ВПЛИВ СИСТЕМ УДОБРЕННЯ НА ПРОДУКТИВНІСТЬ РАННЬОСТИГЛОГО СОРТУ КАРТОПЛІ СЕРПАНОК В УМОВАХ ЛІСОСТЕПУ ПРАВОБЕРЕЖНОГО Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
картопля / сорт / органічні та мінеральні добрива / норми посадки / урожайність / якість. / potatoes / variety / organic and mineral fertilizers / planting norms / yield / quality.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Поліщук М.І.

В роботі представлено результати досліджень по виявленню особливостей росту, розвитку та формування врожаю та якості бульб картоплі під впливом варіантів удобрення та норм посадки. Морфологічні показники сорту Серпанок змінюються як від застосовуваних норм внесення добрив так і від густоти стояння рослин, при цьому слід відмітити наступне, а саме що висота рослин в середньому по варіантах зростає і збільшенням норми посадки, кількість стебел у кущі являється більш стійкою ознакою при цьому найбільша їх кількість спостерігалась в середньому по варіанта при нормі посадки 50 тис./га. Площа листової у наших дослідах із збільшенням норми посадки від 50 до 60 тис. шт./га також зменшується. Також необхідно відмітити що найвищі значення морфологічних ознак рослин картоплі, були отримані на варіантах досліду де застосовували внесення: Гній 40 т/га + NPK120 , Гній 40 т/га + NPK120 та NPK120 . Найвищі показники рівня врожайності, товарності, збору крохмалю, виходу спирту та біоетанолу у сорту Серпанок при різних нормах посадки (50 – 60 тис. шт. га) за посадки 25 квітня отримано у варіантах із внесенням як органічних так і мінеральних добрив (Гній 40 т/га + NPK90 , Гній 40 т/га + NPK120).

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The paper presents the results of research to identify the peculiarities of growth, development and formation of yields and quality of potato tubers under the influence of fertilizer options and planting rates. Morphological indicators of the Serpanok variety change both from the applied norms of fertilizer application and from the density of standing plants, it should be noted the following, namely that the height of plants on average increases with increasing planting rate, the number of stems in the bush is their number was observed on average according to the variant at a planting rate of 50 thousand / ha. Leaf area in our experiments with increasing planting rate from 50 to 60 thousand pieces / ha also decreases. It should also be noted that the highest values of morphological characteristics of potato plants were obtained in the variants of the experiment where the application was applied: Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 and NPK120. The highest indicators of yield level, marketability, starch collection, alcohol and bioethanol yield in the Serpanok variety at different planting rates (50-60 thousands / ha) for planting on April 25 were obtained in variants with the application of both organic and mineral fertilizers (Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120).


15. Metcalfe C. R. et al. Anatomy of the monocotyledons. 1. Gramineae // Anatomy of the monocotyledons. 1. Gramineae. - 1960. - 731 pp.

16. Sattar A. et al. Terminal drought and heat stress alter physiological and biochemical attributes in flag leaf of bread wheat //Plos one. - 2020. - T. 15. -№. 5. - C. e0232974.

17. Selim D. A. F. H. et al. Physiological and anatomical studies of two wheat cultivars irrigated with

magnetic water under drought stress conditions //Plant physiology and biochemistry. - 2019. - T. 135. - C. 480-488.

18. Zagdanska B., Kozdoj J. Water stress-induced changes in morphology and anatomy of flag leaf of spring wheat //Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. -1994. - T. 63. - №. 1. - P. 61-66.


Полiщук М.1.

кандидат альськогосподарських наук, доцент, 3aeidyea4 кафедри землеробства, Трунтознавства та агрохiмii Вiнницького нацiонального аграрного ymiверситету



Polishchuk М.

сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, the chief of Agriculture, Soil Science and Agro-

chemistry chair of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


В робот представлено результати дослвджень по виявленню особливостей росту, розвитку та форму-вання врожаю та якосп бульб картоплi тд впливом варiантiв удобрення та норм посадки.

Морфолойчт показники сорту Серпанок змтюються як ввд застосовуваних норм внесення добрив так i вщ густоти стояння рослин, при цьому слд вiдмiтити наступне, а саме що висота рослин в середньому по варiантах зростае i збшьшенням норми посадки, кiлькiсть стебел у кущi являеться бiльш стiйкою ознакою при цьому найбь льша к кiлькiсть спостерiгалась в середньому по варiанга при нормi посадки 50 тис./га. Площа листово! у наших дослдах iз збiльшенням норми посадки вщ 50 до 60 тис. шт./га також зменшуеться. Також необидно вщмпити що найвищi значення морфолопчних ознак рослин картоплi, були отримат на варiантах дослiду де застосовували внесення: Гнiй 40 т/га + NPK120 , Гнiй 40 т/га + NPK120 та NPK120 .

Найвищi показники рiвня врожайносп, товарносп, збору крохмалю, виходу спирту та бюетанолу у сорту Серпанок при р!зних нормах посадки (50 - 60 тис. шт. га) за посадки 25 квггая отримано у варiангах !з внесен-ням як оргатчних так i мiнеральних добрив (Гнш 40 т/га + NPK90 , Гнш 40 т/га + NPK120).


The paper presents the results of research to identify the peculiarities of growth, development and formation of yields and quality of potato tubers under the influence of fertilizer options and planting rates.

Morphological indicators of the Serpanok variety change both from the applied norms of fertilizer application and from the density of standing plants, it should be noted the following, namely that the height of plants on average increases with increasing planting rate, the number of stems in the bush is their number was observed on average according to the variant at a planting rate of 50 thousand / ha.

Leaf area in our experiments with increasing planting rate from 50 to 60 thousand pieces / ha also decreases. It should also be noted that the highest values of morphological characteristics of potato plants were obtained in the variants of the experiment where the application was applied: Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 and NPK120.

The highest indicators of yield level, marketability, starch collection, alcohol and bioethanol yield in the Serpanok variety at different planting rates (50-60 thousands / ha) for planting on April 25 were obtained in variants with the application of both organic and mineral fertilizers (Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120).

Ключовi слова: картопля, сорт, оргашчш та мшеральш добрива, норми посадки, урожайшсть,яшсть.

Keywords: potatoes, variety, organic and mineral fertilizers, planting norms, yield, quality.

Relevance of the topic. Potato is one of the most Potatoes are a valuable food crop in the diet of

important crops nowadays. To date, the main area of many people around the world due to their high energy

commercial crops which is concentrated in peasant potential. It is also used to produce alcohol, bioethanol,

farms and homesteads? starch and as feed for farm animals.

In Ukraine, the sown area under potatoes reaches an average of 1.5 million hectares, and the average yield of potato tubers is 10-14 t / ha. That is, in Ukraine the productivity potential of potato varieties remains untapped.

The main reason for the low productivity of potato varieties is the lack of thorough knowledge that reveals the relationship between biological capabilities of culture and culture requirements for soil and climatic conditions, the main characteristics of which in different areas of Ukraine are variable.

Based on the above, it should be noted that increasing the productivity of potato varieties of different maturity groups can be achieved by improving the technology of cultivation by using modern aspects that help optimize the nutrition of potato plants.

The purpose and objectives of the research are to identify the peculiarities of growth, development and formation of yield and quality of potato tubers under the influence of fertilizer options and planting rates in the conditions of State Enterprise Research Farm Property «Artemida» in Kalynivskyi district.

To achieve this goal were solved the following tasks:

- determine the features of growth and development of potato plants depending on fertilizer options, timing and planting rates;

- determine the influence of the studied factors on the formation of yield and quality of tubers of early-maturing potato cultivar Serpanok;

- substantiate the energy feasibility of the studied elements of potato growing technology.

Formulation of the problem. Potato is a crop that is especially demanding of nutrients. Regardless of soil and climatic conditions and growing area, fertilization of this crop is a necessary condition for obtaining high levels of yield and quality of tubers. The influence of fertilizers on the growth and development of plants depends on the variety and background of nutrition; the latter greatly affects the seed, food and quality of potato tubers.

For the formation of elements of productivity and yield of tubers, potatoes need a significant amount of nutrients. This need depends on the varietal characteristics, meteorological conditions of cultivation, the area of plant nutrition and the availability of nutrients available to plants in the soil [1, 2].

The system of fertilizer application in potato crops is formed on the basis of nutrient removal with the main and side parts of the crop. To obtain 35 - 40 t / ha of tubers with the appropriate weight of the tops from the soil will be removed: nitrogen - 200-230 kg / ha, phosphorus - 73-97, potassium - 320-380, calcium - 45-50, magnesium - 20-30 and sulfur - 8-10 kg / ha. Therefore, the system of fertilizing potato plants should be built as follows to ensure optimal mineral nutrition of plants from the beginning of tuber germination and until the end of the growing season. This can be obtained by optimizing the nutrient background, the ratio of nutrients in the fertilizer, types and methods of their application [3].

Experimental studies conducted in different soil and climatic conditions have shown that fertilizers,

while increasing productivity, can simultaneously improve or degrade the quality of potato tubers. It depends on weather conditions, methods and terms of fertilizer application, fertilizer form, ratio between nutrients, etc. [4, 5].

According to the data obtained by P. A. Vlasyuk, M.Yu. Vlasenko and others. [6], the use of mineral fertilizers increases the yield of potato tubers and protein content, but reduced the starch content. The highest protein content in the tubers was obtained in the variants of experiments where high doses of mineral fertilizers N180P140K360 were applied against the background of 40 t / ha of manure. At the same time, the protein content by varieties increased as follows: Temp - by 0.43-1.08%, Priekulska early - by 0.15-0.45% and Ogo-nyok - by 0.39-0.89%. Similarly, the content of vitamin C also increased, but the taste deteriorated. The largest increase in the yield of potato tubers was obtained in the variant where the application of Manure 40 t / ha + N120P120K120 was used, in this variant of the experiment the yield of tubers was in the range from 25.7 to 32.8 t / ha [7].

For better use of potato fertilizers by plants, optimal doses and ratios between nutrients should be formed taking into account the biological properties of varieties and their intended purpose (for food purposes, processing, growing seeds), soil type, its fertility, forms of fertilizers, time and rate application, soil and climatic conditions of cultivation.

In the Polissya area as well as in the western region of Ukraine, on sod-podzolic and light gray pod-zolic soils with a medium degree of phosphorus and potassium supply, for food plantings of potatoes, against the background of 40 t / ha of manure, depending on the variety, mineral fertilizers are applied at N60P60K60 to N120P120K150, and on black soils - from N45P45K45 to N60P60K60 [8, 9]. The highest yields of tubers were obtained in the group of early and middle-early varieties. Payback of 1 kg a.s. of mineral fertilizers of Luhovska variety was - 48 kg, Borodyanska pink - 56 kg, Zarevo - 61 kg and Lybid - 67 kg.

The application of high rates of mineral fertilizers reduces the starch content, vitamin content, taste and increases storage losses, increases the nitrate content in the tubers and promotes darkening of the flesh [10].

The productivity of potato crops is determined by the efficient operation of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants. The size of the leaf surface determines the absorption and use of solar radiation by a green plant, so the size of the assimilation surface and at the same time the yield of potatoes can be regulated by applying fertilizers [11].

The photosynthetic potential of potato crops increases under the influence of nitrogen and complete mineral fertilizer. After precipitation, the assimilation activity of plants accelerated, as nitrogen promotes the formation of new leaves, and potassium continues their life. Lack of moisture, high doses of nitrogen and phosphorus inhibited the increase in leaf area on potato plants [12].

The effectiveness of mineral fertilizers depends on the biological characteristics of potato varieties. In the conditions of Polissya on sod-podzolic soils the optimal

norms of mineral fertilizers on the background of Manure 30 - 40 t / ha are: for the variety Priekulska early -N60-90P60-90K90-120, Sumy improved - N90P90K120, Gatch-ina - N120P90K150, Mimosa - N, Nezabudka - N90-120P90K120-150. Tuberous starch and taste also depend on the applied doses of fertilizers and biological characteristics of varieties.

On sod-podzolic soils of Chernihiv region, poor in humus, but rich in mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, against the background of manure application of 30 t / ha, Temp potatoes reacted most to the application of the full rate of mineral fertilizers - N120P120K120, the average yield was 27 4 t / ha. Under favorable weather conditions, the norms N120P120K120 and N160P160K160 were also optimal, their application provided a yield of 31.8 and 32.9 t / ha, respectively [13].

On drained sod-podzolic soils, with the introduction of 40 t / ha of manure + N90P90K90 - the yield of potatoes, compared with the control, increased 1.6 times, in the case of 40 t / ha of manure + N135P135K220 - 2.0, and in some years - 3.0 times [4]. If the nitrogen content in the soil is 50-60 mg. eq. per 100 g of soil, the optimal ratio between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 1: 1: 1.

The use of mineral fertilizers, especially nitrogen, had a negative effect on the starch content in the tubers, while increasing the content of vitamin C. On light sod-podzolic soils, the highest yield of potatoes on the background of 30 t / ha of manure was obtained with N100P60K100. This fertilizer system had a positive effect on the quality of the tubers. It is almost impossible to obtain high productivity of potato crops without the use of fertilizers in the conditions of climate warming [14].

Organic fertilizers have always been the main fertilizer for row crops, including potatoes. Due to the reform of agricultural production, significant changes have been made in the structure of sown areas of crops. Large farms have reduced potato areas to a minimum, and the number of animals and, consequently, the production of organic fertilizers has sharply decreased. Accordingly, in order to obtain high and stable yields of potatoes, mineral fertilizers have been widely used, and there is a need to study the methods of their rational use.

A significant share of the cost of mineral fertilizers in the cost structure of potatoes (19-21%), requires a constant search for new ways to reduce the cost of grown products. One such method is the use of local (line) input. It is established that the line application of half the rate of mineral fertilizers makes it possible to obtain virtually the same productivity (yield) of potato plants as at the full rate of fertilizers [15].

According to A.V. Matsera, Polishchuk I. S. [16], local application of 4.5 t / ha of vermicompost provided the highest content of dry matter and starch in potato tubers. The highest content of crude protein in the dry mass of tubers was in the variant of application N90P90K120 + 4.5 t / ha of vermicompost, amino acids -with local application of N45P45K45, and essential amino acids - scatter N90P90K120 on the background of 50 t / manure.

In the studies of L.Ye. Karmazina [17] increased dry matter content in the tubers was observed against

the background of local application of fertilizers, compared with the application of fertilizers scattered. However, both the accumulation of dry matter and starch was more significantly influenced by the rate of fertilizers than the method of their application.

The absorption of nutrients by the root system of plants depends on many factors: their availability, movement in the soil, distances from the surface of the root hairs, and so on. In the spreading method of application, mineral fertilizers are mixed with a larger layer of soil, which reduces the plant's access to nutrients [18].

With local application of fertilizers by the norm of N45P45K45, compared with the application of scatter, although the yield increased, but it did not exceed the yield obtained by applying a double dose (N90P90K90) [19]. The utilization factor of nutrients increases: nitrogen - by 10-15%, phosphorus - by 5-10%, potassium -by 10-12% [20].

With local application of fertilizers, the use of nutrients by potato plants doubles. Thus, for the application of half the rate of fertilizer locally, the harvest was the same as for the application of the full rate of fertilizer spread. M. G. Sharapa et al. [21] (Institute of Potato NAAS) studied the local application of mineral fertilizers for new early varieties of potatoes Povin, Podol-yanka, Serpanok, Dnipryanka, middle-early variety Fantasia and medium-ripe varieties Virineya and Li-leya; the power supply background was N45P45K45 (ni-troammophoska) with preliminary introduction of kalimagnesia (K30). The increase in tuber yield was 4.17.4 t / ha.

The effective rate of local application of mineral fertilizers for early varieties of potatoes - Tiras and Skarbnytsia; middle-early - Zabava and Amulet; medium-ripe - Slovyanka and Palitra, as well as medium-late variety Poliske Dzherelo was - N60P60K60 with preliminary application of kalimagnesia K30 scatter. The average increase in yield ranged from 3.6 to 4.1 t / ha, the average payback of 1 kg of active ingredient of mineral fertilizers of the most productive varieties - Skarbnytsia, Zabava, Slovyanka and Palette - was 3.6-4.7 kg of tubers. Medium-ripe varieties of potatoes Slovyanka, Virineya, Palitra, Lileya provided a net profit of 22 thousand UAH / ha with a level of profitability - 93.5% [21].

Attenuation of the negative effect of high concentrations of nutrients on plants in the initial period of their growth and development can be achieved by a certain delineation of tubers and local fertilization. For potatoes, this is achieved by applying fertilizers when preparing the soil for planting in pre-cut ridges or applying them simultaneously with planting. To increase the efficiency of mineral fertilizers in the ridge, their placement is carried out below the row of tubers by 6-8 cm. As a result, without a significant reduction in the yield of tubers, the rate of nutrient application can be reduced by 1.5-2 times [22].

The efficiency of the local method of applying different fertilizer rates for varieties with different duration of the growing season was studied on sod-podzolic sandy soils with a content of humus in the arable layer

- 1.3-1.5%, mobile phosphorus - 12-17 mg and exchangeable potassium - 5-12 mg / 100 g of soil. The most effective was the local application of half the rate of mineral fertilizer - N45P45K6O, which provided almost the same yield of tubers as the full rate of spread

- N90P90K120. With local application of half the rate, compared with the spreading method, the payback of 1 kg of nutrients was 1.8-3.1 times higher [22].

According to P. F. Kalitsky, G. S. Rudenko and others, L. S. Karmazina [17, 22] high yields of tubers can be obtained by combining the local method of nitrogen application with the norm - N45 and scattering phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the norm - P90K120. However, the payback of 1 kg of nutrients for this method of fertilizer application was 1.2-1.9 times lower than the local norm - N45P45K60. With the spreading method of fertilizer application, the highest increase in tuber yield per unit of nutrients was obtained against the background of application of N60-90P60-90K90-120. Topically applied fertilizers are effective only up to a certain dose, and the subsequent increase in their rate does not increase yields. Local application of fertilizers with double the rate of nutrients (optimal for the spreading method) has no advantages over the spreading method.

Methods and conditions of research. The territory of State Enterprise Research Farm Property "Arte-mida" of Kalinov district is located within the Kozyatyn structural - denudation watershed.

The relief here is flat - wide undulating with a developed microrelief of the western type and insignificant areas of sloping lands.

According to agro-soil zoning it is referred to Ula-dovo-Pliskovsky agro-soil district, where mainly black soils are found.

In the territory of Kalynyvka district, where the research area is located, the climate is temperate-continental. The sum of temperatures above 10 ° C is 2500 ° C - 2600 ° C. The duration of the period with average daily temperatures above 5 ° C is 205 days, over 10 ° -160 days. The date of temperature transition through + 5 ° С in the direction of temperature increase falls on the first decade of April.

The average annual rainfall is 476 mm on average long-term data. Most precipitation falls in the summer months.

The length of the growing season is 140-160 days. At the same time periods and dry winds are quite often observed.

Climatic conditions in the years of field research

show that they are favorable for growing agricultural crops, including potatoes.

The object of research is the processes of growth, development and formation of yield and quality of tubers of early-ripening potato varieties.

The subject of research - early-maturing variety Serpanok, potato plant productivity, fertilizer options, yield and quality of tubers.

Research methods. The technology of growing potatoes was generally accepted for this growing area [1, 4].

The planting material was heated in the sun to form seedlings 5 mm long. For planting used tubers mainly of the middle fraction.

The main fertilizer (Manure) was applied for cultivation and we also applied mineral fertilizers at the rate of N9oР9oК9o, Nl2oРl2oКl2o kg / ha according to the research scheme.

During the growing season, two fertilizations with nitrogen fertilizers were carried out in the germination phase - closing of rows at the rate of 60 kg / ha, and in the phase of closing between rows under pruning at the rate of 30 or 60 kg / ha.

In the germination phase, when the height of the plants was 10 cm, a one-time spraying of potato crops with the herbicide Titus, 25% t.s. normal 40 g / ha.

To control pests, Aktar insecticide was sprayed at the rate of 0.06 l / ha in two doses: the period of completion of the first oviposition - the appearance of larvae and the flowering period - the appearance of larvae.

Spraying crops with insecticide was combined with the application of the fungicide Rydomil - Ultra, 25% to control late blight. After flowering, potato crops were again treated with Rydomil - Ultra at a rate of 1 kg / ha.

Harvesting began at the beginning of the death of the tops.

During the growing season, such traits as the height of the stem, the number of stems in the bush, the number of leaves on the stem, the area of he leaf blade were recorded, and the yield of potato varieties was recorded. Accounting was performed according to generally accepted methods [24, 25].

During 2018 - 2019 we studied the technological methods of growing early-maturing varieties of potatoes Serpanok, namely we studied the morphological characteristics and productivity of potatoes depending on such factors as planting rate, planting dates and application of different fertilizer rates.

Table 1


Planting date 25.04 and 02.05

The norm of planting tubers

50 ths. pcs. / ha

60 ths. pcs. / ha '

Without fertilizers

Manure 40 t/ha

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK9

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK1



Morphological characteristics of potato plants of are presented in table 2. Serpanok variety under planting conditions on April 25

Table 2

Morphological characteristics of Serpanok potato plants depending on fertilizers and planting rates when plant_ ing on April 25 (on average for 2018 - 2019)_

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Fertilizers rates The norm of planting tubers

50 ths. pcs. / ha 60 ths. pcs. / ha -1

Plant height, cm The number of stems in the bush, pcs. Leaf surface area, thousand m2 / ha Plant height, cm The number of stems in the bush, pcs. Leaf surface area, thousand m2 / ha

Without fertilizers 36,0 4,2 37,5 38,0 4,0 36,5

Manure 40 t/ha 39,0 4,2 41,5 41,0 4,0 37,0

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 42,0 4,3 44,5 43,0 4,2 37,4

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 44,0 4,5 45,7 43,0 4,3 35,2

NPK90 43,8 3,8 40,8 44,0 3,6 34,8

NPK120 44,3 3,9 42,6 45,0 3,7 39,1

Increasing the density of standing plants as well as increasing the doses of fertilizers leads to an increase in the habit of potato plants compared to the control version (Table 2).

The height of Serpanok potato plants on average for 2018 - 2019 at a planting rate of 50 thousand / ha was in the range from 36,0 to 44,3 cm. The highest plants were observed in variants where increased fertilizer rates were used, namely: Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 44,0 cm and NPK120 - 44,3 cm. The lowest plant height was observed in the control 36.0 cm.

Increasing the planting rate of potato tubers to 60 thousand pieces / ha led to an increase in plant height by an average of 1,0 - 3,0 cm for all fertilizer options. At the same time, the lowest plant height was noted again in the control variant of 38.0 cm. And the use of fertilizers with different rates and application schemes led to an increase in plant height. Accordingly, the highest plant height was observed in the variants where Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 and Manure 40 t / ha +

NPK90 - 43,0 cm, NPK120 - 45 cm and NPK120 were applied.

The number of stems when applying different planting rates is a more stable indicator, although there is a slight upward trend with the use of higher doses of fertilizers.

The area of the leaf surface in the planting with a rate of 50 thousand pieces / ha was in the range from 37,5 to 45,7 thousand m2 / ha, and the increase in planting rate to 60 thousand / ha led to a decrease in this indicator and it ranged from 35,2 to 39,1 thousand m2 / ha.

It should be noted that the lowest values of the leaf surface area using the two planting norms were observed in the control variant. And the use of organic and mineral fertilizers with different rates and schemes of application leads to an increase in this indicator.

Productivity and marketability of Serpanok potato tubers under the conditions of planting on April 25 are presented in table 3.

Table 3

Productivity and marketability of potato tubers of the Serpanok variety depending on fertilizers and planting

norms at planting on April 25

Fertilizers rates Yield t / ha Marketability , of potato tubers, % Starch content, %

2018 2019 average 2018 2019 average 2018 2019 average

The norm of planting tubers 50 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 24,5 23,7 24,1 76,0 68,0 72,0 14,1 13,4 13,8

Manure 40 t/ha 38,6 34,5 34,1 76,0 75,0 76,0 13,5 13,2 13,6

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 39,6 41,3 40,5 87,0 84,0 86,0 13,7 13,6 13,7

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 39,9 44,0 42,0 79,0 85,0 82,0 13,5 13,7 13,6

NPK90 37,0 40,2 38,6 72,0 74,0 73,0 13,6 13,6 13,6

NPK120 38,0 42,5 40,3 72,0 75,0 74,0 13,4 13,5 13,5

LSD 0,5 2,41 3,07

The norm of planting tubers 60 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 25,5 28,3 26,9 74,0 76,0 75,0 13,4 14,3 13,9

Manure 40 t/ha 36,9 39,2 38,1 79,0 81,0 80,0 13,7 14,5 14,1

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 37,4 40,5 39,0 78,0 80,0 79,0 13,7 14,1 13,9

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 39,1 42,6 40,9 75,0 77,0 76,0 13,7 13,9 13,8

NPK90 36,6 35,8 36,2 69,0 73,0 71,0 13,9 13,8 13,9

NPK120 38,5 37,5 38,0 72,0 75,0 73,0 13,9 13,8 13,9

LSD 0,5 2,24 2,31

From the data of table 3 it is seen that the level of yield of Serpanok potato variety at the planting rate of 50 thousand pieces / ha in 2018 was in the range from 24,5 to 39,9 t / ha. In 2019, the yield level at a given density of plants was in the range from 23,7 to 44,0 t / ha.

On average for two years, the yield level of Ser-panok variety at a density of 50 thousand / ha was in the range from 24,1 to 42,0 t / ha.

The lowest level of yield at this planting rate was observed in the variant without fertilizer application of 24,1 t / ha, and accordingly in the fertilizer application variants the yield increases.

The highest yield was obtained in variants with the use of both organic and mineral fertilizers, namely Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 40,5 t / ha and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 42,0 t / ha.

In the variety Serpanok on average for two years at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces / ha marketability of tubers was high and ranged from 72 to 86%. High marketability of tubers was obtained in the variant with the use of organic and mineral fertilizers, and the highest rate of 86% was obtained in the variant Manure 40 t/ha+NPK90.

The starch content averages two years at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces / ha differed little in fertilizer options and ranged from 13,5 to 13,8%, respectively. The highest value of tuber starch both in the years of research and on average for two years was observed in the control version of 13,8%.

With the increase of the planting rate, the yield level of the Serpanok variety for all fertilizer variants increases in comparison with the planting rate of 50 thousand / ha. Thus, at a density of 60 thousand / ha, the yield level in 2018 was in the range from 25,5 to 39,1 t / ha, and in 2019 28,3 - 42,6 t / ha.

On average over two years, the yield level of Ser-panok variety ranged from 26,9 to 40,9 t / ha. The lowest level of yield at this planting rate was observed in the variant without fertilizers and it was 26,9 t / ha, and accordingly in the variants for fertilizer application, the yield increases. The highest yield was obtained in variants with the use of both organic and mineral fertilizers, namely Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 40,9 t / ha and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 39,0 t / ha.

With a potato planting density of 60 thousand / ha, the marketability of potato tubers in 2018 was at the level of 69 -79%. And in the conditions of 2019 it was 73 - 81%.

On the average for two years at density of planting of potatoes of 60 thousand / ha marketability of tubers

remains high and is in the range from 71 to 80%, however decreases in comparison with norm of planting of 50 thousand / ha.

The highest marketability at this density was obtained in the variant Manure 40 t / ha - 80% and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 79%. In the variants where only mineral fertilizers were applied, the marketability decreased slightly compared to the control and amounted to 71 and 73%.

The content of starch at a planting rate of 60 thousand pieces / ha in 2018 was at the level of 13,4 to 13.9%, and in 2019 13,8 - 14,5%.

The starch content averages two years at a planting rate of 60 thousand pieces / ha also differed little in fertilizer options and ranged from 13,8 to 13,1%, respectively. At the same time, the highest value of tuber starch both in the years of research and on average for two years was observed in the variant where only organic fertilizers were applied Manure 40 t / ha 14,1%.

The morphological features and elements of productivity were significantly influenced by the timing of planting tubers. Morphological characteristics of potato plants of the Serpanok variety under the conditions of planting period on May 2 are presented in table 4.

The height of potato plants on average for two years at a planting rate of 50 thousand / ha ranged from

36.0 to 43,0 cm. The highest plants were observed in variants where the combined fertilizer Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 41,0 cm, and also using only mineral nutrition of plants NPK120 - 43 cm, NPK90 - 42. The smallest plants were under control 36,0 cm.

The number of stems in the bush at a planting rate of 50 thousand / ha ranged from 3,4 to 4,2 pieces. The leaf surface area at this density did not change significantly and ranged from 35,0 to 36,2 thousand m2.

The height of potato plants at a planting rate of 60 thousand / ha ranged from 38,0 to 43,0 cm. The highest plants were observed in variants where the combined fertilizer Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 41,0 cm, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 43,0 cm, as well as mineral nutrition NPK120 - 43 cm, NPK90 - 42 cm. The smallest plants were under control 38,0 cm.

The number of stems in the bush at this planting rate ranges from 3,3 to 3,8 pieces. The leaf surface area at the rate of planting tubers 60 thousand ranged from

35.1 to 37,0 m2, and the smallest was in the version NPK90 -34,8 and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 35,1 m2 the highest in the version NPK120 - 37,0 m2 / ha.

Table 4

Morphological characteristics of Serpanok potato plants depending on fertilizers and planting rates when plant_ing on May 2 (on average for 2018 - 2019)_

Fertilizers rates The norm of planting tubers

50 ths. pcs. / ha 60 ths. pcs. / ha

Plant height, cm The number of stems in the bush, pcs. Leaf surface area, thousand m2 / ha Plant height, cm The number of stems in the bush, pcs. Leaf surface area, thousand m2 / ha

Without fertilizers 36,0 3,4 35,0 38,0 3,3 35,7

Manure 40 t/ha 38,0 3,8 35,7 40,0 3,6 36,1

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 38,0 3,9 36,0 41,0 3,8 36,4

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 41,0 4,2 35,3 43,0 3,8 35,1

NPK90 43,0 3,8 36,1 42,0 3,6 34,8

NPK120 42,0 3,9 36,2 43,0 3,6 37,0

Productivity and marketability of Serpanok potato tubers under the conditions of planting on May 2 are presented in table 5.

Table 5

Productivity and marketability of potato tubers of the Serpanok variety depending on fertilizers and planting _norms at planting on May 2_

Fertilizers rates Yield, t / ha Marketability of potato tubers, % Starch content, %

2018 2019 average 2018 2019 average 2018 2019 average

The norm of planting tubers 50 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 18,3 19,2 18,8 77,0 72,0 75,0 13,4 13,8 13,6

Manure 40 t/ha 27,2 28,4 27,8 77,0 74,0 76,0 13,4 13,6 13,5

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 28,2 30,3 29,3 77,0 76,0 77,0 13,7 13,7 13,7

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 29,3 31,6 30,5 72,0 78,0 75,0 13,4 13,6 13,5

NPK90 27,9 29,4 28,7 71,0 69,0 70,0 13,7 13,5 13,6

NPK120 28,5 30,2 29,4 69,0 67,0 68,0 13,7 13,6 13,7

LSD 0,5 3,02 2,87

The norm of planting tubers 60 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 19,8 21,4 20,6 73,0 70,0 72,0 13,2 13,6 13,4

Manure 40 t/ha 26,6 28,7 27,5 79,0 75,0 77,0 13,4 13,7 13,6

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 27,4 30,5 29,0 78,0 75,0 77,0 13,4 13,7 13,6

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 28,5 30,8 29,7 79,0 77,0 78,0 13,7 13,8 13,8

NPK90 27,4 28,6 28,0 68,0 69,0 69,0 13,4 13,5 13,5

NPK120 28,2 29,5 28,9 70,0 69,0 70,0 13,7 13,6 13,7

LSD 0,5 2,52 2,64

The data in Table 5 show that the yield of tubers at planting on May 2 decreased for all fertilizer options and planting holes compared to planting on April 25.

From the data of table 3,4 it is seen that the level of yield of potato variety Serpanok at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces / ha in 2018 was in the range from 18,3 to 29,3 t / ha. In 2019, the level of yield at a given density of plants was in the range from 19,2 to 31,6 t / ha.

On average for two years, the yield level of Ser-panok variety at a density of 55 thousand / ha was in the range from 18,8 to 30,5 t / ha.

The lowest level of yield at this planting rate was observed in the variant without fertilizer application of 18,8 t / ha, and accordingly in the variant of fertilizer application the yield increases.

The highest yield was obtained in variants with the use of both organic and mineral fertilizers, namely Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 30,5 t / ha and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 29,3 t / ha. A lower yield was obtained

in the variant with organic fertilizers Manure 40 t / ha - 27,8 t / ha.

In the variants using only mineral fertilizers NPK90 and NPK120, the yield was high and amounted to 28,7 and 29,4 t / ha, which is 9,9 and 10,6 t / ha higher than the control, respectively.

At this rate of planting potatoes 50 thousand pieces. ha marketability of tubers in 2018 ranged from 69,0 to 77,0%. In 2019, it was at the level of 69 to 78%.

In the variety Serpanok on average for two years at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces. ha marketability of tubers was high and ranged according to the variants of the experiment in the range from 68 to 77%. High marketability of tubers was obtained in the variant with the use of organic and mineral fertilizers, and the highest index of 77% was obtained in the variant Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90.

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In the variants where only mineral fertilizers were applied, the marketability decreased slightly compared to the control, although it remained quite high and

amounted to 68 - 70%.

The content of starch at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces. ha in 2018 was at the level of 13,4 to 13,7%, and in 2019 from 13,5 to 13,8%.

The starch content averages two years at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces. ha differed little in fertilizer options and ranged from 13,5 to 13,7%, respectively. The highest value of tuber starch was observed in the variant where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK90 and NPK120 13.7%

With an increase in the planting rate, the yield level of the Serpanok variety for all fertilizer options increases compared to the planting rate of 50 thousand hectares. Thus, at a density of 60 thousand / ha, the level of yield in 2018 was in the range from 19,8 to 28,5 t / ha, and in 2019 21,4 - 30,8 t / ha.

On average over two years, the yield level of Ser-panok variety ranged from 20,6 to 29,7 t / ha. The lowest level of yield at this planting rate was observed in the variant without fertilizers and it was 20,6 t / ha, and accordingly in the variants for fertilizer application, the yield increases. The highest yield was obtained in variants with the use of both organic and mineral fertilizers, namely Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 29,7 t / ha and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 29,0 t / ha. Slightly lower yield was obtained in variants with only organic fertilizers Manure 40 t / ha - 27,5 t / ha. In the variants using only mineral fertilizers, the yield was 28,9 and 28,0 t / ha.

With a planting density of 60 thousand / ha, the marketability of potato tubers in 2018 was at the level of 68 - 79%, and in 2019 69 - 77%.

On average for two years at a planting density of 60 thousand / ha, the marketability of tubers remains high and is in the range from 69 to 77%, but decreases compared to the planting rate of 50 thousand / ha. The highest marketability at this density was obtained in the variant Manure 40 t / ha - 77%, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 77 and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 78%. In the variants where only mineral fertilizers were applied, the marketability decreased slightly compared to the control and was 69 and 70%.

The content of starch at a planting rate of 60 thousand pieces. ha in 2018 was at the level of 13,2 to 13,7%, and in 2019, respectively, 13,5 - 13,8%. The starch content averages two years at a planting rate of 60 thousand pieces. ha also differed little in fertilizer options and ranged from 13,4 to 13,8%, respectively.

Based on the data in table 3.4, it should be noted that the highest yields and marketability of tubers of the Serpanok variety at different planting rates for planting on May 2 were obtained in variants with both organic and mineral fertilizers (Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120). It should be noted that the highest yield of tubers for different fertilizer options was obtained at the rate of planting tubers 50 thousand pieces / ha. The starch content is a more stable varietal trait that has changed to a lesser extent under the influence of various factors studied.

Bioenergy efficiency of growing potatoes of the Serpanok variety depending on the applied fertilizers and planting norms at planting on April 25 on the average for 2018 - 2019 is presented in table 6.

Table 6

Bioenergy efficiency of growing potatoes variety Serpanok depending on the applied fertilizers and planting norms at planting on April 25 (on average for 2018 - 2019)

Fertilizers rates Yield, t / ha Starch collection, t / ha Yield of alcohol, l / ha Yield of bioethanol, l / ha

The norm of planting tubers 50 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 24,1 3,33 2699 2429

Manure 40 t/ha 34,1 4,64 3819 3437

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 40,5 5,55 4536 4082

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 42,0 5,71 4704 4234

NPK90 38,6 5,25 4323 3891

NPK120 40,3 5,44 4534 4083

The norm of planting tubers 60 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 26,9 3,74 3012 2711

Manure 40 t/ha 38,1 5,37 4267 3840

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 39,0 5,42 4368 3931

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 40,9 5,64 4581 4123

NPK90 36,7 5,10 4110 3699

NPK120 38,0 5,28 4556 3830

From the data of table 6 it is seen that the yield of the potato variety Serpanok on average for two years at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces / ha is in the range from 24,1 to 42,0 t / ha.

On average over two years, the collection of starch from 1 ha was in the range from 3,33 to 5,71 t / ha. The highest starch harvest was obtained in variants with the use of both organic and mineral fertilizers, namely Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 5,55 t / ha and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 5,71 t / ha.

On average over two years, the yield of alcohol

from 1 ha was in the range from 2699 to 4704 l / ha. The highest yield of alcohol was obtained in the variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120 -4704 l / ha.

On average over two years, the yield of bioethanol from 1 ha was in the range from 2429 to 4234 l / ha. The highest yield of bioethanol was obtained in variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 4234 l / ha.

The yield of potato variety Serpanok on average for two years at a planting rate of 60 thousand pieces /

The highest yield of bioethanol was obtained in the variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120 -4123 l / ha.

Based on the data in Table 6, it should be noted that the highest indicators of yield, starch collection, alcohol and bioethanol yield in the variety Serpanok at different planting rates (50 - 60 thousand pieces per hectare) for planting on April 25 were obtained in variants with application as organic and mineral fertilizers (Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120).

Bioenergetic efficiency of growing potatoes of the Serpanok variety depending on the applied fertilizers and planting norms at planting on May 2 on average for 2018 - 2019 is presented in table 7.

Table 7

Bioenergy efficiency of growing potatoes variety Serpanok depending on the applied fertilizers and planting _norms at planting on May 2 (on average for 2018 - 2019) _

Fertilizers rates Yield, t / ha Starch collection, t / ha Yield of alcohol, l / ha Yield of bioethanol, l / ha

The norm of planting tubers 50 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 18,8 2,56 2110 1895

Manure 40 t/ha 27,8 3,75 3114 2802

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 29,3 4,01 3282 2953

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 30,5 4,12 3416 3074

NPK90 28,7 3,90 3214 2893

NPK120 29,4 4,03 3293 2964

The norm of planting tubers 60 ths. ha-1

Without fertilizers 20,6 2,76 2307 2076

Manure 40 t/ha 27,5 3,74 3080 2772

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK90 29,0 3,94 3248 2923

Manure 40 t/ha + NPK120 29,7 4,10 3326 2994

NPK90 28,0 3,78 3136 2822

NPK120 28,9 3,96 3237 2913

ha is in the range from 26,9 to 40,9 t / ha.

On average over two years, the collection of starch from 1 ha was in the range from 3,74 to 5,64 t / ha. The highest starch harvest was obtained in variants with the use of both organic and mineral fertilizers, namely Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90 - 5,42 t / ha and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 5,64 t / ha.

On average for two years, the yield of alcohol from 1 ha was in the range from 3012 to 4581 l / ha. The highest yield of alcohol was obtained in the variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120 -4581 l / ha.

On average over two years, the yield of bioethanol from 1 ha was in the range from 2711 to 4123 l / ha.

From the data of table 7 it is seen that the yield of potato variety Serpanok on average for two years at a planting rate of 50 thousand pieces. ha for planting on May 2 is in the range from 18,8 to 30,5 t / ha.

On average over two years, the collection of starch from 1 ha was in the range from 2,56 to 4,12 t / ha. The lowest starch collection at this planting rate was obtained in the variant without fertilizer application of 2,56 t / ha, and accordingly in the fertilizer application variants the yield of starch collection increases.

The highest starch harvest was obtained in the variants with the application of Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90

- 4,01 t / ha and Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 4,12 t / ha and NPK120 - 4,03 t / ha.

On average over two years, the yield of alcohol from 1 ha was in the range from 2110 to 3416 l / ha. The lowest yield of alcohol at this planting rate was obtained in the variant without the use of fertilizers 2110 l / ha, and accordingly in the variants of fertilizer application the yield of alcohol increases.

The highest yield of alcohol was obtained in the variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120

- 4704 l / ha.

On average over two years, the yield of bioethanol from 1 ha was in the range from 2429 to 4234 l / ha. The lowest yield of bioethanol at this planting rate was obtained in the variant without the use of fertilizers 2429 l / ha, and accordingly in the variants of fertilizer

application the yield of bioethanol increases.

The highest yield of bioethanol was obtained in the variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 3416 l / ha.

The yield of the potato variety Serpanok on average for two years at a planting rate of 60 thousand pieces. ha is in the range from 20,6 to 29,7 t / ha.

On average over two years, the collection of starch from 1 ha was in the range from 2,76 to 4,10 t / ha. The lowest starch collection at this planting rate was obtained in the variant without fertilizer application of 2,76 t / ha, and accordingly in the fertilizer application variants the yield of starch collection increases.

The highest starch harvest was obtained in the variant with the application of Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120

- 4,10 t / ha.

On average over two years, the yield of alcohol from 1 ha was in the range from 2307 to 3326 l / ha. The lowest yield of alcohol at this planting rate was obtained in the variant without the use of fertilizers 2307 l / ha, and accordingly in the variants of fertilizer application the yield of alcohol increases.

The highest yield of alcohol was obtained in the variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120

- 3326 l / ha.

On average over two years, the yield of bioethanol from 1 ha was in the range from 2076 to 2994 l / ha. The lowest yield of bioethanol at this planting rate was

obtained in the variant without the use of fertilizers 2076 l / ha, and accordingly in the variants for fertilizer application the yield of bioethanol increases.

The highest yield of bioethanol was obtained in the variants where Manure was applied 40 t / ha + NPK120 - 2994 l / ha.

Based on the data in Table 7, it should be noted that the highest yields of starch collection, alcohol and bioethanol yield in the Serpanok variety at different planting rates (50 - 60 thousand units per hectare) for planting on May 2 were obtained in variants with the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers (Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120). It should also be noted that the delay in planting by 7 days leads to a sharp decrease in the yield of tubers, starch collection and the release of alcohol and bioethanol.


Based on the field research, the following main conclusions can be drawn:

1. Morphological indicators of the Serpanok variety vary both from the applied rates of fertilizer application and from the density of standing plants, it should be noted that the height of plants on average increases with increasing planting rate, the number of stems in the bush is a more stable sign at this is the largest number of them was observed on average in the variant at a planting rate of 50 thousand / ha. Leaf area in our experiments with increasing planting rate from 50 to 60 thousand pieces / ha also decreases. It is also necessary to note the variants of the experiment where the above features using the two planting rates were the highest Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120 and NPK120.

2. The highest indicators of the level of yield and marketability of tubers of Serpanok variety at different norms and planting dates were obtained in variants with application of both organic and mineral fertilizers (Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120). It should be noted that the highest level of tuber yield for different fertilizer options was obtained at the planting rate of 50 thousand pieces / ha. The starch content is a more stable varietal trait that has changed to a lesser extent under the influence of various factors studied.

3. The highest rates of starch collection, alcohol and bioethanol yield in the Serpanok variety at different planting rates (50 - 60 thousand ha) for planting on April 25 were obtained in variants with the application of both organic and mineral fertilizers (Manure 40 t / ha + NPK90, Manure 40 t / ha + NPK120).

4. Delay with planting for 7 days (May 2) leads to a sharp decrease in the yield of tubers, starch collection, yield of alcohol and bioethanol.


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Тарасова А.О.,

ФГБОУВО "Курганская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия имени Т.С. Мальцева",

аспирант Суханова С. Ф.,

ФГБОУ ВО "Курганская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия имени Т.С. Мальцева",

доктор с. -х. наук, профессор Бисчоков Р.М.

ФГБОУ ВО "Кабардино-Балкарский государственный аграрный университет им. В.М. Кокова", кандидат ф.-м. наук, доцент


Tarasova A.,

"Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev, "

graduate student Sukhanova S.,

"Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev, " Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Bischokov R.,

FSBOU VO "Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokova,"

candidate f.-m. sciences, associate professor


Целью работы являлось изучение неспецифической резистентности, морфобиохимических показателей и лейкоцитарной формулы у молодняка лошадей русской тяжеловозной породы при использовании льняного жмыха в составе рационов. В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что при использовании в составе рационов льняного жмыха у молодняка лошадей отмечено увеличение обменных про-

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