitable, doesn't cover expenditures for seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agrotechnique and so on [2].

2. Literary review

Application of fertilizers taking into account biological peculiarities of a crop itself and soil-climatic conditions is a necessary component of a complex of arrangements, directed on improving the grain quality and winter wheat yield [3]. The high exactingness of this grain crop to nutrition is explained by the fact that its root system is characterized with a low ability to assimilate nutrition elements of hardly soluble soil compounds

[4]. Determination of optimal doses and terms of introducing fertilizers, first of all, nitrogen, — is the main condition of their successful use, but discordances in research results are observed just in this question. Thus, the experiments demonstrated that under dry conditions the term of using nitrogen fertilizers almost didn't influence the profitability of winter wheat cultivation, and their effectiveness depended on precipitation and soil humidity

[5]. Determination of a strategy of using nitrogen fertilizers on grain crops has the important value for raising their yield and production quaility [6], moreover the pro-

tein content in winter wheat grain directly depends on the application norm [7].

The experiments, conducted at the Mykolaiv SAES (southern steppe) indicate the necessity of three-time feeding: for increasing the yield by 3-4 c/he - N35-45 in frozen-melted soil + N30 before plants outgoing in a tube, the third one with the norm Ni0-20 - from heading to milk ripeness - favors the increase of the protein content by 0,9-1,2 % and gluten - by 3-7 % [8]. In other experiments of the same zone, at the intensive technology that provided the main application of N30P60 and additional fertilizer N40 - renovation of spring vegetation (RSV) + N30 at the beginning of outgoing in a tube + N30 in the phase of milk ripeness, there was obtained the increase of productivity after precursors in average in 1,72,1 times depending on variety [9].

Under conditions of the Southern steppe at cultivating winter wheat by the precursor black fallow, grain is not lower than the second quality is obtained at introducing nitrogen in total amount up to 90 kg/he at feeding, the effectiveness of increased doses of N120-150 was lower [10, 11].

Scientists of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine studied the effectiveness of the one-time fertilizing on frozen-melting soil by the norms from N30 to Ni20 and considered N90 as an optimal norm (precursor - pea), that provided the yield increase by 9,8 % and gluten content at the level of requirements to the first quality class (28,9 %), although at N30 they obtained grain of the 2 class, but with unessential (by 1,4 %) productivity growth. The authors observed a tendency to decreasing the mass of 1000 grains and nature at feeding by the norms N90 and Ni20 [12].

Thus, the problem of the influence of norms and terms of feeding winter wheat by mineral nitrogen on the crop productivity and grain quality, especially in the section of soil-climatic zones remains debatable.

3. Aim and tasks of research

The aim of the research - is to optimize nitrogen nutrition of winter wheat under dry conditions of the Southern Steppe.

For achieving the aim, the following tasks were set:

1. To establish optimal terms and norms of adding nitrogen fertilizers at cultivating winter wheat after different precursors for conditions of the Southern Steppe.

2. To study changes of quality parameters depending on precursor, norms and terms of adding mineral nitrogen.

4. Material and methods of research

Field temporary experiments were conducted during 2009-2013 in the crop rotation on the experimental field of Odessa state agricultural experimental station of NAAS of Ukraine, placed in the Western suburbs of Odessa. The territory of lands relates to the first technological group by steepness of slopes.

Natural climatic zone - Steppe; agro-soil province - DS - 1: Dry Steppe near Black Steppe. Soil of experimental plot - southern chernozem, little-humus, hardly loam on the forest rock. The power of the humus horizon 50-55 cm. The arable layer of soil had the following ag-rochemical characteristic: humus content 2,95 %; pH of aqueous extract 7,8; content of easily-hydrolyzed nitro-

gen 11,3-13,8 mg for 100 g of soil; movable phosphorus and accessible potassium (extract by F. Chirikov) 11,413,1 and 10,0-11,1 mg for 100 g of soil, respectively.

The soil cultivation was mid-water, conventional for dry conditions of the Southern Steppe and was conducted corresponding to a precursor: black fallow [13], pea [14], winter rape [15]. The experiments were realized in three- and fourfold repeat. The area of the sowing plot is 144 m2, accounting - 80 m2. For nitrogen additional fertilizing, there was used ammoniac saltpeter (34 %) and carbamide (46 %). Winter wheat of Knop variety, which precursors were black fallow, pea and winter rape, was sown out. Sowing was realized in the term, optimal for our zone (28-30 of September). The field experiments with fertilizers were conducted by recommendations of F. A. Yudin [16].

It was harvested by a combine "Sampo-500" along plots, selecting grain samples for the analysis; the grain mass was recalculated for the standard humidity and 100 % pureness.

Experimental schemes are presented at giving results.

The selection of experimental samples of grain and determination of quality parameters were realized according to standard methods: quantity and quality of gluten - SS 13586.1-68 [17], protein content - by the method of infrared spectroscopy on a device Spectran-119M - SS 4117:2007 [18], mass of 1000 seeds - SS 4138-2002 [19], nature of grain - SS 10840-64 [20], content of moisture by the thermo-gravimetric method -SS 13586.5-93 [21]. For determining the fraction composition, grain samples were sifted on sieves with orifices 3,2x20 mm, 2,6x20 mm, 2,4x20 mm, which product was considered as coarse grain, and products of the sieve with orifices 2,0x20 mm, 1,7x20 mm and 1,5x20 mm -as fine grain.

The statistical processing of the obtained results was realized by B.A. Dospekhov using the package of applied programs Excel and Statistika, by the methods of dispersion, correlation and regression analysis [22].

As to weather conditions, four of five years were favorable by humidity in spring and autumn in the active phases of growth (from March to May): there are 2009-2011 and 2013 years; 2012 year at the total amount of precipitation for vegetation as 448,1 mm that was 112,6 % of the average index of many years was remarkable for the intense drought of the first two months of autumn (ATF=0,42)and unfavorable by the precipitation distribution in spring. The absence of precipitation in first two decades of May of 2012 conditioned the development of the atmospheric and then soil drought and coincided with the critical period in the development of plants of winter crops; in the third decade there were 74,4 mm of precipitation that could be related to optimal ones, but 93 % were as a pouring rain and caused more damage than profit that was reflected on the level of yield and quality.

5. Research results

In the first series of the experiments there was studied the effectiveness of one-time spring fertilizing of winter wheat crops with the norm N60 in the phase from outgoing in a tube to heading. In average during three

years (Table 1) the essential increment of yield was obtained at fertilizing at the beginning of tubing and at appearing a flag-like leaf at cultivating on black fallow (rise was 11,3 and 11,6 %); by pea - yield increment was 26,6-18,6 % at adding mineral nitrogen from the beginning of tubing to appearing a flag-like leaf; by winter

By protein and gluten content of such precursors as black fallow and pea, grain corresponded to the requirements of the third class of quality, despite the term of spring additional fertilizing, by winter rape - from the phase of mass tubing, at that there was observed no difference between precursors from appearing a flag-like leaf (Table 2). The main mass of grain was formed by the

rape - during the tubing phase (+14,4-13,5 % to the control variant).

In separated years there was obtained the reliable increase of yield at fertilizing and in other phases of wheat plants development, but in the aforesaid periods -practically stably during all years.

share more than 2,5 mm: in the control variant it varied within 82,8-85,5 % depending on a precursor, and in the experimental ones - 75,2-87,3 %. The minimal content of this fraction at wheat cultivating on black fallow was observed at adding nitrogen in norm 60 kg/he in the phase of heading beginning, by pea and winter rape - appearance of a flag-like leaf (78,6 and 69,9 %, respectively).

Table 2

Fraction share >2,5 mm (product of sieves with orifices 2,6*20 mm and 3,05*20 mm) and quality of winter wheat grain _depending on the term of adding mineral nitrogen (N60) and precursor_

Phase of adding nitrogen Parameter

Fraction output >2,5 mm, % Protein content, % for dry substance Gluten content, %

precursor black fallow pea winter rape black fallow pea winter rape black fallow pea winter rape

control 84,4 85,5 82,8 11,19 10,61 9,10 18,5 17,5 17,0

beginning of outgoing in a tube 83,8 83,9 76,7 11,74 11,65 10,88 22,0 20,3 18,4

mass tubing 87,1 82,5 72,0 12,23 11,65 11,33 21,7 21,4 19,5

appearance of a flag-like leaf 87,3 78,6 69,9 12,52 12,06 12,23 22,7 22,0 20,6

heading beginning 75,2 81,1 76,2 12,15 12,23 12,20 21,8 22,0 21,3

heading 83,1 83,8 76,8 12,27 12,09 12,40 22,7 22,5 22,8

Table 1

Effectiveness of spring fertilizing of winter wheat crops on the background of different precursors

(yield at introducing N60, t/he)

Phase of introduction Year among ± to control

2009 2010 2011 t/he %

Precursor - black fallow

control without adding nitrogen 6,09 6,66 6,31 6,36 0 0

beginning of outgoing in a tube 7,14 7,66 6,45 7,08 0,72 11,3

tubing 6,95 7,39 6,56 6,97 0,61 9,6

appearance of a flag-like leaf 7,34 7,50 6,45 7,10 0,74 11,6

beginning of heading 6,47 6,78 6,38 6,54 0,18 2,8

heading 6,04 6,94 6,22 6,40 0,04 0,6

LED 0,95 0,18 0,12 0,16 0,69

Precursor - pea

control without adding nitrogen 4,43 4,44 4,53 4,47 0 0

beginning of outgoing in a tube 5,84 6,61 6,03 6,16 1,69 26,6

tubing 5,61 6,13 5,72 5,82 1,35 21,2

appearance of a flag-like leaf 5,69 5,40 5,86 5,65 1,18 18,6

beginning of heading 5,07 5,13 4,25 4,82 0,35 5,5

heading 4,57 5,02 4,08 4,56 0,09 1,4

LED 0,95 0,12 0,13 0,12 0,67

Precursor - winter rape

control without adding nitrogen 5,58 6,29 5,68 5,85 0 0

beginning of outgoing in a tube 6,28 7,92 5,87 6,69 0,84 14,4

tubing 6,14 7,78 6,01 6,64 0,79 13,5

appearance of a flag-like leaf 5,76 6,78 5,78 6,11 0,26 4,4

beginning of heading 5,88 6,84 6,00 6,24 0,39 6,7

heading 5,28 6,84 5,69 5,94 0,09 1,5

LED 0,95 0,22 0,27 0,19 0,62

As to the mass of 1000 grains, the highest indices were in the fraction more than 3,0 mm - 48,3-51,4 g, grain fraction 2,5...3,0 mm - 38,8-41,6 g and 2,0... 2,5 mm - 27,9-28,7 g, the reliable difference by periods of fertilizing and precursors is absent within each fraction (Fig. 1).

In other series of experiments winter wheat was planted by the precursor winter rape, nitrogen fertilizers N60 were introduced from sprouting to mass growing in spring. Essential increments of yield (from 0,30 to 0,97 t/he) were received at feeding practically in all terms, except mass growing (Table 3).

Protein concentration in grain at introducing nitrogen in norm 60 kg/he in the autumn development period and in December was lower or on the limit of the third quality class (it is necessary to have 11,0, and factually 10,57-11,10 %); at feeding from December to the mass growing - it stably was the third class (11,5611,70 % against 9,10 on the variant without fertilizers). The mass of 1000 seeds little differed by feeding terms and depended only on a grain fraction.

In the chain of crop rotation black fallow - winter wheat and pea - winter wheat both the decrease of the feeding norm to N90 and Ni20 and application separately in two steps are ineffective from the aspect of yield: it doesn't essentially grow comparing with one-time feeding by the norm N90, but has advantages only comparing with the control sample (sample 2). If to take into account the grain quality (Table 4, 5), the use of N90 dose in two phases gives a possibility to get food grain of the second class, in which the protein content exceeds 12,5 %, and gluten 23,0 %, at adding N30 on sprouts and N60 in the period from mass tubing to heading at cultivating on black fallow, and by the pea precursor - the second feeding must be conducted at heading.

At increasing the norm of feeding by retail to Ni20 high-quality grain was obtained at all combinations of fertilizing (Fig. 2).

The correlation-regression analysis of the whole volume of obtained data allowed to reveal the influence of factors for formation of yield and quality of grain (Table 6).

60 50 40 30 20 10 0




Mass of 1000 grains




Flag leaf


HBack fallow ■ Pea

□ Winter rape

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Phase of plants development

Fig. 1. Mass of 1000 seeds y fractions at spring feeding by the norm N60 (average for three years)

Table 3

The influence of autumn-winter and early spring feeding by mineral nitrogen on yield, fraction composition and quality

Indices of studied factors

Yield of Raw protein

Variants of experiment terms of adding the nitrogen fertilizer Mass share of grains in harvest, % Mass of 1000, gramsM grain t/he at 14 % humidity Gluten

>3 mm 2,5-3 2-2,5 1,7-2 <1,7 >3 2,5-3 2-2,5 >2 >2,5m Total- >2,5 %

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m ly mm

control N0 32,6 50,2 14,2 2,2 0,8 50,9 41,6 28,7 42,8 45,3 5,83 4,82 9,10 17,0

sprouts N60 29,7 48,1 17,9 3,2 1,1 48,8 39,4 27,4 40,1 43,0 6,13 4,77 10,57 18,2

autumn tillering N60 27,7 50,4 18,2 2,8 0,9 48,5 39,8 27,7 40,0 42,9 6,20 4,84 11,03 19,4

November N60 26,1 52,5 17,5 2,9 1,0 47,7 38,6 27,4 39,1 41,6 6,24 4,90 10,92 19,0

December N60 25,2 54,7 17,2 2,2 0,7 48,2 39,6 27,6 39,7 42,3 6,80 5,43 11,10 19,5

January N60 27,3 54,2 19,1 2,4 0,6 48,5 39,3 28,0 39,3 42,1 6,00 4,67 11,70 20,2

February N60 23,0 55,5 18,3 2,4 0,8 49,2 40,1 28,4 40,1 42,8 6,36 4,99 11,56 19,4

RSV N60 22,4 55,1 19,1 2,5 0,9 49,4 39,9 28,3 39,8 42,7 6,20 4,80 11,55 20,2

mass growing N60 21,7 54,3 20,0 2,9 1,1 49,5 39,2 27,9 39,1 42,1 5,98 4,54 11,77 20,6


Fig. 2. Influence of terms and norms of application of nitrogen fertilizers on yield of wheat

grain after black fallow and pea

Table 4

Influence of retail application of mineral nitrogen on the fraction composition and quality of winter wheat grain __(precursor -black fallow)__

Terms and doses of adding nitrogen fertilizer Share of grains in yield, % Mass of 1000 grains of separate fractions, g %

protein gluten Fraction output >2,5 mm

>3 mm 2,5-3 mm 2-2,5 mm 1,7-2 mm <1,7 mm >3 mm 2,5-3 mm 2-2,5 mm >2 mm >2,5 mm

Control - without fertilizers 42,1 42,3 13,0 1,8 0,8 48,8 38,9 28,1 41,7 43,8 11,19 19,5 84,4

N60 on sprouts 16,5 58,2 21,5 2,9 0,9 46,1 36,9 27,0 36,3 38,9 12,27 21,8 74,7

N30 sprouts N60 beginning of outgoing in a tube 19,7 56,4 20,2 2,8 0,9 47,6 38,0 27,3 37,7 40,5 12,02 22,7 76,1

N30-sprouts N60-tubing 29,8 50,7 15,9 2,4 1,2 49,7 38,3 28,5 40,2 42,5 12,85 24,3 80,5

N30-sprouts N60-appearance of a flag-like leaf 41,3 44,3 12,0 1,6 0,8 48,7 38,2 28,1 41,4 43,3 13,00 25,1 85,6

N30-sprouts N60-before heading 43,4 42,9 11,2 1,7 0,8 48,1 39,3 27,7 41,9 43,7 13,20 25,1 86,3

N30-sprouts N60-heading 20,5 54,7 20,6 3,1 1,1 47,1 38,0 27,6 37,7 40,5 12,90 24,2 75,2

N60-sprouts N60-beginning of outgoing in a tube 19,4 57,8 19,4 2,6 0,8 46,5 36,7 27,2 36,8 39,2 14,10 26,0 77,2

N60-sprouts N60-tubing 25,6 53,6 17,3 2,5 1,0 46,9 37,8 27,5 38,4 40,7 14,80 24,6 79,2

N60-sprouts N60-appearing of a flag-like leaf 38,3 45,4 13,4 1,9 1,0 48,0 38,1 28,1 40,6 42,6 13,09 24,2 83,7

N60-sprouts N60-before heading 48,1 39,1 10,4 1,6 0,8 48,2 38,4 27,9 42,1 43,8 12,63 23,6 87,2

N60-sprouts N60-heading 46,9 39,2 11,2 1,8 0,9 49,2 39,5 28,0 42,9 44,8 12,75 23,0 86,1

Table 5

Influence of retail application of mineral nitrogen on the fraction composition and quality of winter wheat grain __(precursor - pea) __

Terms and doses of adding nitrogen fertilizer Fraction of grains in yield, % Mass of 1000 grains of separate fractions, g %

protein gluten

>3 mm 2,5-3,0 mm 2-2,5 mm 1,7-2 mm <1,7 mm >3 mm 2,5-3 mm 2-2,5 mm >2 mm >2,5 mm

Control - without fertilizers 38,1 47,4 11,9 1,9 0,7 49,9 41,2 28,3 43,0 45,1 10,61 19,1

N60 on sprouts 30,9 52,3 14,0 2,0 0,8 48,4 39,б 27,5 40,б 42,9 11,30 20,5

N30 sprouts N60 beginning of outgoing in a tube 39,5 47,1 10,8 2,0 0,б 48,0 39,8 27,5 41,8 43,5 11,60 20,7

N30-sprouts N60-tubing 32,3 51,0 14,0 2,0 0,7 47,8 40,1 28,1 40,9 43,1 12,10 21,б

N30-sprouts N60-appearance of a flag-like leaf 22,8 53,0 19,2 3,5 1,4 47,8 39,5 27,5 39,1 42,0 12,25 22,2

N30-sprouts N60-before heading 22,9 55,2 18,0 2,9 1,0 48,5 39,8 27,7 38,б 42,3 12,54 24,4

N30-sprouts N60-heading 28,4 51,8 1б,4 2,5 0,9 49,2 40,1 27,7 40,7 43,3 13,02 24,2

N60-sprouts N60-beginning of outgoing in a tube 2б,4 53,8 1б,5 2,4 0,9 47,9 39,2 27,2 39,5 42,1 12,51 23,0

N60-sprouts N60-tubing 19,9 55,9 20,2 3,0 1,0 47,8 38,9 27,2 38,3 41,2 13,51 24,3

N60-sprouts N60-appearing of flag-like leaf 15,5 57,8 22,2 3,4 1,1 48,4 39,2 27,4 38,0 41,2 12,10 24,5

N60-sprouts N60-before heading 17,8 5б,9 21,3 3,0 1,0 48,4 39,3 28,2 38,5 41,5 12,85 23,7

N60-sprouts N60-heading 24,б 53,0 18,0 3,2 1,2 48,9 39,8 27,1 39,7 42,7 12,81 23,б

Table 6

Pair coefficients of correlation and determination

Precursor Norm of application of mineral nitrogen Share of fractions of fine grain - protein content Share of fractions of coarse grain -protein content Share of fractions of coarse grain -gluten content Protein-gluten

yield Content

protein gluten

r r r r r2 r r2 r r2 r r2

Black fallow 0,2б 0,92 0,98 0,01 0 -0,35 0,12 -0,04 0,002 0,73 0,53

pea 0,52 0,б4 0,50 0,52 0,25 -0,б3 0,40 -0,57 0,37 0,95 0,90

winter rape 0,80 0,57 0,50 0,73 0,53 -0,б9 0,48 -0,42 0,18 0,92 0,85

It is known, that pair correlation coefficients testify to the close connection between two variables: at module values more than 0,7 - strong connection, at r>0,5 and <0,7 - middle and at r less than 0,5 - weak. According to the correlation-regression analysis, the influence of the norm of application of mineral nitrogen grows with decreasing the precursor's quality: if the yield level for black fallow was determined by the norm of nitrogen feeding by 6,8 %, for pea - by 27,0 %, and by winter rape - by 64 %; at that pair coefficients of correlation between the norm of nitrogen fertilizers in feeding and protein and gluten content for black fallow are the highest (0,92-0,98), that testify to the high degree of connection, and for pea and winter rape - middle degree (r=0,64 and 0,50 and 0,57 and 0,50).

At cultivating winter wheat on black fallow, there was revealed the weak reverse connection between the share of coarse grain fraction and protein content (r=-0,35); at cultivating on pea or winter rape, the influence direction is the same (increase of the coarse fraction share results in decreasing the protein

concentration), but the influence degree is middle. The influence of the big size of grain on the gluten content repeats the previous scenario at the comparatively less closeness of connection. The share of fine grain and protein content are in the direct connection of the middle degree: r=0,52 at cultivating on the precursor pea and r=0,73 - on winter rape).

Summarizing the obtained data, we can say that the terms and ways (one-time or retail) of nitrogen application in feeding must be chosen taking into account the production direction. For example, at cultivating winter wheat for seeds it is more rational to fertilize additionally by nitrogen fertilizers N60 in the phase of appearance of a flag-like leaf. Such feeding provides the high yield of grain as 7,10 t/ha that is by 0,74 t/he higher than in the control, and almost at the same level with the yield at using N90 and N120 fertilizers as feeding at retail application - on sprouts and at growing a flag-like leaf (7,46-7,34 t/he). At the same time the highest output of grain is left on a sieve with orifices 3,0 mm and high percent of the output of the seed fraction with the

diameter more than 2,5 mm (87,7 %). At cultivating food grain, it is reasonable to include feeding by the scheme N60 on wheat sprouts from autumn and N60 during the tubing phase in the technology. At that the yield forms at the level 6,73-6,75 t/he, grain has a less size and mass, but the gluten and protein contents are high 14,1-14,8 % and 26,0-24,6 %, respectively, that relates to the second class by gluten (gluten in grain of the first class must not be lower than 28,0 %), and protein concentration corresponds to requirements of 1-st class (not lower than

14.0 %); such grain may be used for improving quality parameters of other grain fractions and as a raw material for macaroni products.

At planting winter wheat after the precursor pea for seeds it is most rational to use the following system of additional fertilizing: to apply nitrogen in the norm N90 by retail (N30 on sprouts before the tillering phase, and N60 in spring at the beginning of outgoing in a tube). Such variant of feeding provides the high yield of grain 6,46 t/he that is by 1,99 t/he (44,5 %) higher than the control, the share of seeds with the diameter more than 2,5 mm is 86,5 % and has the mass of 1000 seeds as 43,5 grams. For obtaining high-quality food grain, it is necessary to conduct the nitrogen feeding in two times, namely N60 in autumn on sprouts and N60 at tubing. At that the yield of 6,82 t/he is a bit lower than at application at the beginning of outgoing of plants of winter wheat in a tube, grain is fine, but has the most protein content (13,1 %) and gluten one 24,3 % comparing with other variants that corresponds to the quality parameter of the third class.

After the precursor winter rape the highest yield of seeds 6,80 t/he and the share of a seed fraction with the diameter more than 2,5 mm - 5,43 t/he was provided by adding N60 in December, before finishing the spring vegetation. The protein content in seeds is not very high

11.1 %, gluten - 19,5 %.

The optimal term of application and the norm of the nitrogen fertilizer must be considered as N60 in the phase of wheat tubing. At that the yield is at the level of 6,64 t/he, protein content - 11,33 %, gluten - 19,5 %. According to SSU 3768:2010, such grain relates to the third food class. Grain with the higher protein content (12,23-12,40 %) and gluten content (20,6-22,8 %) forms at feeding by the norm N60 in the period from appearing a flag-like leaf to heading phase, but at that the tendency to decreasing the yield by 0,40-0,70 t/he comparing with N60 in the tubing phase is observed.

At that, it must be taken into account, that these results are obtained at cultivating winter wheat at plots, where the arable soil layer had the middle degree of provision with accessible nutrition elements.

6. Conclusions

Thus, based on the conducted studies on southern, little-humus, hard-loamy soil with the middle level of provision with accessible nutrition elements it was established:

1. At cultivating winter wheat for seeds and food grain, the optimal terms and norms of application of nitrogen fertilizers in feeding are different: on the precursor black fallow at cultivating fallow wheat for seeds it is more rational to conduct the feeding by nitrogen fertilizers N60 in the phase of appearing a flag-like leaf; for obtaining high-quality food grain it is rational to apply N60 on wheat sprouts from autumn + N60 during the tubing phase.

At cultivating winter wheat after the precursor pea for seeds - the nitrogen fertilizer must be applied in the norm N90 by retail (N30 on sprouts before beginning the tillering phase, and N60 in spring at the stage of outgoing in a tube); for obtaining high-quality food grain it is necessary to conduct the nitrogen fertilizing also in two terms, namely N60 in autumn on sprouts and N60 at tubing;

After the precursor winter rape, the most yield of seeds 6,80 t/he and share of seeds fraction with the diameter more than 2,5 mm - 5,43 t/he is provided by introducing N60 in December, before ending the autumn vegetation. The optimal term for applying the nitrogen fertilizer for obtaining food grain with the quality parameters of the third class - N60 is in the wheat tubing phase. Delay of the feeding term results in decreasing the yield on the background of the quality increase, but within requirements to the third class.

2. The term of the spring feeding little influences the grain quality at cultivating wheat on black fallow and pea: by the protein and gluten contents it corresponds to requirements of the third quality class; for obtaining grain of the high class with the protein content no less than 11-12 % and gluten 18-23 % , the feeding of winter wheat crops on the precursor winter rape by the nitrogen fertilizer must be conducted from the mass tubing phase. At later one, the high quality of grain is not determined by the precursor, but depends only on the norm of the nitrogen fertilizer.


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Дата надходження рукопису 28.02.2018

Anna Krivenko, PhD, Associate Professor, Odessa State Agricultural Experimental Station Of The National Academy Of Agrarian Sciences Of Ukraine, Maiatska doroha str., 24, smt. Khlebodarskoe, Belyaevsky district, Odessa region, Ukraine, 67667 E-mail: kryvenko35@ukr.net

Alexander Smetanko, PhD, Head of Department, Scientific And Technological Department Of Agrochemistry, Soil Science And Organic Production, Odessa State Agricultural Experimental Station Of The National Academy Of Agrarian Sciences Of Ukraine , Maiatska doroha str., 24, smt. Khlebodarskoe, Belyaevsky district, Odessa region, Ukraine, 67667 E-mail: smetanko84@ukr.net

Svetlana Burykina, PhD, Leading Researcher, Scientific And Technological Department Of Agrochemistry, Soil Science And Organic Production, Odessa State Agricultural Experimental Station Of The National Academy Of Agrarian Sciences Of Ukraine, Maiatska doroha str., 24, smt. Khlebodarskoe, Belyaevsky district, Odessa region, Ukraine, 67667 E-mail: burykina@ukr.net

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