Научная статья на тему 'Volleyball as a method of myopia prevention of 5-8 grades childen'

Volleyball as a method of myopia prevention of 5-8 grades childen Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kondratska G., Budinkevich S., Matieshin I.

The purpose of the study is to disclose the methods of volleyball as means of myopia prevention of 5-8grades children. Materials and methods. The experiment involved 440 children of 5-8 grades of Drohobych Lyceum № 3named after Ivan Chornovil and Drohobych Lyceum № 4 named after Lesya Ukrainka. Before the experiment , childrens' eyes were checked with the help of the table by Sivtsev and Landolt and they were consulted with an ophthalmologist. The results of the study show that 75 (33%) of the surveyed students have myopia of vision, 24 (32%) of them have mild myopia. As a method of vision prophilaxy for children with low degree of myopia, we chosed volleyball. Results. The results of the study show that in 5 children of the experimental group (up to 3 diopters), this (20.8%) vision improved, in 2 (8%) children a slight deterioration was observed and in 17 (70%) vision remained unchanged. There was a strengthening of the retina and focusing reflection, which had a positive effect on myopia of children. Conclusions. Volleyball for students is one of the means of preventing low-grade myopia. Therefore, the treatment is long lasting, it has almost no negative effects and is safe and beneficial for the eyes and the body as a whole. The proposed method of playing volleyball has its advantages, namely: the exercise can be performed for a long period, each successive series, performed without falling the ball, will lead to the improvement of the performance of the techniques of volleyball, which will affect the strengthening of the retina and focusing the display, which will bring moral satisfaction and strengthening the body as a whole.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Volleyball as a method of myopia prevention of 5-8 grades childen»


Kondratska G.

Doctor ofpedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of sports and tourism

Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

Budinkevich S.

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sports and Tourism Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

Matieshin I.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education

Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University


The purpose of the study is to disclose the methods of volleyball as means of myopia prevention of 5-8grades children.

Materials and methods. The experiment involved 440 children of 5-8 grades of Drohobych Lyceum № 3named after Ivan Chornovil and Drohobych Lyceum № 4 named after Lesya Ukrainka. Before the experiment , childrens' eyes were checked with the help of the table by Sivtsev and Landolt and they were consulted with an ophthalmologist. The results of the study show that 75 (33%) of the surveyed students have myopia of vision, 24 (32%) of them have mild myopia. As a method of vision prophilaxy for children with low degree of myopia, we chosed volleyball.

Results. The results of the study show that in 5 children of the experimental group (up to 3 diopters), this (20.8%) vision improved, in 2 (8%) children a slight deterioration was observed and in 17 (70%) vision remained unchanged. There was a strengthening of the retina and focusing reflection, which had a positive effect on myopia of children.

Conclusions. Volleyball for students is one of the means of preventing low-grade myopia. Therefore, the treatment is long lasting, it has almost no negative effects and is safe and beneficial for the eyes and the body as a whole. The proposed method of playing volleyball has its advantages, namely: the exercise can be performed for a long period, each successive series, performed without falling the ball, will lead to the improvement of the performance of the techniques of volleyball, which will affect the strengthening of the retina and focusing the display, which will bring moral satisfaction and strengthening the body as a whole.

Keywords. volleyball, myopia, technique, children, 5-8 grades

Introduction and more), at the recommendation of a doctor, students

Visual impairment is one of the common problems can be exempt from physical activity or exercise in the

in the child's environment. Information space at school rehabilitation department.

age quickly captures children, which negatively affects Thus, the display of focusing on the retina depends

the formation of the retina. Myopia is a defect of vision, on the physiological features of the eye lengthening the

namely the ability to better see objects close and poorly eyeball or altering the curvature of its optical system.

see them from afar. Among the common causes of my- The physiology of the eye requires constant control

opia are: genetic predisposition, complications after ill- over vision. Vision has the ability to deteriorate under

ness, trauma, increased load on the eyes, improper different conditions and circumstances. working conditions, lowered immunity. The following We found that a team of scientists, namely Bourne

factors will also have an adverse effect on the power R.R., Stevens G.A., White R.A., Smith J.L., Flaxman

supply of the eye, such as prolonged work on gadgets, S.R., Price H.l. in their research, they describe the

slow-moving lifestyles, long indoors, over-watching causes of visual impairment worldwide 1990-2010.

TV and movies, gaming on computers and telephones, Also the prevalence of short-sightedness among mem-

non-compliance with hygiene requirements, violation bers of society, high myopia and current tendencies to

of the basics of rest, poor diet and drinking of children. address these issues were investigated by Holden B.,

About 30% of people on our planet have myopia. Fricke T.R., Wilson D.A., Jong M., Naidoo K.S.,

The diagnosis of myopia can be made at any age. It is Sankaridurg P.

known that myopia is a relatively high percentage of In our opinion, the research conducted by Dr. Wil-

myopia, namely about 250,000 and tends to progress liam Bates of New York (2013) forces us to rethink the

myopia. It has also been found that with a low degree causes, as well as the treatment and prevention of vision

of myopia (up to 3 diopters), sports are allowed, while defects. Experts have found that vision defects usually

a moderate degree of myopia (3 to 6 diopters) can be occur not only because of irreversible changes in the

exercised with moderate intensity, but there are some shape of the eye, but usually due to functional disor-

limitations. For example, when choosing the means of ders, which in most cases can be corrected by available,

physical education from the school program, it is pro- natural treatments without wearing glasses. posed to remove jumps higher than 1.5 m, as well as We have found out that scientists Budinkevich

exercises that require a long physical activity. With a S.N., Chepelyuk A.V. (2011), Ermakov V. P. (1990),

diagnosis of high-grade short-sightedness (6 diopters exploring myopia among children and young people,

found the reasons for its spread: low motor activity, lack of outdoor exercise. V. Murza's (2005) suggestions for strengthening the optical system of the eye and training the cervical muscle consist in the use of exercise with objects.

In our opinion, the recommendations of U. Os-termeier-Sitkovski (2009), which offers an effective means of preventing myopia - systematic occupation by special exercises and adherence to the norms of a healthy lifestyle, are correct. According to the researchers, this approach prevents and stabilizes the development of myopia in school-age children.

We believe that health and life are interconnected components of a child's success, and therefore have taken into account WHA66.4. Universal Eye Health Revealing the Global Action Plan 2014-2019 on Approaches to the Prevention of Vision (2013). Exploring the problem of the development of myopia in school children age, we have found that their prevention tools that have a positive effect on the quality of life and health of adolescents and, namely: Wong H.B., Machin D., Tan S.B., Wong T.Y., Saw S.M. (2009) offer a means of preventing myopic vision systematically exercise complexes; Jones L.A., Sinnott L.T., Mutti D.O., Mitchell G.L., Moeschberger M.L., Zadnik K. (2007), Morgan I.G., Xiang F., Zeng Y., Mai J., Chen Q., Zhang J. (2014) busy outdoor sports can prevent the short-sightedness of schoolchildren; they are also supported by Wu P.C., Tsai C.L., Wu H.L., Yang Y.H., Kuo H.K. (2013) and recommend outdoor pursuits and use exercises with subjects that require concentration of gaze .

Thus, it was found that physical education and sports contribute to solving the problem of short-sightedness in schoolchildren, because the number of negative habits increases in students of 5-8 grades: the time spent in the open air decreases, the time of using a smartphone, a tablet, a sedentary lifestyle increases. .

The purpose of the study is to disclose the method of volleyball as a means of preventing myopia in children 5-8 grades.

Materials and methods

Study participants

The pedagogical study involved 440 pupils of 5-8 grades of Jaroslav Chornovol Drohobych Lyceum # 3 and Lesya Ukrainka Drohobych Lyceum # 4, 75 (33%) of pupils have myopia of vision, 24 (32%) of them have low-grade myopia.

Organization of research

The following methods and techniques were used in the study: analytical review of literary sources (scientific, methodological and specialized literature), pedagogical observations and medical methods of vision control, Sivtsev and Landolt's tables, ophthalmologist consultations.

To explain and interpret the advantages and disadvantages of volleyball, pedagogical approaches were used to prevent the short-sightedness of pupils in grades 5-8: axiological, which allowed students to focus on the variability and significance of volleyball in their life activities; acmeological, which gave students the opportunity to explain information about myopia and human health; synergistic, which revealed the system of formation of motor activity through the game of volleyball, its importance for the self-organization of the regime of the student's day.

Pedagogical observations of pupils with myopia, made it possible to select exercises for direct ball transfer in both directions (imagination and motion simulation), which strengthens the retina and focuses the reflection; volleyball ball exercises that strengthen the eyeball; ball exercises to correct incorrect eye accommodation, using systematic and gradual loading methods, exercise variability, and the availability of instructional techniques to guide the transfer of the ball with direct assistance in both directions (imagination and motion simulations).

The study reported the following indicators: 75 (33%) students have myopic vision, 24 (32%) of them have low-grade myopia (up to 3 diopters) are allowed to exercise.

Statistical analysis

The calculation was performed according to the table of Sivtsev and Landolt for determination of diopters.

Research results

The results of the study show that volleyball in 58 grade children with short-sightedness is poorly performed at least 3 times a week in physical education lessons, adhering to principles (accessibility, consistency, individualization). This approach generates a strong interest in exercise, contributes to the stabilization and strengthening of vision.

We believe that volleyball creates a concentration of gaze on an approaching and distant ball, or is located to the left and right of the subject, and many children can be involved at the same time. We believe that the factors that also develop peripheral vision (on partner, opponent, grid) should be taken into account when playing volleyball.

To solve these tasks, we select exercise for volleyball, taking into account the physical activity and emotional saturation of students in grades 5-8. To prevent short-sightedness in 5-8 grade children, constant vision control is required as children are active participants in the educational process in physical education classes and extracurricular activities.

Therefore, in the first stage of the study we conducted a survey and found 24 (32%) students with weak (see table 1).

Table 1

The results of vision test 5-8 grades children of the experimental group using the table Sivtsev and Lan-

dolt at the first stage of the study

OD 0,4 T_. OD 0,4 T_. OD 0,6 1. Vis-= — 2. Vis-= — 3. Vis-

4. Vis

7. Vis


0,5 0,6 0,75 0,6

OS 5. Vis OD

OS 0,75

Vis— = —

... OD 0,4

10. Vis-= — 11. Vis

~~ 0,4

13. Vis

16. Vis


19. Vis-= —


0,45 0,5


06 0,6


14. Vis-= —

OS 17. Vis



05 0,6





OS 0,5

0,5 OD

6. Vis 0,6 6. OS

9. Vis


= — 12. Vis-= —


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= 0,4

05 04




15. Vis-= —

OD 0,5

22. Vis-= — 23. Vis

OS 0,5 OS

20. Vis OD


OS 04 0,4



06 " 0,5

21. Vis OD

= — 24. Vis-= —

OS "




OS 18. Vis

06 05

06 06 OD




In the second stage of the study, the students of the experimental group played volleyball three times a week during physical education lessons.

According to the authors, pedagogical approaches were used to interest students of 5-8 grades to volleyball: axiological, which allowed students to focus on the variability and importance of volleyball values in their life activities; acmeological, which gave students the opportunity to explain information about myopia and human health; synergistic, which revealed the system of formation of motor activity through the game of volleyball, its importance for the self-organization of the student's day scedule.

In order to understand the essence of the proposed technique for improving vision, it is necessary to review the study of Dr. William Bates (2013). Doctor's research is related to the study of anatomy and physiology of the eye, accommodation, namely the ability to see near and far objects equally clearly. The experiments conducted by this researcher showed that the shape of the eye still changes in the process of accommodation, due to the action of the external muscles of the eyeball, which control the movement of the eye in all directions (sideways, upwards, downwards).

We believe that the principles of the construction of short-sightedness prevention of 5-8 grades children are systematic and gradual loadings, variability of physical exercises and availability of methodical techniques of the teacher for controlling the transfer of the ball with direct help in both directions (exercise in imagination and in imitation of movements).

We have proposed a step-by-step method of using exercise complexes to strengthen the retina and focus the display.

The authors recommended that the ball be re-

peated at least 15 times in succession, and that the duration of each exercise would increase. All exercises are performed with the maximum focus on the balls:

Step one is to perform ball gear in volleyball to strengthen the eyeball.

1. Running the ball with two hands into the court only with the help of brushes 50 times. Two-handed ball transfer from top to wall directly in front, up to 25 cm, to the left and to the right (distance from the wall 0.5 m) without turning the head 50 times. Close, squeeze eyelids and open as many as possible - 10 times - 2 reps.

2. Two-handed ball transfer above, alternating top-up transmission up to a maximum height of 7 meters and a height of 20 cm, from 50 to 80 times. Keeping the ball with two hands in the court only with the help of brushes from the sitting position on one leg and transferring the body weight to the other leg 20 reps. Close and relax eye muscles - 30 s - 2 reps.

3. Two-handed ball transfer from above (up to 0.5 m in height), then transfer to the target wall 4 m from 20 to 50 times. The next two-handed gear series is 20 to 50 times with two hands. Fast blinking eyelids - up to 30 times - 2 reps.

4. Two-handed ball transfer from the bottom to the wall upwards after bouncing off the court without lifting your head to look up and down 30-60 times. Close and relax eye muscles - 30 sec. - 2 reps.

5. Two-handed ball transfer from above, moving from the front line to the net and from the net to the front, the next series is performed from below - each series perform 4 reps. From the sideline, performing two-handed transfers from above, we move to the other sideline, the next series of transmissions below each series to perform 4 reps. Wide open and close eyes 15 times - 2 reps.

Step two - exercises to eliminate factors that lead to incorrect accommodation due to the work of the external muscles of the eye.

1. From the front line to throw the ball directly in front of you at a distance of 5-6 m. Jerk to the ball and carry out the two-handed transfer from above over catching the ball in the jump, throw the ball behind our head and take the ball with two hands from below, a series of 15 to 30 repetitions. We look at the window for 30 seconds - 2 reps.

2. Transfer the ball with two hands from top to the wall (2 m distance) to the target up to a height of 2 meters and transfer again to the left and to the right (distance between marks 1 m, (three marks form a triangle) from 15 to 30 The next series of two-handed gears follow the index finger: the hand is placed directly in front of it, moving it to the tip of the nose, and to th3. Two-handed ball transfer from below from below after bouncing off the floor 50 times. Hit the ball into the court, and then pass under the ball, which again strikes the court, passing the ball with two hands from below after rebounding from the floor (if possible, twice, thrice under the ball) 15 times. Close your eyes and round your eyes - 30 times - 2 reps.

4. Ball transfer in triples - two players are placed on the sideline lines and in turn forward the transfer to the partner in the middle, he in turn performs 15 times the transfer of the ball with two hands from above the head to the partner behind. After a series of gears, change of places and tasks. We look left up and right down and vice versa - 30 times - 2 reps.

5. Two-handed ball transfer from top to wall in turn, after passing run back to teammates, each performs 15 assists. The next series is performed with two hands from the bottom to the wall. Close and relax eye muscles - 30 sec. - 2 reps. To the left, to the right - 30 times - 2 reps.

Step three - exercises that stabilize and improve vision.

1. Transmissions in the top three - one is on the sideline, the other two - one after the other, face opposite (the first at a distance of 1-2 m, the second after him at a distance of 6-7 m). The one on the sideline performs an alternate transfer to the players: the neighbor who returns the ball to him and the away player. The series is repeated in 10 gears to each partner. After a certain period of time, change of places and tasks. Alternately blink left and right eye - 30 times - 2 reps.

2. Standing on the front line to hit the ball in the court directly in front of you then perform lying down, stand up and take the ball with two hands from below upwards (as far as possible to perform the exercise without a hit, after the upward transfer, we focus on lying 15- 30 reps). Eyeballs left and right 15 turns each way - 2 approaches.

3. Four children are placed on one side of the net (one meter away), throwing balls alternately (the throw may be either close to the attack line or closer to the front line) to a player who is on the other side of the net

and moves from the first zone to the fifth. He, in turn, performs a ball transfer with the provocation of the teammate who made the throw, after which they are pulled behind the front line by touching her hand with 4 series. Close and relax eye muscles - 30 sec. - 2 reps.

4. When lifting the chest to a sitting position 2050 times (lie down and rise), perform the ball transfers with two hands from in front above . Lying on your back to blink and open your eyes as much as possible -30 times - 2 reps.

5. Holding the ball in the abdomen with our arms outstretched, lifting it upwards, bending 20-50 times. In the bar a quick blink of 30 s. up to 60 sec. - 2 reps.

The number of gears and the number of repetitions of complexes increases as the performance of this technique increases.

At the end of the class, it is recommended to close your eyes and perform a range of exercises for the spine that promote proper posture and recovery of breathing (to represent the work of the muscles of the body).

The results of pedagogical observation and medical control of 5-8 grade students with mild myopia at the end of the academic year show that 5 students in the experimental group (up to 3 diopters), and this (20.8%) vision has improved, in 2 (8%) children slight deterioration and in 17 (70%) vision remained unchanged. As a result of the examination and consultations with the ophthalmologist, pupils in grades 5-8 with mild myopia had a strengthening of the retina and focusing of the reflection, which had a positive effect on myopia in children.

Discussion of research results

Children's learning activities tend to be impaired due to negative habits. Also a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged stay in the premises (at school, at home), constant tension and psychological stress leads to overload on the eyes. Ball exercises stabilize the accommodation of the eyeball, the optical focus of the eye system. In our opinion, the result of volleyball is the need to relax the oblique and strengthen the direct muscles of the eye.

Our method of volleyball has its advantages: in the course of the game you can involve an unlimited number of children, playing volleyball is safe and useful for the eyes and the body as a whole, each subsequent series of exercises performed without dropping the ball will be lead to the improvement of volleyball techniques and will help stabilize and strengthen the eyesight, improve blood supply to the eye, strengthen the retinal vessels, protect the eye from fatigue, strengthen the upper wall of the eye.

We have discovered the prevention of vision by the means of volleyball as a long process in physical education. In the second stage of the study (see Table 2), the results of a survey of students in grades 5-8 with a mild degree of myopia reflect small but positive changes in strengthening the retina and focusing the reflection.

Therefore, volleyball games can be recommended for the prevention of myopia.

Table 2

The results of vision test of 5-8 grades children of the experimental group using the table Sivtsev and Lan-

dolt at the second stage of the study

OD 0,4 T_. OD 0,5 OD 0,6

1. Vis-= — 2. Vis-= — 3. Vis-= —

- - OS 0,5 OS 0,6

4. Vis


7. Vis-= — 8. Vis

OS "

0,5 0,6 " 0,75

06 0,7

5. Vis OD




06 0,6

0,5 „ OD

— 6. Vis-

0,6 OS

OD 0,5 9. Vis-= —

... OD 0,4

10. Vis-= — 11. Vis

OS 0,4

OD 0,5

-= — 12. Vis-

OS 0,4 OS

OS OD 0,3 0,4



05 0,6

13. Vis

16. Vis

OD 0,45

19. Vis




0,5 0,6

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OD 0,6 OD

14. Vis-= — 15. Vis-

OS 0,5 OS

17. Vis




OS 0,75

OD 0,6

20. Vis-= — 21. Vis

OS 0,5 OS

18. Vis OD

-06 " 06 OD


06 05

0,5 0,45

OD 0,5

22. Vis-= — 23. Vis

OS 0,5 OS

OD 0,4 OD 0,5

-= — 24. Vis-= —

0,4 OS 0,5

Our study has led us to argue that the recommended technique using the transfer of the ball in volleyball strengthens the eyelid muscle and, at the same time, improves the overall physical condition of students in grades 5-8.

The constant and systematic use of volleyball effectively affects the physical education of children in grades 5-8, namely, preserving, improving and stabilizing students' health and vision.


We believe that volleyball for students of grades 5-8 is one of the means of preventing low grade myopia. Therefore, the treatment is long lasting, it has almost no negative effects and is safe and beneficial for the eyes and the body as a whole. The developed method takes into account pedagogical principles and approaches to the use of volleyball in physical education lessons, which directly influences the strengthening of the retina and focusing of reflection and brings moral satisfaction and improvement of the level of physical training of children.

The use of exercise (tennis, table tennis, badminton) during the educational process at school will be one of the means of preventing myopia.

Conflict of interests The authors declare no conflict of interest.


1. Bourne RR, Stevens GA, White RA, Smith JL, Flaxman SR, Price H et al. (2013) Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis. Lancet Global Health.; 1: e339 - e349.

2. Holden B, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, Jong M, Naidoo KS, Sankaridurg P et al. Global prevalence of myopia, high myopia, and temporal trends from 2000 to 2050 (in preparation).

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4. Wong HB, Machin D, Tan SB, Wong TY, Saw SM. (2009) Visual impairment and its impact on health-related quality of life in adolescents. Am J Ophthalmol.; 147: 505-11.

5. Jones LA, Sinnott LT, Mutti DO, Mitchell GL, Moeschberger ML, Zadnik K. (2007) Parental history of myopia, sports and outdoor activities, and the future of myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.; 48: 3524-32.

6. Wu PC, Tsai CL, Wu HL, Yang YH, Kuo HK. (2013) Outdoor activity during class recess reducing myopia onset and progression in school children. Ophthalmology; 120: 1080-5.

7. Morgan IG, Xiang F, Zeng Y, Mai J, Chen Q, Zhang J et al. (2014) Increased outdoor time reduced incident myopia - the Guangzhou outdoor activity longitudinal study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ; 55: 1272

8. SN Budinkevich, AV Chepelyuk (2011) Volleyball as one of the means of improving the vision of students diagnosed with mild myopia in special medical groups. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov. Series No. 15 "Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture / Physical culture and sports /" 36. Scientific works / ed. AHEM. Arzyutova. - K .: Publishing House of the NPU named after M.P. Drahomanov, Issue 13. 60-63

9. VP Ermakov (1990) Development, Training, and Restoration of Children with Visual Impairments: [Reference manual for the teacher] M.: Prosvechenie, 223.

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Chupakhina S.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD), Associate Professor Department of theory and methodology ofpreschool and special education

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine



Чупахша С.В.

кандидат педагоггчних наук, доцент кафедри теори та методики дошктьноХ i спец1алъно'1 oceimu, ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський нацюнальний унiверситет iMeHi Василя Стефаника», Украша


The content and form of work to improve the information and communication competence of future teachers to accomplish tasks of inclusive education of children with special educational needs have been characterized in the article. It is proved that the increase of information and communication competence of the applicants involves a step-by-step approach beginning from the basic level.

The prerequisite for the effectiveness of the learning process is the motivation of applicants, making a decision to improve the level of competence in the field of information and communication technologies. Therefore, the main task is to develop the motivation in prospective teachers to use information and communication technologies in the conditions of inclusive primary school educational environment, value orientations, orientation in the content of information and communication technologies.


У статп обгрунтовано змют та форма роботи з щдвищення шформацшно-комушкацшно1 компетент-носп майбутшх учителiв задля реалiзацiï завдань шклюзивного навчання дггей з особливими освишми потребами.

Доведено, що пвдвищення шформацшно-комушкацшно1 компетентносп здобувачiв передбачае пое-тапнють, починаючи з базового рiвня. Необхвдною передумовою ефективносп процесу навчання стае вмо-тивовашсть здобувачiв, прийняття ршення щодо пвдвищення рiвня компетентносп в сферi шформацшно-комушкацшних технологш. Отож основним завданням е формування у здобувачiв мотивацп до викори-стання шформацшно-комушкацшних технологш в умовах шклюзивного освггнього середовища початко-воï школи, системи цшнюних орiентацiй, орiентацiя у змюп iнформацiйно-комунiкацiйних технологiй.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, information and communication competence, training of applicants, inclusive learning, children with special educational needs.

Ключовi слова: шформацшно-комушкацшш технологи, шформацшно-комушкацшна компетент-нiсть, тдготовка здобувачiв, iнклюзивне навчання, дiти з особливими освишми потребами.

Вступ. 1нформатиза^ сучасно1 освiти пору-шуе проблему тдготовки здобувачiв - майбутнiх y4ff^iB початково1 школи до використання в про-фесiйнiй дiяльностi iнформацiйних i комушкацш-них технологiй. Важливiсть виршення завдання з пiдготовки здобyвачiв вищо1 педагогiчноï освiти, перетворення ïx в компетентних користyвачiв вирiшyеться на рiзниx етапах навчання. Однак в су-часних умовах педагогу недостатньо бути лише ко-ристувачем, важливо також оволодiти вмiннями, якi дозволяють використовувати шформацшш та комyнiкацiйнi теxнологiï для навчання шших задля

пiдвищення iндивiдyалiзацiï та iнтерактивностi освiтнього процесу в умовах шклюзп. Задля вклю-чення рiзноманiтниx доцiльниx шформацшно-ко-мyнiкацiйниx технологш (1КТ) в освiтнiй процес вчителю важливо оволодiти вiдповiдними педа-гопчними теxнiками i теxнологiями.

Мета дослщження полягае в обrрyнтyваннi теxнологiï пвдготовки вчителiв до реалiзацiï шклю-зивного навчання в умовах шформацшно-ко-мушкацшного освiтнього середовища.

Результата та обговорення: Поняття «техно-лопя» багатозначне. В пропонованому дослiдженнi

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