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approach / speech / language / socio-cultural / compensatory / meta-subject competences.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Urazalieva Elmira Akhunbek Kizi, Alimkhan Zhansaya Ergalikizi

The aim of the study is to prove that a secondary linguistic personality of students is dynamic, the level of its formation can be assessed and strengthened under certain pedagogical conditions in professionally oriented teaching a fogn foign (English) language to students of nonlinguistic (socio-economic) specialties. In the article, the authors have analysed the phenomenon of a linguistic personality through understanding the process of a second ary linguistic personality formation. To achieve this aim, principles, conditions, criteria have been identified and the levels of a secondary linguistic personality formation have been described; a pedagogical experiment has been carried out. The scientific novelty lies in the development and description of a linguo-didactic model for the formation of a secondary linguistic personality of students in professionally oriented teaching a foreign (English) language to students of non-linguistic (socio-economic) specialties. As a result of the experimental study, the model of a secondary linguistic personality formation in professionally oriented teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties has been validated

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URAZALIEVA ELMIRA AKHUNBEK KIZI Second year master's student at Miras University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Annotation. The aim of the study is to prove that a secondary linguistic personality of students is dynamic, the level of its formation can be assessed and strengthened under certain pedagogical conditions in profession- ally oriented teaching a fogn foign (English) language to students of non-linguistic (socio-economic) specialties. In the article, the authors have analysed the phenomenon of a linguistic personality through understanding the process of a second ary linguistic personality formation. To achieve this aim, principles, conditions, criteria have been identified and the levels of a secondary linguistic personality formation have been described; a pedagogical experiment has been carried out. The scientific novelty lies in the development and description of a linguo-didactic model for the formation of a secondary linguistic personality of students in professionally oriented teaching a foreign (English) language to students of non-linguistic (socio-economic) specialties. As a result of the experimental study, the model of a secondary linguistic personality formation in professionally oriented teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties has been validated.

Keywords: approach, speech, language, socio-cultural, compensatory, meta-subject competences.

Currently, research in the fields of linguodidactics, linguacultural studies and psycholinguistics is aimed at the problem of forming a secondary linguistic personality (hereinafter referred to as SLP), which, in turn, is the result of mastering a foreign language by a student. The problem of SLP formation is becoming especially relevant in professionally oriented teaching of students a foreign language through the prism of such disciplines as, for example, "Foreign Language. Professional Course", "Business Correspondence", "Basics of Negotiating in English", etc. The changing realities of professional interaction in a foreign language in the business sphere require special attention to understanding the linguodidactic tools and theoretical foundations that a foreign language teacher could use in practice.

The success of the formation of the VLP is traditionally associated by researchers with the effective process of introducing students to a foreign culture, their ability to interpret the cultural code of the country of the studied language, understanding the foreign language "picture of the world" by comprehending it through comparison with their native culture and contrasting it with it. Following G. I. Bogin (1998), we understand the VLP as a "structural imprint of the primary linguistic personality" (p. 3). For the first time in Russian science, the concept of linguistic personality (LP) was mentioned in 1930 in the work of V. V. Vinogradov (1980) "On Fiction", in which he described the relationship between the personality of the author, the personality of the character and the LP in a work of fiction. Much later, in the 80s of the 20th century, this phenomenon again became the object of attention of scientists in connection with the focus on anthropocentrism, and up to the present moment, researchers' interest in it has not dried up. The new object of study that emerged during these years - the speaking personality - contributed to the actualization of the phenomena of LP and VLP. For example, for G. I. Bogin (1984) LP is any person who "appropriates language", "for whom language is speech" (p. 6); in his works he paid special attention to the functional aspect of the manifestation of LP. Yu. N. Karaulov (1987, p. 104) noted the ability of LP to "create and perceive texts", or communicative space. In this space, LP is realized both as a carrier of a certain language and a certain level (at the verbal-semantic level), and as a carrier of the linguistic picture of the world


English Teacher at school named after Koszhan Musrepov

through his knowledge and ideas (at the cognitive level). Such a person reveals his communication abilities through the expression of his interests, communicative intentions, reflecting certain motives of communicative interaction (at the pragmatic level). Let us analyze the main approaches to studying the phenomenon of formation of linguistic language in students and systematize the variants of interpretation of linguistic language in the paradigm of "approach - interpretation of linguistic language" in Table 1. Thus, the term linguistic language has many interpretations, which demonstrates the multidimensionality of ideas about the object that stands behind this designation, as well as its simultaneous polysemy and the desire to avoid polysemy.

Taking into account the point of view of researchers, in particular the idea of the author of the concept Yu. N. Karaulov, by LL we mean the personality and the native speaker of the language, capable of linguistic activity through perception and expression in combination with their personal and collective characteristics on the basis of a national-cultural prototype. It should be noted that the consideration of the existence of LL is possible within the framework of monolingualism, while the process of working with a foreign language implies specification through the study of another phenomenon - the secondary linguistic personality. This transformation occurs due to the imposition of a new one on the native linguistic picture of the world, as a result of which the formation of the secondary linguistic personality occurs in the individual, hierarchically coexisting with the already existing LL. Let us proceed to the consideration of this concept. Reflecting on the phenomenon of formation and development of the secondary linguistic personality, we note two important, in our opinion, points, consisting in the fact that 1) the theory of the formation of the secondary linguistic personality does not have an unambiguous solution, 2) the degree of formation of the secondary linguistic personality directly depends on the quality of mastering the five subcompetencies. These subcompetencies are structural components of communicative competence - speech, language, socio-cultural, compensatory and meta-subject (educational and cognitive) competences. Thus, we can conclude that the above-mentioned subcompetencies not only participate in the process of forming communicative skills, but can also act as criteria for assessing the formation of a student's VYL. Further, speaking about the VYL of students and generalizing the analyzed information about the concept of VYL and its characteristic features, we can identify the necessary conditions and components of VYL that contribute to its formation. These include the development in the area of the previously named subcompetencies of foreign language communicative competence (linguistic, speech, compensatory, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive), as well as the development of intercultural competence and skills in students in terms of knowledge of their native language and culture. Let us outline the principles of formation of VYAL in students taking into account the specifics of mastering a foreign language in the professional sphere: - proficiency in the verbal-semantic code, which implies knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, syntax, as well as proficiency in the phonetic norms of the language and its regional variants, etc.; - proficiency in speech stylistics, which also implies, for example, memorization of stable foreign-language expressions, their understanding and reproduction, an adequate level of which can be achieved through periodic contact with written and oral authentic speech; - knowledge of the linguacultural features of the studied language, the dynamics of which should be constantly monitored, since realities tend to undergo changes; - the fullness of the motivational-personal sphere, which affects such elements as the motivational structure of the subject, his personality traits and value guidelines. It should be noted that the most important components for the conditions for the formation of students' VYAL come from the development of communicative competence. Communicative competence is a combination of skills, abilities and abilities that differentiate students' learning and are its marker. This marker reflects the level of interaction in a foreign language, including direct communication, establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, and forming business connections in professional activities. According to researchers, communicative competence usually involves several components (Vanieva, Techieva, 2021, pp. 27-28; Gorgarova, Savotina, 2021, p. 137). Following some researchers (for example: Momotova, 2011, pp. 110-111), we include the following components

of communicative competence: intellectual/cognitive component, motivational component, emotional component, speech component, value-semantic component, and reflexive component.

The linguodidactic model of formation of students' VYAL demonstrates the elements and conditions of successful formation of VYAL. The result of formation of students' VYAL is their readiness for competent performance of intercultural communication in a foreign (English) language. As a basis for determining the level of formation of VYAL in students, we used the concept of linguistic personality developed by Yu. N. Karaulov and refined by his followers, and also turned to the concept of foreign-language communicative competence. Thus, the following criteria of formation of VYAL in students were identified within the framework of this study. Criteria of formation of VYAL in students: - personal criterion, which includes the level of motivational background of the student, development of educational and cognitive subcompetence, as well as the degree of psychological comfort in foreign-language communication; - a linguistic criterion aimed at the level of development of language and speech sub-competences, which includes confident mastery of phonetic, lexical, syntactic and stylistic norms by students; - a cognitive criterion that is responsible for the level of development of students' socio-cultural sub-competence, knowledge of concepts and ideas, as well as their application by students in intercultural interaction.

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